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Last active April 23, 2019 12:36
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Save ffledgling/5768485 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Gist to help someone (Usually me) setup irssi after a fresh install. All changes mentioned here can be made directly to your .irssi/config file also.
Typically used irssi config
### Large portions shamelessly copied from (Thank you Arch Wiki )
# Please refer to the aforementioned link for more detail and customization.
# irssi has a pretty good default config that you don't usually want to mess with much
# A couple of basic things that are needed are specified here. Type /set to see a complete list of modifiable parameters.
/server add -auto -network fn # fn is shorthand for FreeNode, use anything you like though
/set nick your_nick
/set user_name your_user_name
/set real_name your_real_name
/network add -nick IRC_User_name -autosendcmd "/msg NickServ IDENTIFY passwd" #where passwd is your password
/channel add -auto #channel-name fn
# restart to see if all is well.
# You'll have to do a /save after you're done to save your new config to the config file.
# enable Automatic logging of conversations. Depending on space constraints you may or may not want to do this.
# *Or* you could setup cron to periodically tar the logs, mail them to you, and then clean the old ones. Your choice. :)
/set autolog
# Ignore quits and so forth
/ignore * joins
/ignore * parts
/ignore * quits
# Irssi usually picks up the proxy from the *_proxy variables, but if you feel the need to manually configure, use
# NOTE: I've never used these and never needed to.
/SET use_proxy ON
/SET proxy_address <Proxy host address>
/SET proxy_port <Proxy port>
Brief Commands List:
# Type /help for a full list of commands
# Connection
/server /s These change the server of the current network.
/connect /c open a new connection to a server, use to connect to multiple servers simultaneously (C-X to switch).
/disconnect /dc These close the current connection to a server.
/names List users on the channel.
# Movement
ALT+(1-0,q-p,etc) Changes the active window. Or use Ctrl+n for the next window or Ctrl+p for the previous window.
/window 1 /w n Takes you window n. Windows are numbered across (1,2,3..0) and then start on the next row down (q-p)
/window close /wc These close the current window.
/window move 1 /w move 1 These move the current window to the first window position.
/layout save This will save the current window positions for the next time you start irssi.
# Miscellaneous
/set This shows a list of all your current settings.
/help This provides a helpful description/explanation for whatever parameter provided.
/alias Lets you create your own shortcuts.
# Useful commands
/ctcp some_nick time Get's you someone's Time and Timezone. They'll know you sent the command though.
/part channel_list parting_msg Quits current channel
/clear Clears the current window
# Useful related links: # Using irssi and screen. # Arch Wiki documentation for irssi #Here's a well configured .irssi/config file should you need it.
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