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Last active March 30, 2016 10:35
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  • Save fgeorges/c1f78a4279d9ff86f2fc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save fgeorges/c1f78a4279d9ff86f2fc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
XQuery parser stack overflow
import module namespace p = "XQueryML30"
at "XQueryML30.xquery";
declare variable $src :=
: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean
: mauris ante, commodo sed ipsum et, malesuada blandit neque. Nulla
: nulla neque, malesuada quis dignissim in, hendrerit non
: lorem. Vestibulum in diam venenatis, semper lectus vel, finibus
: magna. Pellentesque in vestibulum erat. Nam sollicitudin commodo
: lorem, eu viverra justo feugiat faucibus. Integer blandit, dolor sed
: facilisis tristique, nisl nunc pretium velit, non molestie ligula
: tellus a quam. Aenean in mi at nisi cursus luctus. Integer dictum
: tortor quam, ac sodales orci porttitor eu. Pellentesque tempor turpis
: sed molestie ullamcorper. Cras et laoreet tortor, ut rhoncus
: velit. Donec ac pretium tellus, et efficitur ligula. Cras eget enim
: massa. Integer in nulla a nunc vestibulum finibus. Etiam sem nisi,
: laoreet in sollicitudin in, semper at massa. Quisque eleifend sed
: nulla id placerat. Aenean convallis egestas tristique.
: Proin consequat quam non urna lobortis, nec dapibus est
: dignissim. Nunc tristique nisl non sem hendrerit congue sit amet id
: neque. Vivamus semper magna sed condimentum facilisis. Donec
: ultrices, tellus quis feugiat malesuada, neque diam faucibus mauris,
: nec suscipit risus lectus non nisi. Nunc porttitor enim odio, at
: interdum diam semper a. Etiam metus dui, rutrum venenatis lobortis
: in, semper id dui. In nec urna convallis, maximus nibh vitae, blandit
: risus. Duis non ornare augue, sed finibus nisi. Ut ac tellus id
: tortor varius ultricies scelerisque at neque. In in dui in enim
: interdum cursus ut a augue. Nulla porta id mi vitae pellentesque.
: Maecenas eget placerat...
declare function local:f()
XQuery ::= Module EOF
Module ::= VersionDecl? ( LibraryModule | MainModuleSequence )
::= 'xquery' ( 'encoding' StringLiteral | 'version' StringLiteral ( 'encoding' StringLiteral )? ) Separator
MainModuleSequence ::= MainModule ( ';' VersionDecl? MainModule)* ';'?
::= Prolog QueryBody
::= ModuleDecl Prolog
::= 'module' 'namespace' NCName '=' URILiteral Separator
Prolog ::= ( ( DefaultNamespaceDecl | Setter | NamespaceDecl | Import | FTOptionDecl ) Separator )* ( ( ContextItemDecl | AnnotatedDecl | OptionDecl ) Separator )*
::= ';'
Setter ::= BoundarySpaceDecl
| DefaultCollationDecl
| BaseURIDecl
| ConstructionDecl
| OrderingModeDecl
| EmptyOrderDecl
| RevalidationDecl
| CopyNamespacesDecl
| DecimalFormatDecl
::= 'declare' 'boundary-space' ( 'preserve' | 'strip' )
::= 'declare' 'default' 'collation' URILiteral
::= 'declare' 'base-uri' URILiteral
::= 'declare' 'construction' ( 'strip' | 'preserve' )
::= 'declare' 'ordering' ( 'ordered' | 'unordered' )
::= 'declare' 'default' 'order' 'empty' ( 'greatest' | 'least' )
::= 'declare' 'copy-namespaces' PreserveMode ',' InheritMode
::= 'preserve'
| 'no-preserve'
::= 'inherit'
| 'no-inherit'
::= 'declare' ( 'decimal-format' EQName | 'default' 'decimal-format' ) ( DFPropertyName '=' StringLiteral )*
::= 'decimal-separator'
| 'grouping-separator'
| 'infinity'
| 'minus-sign'
| 'NaN'
| 'percent'
| 'per-mille'
| 'zero-digit'
| 'digit'
| 'pattern-separator'
Import ::= SchemaImport
| ModuleImport
| ImportStylesheetDecl
::= 'import' 'schema' SchemaPrefix? URILiteral ( 'at' URILiteral ( ',' URILiteral )* )?
::= 'namespace' NCName '='
| 'default' 'element' 'namespace'
::= 'import' 'module' ( 'namespace' NCName '=' )? URILiteral ( 'at' URILiteral ( ',' URILiteral )* )?
::= 'declare' 'namespace' NCName '=' URILiteral
::= 'declare' 'default' ( 'element' | 'function' ) 'namespace' URILiteral
ImportStylesheetDecl ::= 'import' 'stylesheet' 'at' StringLiteral
::= 'declare' Annotation* ( VarDecl | FunctionDecl )
::= '%' EQName ( '(' Literal ( ',' Literal )* ')' )? | 'private'
VarDecl ::= 'variable' '$' VarName TypeDeclaration? ( ':=' VarValue | 'external' ( ':=' VarDefaultValue )? )
VarValue ::= ExprSingle
::= ExprSingle
::= 'declare' 'context' 'item' ( 'as' ItemType )? ( ':=' VarValue | 'external' ( ':=' VarDefaultValue )? )
::= 'function' EQName '(' ParamList? ')' ( 'as' SequenceType )? ( FunctionBody | 'external' )
::= Param ( ',' Param )*
Param ::= '$' EQName TypeDeclaration?
::= EnclosedExpr
::= '{' Expr '}'
::= 'declare' 'option' EQName StringLiteral
::= Expr
Expr ::= ExprSingle ( ',' ExprSingle )*
::= FLWORExpr
| QuantifiedExpr
| SwitchExpr
| TypeswitchExpr
| IfExpr
| OrExpr
| TryCatchExpr
| InsertExpr
| DeleteExpr
| RenameExpr
| ReplaceExpr
| TransformExpr
EnclosedExprExtended ::= '{' Expr? '}'
::= InitialClause IntermediateClause* ReturnClause
::= ForClause
| LetClause
| WindowClause
::= InitialClause
| WhereClause
| GroupByClause
| OrderByClause
| CountClause
::= 'for' ForBinding ( ',' ForBinding )*
::= '$' VarName TypeDeclaration? AllowingEmpty? PositionalVar? 'in' ExprSingle
::= 'allowing' 'empty'
::= 'at' '$' VarName
::= 'let' LetBinding ( ',' LetBinding )*
::= '$' VarName TypeDeclaration? ':=' ExprSingle
::= 'for' ( TumblingWindowClause | SlidingWindowClause )
::= 'tumbling' 'window' '$' VarName TypeDeclaration? 'in' ExprSingle WindowStartCondition WindowEndCondition?
