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Created March 25, 2017 04:09
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Strong normalization of STLC with subtyping and intersection type
Require Import Autosubst.Autosubst.
Require Import Arith List Omega Program Relations.
Inductive type :=
| Top
| Arrow (S T : type)
| Inter (S T : type).
Inductive sub : type -> type -> Prop :=
| S_Refl T : sub T T
| S_Trans T1 T2 T3 :
sub T1 T2 ->
sub T2 T3 ->
sub T1 T3
| S_Top T :
sub T Top
| S_Arrow S S' T T' :
sub S' S ->
sub T T' ->
sub (Arrow S T) (Arrow S' T')
| S_Inter1 S T :
sub (Inter S T) S
| S_Inter2 S T :
sub (Inter S T) T
| S_Inter3 T1 T2 T3 :
sub T1 T2 ->
sub T1 T3 ->
sub T1 (Inter T2 T3)
| S_Inter4 S T1 T2 :
sub (Inter (Arrow S T1) (Arrow S T2)) (Arrow S (Inter T1 T2)).
Inductive term :=
| Var (x : var)
| Abs (t : {bind term})
| App (s t : term).
Instance Ids_term : Ids term. derive. Defined.
Instance Rename_term : Rename term. derive. Defined.
Instance Subst_term : Subst term. derive. Defined.
Instance SubstLemmas_term : SubstLemmas term. derive. Qed.
Inductive red : term -> term -> Prop :=
| E_Abs t t' :
red t t' ->
red (Abs t) (Abs t')
| E_AppL s s' t :
red s s' ->
red (App s t) (App s' t)
| E_AppR s t t' :
red t t' ->
red (App s t) (App s t')
| E_AppAbs s t :
red (App (Abs s) t) s.[t/].
Inductive typed (Gamma : var -> type) : term -> type -> Prop :=
| T_Var x T :
Gamma x = T ->
typed Gamma (Var x) T
| T_Abs t S T :
typed (S .: Gamma) t T ->
typed Gamma (Abs t) (Arrow S T)
| T_App s t S T :
typed Gamma s (Arrow S T) ->
typed Gamma t S ->
typed Gamma (App s t) T
| T_Sub t S T :
typed Gamma t S ->
sub S T ->
typed Gamma t T.
Hint Constructors sub red typed Acc.
Lemma red_subst s t :
red s t ->
forall Sigma,
red s.[Sigma] t.[Sigma].
induction 1; intros Sigma; simpl; eauto.
- replace (s.[t/].[Sigma]) with (s.[up Sigma].[t.[Sigma]/]) by autosubst.
Hint Resolve red_subst.
Lemma typed_weakening Delta t S :
typed Delta t S ->
forall Gamma T,
(forall x, sub (Gamma x) (Delta x)) ->
sub S T ->
typed Gamma t T.
induction 1; intros Gamma_ T_ Henv HT; subst; eauto.
- apply T_Sub with (S := Arrow S T); eauto.
apply IHtyped; eauto.
intros [| x]; simpl; eauto.
Fixpoint reducible t : term -> Prop :=
match t with
| Top => Acc (fun s t => red t s)
| Arrow T1 T2 => fun s => forall t,
reducible T1 t ->
reducible T2 (App s t)
| Inter T1 T2 => fun t =>
reducible T1 t /\
reducible T2 t
Lemma CR2 T : forall s t,
red s t ->
reducible T s ->
reducible T t.
induction T; intros ? ? ? Hreducible; simpl in *; eauto.
- destruct Hreducible.
- destruct Hreducible.
Hint Resolve CR2.
Definition neutral t :=
match t with
| Abs _ => False
| _ => True
Hint Unfold neutral.
Lemma CR1_CR3 T :
(forall t, reducible T t -> Acc (fun s t => red t s) t) /\
(forall s, neutral s ->
(forall t, red s t -> reducible T t) -> reducible T s).
induction T;
(split; [ intros t Hreducible | intros t Hneutral Hred_reducible ]);
simpl in *;
repeat match goal with
| H : _ /\ _ |- _ => destruct H
end; eauto 7.
- assert (Hc : reducible T1 (Var 0)).
{ apply H2; eauto.
intros ? Hred.
inversion Hred. }
specialize (H _ (Hreducible _ Hc)).
clear Hreducible.
remember (App t (Var 0)) as t'.
generalize dependent t.
induction H; intros; subst.
- intros ? Hreducible1.
apply H0; eauto.
specialize (H1 _ Hreducible1).
induction H1.
intros ? Hred.
inversion Hred; subst; eauto.
inversion Hneutral.
- split;
[ apply H2 | apply H0 ]; eauto;
intros ? Hred;
destruct (Hred_reducible _ Hred);
Definition CR1 t := proj1 (CR1_CR3 t).
Definition CR3 t := proj2 (CR1_CR3 t).
Hint Resolve CR1.
Lemma reducible_abs : forall t12 T1 T2,
(forall t1, reducible T1 t1 -> reducible T2 (t12.[t1/])) ->
reducible (Arrow T1 T2) (Abs t12).
intros ? ? ? Hsubst ? Hreducible.
generalize (CR1 _ _ Hreducible). intros HSN.
generalize (CR1 _ _ (Hsubst _ Hreducible)). intros HSNsubst.
generalize dependent t12.
induction HSN as [? ? IH].
remember (t12.[x/]) as t.
generalize dependent t12.
generalize dependent x.
induction HSNsubst as [? ? IH'].
apply CR3; eauto.
intros ? Hred.
inversion Hred; subst; eauto 7.
inversion H4; subst.
eapply IH'; try reflexivity; eauto.
Lemma sub_reducible : forall t t',
sub t t' ->
forall e,
reducible t e ->
reducible t' e.
induction 1; simpl; intros;
repeat match goal with
| H : _ /\ _ |- _ => destruct H
end; eauto.
Lemma fundamental_property : forall Gamma t T,
typed Gamma t T ->
forall Sigma,
(forall x, reducible (Gamma x) (Sigma x)) ->
reducible T t.[Sigma].
induction 1; simpl in *; intros Sigma Henv; subst; eauto.
- apply reducible_abs.
intros t1 Ht1.
rewrite subst_comp.
apply IHtyped.
intros [| x ]; simpl; eauto.
- eapply sub_reducible; eauto.
Theorem strong_normalization Gamma t T :
typed Gamma t T ->
Acc (fun s t => red t s) t.
intros Htyped.
eapply CR1.
rewrite <- subst_id.
eapply fundamental_property; eauto.
intros x.
apply CR3; simpl; eauto.
intros ? Hcontra.
inversion Hcontra.
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