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Created March 26, 2012 05:47
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print invocation context
from inspect import currentframe, isfunction, ismethod, isclass, getframeinfo
def wannaknow(message):
#wander until correct frame
frame = currentframe()
interframe = frame.f_back
frame = interframe.f_back
if frame is None:
# stray call (direct call at module root)
location = getframeinfo(interframe).filename
print "[%s] %s" % (location, message)
#now get to work
frameinfo = getframeinfo(frame)
where = frameinfo.function
what = None
caller_call = frameinfo.code_context
# that's the dirty heuristic
first_part = caller_call[0].split('.', 1)[0]
#handle callables
first_part = first_part.split('(', 1)[0]
# let's find the object in locals/globals
what = frame.f_locals.get(first_part, frame.f_globals.get(first_part))
# formatting part
if isclass(what):
what = what.__name__
elif ismethod(what):
#we'll look for im_class
elif isfunction(what):
what = what.__name__
elif what is None:
# * first_part not found in locals/globals
# * class construct
# other cases, probably, should end into this branch
what = frameinfo.filename
else: #object -and some other things?
what = what.__class__.__name__
print "[%s] %s" % (what, message)
class Poc(object):
def repoc(self):
wannaknow("in repoc") and "noop"
class Poc2(object):
def whereami(cls):
"noop" and wannaknow("in whereami")
class Poc3(object):
def lostcharlie():
wannaknow("in lostcharlie")
def findme():
wannaknow("in findme")
class Wicked(object):
can't catch this one
wannaknow("in class construct!")
p = Poc()
wannaknow("stray call")
# stripped output:
# [] in class construct!
# [Poc] in repoc
# [Poc2] in whereami
# [Poc3] in lostcharlie
# [findme] in findme
# [] stray call
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