::= 'sliding' 'window' '$' VarName TypeDeclaration? 'in' ExprSingle WindowStartCondition WindowEndCondition
::= 'start' WindowVars 'when' ExprSingle
::= 'only'? 'end' WindowVars 'when' ExprSingle
::= ( '$' CurrentItem )? PositionalVar? ( 'previous' '$' PreviousItem )? ( 'next' '$' NextItem )?
::= EQName
::= EQName
NextItem ::= EQName
::= 'count' '$' VarName
::= 'where' ExprSingle
::= 'group' 'by' GroupingSpecList
::= GroupingSpec ( ',' GroupingSpec )*
::= '$' VarName ( 'collation' URILiteral )?
::= ( 'order' 'by' | 'stable' 'order' 'by' ) OrderSpecList
::= OrderSpec ( ',' OrderSpec )*
::= ExprSingle OrderModifier
::= ( 'ascending' | 'descending' )? ( 'empty' ( 'greatest' | 'least' ) )? ( 'collation' URILiteral )?
::= 'return' ExprSingle
::= ( 'some' | 'every' ) '$' VarName TypeDeclaration? 'in' ExprSingle ( ',' '$' VarName TypeDeclaration? 'in' ExprSingle )* 'satisfies' ExprSingle
::= 'switch' '(' Expr ')' SwitchCaseClause+ 'default' 'return' ExprSingle
::= ( 'case' SwitchCaseOperand )+ 'return' ExprSingle
::= ExprSingle
::= 'typeswitch' '(' Expr ')' CaseClause+ 'default' ( '$' VarName )? 'return' ExprSingle
::= 'case' ( '$' VarName 'as' )? SequenceTypeUnion 'return' ExprSingle
::= SequenceType ( '|' SequenceType )*
IfExpr ::= 'if' '(' Expr ')' 'then' ExprSingle 'else' ExprSingle
::= TryClause CatchClause+
::= 'try' '{' TryTargetExpr '}'
::= Expr
::= 'catch' (CatchErrorList | '(' '$' VarName ')') EnclosedExprExtended
::= NameTest ( '|' NameTest )*
OrExpr ::= AndExpr ( 'or' AndExpr )*
AndExpr ::= ComparisonExpr ( 'and' ComparisonExpr )*
ComparisonExpr ::= FTContainsExpr ( (ValueComp
| GeneralComp
| NodeComp) FTContainsExpr )?
FTContainsExpr ::= StringConcatExpr ( "contains" "text" FTSelection FTIgnoreOption? )?
StringConcatExpr ::= RangeExpr ( '||' RangeExpr )*
::= AdditiveExpr ( 'to' AdditiveExpr )?
::= MultiplicativeExpr ( ( '+' | '-' ) MultiplicativeExpr )*
::= UnionExpr ( ( '*' | 'div' | 'idiv' | 'mod' ) UnionExpr )*
::= IntersectExceptExpr ( ( 'union' | '|' ) IntersectExceptExpr )*
::= InstanceofExpr ( ( 'intersect' | 'except' ) InstanceofExpr )*
::= TreatExpr ( 'instance' 'of' SequenceType )?
::= CastableExpr ( 'treat' 'as' SequenceType )?
::= CastExpr ( 'castable' 'as' SingleType )?
CastExpr ::= UnaryExpr ( 'cast' 'as' SingleType )?
::= ( '-' | '+' )* ValueExpr
::= ValidateExpr
| PathExpr
| ExtensionExpr
::= '='
| '!='
| '<'
| '<='
| '>'
| '>='
::= 'eq'
| 'ne'
| 'lt'
| 'le'
| 'gt'
| 'ge'
NodeComp ::= 'is'
| '<<'
| '>>'
::= 'validate' ( ValidationMode | ('as'|'type') TypeName )? 'full'? '{' Expr '}'
::= 'lax'
| 'strict'
::= Pragma+ '{' Expr? '}'
Pragma ::= '(#' S? EQName ( S PragmaContents )? '#)'
/* ws: explicit */
PathExpr ::= '/' ( RelativePathExpr / )
| '//' RelativePathExpr
| RelativePathExpr
::= StepExpr ( ( '/' | '//' | '!' ) StepExpr )*
StepExpr ::= PostfixExpr
| AxisStep
AxisStep ::= ( ReverseStep | ForwardStep ) PredicateList
::= ForwardAxis NodeTest
| AbbrevForwardStep
::= 'child' '::'
| 'descendant' '::'
| 'attribute' '::'
| 'namespace' '::'
| 'self' '::'
| 'property' '::'
| 'descendant-or-self' '::'
| 'following-sibling' '::'
| 'following' '::'
::= '@'? NodeTest
::= ReverseAxis NodeTest
| AbbrevReverseStep
::= 'parent' '::'
| 'ancestor' '::'
| 'preceding-sibling' '::'
| 'preceding' '::'
| 'ancestor-or-self' '::'
::= '..'
NodeTest ::= KindTest
| NameTest
NameTest ::= EQName
| Wildcard
::= PrimaryExpr ( Predicate | ArgumentList )*
::= '(' ( Argument ( ',' Argument )* )? ')'
::= Predicate*
::= '[' Expr ']'
::= Literal
| VarRef
| ParenthesizedExpr
| ContextItemExpr
| FunctionCall
| OrderedExpr
| UnorderedExpr
| Constructor
| FunctionItemExpr
Literal ::= NumericLiteral
| StringLiteral
::= IntegerLiteral
| DecimalLiteral
| DoubleLiteral
VarRef ::= '$' VarName
VarName ::= EQName
::= '(' Expr? ')'
::= '.'
