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Last active September 2, 2021 14:12
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Require Import Program.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Lemma eq_bool : forall b1 b2 : bool, b1 <-> b2 -> b1 = b2.
move => [ ] ? [ H12 H21 ]; apply /Logic.eq_sym.
- exact /H12.
- by apply /negbTE /negP => /H21.
Section Lca.
Variable V : Set.
Variable eq_vertex : V -> V -> bool.
Variable vertex_eqP : Equality.axiom eq_vertex.
Definition vertex_eqMixin := EqMixin vertex_eqP.
Canonical vertex_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType _ vertex_eqMixin.
Variable root : V.
Variable parent : V -> V.
Hypothesis height : V -> nat.
Hypothesis height_spec : forall n v, (iter n parent v == root) = (height v <= n).
Lemma height_root_eq v : (height v == 0) = (v == root).
Proof. by rewrite -leqn0 -height_spec. Qed.
Corollary height_root : height root = 0.
Proof. apply /eqP. by rewrite height_root_eq. Qed.
Corollary parent_root : parent root = root.
move: (height_spec 1 root).
by rewrite /= height_root => /eqP ->.
Lemma height_parent v : height (parent v) = (height v).-1.
case (leqP (height v) 0) => [ | /prednK Hpredn ].
- rewrite leqn0 height_root_eq => /eqP ->.
by rewrite parent_root height_root.
- apply /anti_leq /andP.
+ by rewrite -height_spec -iterSr Hpredn height_spec.
+ by rewrite -ltnS Hpredn -height_spec iterSr height_spec.
Lemma height_iter_parent v : forall n, height (iter n parent v) = height v - n.
elim => [ | ? ].
- by rewrite subn0.
- by rewrite iterS height_parent subnS => ->.
(* u is an ancestor of v *)
Definition ancestor u v := iter (height v - height u) parent v == u.
Lemma ancestor_iter_parent n v : ancestor (iter n parent v) v.
rewrite /ancestor height_iter_parent.
case (leqP n (height v)) => [ /subKn -> // | /ltnW Hleq ].
have -> : height v - n = 0 by apply /eqP; rewrite subn_eq0.
move: height_spec (Hleq) => <- /eqP ->.
by rewrite subn0 height_spec.
Corollary ancestor_parent v : ancestor (parent v) v.
Proof. exact /(ancestor_iter_parent 1). Qed.
Lemma ancestor_height u v : ancestor u v -> height u <= height v.
case (leqP (height u) (height v)) => // Hlt.
have : height v - height u = 0 by apply /eqP; rewrite subn_eq0 ltnW.
rewrite /ancestor => -> /= /eqP Heq.
by move: Heq ltnn Hlt => -> ->.
Lemma ancestor_refl : reflexive ancestor.
move => ?.
by rewrite /ancestor subnn.
Lemma ancestor_trans : transitive ancestor.
move => ? ? ? Huv Hvw.
move: (ancestor_height _ _ Huv) (ancestor_height _ _ Hvw) (Huv) (Hvw) => ? ? /eqP <- /eqP <-.
by rewrite /ancestor !height_iter_parent -iterD !subKn // addnBAC // subnKC.
Lemma ancestor_antisymmetric : antisymmetric ancestor.
move => u v /andP [ ].
rewrite /ancestor.
by (case (leqP (height u) (height v)) => [ | /ltnW ];
rewrite -subn_eq0 => /eqP ->) => /= [ ? /eqP | /eqP ].
Definition common_ancestor u v w := ancestor w u && ancestor w v.
Definition lowest_common_ancestor u v w := forall w', common_ancestor u v w' = ancestor w' w.
Lemma common_ancestor_comm u v w : common_ancestor u v w = common_ancestor v u w.
Proof. by rewrite /common_ancestor andbC. Qed.
Corollary lowest_common_ancestor_comm u v w :
lowest_common_ancestor u v w <-> lowest_common_ancestor v u w.
Proof. split => H ?; by rewrite common_ancestor_comm H. Qed.
Lemma common_ancestor_climb u v w :
common_ancestor u v w = common_ancestor u (iter (height v - height u) parent v) w.
case (leqP (height w) (height u)) => [ Hwu | ].
- congr (ancestor w u && _).
rewrite /ancestor height_iter_parent -minnE.
case (leqP (height v) (height u)) => [ | /ltnW Huv ].
+ by rewrite -subn_eq0 => /eqP ->.
+ have ? := leq_trans Hwu Huv.
by rewrite -iterD addnBA // addnBAC // addnC -addnBAC // -addnBA // subnn addn0.
- by rewrite /common_ancestor ltnNge => /(contra (ancestor_height _ _)) /negbTE ->.
Corollary lowest_common_ancestor_climb u v w :
lowest_common_ancestor u v w <-> lowest_common_ancestor u (iter (height v - height u) parent v) w.
split => ? ?.
- by rewrite -common_ancestor_climb.
- by rewrite common_ancestor_climb.
Variable climb2exp : nat -> V -> V.
Hypothesis climb2exp_spec : forall n v, climb2exp n v = iter (2 ^ n) parent v.
Fixpoint climb e p n v :=
if e is e'.+1
let p' := p./2 in
if n < p'
then climb e' p' n v
else climb e' p' (n - p') (climb2exp e' v)
else v.
