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Created October 28, 2020 15:09
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TypeScript Helpers
// -- Unwrapping values from an array inside an interface --
type Person = {
name: string;
birthDate?: string;
age: number;
hobbies: Array<{ title: string; location: string }>
type DeArrayify<A> = A extends Array<infer T> ? T : A;
type Hobby = DeArrayify<Person['hobbies']>;
// Hobby = { title: string, location: string }
// -- Unwrapping template values from interfaces with knockout Observable values --
type Person2 = {
name: string;
birthDate?: string;
age: ko.Observable<number>;
type UnwrapObservable<I> = {
[K in keyof I]: I[K] extends ko.Observable ? I[K] extends ko.Observable<infer U> ? U : never : I[K];
type Unwrapped = UnwrapObservable<Person2>;
// Unwrapped = { name: string, birthDate?: string; age: number; }
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