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Last active October 24, 2021 17:06
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Cypress Page Objects TypeScript
type JQueryElement = Cypress.Chainable<JQuery<HTMLElement>>;
interface TodoItemRow {
name(): JQueryElement;
delete(): JQueryElement;
checkbox(): JQueryElement;
isComplete(fn: (isComplete: boolean) => void): void;
hasClass(name: string, fn: (hasClass: boolean) => void): void;
class TodoTable {
static itemRow(tr: () => JQueryElement): TodoItemRow {
return {
name: () => tr().find("label"),
delete: () => tr().find("button.destroy"),
checkbox: () => tr().find("input.toggle"),
isComplete(fn: (isComplete: boolean) => void): void {
this.hasClass("completed", fn);
hasClass(name: string, fn: (hasClass: boolean) => void): void {
tr().then(($tr) => {
static todoLis() {
return cy.get(`ul.todo-list > li`);
static items(): Cypress.Chainable<TodoItemRow[]> {
return this.todoLis().then(($lis) => {
return $lis.toArray().map(($el) => {
return this.itemRow(() => cy.wrap($el))
static itemRowsFn(fn: (rows: TodoItemRow[]) => void) {
this.items().then((mappedElements) => {
static itemRows() {
return this.items();
static rowWithData(data: string, func: (row: TodoItemRow) => void): void {
this.todoLis().contains(data).closest("li").then(($li) => {
if ($li.length > 1) {
throw new Error(`rowWithData can only return 1 row but found ${$li.length} consider using itemRowsFn for multiple rows`);
func(this.itemRow(() => cy.wrap($li)));
static rowAtIndex(idx: number, func: (row: TodoItemRow) => void): void {
func(this.itemRow(() => this.todoLis().eq(idx)));
class Page {
static title() {
return cy.get("header h1");
static table() {
return TodoTable;
describe("Page Objects TypeScript", () => {
it("table rows", () => {
Page.title().should("have.text", "todos");
Page.table().itemRowsFn((rows) => {
rows[0].name().should("have.text", "Pay electric bill");
rows[0].isComplete((isComplete) => expect(isComplete);
rows[0].isComplete((isComplete) => expect(isComplete);
rows[0].hasClass("completed", (b) => expect(b, "should not have completed class");
Page.table().rowWithData("Walk", (row) => {"have.text", "Walk the dog");
Page.table().rowAtIndex(1, (row) => {"have.text", "Walk the dog");
row.isComplete((b) => expect(b);
row.hasClass("done", (b) => expect(b, "should not have done class");
row.hasClass("completed", (b) => expect(b, "should not have completed class");
Page.table().itemRowsFn((rows) => {
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