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Last active January 23, 2023 17:09
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Solves the cartpole-v1 enviroment on OpenAI gym using policy search
Same algorithm as for cartpole-v0
A neural network is used to store the policy
At the end of each episode the target value for each taken action is
updated with the total normalized reward (up to a learning rate)
Then a standard supervised learning backprop on the entire batch is
import numpy as np
import numpy.matlib
import gym
from gym import wrappers
import keras
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers.core import Dense, Dropout, Activation
from keras.optimizers import SGD, Adam, RMSprop
from keras.utils import np_utils
#initialize neural network to store policy
ActorNet = Sequential()
NumEpisodes = 300
#load environment
env = gym.make('CartPole-v1')
env = gym.wrappers.Monitor(env, 'monitor')
TotalReward = 0
BufferSize = 0
eps = 1
#start learning
for episode in range(NumEpisodes):
#initial state
observation = env.reset() #observe initial state
States = []
ActionValues = []
Actions = []
t = 0
loss = 0
EpisodeReward = 0
#decrease epsilon after each episode
eps -= 0.01
if eps<0:
eps = 0
while True:
#show graphical environment
#evaluate NN to find action probabilities for current state
#normalize inputs
observation[0] /= 2.5
observation[1] /= 2.5
observation[2] /= 0.2
observation[3] /= 2.5
ActionValue = ActorNet.predict(observation.reshape(1,4),verbose=0).reshape(2,)
#select best action eps-greedy with decay
greedy = np.random.random()
if greedy < eps:
Action = np.random.randint(2)
Action = np.argmax(ActionValue)
#execute action
observation_new, reward, done, info = env.step(Action)
#normalize reward, maximum reward per episode is 500
reward /= 500.0
EpisodeReward += reward
#save current movement in memory to assign rewards at end of episode
#update state
observation = observation_new
#next time step
t += 1
#end episode
if done:
#update finished episode memory with new reward
#only update action value for actions that were taken, leave others unchanged
alpha = 0.1
for i in range(t):
ActionValues[i][Actions[i]] = ActionValues[i][Actions[i]] * (1-alpha) + EpisodeReward * alpha
#update weights of NN based on last completed episode
batch_in = np.empty([t,4]) #input state
batch_tar = np.empty([t,2]) #target action values
for i in range(t):
batch_in[i] = States[i]
batch_tar[i] = ActionValues[i]
loss += ActorNet.train_on_batch(batch_in, batch_tar)[0]
print('Episode {0}, reward = {1}'.format(episode,EpisodeReward))
TotalReward += EpisodeReward
print('Total reward = {0}'.format(TotalReward))'CPv1_model.h5')
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