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Created November 12, 2015 10:09
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package dk.cs.aau.sw705e15.model;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class Computer extends Component {
private CentralProcessingUnit centralProcessingUnit;
private RandomAccessMemory randomAccessMemory;
private Storage primaryStorage;
private Storage secondaryStorage;
private GraphicalProcessingUnit graphicalProcessingUnit;
private NetworkInterface primaryNetworkInterface;
private NetworkInterface secondaryNetworkInterface;
private Display display;
private AudioInterface audioInterface;
private Battery battery;
public Computer(String name) {
public List<Component> getComponents() {
return new ArrayList<Component>(){{
public CentralProcessingUnit getCentralProcessingUnit() {
return centralProcessingUnit;
public Computer setCentralProcessingUnit(CentralProcessingUnit centralProcessingUnit) {
this.centralProcessingUnit = centralProcessingUnit;
return this;
public RandomAccessMemory getRandomAccessMemory() {
return randomAccessMemory;
public Computer setRandomAccessMemory(RandomAccessMemory randomAccessMemory) {
this.randomAccessMemory = randomAccessMemory;
return this;
public Storage getPrimaryStorage() {
return primaryStorage;
public Computer setPrimaryStorage(Storage primaryStorage) {
this.primaryStorage = primaryStorage;
return this;
public Storage getSecondaryStorage() {
return secondaryStorage;
public Computer setSecondaryStorage(Storage secondaryStorage) {
this.secondaryStorage = secondaryStorage;
return this;
public GraphicalProcessingUnit getGraphicalProcessingUnit() {
return graphicalProcessingUnit;
public Computer setGraphicalProcessingUnit(GraphicalProcessingUnit graphicalProcessingUnit) {
this.graphicalProcessingUnit = graphicalProcessingUnit;
return this;
public NetworkInterface getPrimaryNetworkInterface() {
return primaryNetworkInterface;
public Computer setPrimaryNetworkInterface(NetworkInterface primaryNetworkInterface) {
this.primaryNetworkInterface = primaryNetworkInterface;
return this;
public NetworkInterface getSecondaryNetworkInterface() {
return secondaryNetworkInterface;
public Computer setSecondaryNetworkInterface(NetworkInterface secondaryNetworkInterface) {
this.secondaryNetworkInterface = secondaryNetworkInterface;
return this;
public Display getDisplay() {
return display;
public Computer setDisplay(Display display) {
this.display = display;
return this;
public AudioInterface getAudioInterface() {
return audioInterface;
public Computer setAudioInterface(AudioInterface audioInterface) {
this.audioInterface = audioInterface;
return this;
public Battery getBattery() {
return battery;
public Computer setBattery(Battery battery) {
this.battery = battery;
return this;
public double difference(Object obj) {
// If obj is null, we are 100% different
if(obj == null) {
return 0d;
// Check if the obj is a computer
if(obj instanceof Computer) {
double score = 0d;
final Computer us = this;
final Computer them = (Computer) obj;
// Add the score for audio interfaces
final AudioInterface ourAudioInterface = us.getAudioInterface();
final AudioInterface theirAudioInterface = them.getAudioInterface();
if(ourAudioInterface == null && theirAudioInterface == null) score += 100d; // No component is set
else if(ourAudioInterface == null || theirAudioInterface == null) score += 0d; // One component not set
else score += ourAudioInterface.difference(theirAudioInterface); // Both components set
// Add the score for battery
final Battery ourBattery = us.getBattery();
final Battery theirBattery = them.getBattery();
if(ourBattery == null && theirBattery == null) score += 100d; // No component is set
else if(ourBattery == null || theirBattery == null) score += 0d; // One component not set
else score += ourBattery.difference(theirBattery); // Both components set
// Add the score for central processing unit
final CentralProcessingUnit ourCentralProcessingUnit = us.getCentralProcessingUnit();
final CentralProcessingUnit theirCentralProcessingUnit = them.getCentralProcessingUnit();
if(ourCentralProcessingUnit == null && theirCentralProcessingUnit == null) score += 100d; // No component is set
else if(ourCentralProcessingUnit == null || theirCentralProcessingUnit == null) score += 0d; // One component not set
else score += ourCentralProcessingUnit.difference(theirCentralProcessingUnit); // Both components set
// Add the score for display
final Display ourDisplay = us.getDisplay();
final Display theirDisplay = them.getDisplay();
if(ourDisplay == null && theirDisplay == null) score += 100d; // No component is set
else if(ourDisplay == null || theirDisplay == null) score += 0d; // One component not set
else score += ourDisplay.difference(theirDisplay); // Both components set
// Add the score for graphicalProcessingUnit
final GraphicalProcessingUnit ourGraphicalProcessingUnit = us.getGraphicalProcessingUnit();
final GraphicalProcessingUnit theirGraphicalProcessingUnit = them.getGraphicalProcessingUnit();
if(ourGraphicalProcessingUnit == null && theirGraphicalProcessingUnit == null) score += 100d; // No component is set
else if(ourGraphicalProcessingUnit == null || theirGraphicalProcessingUnit == null) score += 0d; // One component not set
else score += ourGraphicalProcessingUnit.difference(theirGraphicalProcessingUnit); // Both components set
