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Created August 20, 2013 15:54
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(c) Ferron Hanse 2012
Released under the MIT license
/*jslint nomen : true*/
/*jslint bitwise : true*/
/*global describe, beforeEach, inject, module, angular, document, it, expect, $, jasmine, toJson */
beforeEach(function () {
"use strict";
function cssMatcher(presentClasses, absentClasses) {
return function () {
var element = angular.element(this.actual), present = true, absent = false;
angular.forEach(presentClasses.split(' '), function (className) {
present = present && element.hasClass(className);
angular.forEach(absentClasses.split(' '), function (className) {
absent = absent || element.hasClass(className);
this.message = function () {
return "Expected to have " + presentClasses +
(absentClasses ? (" and not have " + absentClasses + " ") : "") +
" but had " + element[0].className + ".";
return present && !absent;
function indexOf(array, obj) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < array.length; i += 1) {
if (obj === array[i]) {
return i;
return -1;
function hasProperty(actualValue, expectedValue) {
if (expectedValue === undefined) {
return actualValue !== undefined;
return actualValue === expectedValue;
function typeOf(actual, type) {
return === "[object " + type + "]";
function endsWith(haystack, needle) {
return haystack.substr(-needle.length) === needle;
function startsWith(haystack, needle) {
return haystack.substr(0, needle.length) === needle;
function objToArray(obj) {
var arr = [], prop;
for (prop in obj) {
// $$hashKey is auto added by angular to all collection
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop) && prop !== '$$hashKey') {
return arr;
function objListToArray(obj) {
var res = [];
$.each(obj, function (key, value) {
res = res.concat(objToArray(value));
return res;
toBeInvalid: cssMatcher('ng-invalid', 'ng-valid'),
toBeValid: cssMatcher('ng-valid', 'ng-invalid'),
toBeDirty: cssMatcher('ng-dirty', 'ng-pristine'),
toBePristine: cssMatcher('ng-pristine', 'ng-dirty'),
toEqual: function (expected) {
if (this.actual && this.actual.$$log) {
if (typeof expected === 'string') {
this.actual = this.actual.toString();
} else {
this.actual = this.actual.toArray();
return, expected);
toEqualData: function (expected) {
return angular.equals(this.actual, expected);
toEqualError: function (message) {
this.message = function () {
var expected;
if (this.actual.message && === 'Error') {
expected = angular.toJson(this.actual.message);
} else {
expected = angular.toJson(this.actual);
return "Expected " + expected + " to be an Error with message " + angular.toJson(message);
return === 'Error' && this.actual.message === message;
toMatchError: function (messageRegexp) {
this.message = function () {
var expected;
if (this.actual.message && === 'Error') {
expected = angular.toJson(this.actual.message);
} else {
expected = angular.toJson(this.actual);
return "Expected " + expected + " to match an Error with message " + angular.toJson(messageRegexp);
return === 'Error' && messageRegexp.test(this.actual.message);
toHaveBeenCalledOnce: function () {
if (arguments.length > 0) {
throw new Error('toHaveBeenCalledOnce does not take arguments, use toHaveBeenCalledWith');
if (!jasmine.isSpy(this.actual)) {
throw new Error('Expected a spy, but got ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + '.');
this.message = function () {
var msg = 'Expected spy ' + this.actual.identity + ' to have been called once, but was ',
count = this.actual.callCount;
return [
count === 0 ? msg + 'never called.' : msg + 'called ' + count + ' times.',
msg.replace('to have', 'not to have') + 'called once.'
return this.actual.callCount === 1;
toHaveBeenCalledOnceWith: function () {
var expectedArgs = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments);
if (!jasmine.isSpy(this.actual)) {
throw new Error('Expected a spy, but got ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + '.');
this.message = function () {
var result;
if (this.actual.callCount !== 1) {
if (this.actual.callCount === 0) {
result = [
'Expected spy ' + this.actual.identity + ' to have been called with ' +
jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + ' but it was never called.',
'Expected spy ' + this.actual.identity + ' not to have been called with ' +
jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + ' but it was.'
} else {
result = [
'Expected spy ' + this.actual.identity + ' to have been called with ' +
jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + ' but it was never called.',
'Expected spy ' + this.actual.identity + ' not to have been called with ' +
jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + ' but it was.'