::= 'ordered' '{' Expr '}'
::= 'unordered' '{' Expr '}'
::= FunctionName ArgumentList
Argument ::= ExprSingle
| ArgumentPlaceholder
::= '?'
::= DirectConstructor
| ComputedConstructor
::= DirElemConstructor
| DirCommentConstructor
| DirPIConstructor
::= '<' QName DirAttributeList ( '/>' | '>' DirElemContent* '</' QName S? '>' )
/* ws: explicit */
::= ( S ( QName S? '=' S? DirAttributeValue )? )*
/* ws: explicit */
::= '"' ( EscapeQuot | QuotAttrValueContent )* '"'
| "'" ( EscapeApos | AposAttrValueContent )* "'"
/* ws: explicit */
::= QuotAttrContentChar
| CommonContent
::= AposAttrContentChar
| CommonContent
::= DirectConstructor
| CDataSection
| CommonContent
| ElementContentChar
::= PredefinedEntityRef
| CharRef
| '{{'
| '}}'
| EnclosedExpr
::= '<!--' DirCommentContents '-->'
/* ws: explicit */
::= '<?' PITarget ( S DirPIContents )? '?>'
/* ws: explicit */
::= '<![CDATA[' CDataSectionContents ']]>'
/* ws: explicit */
::= CompDocConstructor
| CompElemConstructor
| CompAttrConstructor
| CompTextConstructor
| CompCommentConstructor
| CompPIConstructor
| CompBinaryConstructor
| CompNamespaceConstructor
CompBinaryConstructor ::= 'binary' EnclosedExprExtended
::= 'document' '{' Expr '}'
::= 'element' ( EQName | '{' Expr '}' ) '{' ContentExpr? '}'
::= Expr
::= 'attribute' ( EQName | '{' Expr '}' ) '{' Expr? '}'
::= 'namespace' ( Prefix | '{' PrefixExpr '}' ) EnclosedExprExtended
Prefix ::= NCName
::= Expr
::= 'text' EnclosedExprExtended
::= 'comment' '{' Expr '}'
::= 'processing-instruction' ( NCName | '{' Expr '}' ) '{' Expr? '}'
::= LiteralFunctionItem
| InlineFunction
::= EQName '#' IntegerLiteral
::= 'function' '(' ParamList? ')' ( 'as' SequenceType )? EnclosedExpr
::= AtomicOrUnionType ('?'|'*'^OccurrenceIndicator)?
::= 'as' SequenceType
::= 'empty-sequence' '(' ')'
| ItemType ( OccurrenceIndicator / )
::= '?'
| '*'^OccurrenceIndicator
| '+'
ItemType ::= KindTest
| 'item' '(' ')'
| FunctionTest
| AtomicOrUnionType
| ParenthesizedItemType
::= EQName
KindTest ::= DocumentTest
| ElementTest
| AttributeTest
| SchemaElementTest
| SchemaAttributeTest
| PITest
| CommentTest
| TextTest
| NamespaceNodeTest
| AnyKindTest
| BinaryTest
::= 'binary' '(' ')'
::= 'node' '(' ')'
::= 'document-node' '(' ( ElementTest | SchemaElementTest )? ')'
TextTest ::= 'text' '(' ')'
::= 'comment' '(' ')'
::= 'namespace-node' '(' ')'
PITest ::= 'processing-instruction' '(' ( NCName | StringLiteral )? ')'
::= 'attribute' '(' ( AttribNameOrWildcard ( ',' TypeName )? )? ')'
::= AttributeName
| '*'
::= 'schema-attribute' '(' AttributeDeclaration ')'
::= AttributeName
::= 'element' '(' ( ElementNameOrWildcard ( ',' TypeName '?'? )? )? ')'
::= ElementName
| '*'
::= 'schema-element' '(' ElementDeclaration ')'
::= ElementName
::= EQName
::= EQName
TypeName ::= EQName
::= Annotation* ( AnyFunctionTest | TypedFunctionTest )
::= 'function' '(' '*' ')'
::= 'function' '(' ( SequenceType ( ',' SequenceType )* )? ')' 'as' SequenceType
::= '(' ItemType ')'
::= 'declare' 'revalidation' ( 'strict' | 'lax' | 'skip' )
::= ( 'as' ( 'first' | 'last' ) )? 'into'
| 'after'
| 'before'
::= 'insert' ( 'node' | 'nodes' ) SourceExpr InsertExprTargetChoice TargetExpr
::= 'delete' ( 'node' | 'nodes' ) TargetExpr
::= 'replace' ( 'value' 'of' )? 'node' TargetExpr 'with' ExprSingle
::= 'rename' 'node' TargetExpr 'as' NewNameExpr
::= ExprSingle
::= ExprSingle
::= ExprSingle
::= 'copy' '$' VarName ':=' ExprSingle ( ',' '$' VarName ':=' ExprSingle )* 'modify' ExprSingle 'return' ExprSingle
FTOptionDecl ::= "declare" "ft-option" FTMatchOptions
FTSelection ::= FTOr FTPosFilter*
FTWeight ::= "weight" "{" Expr "}"
FTOr ::= FTAnd ( "ftor" FTAnd )*
FTAnd ::= FTMildNot ( "ftand" FTMildNot )*
FTMildNot ::= FTUnaryNot ( "not" "in" FTUnaryNot )*
FTUnaryNot ::= ("ftnot")? FTPrimaryWithOptions
FTPrimaryWithOptions ::= FTPrimary FTMatchOptions? FTWeight?
FTPrimary ::= (FTWords FTTimes?) | ("(" FTSelection ")") | FTExtensionSelection
FTWords ::= FTWordsValue FTAnyallOption?
