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Created August 3, 2016 22:35
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bayes by backprop wrapping
import math
from functools import wraps
from theano import tensor as T
from theano.sandbox.rng_mrg import MRG_RandomStreams as RandomStreams
from lasagne import init
from lasagne.random import get_rng
__all__ = ['Accumulator', 'NormalApproximation', 'NormalApproximationScMix', 'bbpwrap']
c = - 0.5 * math.log(2 * math.pi)
def log_normal(x, mean, std, eps=0.0):
std += eps
return c - T.log(T.abs_(std)) - (x - mean) ** 2 / (2 * std ** 2)
def log_normal3(x, mean, rho, eps=0.0):
std = T.log1p(T.exp(rho))
return log_normal(x, mean, std, eps)
class Accumulator(object):
def __init__(self):
A simple class for accumulating any cost
Used in layers with BayesianMeta
self.srng = RandomStreams(get_rng().randint(1, 2147462579)) = []
def get_cost(self):
return sum(map(T.sum,
def add_cost(self, new):
class NormalApproximation(object):
def __init__(self, pm=0, pstd=T.exp(-3)): = pm
self.pstd = pstd
def log_prior(self, x):
return log_normal(x,, self.pstd)
def __call__(self, layer, spec, shape, **tags):
# case when user uses default init specs
if not isinstance(spec, dict):
spec = {'mu': spec}
# important!
# we declare that params we add next
# are the ones we need to fit the distribution
tags['variational'] = True
rho_spec = spec.get('rho', init.Normal(1))
mu_spec = spec.get('mu', init.Normal(1))
rho = layer.add_param(rho_spec, shape, **tags)
mean = layer.add_param(mu_spec, shape, **tags)
e = layer.acc.srng.normal(shape, std=1)
W = mean + T.log1p(T.exp(rho)) * e
q_p = self.log_posterior_approx(W, mean, rho) - self.log_prior(W)
return W
def log_posterior_approx(W, mean, rho):
return log_normal3(W, mean, rho)
class NormalApproximationScMix(NormalApproximation):
def __init__(self, pm1=.0, pstd1=.5, pi=.5, pm2=.0, pstd2=1e-3):
:param pi:
weight for first Gaussian
pi is in [0, 1]
:param pm1: float
prior mean for first Gaussian
:param std1:
prior std for first Gaussian
:param pm2:
prior mean for second Gaussian
:param std2:
prior std for second Gaussian
assert .0 <= pi <= 1., 'Weight %d not in [0, 1]' % pi
self.pi = pi
self.pm1 = pm1
self.pstd1 = pstd1
self.pm2 = pm2
self.pstd2 = pstd2
def log_prior(self, x):
return self.pi * log_normal(x, self.pm1, self.pstd1) + \
(1 - self.pi) * log_normal(x, self.pm2, self.pstd2)
def bbpwrap(approximation=NormalApproximation()):
def decorator(cls):
def add_param_wrap(add_param):
def wrapped(self, spec, shape, name=None, **tags):
# we should take care about some user specification
# to avoid bbp hook just set tags['variational'] = True
if not tags.get('trainable', True) or tags.get('variational', False):
return add_param(self, spec, shape, name, **tags)
# they don't need to be regularized, strictly
tags['regularizable'] = False
param = self.approximation(self, spec, shape, **tags)
return param
return wrapped
def init_wrap(__init__):
def wrapped(self, acc, *args, **kwargs):
self.acc = acc # type: Accumulator
__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapped
cls.approximation = approximation
cls.add_param = add_param_wrap(cls.add_param)
cls.__init__ = init_wrap(cls.__init__)
return cls
return decorator
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