} else {
result = [
'Expected spy ' + this.actual.identity + ' to have been called with ' +
jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + ' but was called with ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual.argsForCall),
'Expected spy ' + this.actual.identity + ' not to have been called with ' +
jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + ' but was called with ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual.argsForCall)
return result;
return this.actual.callCount === 1 && this.env.contains_(this.actual.argsForCall, expectedArgs);
toBeOneOf: function () {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to be one of '" + angular.mock.dump(arguments) + "'.";
return indexOf(arguments, this.actual) !== -1;
toHaveClass: function (clazz) {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to have class '" + clazz + "'.";
return this.actual.hasClass ? this.actual.hasClass(clazz) : angular.element(this.actual).hasClass(clazz);
toHaveCss: function (css) {
var prop; // css prop
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to have css '" + angular.mock.dump(css) + "'.";
for (prop in css) {
if (css.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
if (this.actual.css(prop) !== css[prop]) {
return false;
return true;
toMatchRegex : function(regex) {
this.message = function() {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to mactch '" + regex;
var reg;
if(typeOf(regex, "String")) {
reg = new RegExp(regex);
} else if (typeOf(regex, "RegExp")) {
reg = regex;
return reg.test(this.actual);
toBeVisible: function () {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to be visible '";
toBeHidden: function () {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to be hidden '";
toBeSelected: function () {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to be selected '";
toBeChecked: function () {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to be checked '";
toBeSameDate: function(date) {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to be equal to '" + angular.mock.dump(date);
var actualDate = this.actual;
return actualDate.getDate() === date.getDate() &&
actualDate.getFullYear() === date.getFullYear() &&
actualDate.getMonth() === date.getMonth() &&
actualDate.getHours() === date.getHours() &&
actualDate.getMinutes() === date.getMinutes() &&
actualDate.getSeconds() === date.getSeconds();
toBeEmpty: function () {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to be empty '";
toBeEmptyString: function() {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected string '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to be empty '";
return typeOf(this.actual, 'String') && $.trim(this.actual).length == 0;
toExist: function () {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to be exists '";
return $(document).find(this.actual).length;
toHaveAttr: function (attributeName, expectedAttributeValue) {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to have attribute '" + attributeName + "' with value " + expectedAttributeValue + ".";
return hasProperty(this.actual.attr(attributeName), expectedAttributeValue);
toHaveProp: function (propertyName, expectedPropertyValue) {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to have property '" + expectedPropertyValue + "'.";
return hasProperty(this.actual.prop(propertyName), expectedPropertyValue);
toHaveId: function (id) {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to have id '" + id + "'.";
return this.actual.attr('id') === id;
toContain: function (selector) {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to have contain '" + angular.mock.dump(selector) + "'.";
return this.actual.find(selector).length;
toBeDisabled: function (selector) {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to be disabled '" + angular.mock.dump(selector) + "'.";
toBeFocused: function (selector) {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to be focused '" + angular.mock.dump(selector) + "'.";
toHaveText: function (text) {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to have text '" + text + "'.";
var trimmedText = $.trim(this.actual.text()), result;
if (text && $.isFunction(text.test)) {
result = text.test(trimmedText);
} else {
result = trimmedText === text;
return result;
toHaveValue: function (value) {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to have value '" + value + "'.";
return this.actual.val() === value;
toHaveData: function (key, expectedValue) {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to have data '" + expectedValue + "'.";
return hasProperty(, expectedValue);
* Does not return true if subject is null
* @return {Boolean}
toBeObject: function () {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to be an [Object]";
return typeOf(this.actual, 'Object');
* @return {Boolean}
toBeArray: function () {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to be an [Array]";
return typeOf(this.actual, 'Array');
* Asserts subject is an Array with a defined number of members
* @param {Number} size
* @return {Boolean}
toBeArrayOfSize: function (size) {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to be an [Array] of size " + size;
return typeOf(this.actual, 'Array') && this.actual.length === size;
* @return {Boolean}
toBeString: function () {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to be a [String]";
return typeOf(this.actual, 'String');
* @return {Boolean}
toBeBoolean: function () {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to be Boolean";
return typeOf(this.actual, 'Boolean');
* @return {Boolean}
toBeNonEmptyString: function () {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to be a non empty string ";
return typeOf(this.actual, 'String') && $.trim(this.actual).length > 0;
* @return {Boolean}
toBeNumber: function () {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to be a [Number]";
return !isNaN(parseFloat(this.actual)) && !typeOf(this.actual, 'String');
* @return {Boolean}
toBeFunction: function () {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to be a [Function]";
return typeOf(this.actual, 'Function');
toHaveLength: function (length) {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to have a length of " + length;
return this.actual.length === length;
toStartWith: function (value) {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to start with " + value;
return startsWith(this.actual, value);
toEndWith: function (value) {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to end with " + value;
return endsWith(this.actual, value);
toContainOnce: function (value) {
this.message = function () {
return "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' to contain only one " + value;
var actual = this.actual, containsOnce = false, firstFoundAt;
if (actual) {
firstFoundAt = actual.indexOf(value);
containsOnce = firstFoundAt !== -1 && firstFoundAt === actual.lastIndexOf(value);
return containsOnce;
* @return {boolean}
ToBeUniqueArray : function () {
var arr = this.actual, i, j, len = this.actual.length, o = {};
for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
for (j += 1; j < len; j += 1) {
if (arr[i] !== arr[j]) {
return false;
this.message = function () {
return "Array values is not unique";
return true;
toHaveMatchingAtrr : function (attr, obj) {
var arr = objListToArray(obj),
attrs = [],
result = true,
temp = this.actual,
iter = 0,
len = this.actual.length;
// can't compare arrays of different lengths
if (this.actual.length !== arr.length) {
return false;
for (iter = 0; iter < len; iter += 1) {
result &= temp.eq(iter).attr(attr) === arr[iter];
this.message = function () {
var message;
if (this.actual.length === arr.length) {
message = "Expected '" + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + "' elements to have attributes " + angular.mock.dump(arr) + " " + angular.mock.dump(arr);
} else {
message = "Can't compare obj properties of length " + arr.length + " with element collection of length " + this.actual.length;
return message;
return result;
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