FTWordsValue ::= StringLiteral | ("{" Expr "}")
FTExtensionSelection ::= Pragma+ "{" FTSelection? "}"
FTAnyallOption ::= ("any" "word"?) | ("all" "words"?) | "phrase"
FTTimes ::= "occurs" FTRange "times"
FTRange ::= ("exactly" AdditiveExpr)
| ("at" "least" AdditiveExpr)
| ("at" "most" AdditiveExpr)
| ("from" AdditiveExpr "to" AdditiveExpr)
FTPosFilter ::= FTOrder | FTWindow | FTDistance | FTScope | FTContent
FTOrder ::= "ordered"
FTWindow ::= "window" AdditiveExpr FTUnit
FTDistance ::= "distance" FTRange FTUnit
FTUnit ::= "words" | "sentences" | "paragraphs"
FTScope ::= ("same" | "different") FTBigUnit
FTBigUnit ::= "sentence" | "paragraph"
FTContent ::= ("at" "start") | ("at" "end") | ("entire" "content")
FTMatchOptions ::= ("using" FTMatchOption)+
FTMatchOption ::= FTLanguageOption
| FTWildCardOption
| FTThesaurusOption
| FTStemOption
| FTCaseOption
| FTDiacriticsOption
| FTStopWordOption
| FTExtensionOption
FTCaseOption ::= ("case" "insensitive")
| ("case" "sensitive")
| "lowercase"
| "uppercase"
FTDiacriticsOption ::= ("diacritics" "insensitive")
| ("diacritics" "sensitive")
FTStemOption ::= "stemming" | ("no" "stemming")
FTThesaurusOption ::= ("thesaurus" (FTThesaurusID | "default"))
| ("thesaurus" "(" (FTThesaurusID | "default") ("," FTThesaurusID)* ")")
| ("no" "thesaurus")
FTThesaurusID ::= "at" URILiteral ("relationship" StringLiteral)? (FTLiteralRange "levels")?
FTLiteralRange ::= ("exactly" IntegerLiteral)
| ("at" "least" IntegerLiteral)
| ("at" "most" IntegerLiteral)
| ("from" IntegerLiteral "to" IntegerLiteral)
FTStopWordOption ::= ("stop" "words" FTStopWords FTStopWordsInclExcl*)
| ("stop" "words" "default" FTStopWordsInclExcl*)
| ("no" "stop" "words")
FTStopWords ::= ("at" URILiteral)
| ("(" StringLiteral ("," StringLiteral)* ")")
FTStopWordsInclExcl ::= ("union" | "except") FTStopWords
FTLanguageOption ::= "language" StringLiteral
FTWildCardOption ::= "wildcards" | ("no" "wildcards")
FTExtensionOption ::= "option" EQName StringLiteral
FTIgnoreOption ::= "without" "content" UnionExpr
EQName ::= QName | URIQualifiedName
QName ::= FunctionQName
| 'attribute'
| 'binary'
| 'comment'
| 'document-node'
| 'element'
| 'empty-sequence'
| 'function'
| 'if'
| 'item'
| 'namespace-node'
| 'node'
| 'processing-instruction'
| 'schema-attribute'
| 'schema-element'
| 'switch'
| 'text'
| 'typeswitch'
FunctionName ::= FunctionQName | URIQualifiedName
::= QName^Token
| 'contains'
| 'paragraphs'
| 'sentences'
| 'times'
| 'words'
| 'after'
| 'as'
| 'before'
| 'copy'
| 'delete'
| 'first'
| 'insert'
| 'into'
| 'last'
| 'modify'
| 'rename'
| 'replace'
| 'with'
| 'private'
| 'ancestor'
| 'ancestor-or-self'
| 'and'
| 'ascending'
| 'case'
| 'cast'
| 'castable'
| 'catch'
| 'child'
| 'collation'
| 'count'
| 'declare'
| 'default'
| 'descendant'
| 'descendant-or-self'
| 'descending'
| 'div'
| 'document'
| 'else'
| 'empty'
| 'end'
| 'eq'
| 'every'
| 'except'
| 'following'
| 'following-sibling'
| 'for'
| 'ge'
| 'group'
| 'gt'
| 'idiv'
| 'import'
| 'instance'
| 'intersect'
| 'is'
| 'le'
| 'let'
| 'lt'
| 'mod'
| 'module'
| 'namespace'
| 'ne'
| 'only'
| 'or'
| 'order'
| 'ordered'
| 'parent'
| 'preceding'
| 'preceding-sibling'
| 'property'
| 'return'
| 'satisfies'
| 'self'
| 'some'
| 'stable'
| 'start'
| 'to'
| 'treat'
| 'try'
| 'union'
| 'unordered'
| 'validate'
| 'where'
| 'xquery'
NCName ::= NCName^Token
| 'contains'
| 'paragraphs'
| 'sentences'
| 'times'
| 'words'
| 'after'
| 'as'
| 'before'
| 'into'
| 'modify'
| 'with'
| 'and'
| 'ascending'
| 'case'
| 'cast'
| 'castable'
| 'collation'
| 'count'
| 'default'
| 'descending'
| 'div'
| 'else'
| 'empty'
| 'end'
| 'eq'
| 'except'
| 'for'
| 'ge'
| 'group'
| 'gt'
| 'idiv'
| 'instance'
| 'intersect'
| 'is'
| 'le'
| 'let'
| 'lt'
| 'mod'
| 'ne'
| 'only'
| 'or'
| 'order'
| 'return'
| 'satisfies'
| 'stable'
| 'start'
| 'to'
| 'treat'
| 'try'
| 'union'
| 'where'
::= S^WS
| Comment
/* ws: definition */
Comment ::= '(:' ( CommentContents | Comment )* ':)'
/* ws: explicit */
EOF ::= $
::= ( Char* - ( Char* '#)' Char* ) ) & '#'
::= ( ( Char - '-' ) | '-' ( Char - '-' ) )*
/* ws: explicit */
::= ( Char* - ( Char* '?>' Char* ) ) & '?'
