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Created May 11, 2010 06:43
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trun :: Double -> Double -> GLfloat
trun h i = realToFrac ((i-0.5) * h) :: GLfloat
drawVelocity :: (Grid,Grid) -> IO ()
drawVelocity (u,v) = do
color3f (Color3 1 1 1)
lineWidth $= 1.0
let h = 1.0 / realToFrac n
let f = trun h
renderPrimitive Lines $ forM_ [(x,y) | x<-[1..n], y<-[1..n] ]
(\(i,j) ->
uV <- readVal u (i,j)
vV <- readVal v (i,j)
vertex2f (Vertex2 (f (realToFrac i)) (f (realToFrac j)))
vertex2f (Vertex2 (f ((realToFrac i) + uV)) (f ((realToFrac j) + vV))))
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