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Last active September 18, 2015 14:41
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Blobs containing NUL bytes are truncated when written to ZooKeeper nodes
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.012;
use Carp;
use autodie;
use utf8;
use Devel::Peek;
use ZooKeeper;
use Sereal::Encoder;
use Sereal::Decoder;
use Test::More;
my $encoder = Sereal::Encoder->new({ snappy => 1 });
my $decoder = Sereal::Decoder->new({ snappy => 1 });
my $object = { foo => 'bar',
baz => 0,
quux => {
a => 8998,
b => 93890 } };
my $blob = $encoder->encode($object);
is_deeply($decoder->decode($blob), $object,
q{... can roundtrip with Sereal encoding/decoding});
diag('Before being written: ');
my $zk = ZooKeeper->new(hosts => 'localhost:2181/zksereal');
eval { $zk->create('/') }; # ensure the vroot node exists
eval { $zk->delete('/sereal') };
$zk->create('/sereal', value => $blob);
my $data = $zk->get('/sereal');
diag('After being written: ');
# this actually dies because $data is not valid Sereal
is_deeply($decoder->decode($data), $object,
q{... can roundtrip sereal -> ZooKeeper -> sereal });
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 5] get /zksereal/sereal
cZxid = 0xe9e92b
ctime = Fri Sep 18 16:34:27 CEST 2015
mZxid = 0xe9e92b
mtime = Fri Sep 18 16:34:27 CEST 2015
pZxid = 0xe9e92b
cversion = 0
dataVersion = 0
aclVersion = 0
ephemeralOwner = 0x0
dataLength = 5
numChildren = 0
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