/* ws: explicit */
::= ( Char* - ( Char* ']]>' Char* ) ) & ']]'
/* ws: explicit */
Wildcard ::= '*'
| NCName ':' '*'
| '*' ':' NCName
| URILiteral ':' '*'
/* ws: explicit */
::= URILiteral ':' NCName
/* ws: explicit */
::= StringLiteral
::= Digits
::= '.' Digits
| Digits '.' [0-9]*
/* ws: explicit */
::= ( '.' Digits | Digits ( '.' [0-9]* )? ) [eE] [+#x2D]? Digits
/* ws: explicit */
::= '"' ( PredefinedEntityRef | CharRef | EscapeQuot | [^"&] )* '"'
| "'" ( PredefinedEntityRef | CharRef | EscapeApos | [^'&] )* "'"
/* ws: explicit */
::= '&' [A-Za-z]+ ';'
/* ws: explicit */
::= '""'
::= "''"
::= Char - [{}<&]
::= Char - ["{}<&]
::= Char - ['{}<&]
PITarget ::= Name - ( ( 'X' | 'x' ) ( 'M' | 'm' ) ( 'L' | 'l' ) )
::= ':'
| [A-Z]
| '_'
| [a-z]
| [#x00C0-#x00D6]
| [#x00D8-#x00F6]
| [#x00F8-#x02FF]
| [#x0370-#x037D]
| [#x037F-#x1FFF]
| [#x200C-#x200D]
| [#x2070-#x218F]
| [#x2C00-#x2FEF]
| [#x3001-#xD7FF]
| [#xF900-#xFDCF]
| [#xFDF0-#xFFFD]
| [#x10000-#xEFFFF]
NameChar ::= NameStartChar
| '-'
| '.'
| [0-9]
| #x00B7
| [#x0300-#x036F]
| [#x203F-#x2040]
Name ::= NameStartChar NameChar*
CharRef ::= '&#' [0-9]+ ';'
| '&#x' [0-9a-fA-F]+ ';'
NCName ::= Name - ( Char* ':' Char* )
QName ::= PrefixedName
| UnprefixedName
::= Prefix ':' LocalPart
::= LocalPart
Prefix ::= NCName
::= NCName
S ::= ( #x0020 | #x0009 | #x000D | #x000A )+
Char ::= #x0009
| #x000A
| #x000D
| [#x0020-#xD7FF]
| [#xE000-#xFFFD]
| [#x10000-#x10FFFF]
Digits ::= [0-9]+
::= ( ( [^(:] | '('+ [^(:] | ':'+ [^:)] )+ | '(' ) '('* & '('
| ( ( [^(:] | '('+ [^(:] | ':'+ [^:)] )+ | ':' ) ':'* & ':'
'*' << Wildcard '*'^OccurrenceIndicator
<< 'contains' 'paragraphs' 'sentences' 'times' 'words' 'after' 'as' 'before' 'copy' 'delete' 'first' 'insert' 'into' 'last' 'modify' 'rename' 'replace' 'with' 'private' 'ancestor' 'ancestor-or-self' 'and' 'ascending' 'attribute' 'binary' 'catch' 'case' 'cast' 'castable' 'child' 'collation' 'comment' 'count' 'declare' 'default' 'descendant' 'descendant-or-self' 'descending' 'div' 'document' 'document-node' 'element' 'else' 'empty' 'empty-sequence' 'end' 'eq' 'every' 'except' 'following' 'following-sibling' 'for' 'function' 'ge' 'group' 'gt' 'idiv' 'if' 'import' 'instance' 'intersect' 'is' 'item' 'le' 'let' 'lt' 'mod' 'module' 'namespace' 'namespace-node' 'ne' 'node' 'only' 'or' 'order' 'ordered' 'parent' 'preceding' 'preceding-sibling' 'processing-instruction' 'property' 'return' 'satisfies' 'schema-attribute' 'schema-element' 'self' 'some' 'stable' 'start' 'switch' 'text' 'to' 'treat' 'try' 'typeswitch' 'union' 'unordered' 'validate' 'where' 'xquery'
<< 'contains' 'paragraphs' 'sentences' 'times' 'words' 'after' 'as' 'before' 'into' 'modify' 'with' 'try' 'and' 'ascending' 'case' 'cast' 'castable' 'collation' 'count' 'default' 'descending' 'div' 'else' 'empty' 'end' 'eq' 'except' 'for' 'ge' 'group' 'gt' 'idiv' 'instance' 'intersect' 'is' 'le' 'let' 'lt' 'mod' 'ne' 'only' 'or' 'order' 'return' 'satisfies' 'stable' 'start' 'to' 'treat' 'union' 'where'
xquery version "1.0" encoding "UTF-8";
(: This file was generated on Mon Feb 11, 2013 14:37 (UTC+01) by REx v5.23 which is Copyright (c) 1979-2013 by Gunther Rademacher <> :)
(: REx command line: XQueryML30.ebnf -xquery -tree -backtrack :)
: The parser that was generated for the XQueryML30 grammar.
module namespace p="XQueryML30";
declare default function namespace "";
: The index of the parser state for accessing the combined
: (i.e. level > 1) lookahead code.
declare variable $p:lk := 1;
: The index of the parser state for accessing the position in the
: input string of the begin of the token that has been shifted.
declare variable $p:b0 := 2;
: The index of the parser state for accessing the position in the
: input string of the end of the token that has been shifted.
declare variable $p:e0 := 3;
: The index of the parser state for accessing the code of the
: level-1-lookahead token.
declare variable $p:l1 := 4;
: The index of the parser state for accessing the position in the
: input string of the begin of the level-1-lookahead token.
declare variable $p:b1 := 5;
: The index of the parser state for accessing the position in the
: input string of the end of the level-1-lookahead token.
declare variable $p:e1 := 6;
: The index of the parser state for accessing the code of the
: level-2-lookahead token.
declare variable $p:l2 := 7;
: The index of the parser state for accessing the position in the
: input string of the begin of the level-2-lookahead token.
declare variable $p:b2 := 8;
: The index of the parser state for accessing the position in the
: input string of the end of the level-2-lookahead token.
declare variable $p:e2 := 9;
: The index of the parser state for accessing the code of the
: level-3-lookahead token.
declare variable $p:l3 := 10;
: The index of the parser state for accessing the position in the
: input string of the begin of the level-3-lookahead token.
declare variable $p:b3 := 11;
: The index of the parser state for accessing the position in the
: input string of the end of the level-3-lookahead token.
declare variable $p:e3 := 12;
: The index of the parser state for accessing the token code that
: was expected when an error was found.
declare variable $p:error := 13;
: The index of the parser state for accessing the memoization
: of backtracking results.
declare variable $p:memo := 14;
: The index of the parser state that points to the first entry
: used for collecting action results.
declare variable $p:result := 15;
: The codepoint to charclass mapping for 7 bit codepoints.
