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Created January 8, 2016 20:57
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import Foundation
public protocol KDPoint {
func distance(other: Self) -> Double
func dimension() -> Int
func lessThan(other: Self, dim: Int) -> Bool
public enum BinaryTreeVisitOrder {
case InOrder
case PreOrder
case PostOrder
struct KDTreeNodeInfo {
let count: Int
let height: Int
let balanced: Bool
public protocol NumericType {
var doubleValue: Double {get}
extension Int : NumericType {
public var doubleValue: Double {
return Double(self)
extension Float : NumericType {
public var doubleValue: Double {
return Double(self)
extension Double : NumericType {
public var doubleValue: Double {
return self
public struct KDPointImpl<T: NumericType, PayloadType> : KDPoint {
public let values: [T]
public let payload: PayloadType
public init(values v: [T], payload p: PayloadType) {
values = v
payload = p
public func distance(p: KDPointImpl<T, PayloadType>) -> Double {
return sqrt(zip(values, p.values).map{a, b in pow(a.doubleValue - b.doubleValue, 2)}.reduce(0, combine: +))
public func dimension() -> Int {
return values.count
public func lessThan(other: KDPointImpl<T, PayloadType>, dim: Int) -> Bool {
return values[dim].doubleValue < other.values[dim].doubleValue
public enum KDTree<T: KDPoint> {
case Leaf
indirect case Node(value: T, fields: Any, left: KDTree<T>, right: KDTree<T>)
static func makeNode(value v: T, left l: KDTree<T> = .Leaf, right r: KDTree<T> = .Leaf) -> KDTree<T> {
let f = KDTreeNodeInfo(
count: 1 + l.count + r.count,
height: 1 + max(l.height, r.height),
balanced: l.balanced && r.balanced && abs(l.height - r.height) <= 1)
return .Node(value: v, fields: f, left: l, right: r)
public static func fromPoints(points: [T], _ depth: Int = 0) -> KDTree<T> {
if points.count <= 1 {
return points.isEmpty ? .Leaf : makeNode(value: points[0])
let axis = depth % points[0].dimension()
let sortedPoints = points.sort{a1, a2 in return a1.lessThan(a2, dim: axis)}
let median = Int(sortedPoints.count/2)
return makeNode(
value: sortedPoints[median],
left: fromPoints(Array(sortedPoints[0..<median]), depth + 1),
right: fromPoints(Array(sortedPoints[median+1..<sortedPoints.count]), depth + 1))
public func nearestNeighbor(p: T, nearest: T? = nil, minDist: Double = Double.infinity, _ depth: Int = 0) -> T? {
switch(self) {
case .Leaf:
return nearest
case .Node(let value, _, let left, let right):
let d = value.distance(p)
let nearest1 = d < minDist ? value : nearest
let minDist1 = d < minDist ? d : minDist
let axis = depth % value.dimension()
let subtree = p.lessThan(value, dim: axis) ? left : right
return subtree.nearestNeighbor(p, nearest: nearest1, minDist: minDist1, depth + 1)
public func insert(p: T, _ depth: Int = 0) -> KDTree<T> {
switch(self) {
case .Leaf:
return KDTree.makeNode(value: p)
case .Node(let value, _, let left, let right):
let axis = depth % value.dimension()
if p.lessThan(value, dim: axis) {
return KDTree.makeNode(value: value, left: left.insert(p, depth + 1), right: right)
} else {
return KDTree.makeNode(value: value, left: left, right: right.insert(p, depth + 1))
var fields: KDTreeNodeInfo {
switch(self) {
case .Leaf: return KDTreeNodeInfo(count: 0, height: 0, balanced: true)
case .Node(_, let f, _, _): return f as! KDTreeNodeInfo
public var count: Int {return fields.count}
public var height: Int {return fields.height}
public var balanced: Bool {return fields.balanced}
public var shape: Double {
let optimalHeight = log2(Double(1 + count))
let actualHeight = Double(height)
return optimalHeight / actualHeight
public func rebalance(threshold t: Double = 1.0) -> KDTree<T> {
if !balanced && shape < t {
var points = [T]()
visit(.InOrder){e in points.append(e)}
return KDTree.fromPoints(points)
} else {
return self
public func visit(order: BinaryTreeVisitOrder, _ visitor: (T -> Void)) -> Void {
switch(self) {
case .Leaf: break
case .Node(let value, _, let left, let right):
if order == .PreOrder {visitor(value)}
left.visit(order, visitor)
if order == .InOrder {visitor(value)}
right.visit(order, visitor)
if order == .PostOrder {visitor(value)}
public func printFormatted(depth: Int = 0) {
switch(self) {
case .Leaf: break
case .Node(let value, _, let left, let right):
let indent = String.init(count: depth*4, repeatedValue: Character(" "))
print("\(indent)\(value) (count=\(count), height=\(height), balanced=\(balanced), shape=\(shape))")
left.printFormatted(depth + 1)
right.printFormatted(depth + 1)
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Did you fix the source? If not, maybe I can lead a joint effort to make this a pod installable app and fix the implementation issues.

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@vccabral Yep, I ended up taking implementation ideas from building a full pod.
I recently even gave a talk about the results:

PR for changes or new features very welcome!

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