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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Feature: Authentification and Authorization
In order to use app
As a user
I should successfully sign in into my account
Background: Users registered in the system
Given users registered:
| name | email | password |
| Sergey | | qa1pass |
Given i on login screen
Scenario: User enters email and password correctly and logs in to the application.
When i sign in with email "" and password "qa1pass"
Then i should be successfully logged in
Scenario: user incorrectly enters email or password
When i login with email "" and password "wrong-pass"
Then authorization should fail
And i should see error message
Scenario: User should fill profile after first login
When i sign in with email "" and password "qa1pass"
Then i should be successfully logged in
And i should be redirected to "edit profile" screen
Scenario: User should be redirected to "My Forms" screen after login
Given Sergey have filled profile
When i sign in as Sergey
Then i should be successfully logged in
And i should be redirected to "edit profile" screen
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