declare variable $p:MAP0 as xs:integer+ :=
69, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28,
29, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 31, 32, 33, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 34, 30, 30, 30, 35, 30, 30, 36, 37, 38, 37, 39, 37, 40,
41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 30, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 37,
: The codepoint to charclass mapping for codepoints below the surrogate block.
declare variable $p:MAP1 as xs:integer+ :=
108, 124, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 156, 181, 181, 181, 181, 181, 214,
215, 213, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214,
214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214,
214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214,
214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 247, 261, 277, 293, 309, 324, 370,
386, 422, 422, 422, 414, 354, 346, 354, 346, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354,
354, 354, 439, 439, 439, 439, 439, 439, 439, 339, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 400, 422, 422, 423, 421,
422, 422, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 422, 422, 422,
422, 422, 422, 422, 422, 422, 422, 422, 422, 422, 422, 422, 422, 422, 422, 422, 422, 422, 422, 422, 422, 422, 422,
422, 422, 422, 422, 422, 422, 353, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354,
354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 354, 422, 69, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1,
0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 31, 32,
33, 30, 30, 30, 30, 34, 30, 30, 30, 35, 30, 30, 36, 37, 38, 37, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39,
39, 37, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 37, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 30,
49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37,
37, 37, 39, 39, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 68, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 68,
68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68
: The codepoint to charclass mapping for codepoints above the surrogate block.
declare variable $p:MAP2 as xs:integer+ :=
57344, 63744, 64976, 65008, 65536, 983040, 63743, 64975, 65007, 65533, 983039, 1114111, 37, 39, 37, 39, 39, 37
: The token-set-id to DFA-initial-state mapping.
declare variable $p:INITIAL as xs:integer+ :=
1, 16386, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,
32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60,
61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89,
90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114,
115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137,
138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160,
161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183,
184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206,
207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229,
230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252,
: The DFA transition table.
declare variable $p:TRANSITION as xs:integer+ :=
18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031,
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17984, 18031, 18031, 18031, 37033, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18630,
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24094, 24094, 24094, 26310, 31318, 32955, 28200, 28216, 28239, 22484, 37148, 28264, 26934, 33026, 28282, 36587, 28301,
18031, 18031, 28336, 28367, 28398, 28425, 28475, 28510, 18031, 30678, 28558, 28583, 28606, 22537, 22383, 28635, 33717,
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24094, 27080, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 35166, 32235, 24830, 25080, 28265, 28265, 28265, 29446,
20898, 24094, 24094, 24094, 28124, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 27232, 32235, 23768, 30020, 28265, 28265, 28266,
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18031, 18031, 18031, 27233, 34104, 28265, 22790, 24094, 36588, 18031, 18031, 27232, 37115, 28265, 36582, 36587, 18031,
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28901, 18031, 37033, 26532, 28918, 31558, 26387, 18031, 36319, 35170, 28965, 28956, 28981, 34588, 24201, 24980, 33769,
29029, 18031, 27505, 29054, 29087, 33315, 29034, 28653, 26647, 37863, 23769, 29122, 29148, 25578, 29176, 29200, 31077,
29236, 33003, 27080, 29271, 18031, 29291, 26836, 18031, 18031, 18031, 34095, 32235, 24830, 26257, 29307, 29329, 34250,
29446, 29346, 29374, 20900, 24094, 28124, 23082, 29996, 18031, 29402, 18031, 27232, 32235, 29418, 30020, 28265, 37484,
29438, 20007, 24094, 30806, 25689, 26310, 29462, 18031, 21200, 18031, 21681, 37841, 29184, 28265, 26934, 25696, 24094,
36587, 34283, 18031, 32065, 18066, 34104, 29481, 23922, 24094, 36588, 32131, 18031, 29498, 37115, 28265, 36582, 36587,
26607, 27233, 23411, 37888, 27765, 18031, 35458, 36585, 26667, 27406, 26669, 27408, 23415, 34564, 29517, 20139, 35981,
29573, 26811, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031,
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18031, 29751, 18031, 37033, 31559, 18031, 31558, 20239, 18031, 26973, 35170, 29752, 29743, 23063, 24137, 24201, 25015,
