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Last active July 13, 2023 15:30
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resumen de jsconf chile 2023 Ya han pasado algunos días desde que la JSConf Chile concluyó, y esperamos que para tí haya sido tan genial como lo fue para nosotros. Es por eso, que, queremos compartir contigo los resultados de la misma, y el impacto positivo generado en nuestra comunidad. Esta conferencia no hubiese sido posible sin tu apoyo, por lo que queremos agradecer tu participación y la confianza depositada en nosotros. A continuación, te presentamos los resultados. ESTADÍSTICAS DE LA CONFERENCIA

508 Tickets
 1er día 458 Tickets
 2do día 20 Speakers
 en escena 21 Voluntarios

Según los registros obtenidos, la primera jornada de la conferencia participaron un total de 508 asistentes y 458 asistentes en la segunda, esto, considerando que el límite del main stage era de 521 butacas.
De la asistencia de la comunidad, un 72% de los tickets fueron adquiridos orgánicamente, esto quiere decir que no fueron tickets comprados por una compañía, o tickets asignados por tiers de sponsorship. A nuestro parecer, esto habla increíblemente bien del compromiso y la motivación de nuestra comunidad, tanto así que posterior al cierre de las ventas, a 2 semanas del evento, nuestro waitlist era de sobre 50 personas. La JSConf Chile es un evento que busca fomentar a la comunidad de desarrollo Chile más allá de los límites geográficos. Por lo que contar con una transmisión online en simultáneo de la conferencia, era esencial para la organización, precisamente para llegar a quienes no podían asistir y fueran parte de la misma. Por lo que estamos muy felices de contarles que ambas jornadas tuvieron un alcance de 10200 visualizaciones durante la transmisión online. @jsconfcl resumen de jsconf chile 2023 Esta convocatoria nos ha dejado una sensación increíblemente satisfactoria. No solo es esta la primera conferencia community-driven de desarrollo de software que se ha realizado Chile, sino porque además dentro de nuestro análisis, solo un 9% de nuestros asistentes había previamente asistido a una. Esto es un hito importante no solo para la comunidad de desarrolladores, sino también para la industria de ingeniería en Chile. RESULTADOS DEMOGRÁFICO 72% - Organically

35,6% - Senior 39% - Otros Seniority 9,8% - Junior 64,3% - Males Sales Genders 0,2% - Non-Binary 14,2% - Female

15,6% - SemiSenior 28% - Company 21,3% - No-Info

** Tablas de resultados en apartado de anexo de datos (Pág.2) Del análisis demográfico de nuestros asistentes, el mayor porcentaje se encuentre entre los bloques de Senior y Semi-Senior, quienes componían a más de un 50% de los asistentes totales. Así mismo, distribución de género donde el 64% se identifica con el género másculino, un poco más del 14% femenino, y menos del 1% no-binario.
En este último punto, si bien estamos increíblemente agradecidos de la recepción de la comunidad, consideramos que esta distribución no es suficiente para la visión que buscamos llevar a cabo, es nuestra firme convicción lograr que nuestra próxima edición de la JSConf Chile tenga una distribución más equitativa. Assistants Gender s Seniority

Organical Sales @jsconfcl

ESTADÍSTICAS ANEXAS 2470 Artesanales 1000 Galletas
 agua resumen de jsconf chile 2023 1300 Tazas

Aunque la conferencia no solo se compuso de asistentes, con sobre 20 charlistas, 21 sponsors de distintos niveles, un equipo organizador de 7 increíbles personas, y 21 voluntarios. Más de 1000 litros de agua y sobre 1300 tazas de café fueron consumidas para mantener a nuestra comunidad hidratada, y un gran total de 2470 deliciosas galletas artesanales para endulzar una increíble jornada, la JSConf Chile superó nuestras expectativas en todas áreas. No podemos expresar lo emocionados que estamos de tenerlos como miembros de nuestra comunidad. Su apoyo no solo ha sido esencial para la realización de la conferencia, sino que también ha tenido un impacto duradero en el crecimiento y desarrollo de la comunidad de software en Chile, Esperamos este pequeño correo reafirme su convicción de apoyar iniciativas de la comunidad de software en Chile, y que sirva para visibilizar, aún más, el impacto que su apoyo ha tenido en la nuestra. Nuestro equipo ya se encuentra trabajando en los planes iniciales JSConf Chile 2024, esperamos para nuestra siguiente versión contar con increíbles speakers, más de de 1000 asistentes de todo el país, y con el apoyo de ustedes como sponsors. @jsconfcl resumen de jsconf chile 2023 A modo personal, queremos extender este agradecimiento no solo a ustedes como sponsor de manera oficial, sino también personalmente a quienes estuvieron con nosotros durante todo el proceso previo a la conferencia, y durante el evento mismo.
A nombre de toda la comunidad de JavaScript Chile, Gracias. JSConf Chile’s core team

