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Created July 7, 2009 22:25
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A* Search Algorithm Visualization
(def grid-size 30)
;; A collection of walls
(def walls (atom #{}))
;; The route to the finish
(def route (atom #{}))
(defstruct point :x :y)
(defn make-cost-and-goal-fn
"Make a goal function so the point reaches the goal"
[x y]
[(fn [g]
(let [dx (- x (:x g)) dy (- y (:y g))]
(Math/sqrt (+ (* dx dx) (* dy dy)))))
(fn [g]
(and (= (:x g) x)
(= (:y g) y)))])
(defn make-point [x y] (struct point x y))
(defn make-successors-fn
"Make a successors function with chance of a surrounding wall"
(fn [p]
(let [neighbours #{[1 0] [-1 0] [0 1] [0 -1]}]
(fn [pt]
(or (< (:x pt) 0)
(< (:y pt) 0)
(>= (:x pt) grid-size)
(>= (:y pt) grid-size)
(wall-locations [(:x pt) (:y pt)])))
(fn [[x y]] (make-point (+ x (:x p)) (+ y (:y p))))
(defn get-points-on
"Get the points on the path"
(let [s (:state solution)
p (:previous solution)]
(when-not (nil? p)
[(:x s) (:y s)]
(get-points-on p))))))
(defn set-route-from
"Set the route"
(swap! route (constantly (set (get-points-on solution)))))
(def canvas
(proxy [JPanel] []
(proxy-super paintComponent g)
(let [sq-size (/ (min (.getHeight this) (.getWidth this)) grid-size)]
(doseq [x (range 0 grid-size)]
(doseq [y (range 0 grid-size)]
(= [0 0] [x y]) (.setColor g Color/GREEN)
(= [(dec grid-size) (dec grid-size)] [x y]) (.setColor g Color/RED)
(@walls [x y]) (.setColor g Color/BLACK)
(@route [x y]) (.setColor g Color/PINK)
:else (.setColor g Color/BLUE))
(doto g
(.fillRect (* x sq-size) (* y sq-size) (dec sq-size) (dec sq-size)))))))))
(defn visualize
"A quick and dirty visualization of A* search on a 100 x 100 grid"
(let [frame (JFrame. "A* Search Algorithm Visualization")
[costf goal?] (make-cost-and-goal-fn 50 50)]
(doto canvas
(proxy [MouseAdapter] []
(if (= (MouseEvent/BUTTON1) (.getButton e))
(let [sq-size (/ (min (.getHeight canvas) (.getWidth canvas)) grid-size)
x (int (/ (.getX e) sq-size))
y (int (/ (.getY e) sq-size))]
(swap! walls (fn [walls]
(if (walls [x y])
(disj walls [x y])
(conj walls [x y]))))
(.repaint canvas))
(let [[cost-fn goal?] (make-cost-and-goal-fn (dec grid-size) (dec grid-size))
solution (a*-search
(list (make-path (make-point 0 0) nil 0 0))
(make-successors-fn @walls)
(constantly 1) ;; cost per unit is 1
(set-route-from solution)
(.repaint canvas)))))))
(doto frame
(.add canvas)
(.setSize 600 600)
(.setResizable true)
(.setVisible true))))
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