25940, 20879, 24077, 19552, 18030, 32740, 33315, 18031, 18031, 19572, 32235, 29768, 36301, 29804, 35462, 32415, 35516,
31086, 29966, 29530, 27080, 34289, 22073, 18031, 18031, 21434, 18031, 18031, 35166, 32235, 24830, 25080, 29831, 37987,
28265, 29446, 29858, 29871, 29893, 24094, 28124, 32775, 28931, 18031, 29100, 29912, 27232, 32235, 23768, 30020, 32467,
23201, 29937, 20007, 25378, 24094, 29961, 26310, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 35166, 37841, 28265, 28265, 26934, 24094,
24094, 36587, 18031, 18031, 18031, 27233, 34104, 28265, 22790, 24094, 32578, 18031, 18031, 27232, 37115, 28265, 36582,
36587, 18031, 27233, 23411, 22791, 24095, 18031, 35458, 36585, 35974, 29982, 30017, 27408, 23415, 34564, 27403, 35980,
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19771, 18031, 33308, 18031, 20973, 30205, 18031, 31558, 33295, 30292, 35129, 30230, 30265, 30281, 30308, 36656, 30338,
26700, 25940, 30354, 18031, 30382, 30424, 26169, 35815, 34135, 21218, 38268, 32236, 23874, 30445, 30469, 28713, 35251,
35516, 33017, 30496, 30515, 27080, 30536, 18031, 30553, 18031, 27360, 18031, 18031, 28567, 32235, 34500, 25080, 37280,
28265, 28265, 29446, 30575, 24094, 24094, 24094, 28124, 22654, 18031, 36431, 18031, 30988, 30591, 32235, 30626, 22865,
28265, 37399, 37578, 28067, 24094, 26209, 35945, 22393, 30648, 30892, 30676, 30975, 30694, 30723, 29160, 30753, 30773,
20150, 22204, 30830, 27729, 30856, 30878, 18318, 34104, 30913, 22790, 30938, 36588, 33334, 18031, 37455, 33122, 31145,
21982, 30961, 31010, 38054, 25565, 25726, 31030, 23678, 31059, 31110, 21561, 25911, 31133, 34659, 36345, 23337, 27403,
35980, 31173, 36192, 27206, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031, 18031,
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31274, 19771, 19133, 19656, 38316, 31290, 31312, 18031, 31334, 34159, 31350, 31432, 31366, 30066, 31419, 31405, 31448,
36116, 31464, 31499, 20879, 18031, 22102, 18030, 31534, 21759, 37345, 18031, 19572, 31575, 28248, 18031, 25085, 24519,
32096, 35516, 24094, 31479, 31597, 27080, 29275, 18031, 29106, 18031, 31632, 30041, 31667, 31687, 31711, 30632, 28522,
28265, 35888, 28265, 31757, 31805, 24112, 31828, 22209, 28124, 18031, 31847, 18031, 18031, 18031, 27232, 32235, 27877,
30020, 27428, 28265, 28266, 20007, 36152, 24094, 24094, 26310, 18031, 20299, 21822, 18031, 35166, 37841, 28265, 28265,
26934, 24094, 24094, 36587, 18031, 32126, 18031, 27233, 28027, 23612, 30757, 35587, 22812, 31895, 18031, 28149, 37115,
31914, 22602, 36587, 18031, 27233, 23411, 22791, 24095, 31931, 31950, 31971, 31987, 19620, 18676, 32016, 23415, 34564,
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30021, 24201, 24094, 25940, 32163, 32199, 19552, 18030, 33174, 29594, 18031, 32216, 19572, 32233, 35427, 18031, 32252,
25762, 28619, 35516, 22611, 36530, 32268, 27080, 18031, 26312, 18031, 27458, 35287, 18031, 18031, 35166, 32235, 24830,
25080, 28265, 28265, 32303, 29446, 20898, 24094, 31483, 24094, 28124, 30994, 18031, 19515, 37194, 23673, 21672, 32322,
23768, 30020, 28719, 28265, 28266, 20007, 29896, 32347, 24094, 26310, 20990, 18031, 18031, 18031, 35166, 37841, 28265,
36370, 26934, 24094, 33034, 36587, 18031, 18031, 18031, 27233, 34104, 28265, 22790, 24094, 36588, 18031, 32366, 27232,
32386, 36086, 36582, 32431, 18031, 27233, 23411, 22791, 24095, 18031, 35458, 22840, 32457, 27406, 37382, 27408, 23415,
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32502, 24184, 22577, 32519, 32539, 20879, 18031, 19552, 18030, 18031, 33315, 18031, 18031, 19572, 32235, 23769, 18031,
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32942, 25052, 34972, 32989, 34918, 25940, 20879, 18031, 21161, 33050, 33073, 33095, 28320, 18031, 19572, 33138, 33167,
33190, 33225, 23607, 33244, 33816, 24094, 33264, 24094, 33280, 18031, 20882, 18031, 36769, 18031, 33331, 32183, 35166,
25605, 21935, 28702, 22159, 28265, 29313, 33350, 33399, 20039, 24094, 35859, 28124, 18031, 33421, 28994, 33437, 29658,
33457, 34326, 31695, 21621, 29482, 33473, 21840, 28184, 24094, 33489, 33524, 33544, 18031, 32370, 33579, 33599, 22690,
36180, 33678, 36559, 26934, 25312, 33405, 19591, 18031, 33618, 18031, 27233, 34104, 28265, 36675, 24094, 25022, 34470,
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0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 618, 0, 425984, 823296, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1705, 0, 0, 90539, 90539,
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0, 1668, 1931, 815104, 1932, 0, 884736, 0, 1934, 0, 0, 1003520, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 696320, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 155648, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 647168, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1947, 368640, 0, 626688, 0, 90539, 369067, 90539, 0, 94727,
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94735, 94735, 369167, 94735, 94735, 94735, 94735, 96195, 94735, 94735, 627215, 0, 0, 0, 704512, 0, 880640, 2006, 0, 0,
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0, 0, 0, 37421, 268, 0, 53809, 271, 0, 324, 0, 0, 890, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 631, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 980,