 Torres Pillipa
 Pérez Ricardo
 Castillo Claudio
 Álvarez José
 Lezama Francisco
 Cordero Luis



JSConf Chile is a community-driven conference, made for developers by developers, with a very clear objective. Fostering the JavaScript engineering community in Chile, beyond its geographical limits.

We accomplish that by running a yearly JavaScript conference, and focusing on 2 key elements.

Highlighting the local talent. We want to showcase Latin American engineering culture — and Chile specifically — as incredible opportunities for companies to both source talent and to invest in the developer ecosystem.

Provide a top-tier platform for knowledge sharing. We want our community to benefit from the exchange of ideas, techniques and frameworks related to the Javascript ecosystem, and the world of Frontend and Software Engineering.

This year’s JSConf Chile will be a 2 day, hybrid event, with a lineup of incredible local and international subject matter experts, whose impact is recognized by the community.


Why Chile?

Chile has a long and successful history of supporting innovation, entrepreneurship, and technology companies.

As the leader in digital connectivity in all of Latin America, it is the home of world-class companies like Google, Microsoft, Uber, Evernote, IBM, Amazon and Walmart, many of which have set up software engineering centers in Chile.

Not only the home of the best wines in the region, Chile is also home to Startup-Chile, one of the most popular seed accelerators in all of Latin America, a Government-backed program that has helped companies like NotCo and Lab4U achieve incredible levels of growth, secure financing, and reach worldwide markets. 
Chile also has a growing and vibrant software community, with over 60k software developers, and many succesful startups and y-combinator alumnim like CornerShop, Fintual, Poliglota, Betterfly and Fintoc.

The City

This year’s JSConf will be held in Santiago, the capital of Chile, close to both the Andes and the beach, it’s a city known for their warm people, rich diverse culture as well as being the country’s main tech hub.


The “Matucana 100” (M100) complex is one of the most emblematic venues of Chile and specially Santiago — having held multiple art exhibitions, theater, film festival and multiple entertainment and cultural events as well as multiple business conventions.

With over xxx mts2, generous open spaces, a private cinema room where workshops will be hosted, and a beautiful theather with capacity for over 500 attendees and beautiful facilities, it’s no surprise the wide variety and quality of events that have been held at M100 in the past. 
We are thrilled to host JSConf Chile in one of the most recognized venues in Santiago for it’s convenience, generous spaces, legacy and beautiful design.

Sponsors Benefits

  • Differentiate your oranization by taking one of our 2022 exclusive sponsorship options.
  • Network with the most influential developers of the Chilean web ecosystem.
  • Associate your brand with the first Chilean edition of JSConf, a world renowed (& community beloved) conference.
  • Run a workshop for the community, in a private cinema, to be recorded and shared publicly with or community.
  • Have your brand logo be part of all of our sponsored content.
  • 2 days of direct contact, great social environment, with an engaged audience.
  • Phisical booth to showcase your products, bring your team do some hiring or whatever you want.
  • Contribute to an incredible atmosphere, meet with and help us build a diverse community of JS and web enthusiasts.

03 | Sponsorship Opportunities

Our sponsors are the most important partners we have for this conference, and we want to make sure we are doing all we can to accomodate your needs and goals.

Wether you are looking to hire top-level talent, increase you brand exposure, launch a disruptive product, or any other wild ideas, there’s a sponsorhip opportunity for you!

With over 400 developers from around the world, and hundreds more following along at home, sponsoring JsConf Chile is the best way to connect with JavaScript developers!

Contact us at to secure your sponsorship today!