// Add the score for our primary and secondary and their primary and secondary network interface
final NetworkInterface ourPrimaryNetworkInterface = us.getPrimaryNetworkInterface();
final NetworkInterface ourSecondaryNetworkInterface = us.getSecondaryNetworkInterface();
final NetworkInterface theirPrimaryNetworkInterface = them.getPrimaryNetworkInterface();
final NetworkInterface theirSecondaryNetworkInterface = them.getSecondaryNetworkInterface();
// No network interfaces at all
if(ourPrimaryNetworkInterface == null && ourSecondaryNetworkInterface == null
&& theirPrimaryNetworkInterface == null && theirSecondaryNetworkInterface == null) score += 100d;
// We have a primary, they have a primary
else if(ourPrimaryNetworkInterface != null && ourSecondaryNetworkInterface == null
&& theirPrimaryNetworkInterface != null && theirSecondaryNetworkInterface == null) score += ourPrimaryNetworkInterface.difference(theirPrimaryNetworkInterface);
// We have a primary, they have a secondary
else if(ourPrimaryNetworkInterface != null && ourSecondaryNetworkInterface == null
&& theirPrimaryNetworkInterface == null && theirSecondaryNetworkInterface != null) score += ourPrimaryNetworkInterface.difference(theirSecondaryNetworkInterface);
// We have a secondary, they have a primary
else if(ourPrimaryNetworkInterface == null && ourSecondaryNetworkInterface != null
&& theirPrimaryNetworkInterface != null && theirSecondaryNetworkInterface == null) score += ourSecondaryNetworkInterface.difference(theirPrimaryNetworkInterface);
// We have a secondary, they have a secondary
else if(ourPrimaryNetworkInterface == null && ourSecondaryNetworkInterface != null
&& theirPrimaryNetworkInterface == null && theirSecondaryNetworkInterface != null) score += ourSecondaryNetworkInterface.difference(theirSecondaryNetworkInterface);
else score += 0d;
// Add the score for random access memory
final RandomAccessMemory ourRandomAccessMemory = us.getRandomAccessMemory();
final RandomAccessMemory theirRandomAccessMemory = them.getRandomAccessMemory();
if(ourRandomAccessMemory == null && theirRandomAccessMemory == null) score += 100d; // No component is set
else if(ourRandomAccessMemory == null || theirRandomAccessMemory == null) score += 0d; // One component not set
else score += ourRandomAccessMemory.difference(theirRandomAccessMemory); // Both components set
// Add the score for our primary and secondary and their primary and secondary storage
final Storage ourPrimaryStorage = us.getPrimaryStorage();
final Storage ourSecondaryStorage = us.getSecondaryStorage();
final Storage theirPrimaryStorage = them.getPrimaryStorage();
final Storage theirSecondaryStorage = them.getSecondaryStorage();
// No storage at all
if(ourPrimaryStorage == null && ourSecondaryStorage == null
&& theirPrimaryStorage == null && theirSecondaryStorage == null) score += 100d;
// We have a primary, they have a primary
else if(ourPrimaryStorage != null && ourSecondaryStorage == null
&& theirPrimaryStorage != null && theirSecondaryStorage == null) score += ourPrimaryStorage.difference(theirPrimaryStorage);
// We have a primary, they have a secondary
else if(ourPrimaryStorage != null && ourSecondaryStorage == null
&& theirPrimaryStorage == null && theirSecondaryStorage != null) score += ourPrimaryStorage.difference(theirSecondaryStorage);
// We have a secondary, they have a primary
else if(ourPrimaryStorage == null && ourSecondaryStorage != null
&& theirPrimaryStorage != null && theirSecondaryStorage == null) score += ourSecondaryStorage.difference(theirPrimaryStorage);
// We have a secondary, they have a secondary
else if(ourPrimaryStorage == null && ourSecondaryStorage != null
&& theirPrimaryStorage == null && theirSecondaryStorage != null) score += ourSecondaryStorage.difference(theirSecondaryStorage);
else score += 0d;
return score;
// Check if the obj is a component (but not a computer)
else if (obj instanceof Component) {
final Computer c = new Computer(getName());
// If obj is storage, compare it to both primary and secondary storage
if(obj instanceof Storage) {
final Computer ca = new Computer(getName());
final double diff1 = this.difference(c.setPrimaryStorage((Storage) obj));
final double diff2 = this.difference(ca.setSecondaryStorage((Storage) obj));
return Math.max(diff1, diff2);
// If obj is a network interface, compare it to both wired and wireless network
if(obj instanceof NetworkInterface) {
final Computer ca = new Computer(getName());
final double diff1 = this.difference(c.setPrimaryNetworkInterface((NetworkInterface) obj));
final double diff2 = this.difference(ca.setSecondaryNetworkInterface((NetworkInterface) obj));
return Math.max(diff1, diff2);
// Obj it neither storage nor network interface, so set the correct property and compare us to the new computer
if(obj instanceof AudioInterface) c.setAudioInterface((AudioInterface) obj);
else if(obj instanceof Battery) c.setBattery((Battery) obj);
else if(obj instanceof CentralProcessingUnit) c.setCentralProcessingUnit((CentralProcessingUnit) obj);
else if(obj instanceof Display) c.setDisplay((Display) obj);
else if(obj instanceof GraphicalProcessingUnit) c.setGraphicalProcessingUnit((GraphicalProcessingUnit) obj);
else if(obj instanceof RandomAccessMemory) c.setRandomAccessMemory((RandomAccessMemory) obj);
// Return the difference between the new computer and us
return this.difference(c) / 8;
// We cannot compare it
else {
return 0d;
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