Lemma climb_spec : forall e n v,
n < 2 ^ e ->
climb e (2 ^ e) n v = iter n parent v.
elim => /= [ ? ? | e IH n ? ].
- by rewrite expn0 -subn_eq0 subn1 succnK => /eqP ->.
- rewrite expnS mul2n half_double -addnn => Hltn.
case (leqP (2 ^ e) n) => [ Hleq | /IH // ].
rewrite climb2exp_spec IH.
* by rewrite -iterD subnK.
* by rewrite ltn_subLR.
Fixpoint bisect e u v :=
if e is e'.+1
let u' := climb2exp e' u in
let v' := climb2exp e' v in
if eq_vertex u' v'
then bisect e' u v
else bisect e' u' v'
else climb2exp 0 u.
Lemma bisect_spec : forall e u v,
u != v ->
height u = height v ->
iter (2 ^ e) parent u = iter (2 ^ e) parent v ->
lowest_common_ancestor u v (bisect e u v).
elim => /= [ u v Huv Hheight Hparent w' | e IH u v Huv Hheight ].
- rewrite climb2exp_spec /= /common_ancestor /ancestor -Hheight height_parent -predn_sub.
case (posnP (height u - height w')) => [ Hzero | /prednK <- ].
{ rewrite Hzero /=.
apply /eq_bool.
split => [ /andP [ /eqP <- /eqP Heq ] | /eqP /(f_equal height) ].
- by move: Heq eq_refl Huv => -> ->.
- rewrite height_parent => Hw'.
move: subn1 Hw' Hzero => <- <-.
case (posnP (height u)) => [ /eqP Hroot | /subKn -> // ].
move: height_root_eq (Hroot) Huv => -> /eqP ->.
by move: Hheight height_root_eq Hroot eq_refl => -> -> /eqP -> ->. }
by rewrite succnK !iterSr Hparent andbb.
- rewrite expnS mul2n -addnn !iterD !climb2exp_spec.
case (vertex_eqP (iter (2 ^ e) parent u) (iter (2 ^ e) parent v)) => [ ? ? | Hneq Heq w' ].
+ exact /IH.
+ have /(_ w') <- : lowest_common_ancestor
(iter (2 ^ e) parent u) (iter (2 ^ e) parent v)
(bisect e (iter (2 ^ e) parent u) (iter (2 ^ e) parent v)).
{ apply /IH => //.
- exact /eqP.
- by rewrite !height_iter_parent Hheight. }
rewrite /common_ancestor /ancestor !height_iter_parent -!iterD !(subnAC _ (2 ^ e)) -Hheight.
case (leqP (2 ^ e) (height u - height w')) => [ /subnK -> // | /ltnW Hleq ].
move: subn_eq0 (Hleq) add0n Hneq => <- /eqP -> -> Hneq.
apply /eq_bool.
split => [ | /andP [ /eqP <- /eqP Hcontra ] ].
{ move: (subnK Hleq) Hneq => <-.
rewrite !iterD => Hneq /andP [ ].
rewrite eq_sym => /eqP /(eq_trans _) Htrans /eqP /Htrans Hcontra.
by move: Hcontra (Hneq) => -> /(_ erefl). }
by move: Hcontra Hneq => -> /(_ erefl).
Definition lca_aux e u v :=
if eq_vertex u v
then u
else bisect e u v.
Lemma lca_aux_spec : forall e u v,
height u = height v ->
height u <= 2 ^ e ->
lowest_common_ancestor u v (lca_aux e u v).
move => e u v Hheight Hu.
rewrite /lca_aux.
case (vertex_eqP u v) => [ <- ? | /eqP ? ].
- by rewrite /common_ancestor andbb.
- apply /bisect_spec => //.
move: height_spec (Hu) => <- /eqP ->.
by move: Hheight height_spec Hu => -> <- /eqP ->.
Definition lca e p u v :=
if height u <= height v
then lca_aux e u (climb e p (height v - height u) v)
else lca_aux e v (climb e p (height u - height v) u).
Theorem lca_spec : forall e u v,
height u < 2 ^ e ->
height v < 2 ^ e ->
lowest_common_ancestor u v (lca e (2 ^ e) u v).
move => e u v Hu Hv.
rewrite /lca !climb_spec.
- case (leqP (height u) (height v)) => [ /minn_idPr ? | /ltnW /minn_idPl ? ].
+ apply /lowest_common_ancestor_climb /lca_aux_spec.
* by rewrite height_iter_parent -minnE.
* exact /ltnW.
+ apply /lowest_common_ancestor_comm /lowest_common_ancestor_climb /lca_aux_spec.
* by rewrite height_iter_parent -minnE minnC.
* exact /ltnW.
- exact /(leq_ltn_trans (leq_subr _ _)).
- exact /(leq_ltn_trans (leq_subr _ _)).
End Lca.
Extract Constant half => "(Fun.flip ( lsr ) 1)".
Extract Inlined Constant leq => "( <= )".
Extract Inlined Constant subn => "( - )".
Extract Inductive bool => "bool" ["true" "false"].
Extract Inductive reflect => "bool" ["true" "false"].
Extract Inductive list => "list" ["[]" "(::)"].
Extract Inductive nat => int ["0" "succ"] "(fun fO fS n -> if n = 0 then fO () else fS (n-1))".
Extraction "" lca uphalf.
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