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Last active November 24, 2020 21:10
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import csv
# Define os valores da tela para serem referenciados no código
xmax, ymax = 1000, 1000
# Carrega os pontos que estão no arquivo e atribui às listas globais x e y
def load_points():
global x, y
x, y = [], []
with open('complexidade-200-pontos.csv', 'rb') as csvfile:
points = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
for row in points:
y.append(float(row[1]) * -1.0)
# retorna a boundbox minima da lista de pontos carregada
def word_bbox():
return ((min(x), min(y)), (max(x), max(y)))
# retorna a bound box adaptada ao desenho
def word_box_range(x_margin=100, y_margin=200):
_xmin = x_margin
_xmax = (xmax - x_margin)
_ymin = y_margin
_ymax = ((_xmax - _xmin) / (max(x) - min(x))) * (max(y) - min(y)) + y_margin
return ((_xmin, _ymin), (_xmax, _ymax))
def setup():
global word_bbox
word_bbox = word_bbox()
print word_bbox
background(255, 255, 255)
size(xmax, ymax)
def draw():
### complexidade ###
g = (-1, 1)
d = 180
r = 0.3
_word_box_range = word_box_range()
vertex(map(randomGaussian(), -4, 4, _word_box_range[0][0], _word_box_range[1][0]),
map(randomGaussian(), -4, 4, _word_box_range[0][1], _word_box_range[1][1]))
# itera sob cada ponto
for i, c in enumerate(x):
# definindo parametros que serão utilizados para desenhar em cada ponto
_r, _g, _b = random(0, 256), random(0, 256), random(0, 256)
_i = floor(random(0, len(x)))
_x = map(c, word_bbox[0][0], word_bbox[1][0], _word_box_range[0][0], _word_box_range[1][0])
_y = map(y[i], word_bbox[0][1], word_bbox[1][1], _word_box_range[0][1], _word_box_range[1][1])
_x2 = map(randomGaussian(), g[0], g[1], _x-d, _x+d)
_y2 = map(randomGaussian(), g[0], g[1], _y-d, _y+d)
_x3 = map(randomGaussian(), g[0], g[1], _x-d, _x+d)
_y3 = map(randomGaussian(), g[0], g[1], _y-d, _y+d)
# reforça os pontos internos
fill(_r, _g, _b)
circle(_x, _y, 1.8)
bezierVertex((randomGaussian() * r) + _x,
(randomGaussian() * r) + _y,
(randomGaussian() * r) + _x,
(randomGaussian() * r) + _y,
_x, _y)
bezierVertex((randomGaussian() * r) + _x,
(randomGaussian() * r) + _y,
(randomGaussian() * r) + _x,
(randomGaussian() * r) + _y,
_x, _y)
# gera as linhas caóticas
stroke(0, 0, 0, 190)
bezierVertex(_x2, _y2, _x3, _y3, _x, _y)
### determinismo ###
fill(0, 0, 0)
rect(0, ymax/2, xmax, ymax/2)
# textSize(120)
font = loadFont('BitstreamVeraSans-Bold-120.vlw')
textFont(font, 100)
text("DETERMINISM", xmax/2, 3*(ymax/4))
# salvando arquivo de imagem
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