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Created October 17, 2011 05:33
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  • Save ferriswheel/1291995 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ferriswheel/1291995 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
olelo rake test:rcov
$ rake test:rcov
rcov -Ilib:test test/request_test.rb test/config_test.rb test/util_test.rb test/object_extensions_test.rb test/page_test.rb test/hooks_test.rb test/templates_test.rb test/factory_test.rb test/string_extensions_test.rb test/hash_extensions_test.rb
** WARNING: Ruby 1.9 Support is experimental at best. Don't expect correct results! **
/home/john/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290@olelo-wiki-test/gems/rack-1.3.4/lib/rack/backports/uri/common_192.rb:53: warning: already initialized constant WFKV_
DEPRECATION WARNING: Yajl's JSON gem compatibility API is going to be removed in 2.0
- should have empty repository [ERROR: RuntimeError]
- should show login page [ERROR: RuntimeError]
- should show to /new [ERROR: RuntimeError]
- should redirect to /new [ERROR: RuntimeError]
- should not redirect to /new [ERROR: RuntimeError]
- should create page [ERROR: RuntimeError]
- should create page with special characters [ERROR: RuntimeError]
- should have #[]= and #[]
- should be enumerable
- should raise NameError
- should have #check
- should have #escape which escapes space as %20
- should have #unescape which does not unescape +
- should have #escape_html
- should have #unescape_html
- should have #escape_javascript
- should have #md5
- should have #sha256
- should have #build_query
- should have #truncate
- should have #titlecase
- should have #valid_xml_chars?
Object extensions
- should have #blank?
- should have #try
- check for path validity
- should have no root before the first page is created
- find or raise
- should be new
- has name
- has path
- should have correct path
- should have correct extension
- write content
- fail on duplicates
- should have children
- has working children
- should check for hook existence
- should provide #hook
- should provide #before
- should provide #after
- should invoke hooks
- should invoke before and after hooks
- should have hook priority
- should have #render
- should have #register
- should have #[]
String extensions
- should have unindent
- should have #starts_with?
- should have #ends_with?
- should have #cleanpath
- should have #/
Hash extensions
- should have #with_indifferent_access
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