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Last active August 29, 2018 08:14
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import { Container, Inject, Injectable } from '@fluffy-spoon/inverse';
import { VueInverse, VueInjectable } from '@fluffy-spoon/inverse-vue';
import Component from 'vue-class-component';
import Vue from 'vue';
//we first create our IOC container.
var container = new Container();
//we provide that to the VueInverse plugin.
Vue.use(VueInverse, container);
@Injectable /* the Injectable decorator makes it possible for this class to be injected automatically */
class Foo { }
template: '<div></div>'
@VueInjectable /* the VueInjectable decorator makes it possible for this Vue component to have its dependencies injected via the constructor when passed to Vue.js */
class MyVueComponent extends Vue {
@Inject private foo: Foo) /* the Inject decorator is needed to have the dependency be injected automatically */
console.log('foo is injected - look:', foo);
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