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Forked from mrlesmithjr/50-mtrack.conf
Created April 30, 2020 15:21
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Section "InputClass"
MatchIsTouchpad "on"
Identifier "Touchpads"
MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
Driver "mtrack"
# The faster you move, the more distance pointer will travel, using "polynomial" profile
Option "AccelerationProfile" "2"
# Tweak cursor movement speed with this
Option "Sensitivity" "0.05"
# Pressure at which a finger is detected as a touch
Option "FingerHigh" "5"
# Pressure at which a finger is detected as a release
Option "FingerLow" "5"
# I often use thumb to press down the physical button, so let's not ignore it
Option "IgnoreThumb" "false"
Option "ThumbRatio" "70"
Option "ThumbSize" "23"
# Ignore palm, with palm takes up to 30% of your touch pad
Option "IgnorePalm" "true"
Option "PalmSize" "30"
# Trigger mouse button when tap: 1 finger - left click, 2 finger - right click, 3 - middle click
Option "TapButton1" "1"
Option "TapButton2" "3"
Option "TapButton3" "2"
Option "TapButton4" "0"
Option "ClickTime" "25"
# Disable tap-to-drag, we're using three finger drag instead
Option "TapDragEnable" "false"
# While touching the touch pad with # fingers, press the touchpad physical click button
Option "ClickFinger1" "1"
Option "ClickFinger2" "3"
Option "ClickFinger3" "2"
Option "ButtonMoveEmulate" "false"
Option "ButtonIntegrated" "true"
# The momentum after scroll fingers released
Option "ScrollCoastDuration" "300"
Option "ScrollCoastEnableSpeed" ".1"
# Natural scrolling with two fingers
Option "ScrollSmooth" "true"
Option "ScrollUpButton" "5"
Option "ScrollDownButton" "4"
Option "ScrollLeftButton" "7"
Option "ScrollRightButton" "6"
# Tweak scroll sensitivity with ScrollDistance, don't touch ScrollSensitivity
Option "ScrollDistance" "250"
Option "ScrollClickTime" "10"
# Three finger drag
Option "SwipeDistance" "1"
Option "SwipeLeftButton" "1"
Option "SwipeRightButton" "1"
Option "SwipeUpButton" "1"
Option "SwipeDownButton" "1"
Option "SwipeClickTime" "1"
Option "SwipeSensitivity" "1500"
# Four finger swipe, 8 & 9 are for browsers navigating back and forth respectively
Option "Swipe4LeftButton" "9"
Option "Swipe4RightButton" "8"
# Mouse button >= 10 are not used by Xorg, so we'll map them with xbindkeys and xdotool later
Option "Swipe4UpButton" "11"
Option "Swipe4DownButton" "10"
# Mouse buttons triggered by 2-finger pinching gesture
Option "ScaleDistance" "300"
Option "ScaleUpButton" "12"
Option "ScaleDownButton" "13"
# Mouse buttons trigger by 2-finger rotating gesture, disabled to enhance the pinch gesture
Option "RotateLeftButton" "0"
Option "RotateRightButton" "0"
Option "TabDragEnable" "false"
Option "GestureClickTime" "1"
Option "GestureWaitTime" "0"
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