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Last active September 23, 2021 20:28
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Added comments to the script
#This sample power shell was written purely from the motivation of learning powershell
# As there were some goals in mind here is a list of them
# 1. Basic variable declarations
# 2. Creating functions - this goal will require further digging since I could get the parse args function working
# 3. How to get and parse command line arguments - I was able to parse the arguments and use them
# 4. How write output to the display
# 5. How to set color for output on the display
# 6. How to read data from a file
# 7. How to write data to a file
# 8. How to do condition logic - if, gt, lt and -and and -or
# 9. How to do for loops
# 10. How to do some basic string manipulation: split, contains, indexOf
# Have fun and enjoy
$verbose = $false
$inputFile = ""
$outputFile = ""
#local funtion
#displays usage if it can properly parse the values
function Display-Usage{
Write-Host "Usage: " -fore red
Write-Host "$($MyInvocation.ScriptName) --input-file=myfile.txt --outputfile=outfile.txt" -fore yellow
Write-Host "Options: " -fore green
Write-Host "-c display to screen"
Write-Host "-v display debug info"
#local function to process the files
function Run-Process($inputFile, $outputFile){
Write-Host "Processing Files $($inputFile) $($outputFile)" -fore green
$file_data = Get-Content $inputFile
$records = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.ArrayList';
For($i = 0; $i -lt $file_data.Length; $i++){
WriteConsole "Readline line from file $($file_data[$i]) wtf!!!"
$tokens = $file_data[$i] -split ","
$name = $tokens[0]
$hours = [int]$tokens[1]
$rate = [int]$tokens[2]
[int]$wages = $rate * $hours
$line = "$($name),$($hours),$($rate),$($wages)"
Write-Host "THIS FRIIGGILE line $($line) WTF!!!!"
Write-Host "THIS SECOND FRIIGGILE line $($line) WTF!!!!"
Out-File -FilePath $outputFile -InputObject $records -Encoding ASCII -Width 50
#writes to Console only if $verbose got tripped up to true -v
function WriteConsole($line){
if($verbose -eq $true){
Write-Host $line
#it does not work
function Parse-Args($args){
Write-Host "Parse-Args called $($args.Count)"
For( $i =0; $i -lt $args.count; $i++){
Write-Host $args[$i]
if($args[$i] -eq "-v"){
$verbose = $true
if($args[$i].Length -lt 4 -or
$args[$i].IndexOf("--") -ne 0 -or
$args[$i].Contains("=") -eq $false){
Write-Warning "Invalid Argument: $($args[$i])"
$tokens = $args[$i] -split "="
if($tokens[0] -eq "--inputfile"){
$inputFile = $tokens[1]
if($tokens[0] -eq "--outputfile"){
WriteConsole "output file found $($tokens[1])"
$outputFile = $tokens[1]
#$args is a variable that is available with every
#script and is what came through the command line
WriteConsole "$($args.count)"
#min number o arguments is 2 --inputfile and --outputfile
if($args.count -lt 2){
Write-Host "args.count $($args.count)"
Write-Host "Parsing Args"
Write-Host "Parse-Args called $($args.Count)"
For( $i =0; $i -lt $args.count; $i++){
Write-Host $args[$i]
if($args[$i] -eq "-v"){
$verbose = $true
#if the argument has length less than 4 e.g. --a=b ...
#should probably be 5 but 4 is enough for use to verify the -- and =
//take good notice of the less than and or operators
//as well as the equal and not equal
//also $false is defined by powershell
if($args[$i].Length -lt 4 -or
$args[$i].IndexOf("--") -ne 0 -or
$args[$i].Contains("=") -eq $false){
Write-Warning "Invalid Argument: $($args[$i])"
#example arg would be --inputfile=myfile.txt
#so.. split left from the right side or the = charater
$tokens = $args[$i] -split "="
if($tokens[0] -eq "--inputfile"){
WriteConsole "input file found $($tokens[1])"
$inputFile = $tokens[1]
if($tokens[0] -eq "--outputfile"){
WriteConsole "output file found $($tokens[1])"
$outputFile = $tokens[1]
Write-Host "Parsed Args $($verbose) $($inputFile) $($outputFile)"
if(inputFile -eq ""){
Run-Process $inputFile $outputFile
if( $args.count -gt 0){
WriteConsole "Hello, $($args[0])!"
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