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Last active January 10, 2023 09:53
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import UIKit
public extension CGPoint {
func distance(to point: CGPoint) -> CGFloat {
let xDist = x - point.x
let yDist = y - point.y
return (xDist * xDist + yDist * yDist).squareRoot()
public func radiusOfCircle(inscribedInto triangle: (pa: CGPoint, pb: CGPoint, pc: CGPoint)) -> CGFloat {
let (pa, pb, pc) = triangle
let a = pa.distance(to: pb)
let b = pb.distance(to: pc)
let c = pc.distance(to: pa)
let halfP = (a + b + c) / 2
return ((halfP - a) * (halfP - b) * (halfP - c) / halfP).squareRoot()
extension UIBezierPath {
private static func addCorner(
_ path: UIBezierPath,
p1: CGPoint,
p: CGPoint,
p2: CGPoint,
radius: CGFloat,
isStart: Bool = false
) {
// Override `radius` with maximum available radius
// which is the radius of the circle inscribed into triangle defined by our points
var radius = min(
radiusOfCircle(inscribedInto: (p1, p, p2)),
// Find the angle defined by our points
let angle = CGFloat(atan2(p.y - p1.y, p.x - p1.x) - atan2(p.y - p2.y, p.x - p2.x)).positiveAngle
// Get the length of segment between angular point and the points of intersection with the circle.
var tangentLength = radius / abs(tan(angle / 2))
// Check the length of segment and the minimal length from
let p_p1 = p.distance(to: p1)
let p_p2 = p.distance(to: p2)
// Update `tangentLenghth` according to the smaller triangle side
tangentLength = min(tangentLength, min(p_p1, p_p2))
// Update `radius` according to the smaller triangle side
radius = tangentLength * abs(tan(angle / 2))
// Find distance from angle vertex to circle origin
let p_o = sqrt(radius.sqr + tangentLength.sqr)
// Segment intersected by parallel lines is divided keeping proportion
// Project angle sides onto axis and calculate circle origin from the proportion
let c1 = CGPoint(
x: (p.x - (p.x - p1.x) * tangentLength / p_p1),
y: (p.y - (p.y - p1.y) * tangentLength / p_p1)
let c2 = CGPoint(
x: (p.x - (p.x - p2.x) * tangentLength / p_p2),
y: (p.y - (p.y - p2.y) * tangentLength / p_p2)
let dx = p.x * 2 - c1.x - c2.x
let dy = p.y * 2 - c1.y - c2.y
let p_c = (dx.sqr + dy.sqr).squareRoot()
// Find Circle origin
let o = CGPoint(
x: p.x - dx * p_o / p_c,
y: p.y - dy * p_o / p_c
// Find start and end angle (required for Arc drawing)
let startAngle = (atan2((c1.y - o.y), (c1.x - o.x))).positiveAngle
let endAngle = (atan2((c2.y - o.y), (c2.x - o.x))).positiveAngle
if isStart {
path.move(to: c1)
} else {
path.addLine(to: c1)
path.addArc(withCenter: o, radius: radius, startAngle: startAngle, endAngle: endAngle, clockwise: angle < .pi)
public static func roundedCornersPath(_ pts: [CGPoint], _ r: CGFloat) -> UIBezierPath? {
guard pts.isEmpty == false else {
return nil
let path = UIBezierPath()
for i in 1...pts.count {
let prev = pts[i-1]
let curr = pts[i % pts.count]
let next = pts[(i + 1) % pts.count]
addCorner(path, p1: prev, p: curr, p2: next, radius: r, isStart: i == 1)
return path
public extension CGFloat {
var sqr: CGFloat {
self * self
var positiveAngle: CGFloat {
self < 0
? self + 2 * .pi
: self
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miku1958 commented May 7, 2020

where is implement of CGFolat.positiveAngle?

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@miku1958, sorry. Here it is:

public extension CGFloat {
    var positiveAngle: CGFloat {
        self < 0
            ? self + 2 * .pi
            : self

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@miku1958, implementation also edited.

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miku1958 commented May 7, 2020


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