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Created November 17, 2015 21:49
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Formatter where
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.C.Types
import qualified Data.Text as T
foreign export ccall
format :: CString -> IO CString
data Block = Instruction Bool String | Block [Block]
toBlock :: String -> Block
toBlock str = fst $ getBlocks [] "" (T.unpack . T.strip . T.pack $ str)
getBlocks acc currentStr [] = (Block $ reverse acc, [])
getBlocks acc currentStr ( '}' : restStr) = (Block $ reverse acc, restStr)
getBlocks acc currentStr ( '{' : restStr) =
let b = getBlocks [] "" restStr in (fst $ getBlocks (fst b: (Instruction False $ reverse currentStr) : acc) [] (snd b), [])
getBlocks acc currentStr ( ';' : restStr) =
(fst $ getBlocks ((Instruction True $ reverse currentStr) : acc) [] restStr, [])
getBlocks acc currentStr ('\r' : '\n' : restStr) = (fst $ getBlocks acc currentStr restStr, [])
getBlocks acc currentStr (c : restStr) = (fst $ getBlocks acc (c:currentStr) restStr, [])
printBlock :: Int -> Block -> String
printBlock (-1) (Block xs) = concat $ map (printBlock $ 0) xs
printBlock indent (Block xs) = replicate (indent * 4) ' ' ++ "{" ++ "\r\n" ++
(concat $ map (printBlock $ indent + 1) xs) ++ "\r\n" ++ replicate (indent * 4) ' ' ++ "}" ++ "\r\n"
printBlock indent (Instruction semicolon line) = replicate (indent * 4) ' ' ++
(T.unpack . T.strip . T.pack $ line) ++ if semicolon then ";" else "" ++ "\r\n"
format :: CString -> IO CString
format cstr = do
str <- peekCString cstr
newCString . (printBlock (-1)). toBlock $ str
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