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Created December 12, 2023 03:17
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The code snippet defines a struct called "Tuner" that is responsible for executing autotune benchmarking and caching. It has a cache for storing the results of autotune operations. The "execute_autotune" method takes an autot

Tuner for Autotune Benchmarking and Caching

use core::marker::PhantomData;
use core::time::Duration;

use alloc::boxed::Box;
use alloc::string::ToString;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use burn_common::benchmark::{Benchmark, BenchmarkDurations};

use crate::channel::ComputeChannel;
use crate::client::ComputeClient;
use crate::server::ComputeServer;
use crate::tune::{AutotuneOperation, AutotuneOperationSet, TuneBenchmark, TuneCache};

#[derive(Debug, Default)]
/// Executes autotune benchmarking and caching
pub struct Tuner<S: ComputeServer, C> {
    tune_cache: TuneCache<S::AutotuneKey>,
    _channel: PhantomData<C>,

impl<S: ComputeServer, C: ComputeChannel<S>> Tuner<S, C> {
    /// Returns a tuner with empty cache
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            tune_cache: TuneCache::new(),
            _channel: PhantomData,

    pub(crate) fn execute_autotune(
        &mut self,
        autotune_operation_set: Box<dyn AutotuneOperationSet<S::AutotuneKey>>,
        client: &ComputeClient<S, C>,
    ) {
        let operation = match self.tune_cache.try_cache(autotune_operation_set) {
            super::TuneCacheResult::Hit(ops) => ops,
            super::TuneCacheResult::Miss(set) => self.autotuning(set, client),


    fn autotuning(
        &mut self,
        autotune_operation_set: Box<dyn AutotuneOperationSet<S::AutotuneKey>>,
        client: &ComputeClient<S, C>,
    ) -> Box<dyn AutotuneOperation> {
        let key = autotune_operation_set.key();
        let autotunables = autotune_operation_set.autotunables();
        let mut names = Vec::with_capacity(autotunables.len());

        // Run all autotune benchmarks
        let results: Vec<BenchmarkDurations> = autotunables
            .map(|op| {
                self.run_benchmark(op, client)

        for (name, result) in names.iter().zip(results.iter()) {
            log::info!("Benchmark result {name}-{key} => {result}");

        // Finds the fastest operation, stores it and returns it
        let fastest_index = self.find_fastest(results);
        let fastest_name = names.get(fastest_index).unwrap();
        log::info!("Fastest result {fastest_name}-{key}");

        self.tune_cache.cache_insert(key, fastest_index);
        match self.tune_cache.try_cache(autotune_operation_set) {
            super::TuneCacheResult::Hit(ops) => ops,
            super::TuneCacheResult::Miss(_) => panic!("We just inserted, should not miss"),

    fn run_benchmark(
        &mut self,
        operation: Box<dyn AutotuneOperation>,
        client: &ComputeClient<S, C>,
    ) -> BenchmarkDurations {
        TuneBenchmark::new(operation, client.clone()).run()

    fn find_fastest(&self, results: Vec<BenchmarkDurations>) -> usize {
        let mut smallest_duration = Duration::MAX;
        let mut fastest_tunable = None;

        for (i, result) in results.into_iter().enumerate() {
            let duration = result.median_duration();

            if duration < smallest_duration {
                smallest_duration = duration;
                fastest_tunable = Some(i);

        fastest_tunable.expect("At least one kernel needed. ")
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Type Code Snippet ( .rs )
Associated Tags Tune Benchmarking Compute Server Tune Cache Autotune Operation Set Client-Side Rendering (MVC) Hit/Miss Mode MV Interaction Scalable Data Warp crystal-lang serde nim-lang
💡 Smart Description This code defines a Tuner class that uses the Crawl library to execute autotune benchmarking and caching. It also includes methods for testing, debugging, logging, monitoring, or performance of Autotune operations in different types such as key/value pairs
The code snippet defines a struct called "Tuner" that is responsible for executing autotune benchmarking and caching. It has a cache for storing the results of autotune operations. The "execute_autotune" method takes an autot
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Rust Tuner struct autotuning method
Rust Tuner struct run_benchmark method
Rust Tuner struct find_fastest method
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