03 | Sponsorship Opportunities

Bronze Sponsor

1 Ticket to the JSconf Chile. Your logo on our website, alongside all other sponsors. Your logo, included in our sponsor commnications, in-between talks slides. 1 Reserved slots for you to include items on the event swag-bag. (Flyer, Sticker or something cool)

Silver Sponsor

2 Tickets to JSConf Chile. Your logo on our website, alongside all other sponsors. Your logo, included in our sponsor commnications, in-between talks slides, welcome signage, and recorded videos. 200 words profile in the JSConf Chile site. 1 Reserved slots for you to include items on the event swag-bag. (Flyer, Sticker or something cool) 1 Dedicated Tweet or posts from the official JsconfChile social media accounts.

Gold Sponsor

5 Tickets to JSConf Chile 2 Dedicated Tweets or posts from the official JsconfChile social media accounts. 1 Retweet from the official JSConf Chile account #JSConfChile. Your logo, big, positioned on our website, alongside the other gold sponsors. Your logo, included in all our sponsor communications, in-between talks slides, and recorded videos. 'Thank you' mention on the main stage at the opening of the conference. 1 Blogpost showcasing your company's engineering talent, to be shared in our conference blog and promoted on our social media. 200 words profile on the JSConf Chile site. 2 Reserved slots for you to include items on the event swag bag. 2 Reserved parking spots. 30 square meters physical space sponsor space.

Platinum Sponsor

10 tickets to JSconf Chile. Huge logo on our website Your logo, huge, on our sponsors slides between talks, sponsor communications and recorded videos in the JSConf Youtube Channel. Possibility to do an 80’’ Workshop in the venue’s private cinema. (50 people) 2 Retweet from the official JSConf Chile account #JSConfChile. 2 Dedicated Tweets or posts from the official JsconfChile social media accounts. 1 blogposts, to be shared in or blog, social media, and in the conference newsletter. 3 Reserved parking spots. 2 Reserved slots for you to include items on the event swag-bag. (Stickers, discount codes or anything that comes to mind!). 200 words profile in the JSConf Chile site. 1 Reserved spot to do a talk in “La Previa ™ ”, our pre-conference on-line event to be hosted in November. Support to do an event (A workshop, a URG meetup, pre-conf dinner, etc) Big space in the conference for you to setup a lounge area, a selfie booth, arduino station, do hiring-sessions or whatever you want! *

04 | Branding Opportunities

If you have already secured a sponsorship tier, you can also opt-in to any of the following branding opportunities.


LANYARD - US$ 2,500 (1 available) Talk about being dapper! All attendees will wear a branded name badge and lanyard, with your logo on it.

SWAG-BAG - US$ 3,000 (1 available) Louis Vuitton and Gucci got nothing on our bags! Your logo will be printed on every attendee’s swag-bag, where all the JSConf Chile related swag will be. (That’s a lot of bags)

CLOSING PARTY - US$ 8,000 (1 available) We got the moves like jagger, and you can help us show them! Celebrate the Web and JavaScript with us! Be the sole host of the closing conference party.


COFFEE BREAK - US$ 4,000 (1 available) So much content, so many things to do! Seeing it all will be no small feat! You’ll be able to support a well-needed pickmeup for all attendees.

THE SOPAIPILLAS - US$ 1500 (2 available) With mustard, with pebre, or plain! Doesn’t matter how, sopaipillas are a Chilean staple! Host the sopaipi-carts during the conference and have every attendee sopapi-love you!

Final words

As the web strives to be a diverse and open ecosystem, so does our community passionately chases those ideals. We fiercely believe in, value and defend inclusivity and diversity, we follow and enforce our code of conduct on all our events. 
Please consider this as you decide to support this conference and when assigning your sponsored tickets.

You can also purchase diversity tickets at a discounted price, which we will donate publicly on your behalf to those who will benefit the most from them.

If you are unable or not interested in using your complimentary tickets, let us know and we’ll donate them on your behalf, to community members who cannot afford them. Id you’d prefer to reach out to them personally, we’ll be more than happy to help you with that.

We are grateful for your support in fostering, and helping promote diversity and inclusiveness in our community.

To sign up for a sponsorship slot, request additional information, or discuss any topics regarding sponsorship, please reach out to, or if you prefer, you can call at +1 415 676 8176 and talk to Felipe.


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