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: The DFA-state to expected-token-set mapping.
declare variable $p:EXPECTED as xs:integer+ :=
623, 626, 628, 626, 632, 636, 640, 644, 648, 655, 654, 996, 1462, 1561, 655, 897, 700, 660, 1524, 1321, 670, 1071,
693, 2060, 725, 676, 707, 685, 655, 1264, 655, 691, 697, 725, 727, 706, 707, 712, 655, 904, 1873, 1876, 725, 728, 707,
702, 655, 655, 719, 725, 1879, 708, 655, 971, 723, 735, 679, 2078, 732, 736, 971, 740, 1882, 744, 1391, 1632, 748,
752, 756, 760, 764, 765, 769, 772, 776, 780, 784, 788, 655, 964, 655, 792, 655, 655, 655, 655, 796, 655, 655, 857,
655, 655, 655, 655, 655, 655, 803, 655, 655, 1435, 655, 655, 655, 655, 655, 655, 655, 655, 1578, 655, 655, 655, 655,
655, 655, 655, 663, 655, 655, 655, 655, 655, 809, 655, 655, 655, 1437, 655, 655, 805, 655, 655, 655, 655, 655, 655,
655, 655, 1679, 1932, 655, 993, 1026, 815, 819, 823, 827, 834, 655, 811, 840, 844, 1281, 848, 852, 930, 856, 655,
1420, 861, 865, 1284, 871, 1615, 877, 1054, 882, 655, 887, 901, 966, 910, 655, 919, 655, 883, 835, 1116, 830, 912,
917, 655, 923, 655, 1309, 1378, 1388, 1918, 878, 929, 1300, 1419, 934, 925, 1590, 1378, 938, 1884, 1329, 1773, 942,
1302, 1141, 946, 1144, 952, 961, 655, 1479, 970, 1311, 975, 979, 983, 987, 990, 957, 1649, 1728, 1921, 1006, 1010,
1014, 1018, 1024, 1245, 1468, 1915, 1030, 1034, 1044, 1048, 655, 1558, 655, 1385, 1534, 1058, 1062, 1066, 1250, 1070,
655, 1075, 655, 1376, 1081, 1088, 1092, 1020, 655, 1255, 1096, 1344, 1410, 1155, 1779, 1101, 1942, 1474, 1106, 1110,
1114, 1417, 1130, 1120, 1124, 1128, 1134, 1138, 1148, 1152, 1159, 1163, 1167, 1171, 1175, 655, 1051, 655, 1185, 1189,
1193, 1197, 1201, 913, 1205, 1210, 1214, 1084, 1221, 1225, 1513, 1290, 1954, 1053, 1229, 1233, 955, 1239, 1243, 1249,
687, 1254, 1662, 1331, 1809, 1235, 2058, 1259, 1268, 655, 1840, 655, 1955, 1945, 890, 1278, 895, 1288, 655, 1294, 655,
1306, 1315, 1576, 1319, 906, 1577, 1326, 1217, 799, 1519, 1040, 1697, 1180, 1181, 1739, 1335, 1339, 1348, 1352, 1361,
1365, 1369, 1373, 655, 1904, 1382, 1935, 948, 1395, 1399, 1403, 655, 1407, 1536, 1722, 1414, 1424, 1428, 1432, 1441,
655, 1445, 1297, 1969, 1452, 1456, 1460, 1629, 655, 1820, 655, 1466, 1472, 1448, 867, 1855, 1097, 1478, 655, 1483,
1678, 1490, 893, 1494, 1037, 873, 655, 656, 655, 1891, 1498, 1502, 1987, 655, 1967, 1506, 1510, 1517, 1523, 1528,
1540, 1547, 1584, 1551, 1555, 1690, 1565, 1569, 1707, 1573, 1582, 655, 655, 655, 1588, 1594, 1598, 1602, 1606, 1610,
1614, 2033, 1619, 1626, 1636, 655, 1640, 1644, 1178, 1648, 1982, 1960, 1653, 1673, 1997, 1657, 2020, 1661, 1102, 1666,
1357, 1754, 1671, 1677, 1683, 655, 1687, 655, 1002, 655, 1694, 1701, 1705, 1711, 655, 1715, 655, 2072, 2003, 1622,
1858, 1721, 1726, 2070, 1776, 1732, 1736, 1531, 1743, 1747, 1751, 1758, 1762, 1766, 1770, 1783, 1787, 1794, 1790,
1798, 1802, 1806, 655, 1667, 1813, 1817, 1827, 1831, 1835, 1838, 655, 1543, 1844, 1848, 1852, 1823, 1862, 1866, 1870,
655, 1888, 1895, 1899, 1903, 1908, 2077, 1912, 655, 999, 655, 1925, 1929, 1939, 1949, 1953, 836, 1959, 655, 1964, 650,
1973, 1977, 1077, 1981, 1717, 655, 672, 1986, 1991, 1342, 1995, 666, 655, 2001, 2007, 2011, 714, 681, 2015, 2019, 715,
2024, 1355, 2028, 2032, 2037, 655, 655, 655, 655, 655, 655, 655, 1271, 2043, 1274, 2047, 2051, 2055, 655, 655, 655,
2064, 1206, 655, 655, 655, 655, 655, 655, 655, 1261, 655, 655, 655, 655, 655, 655, 655, 655, 655, 1263, 655, 655, 655,
655, 655, 655, 655, 655, 2039, 655, 655, 655, 655, 655, 655, 655, 1486, 655, 655, 655, 655, 655, 2068, 655, 655, 655,
2076, 655, 655, 1262, 655, 1485, 655, 655, 655, 655, 655, 1322, 2082, 2089, 2093, 2102, 2102, 2102, 2102, 2097, 2101,
2106, 2102, 2118, 2112, 2110, 2116, 2122, 2126, 2129, 2131, 2135, 2139, 2143, 2147, 2151, 2155, 2168, 2172, 2176,
2176, 2176, 4061, 3272, 2176, 2176, 2176, 2176, 2246, 2207, 2216, 2264, 2176, 2176, 3869, 2176, 2176, 4051, 4098,
2410, 2223, 2176, 2176, 2176, 4071, 2984, 2229, 3049, 3049, 2302, 2176, 2176, 2176, 4128, 2243, 2219, 2176, 2176,
2176, 4100, 2562, 2564, 2564, 2564, 2565, 2176, 2281, 2176, 3044, 2982, 2199, 3049, 3049, 2260, 2265, 2201, 3049,
3049, 3049, 3049, 2232, 2260, 2263, 2176, 2176, 2176, 4120, 2176, 2562, 2564, 2280, 3044, 2565, 2979, 2982, 2982,
2982, 2982, 2983, 2256, 3049, 2565, 3045, 2982, 2982, 3047, 3049, 3049, 2203, 2567, 2982, 2982, 2295, 2291, 2982,
2296, 2202, 2980, 2294, 3050, 3044, 2293, 3049, 3045, 3048, 2980, 2300, 3046, 2308, 2311, 3255, 4149, 2370, 2315,
2325, 2325, 2325, 2319, 2373, 2323, 2325, 2325, 4193, 2331, 2327, 2334, 2338, 2342, 2346, 2350, 2352, 2356, 2359,
2363, 2367, 2377, 2381, 2385, 3617, 2395, 2658, 4079, 2176, 2176, 2417, 2176, 4027, 2421, 2176, 2176, 4123, 3210,
2176, 3625, 2176, 2176, 2435, 2176, 2176, 3976, 2176, 2176, 2524, 2810, 2741, 2688, 2468, 2480, 2484, 2488, 2490,
2494, 2496, 2500, 2504, 2505, 2509, 2513, 3681, 2176, 2212, 2645, 2085, 2519, 2599, 2176, 2176, 2176, 2304, 3558,
4136, 2176, 2530, 2995, 2176, 2438, 2536, 3479, 2817, 3033, 2543, 2164, 2176, 2176, 2163, 2845, 2176, 2176, 2176,
2428, 4138, 3119, 2554, 2842, 2283, 2560, 2176, 2176, 2600, 3423, 2589, 2593, 2176, 2176, 2606, 3446, 3406, 2176,
2176, 2176, 2430, 2598, 2176, 2176, 2176, 2476, 2892, 2176, 2176, 3119, 2401, 3196, 2761, 2176, 2176, 2549, 2176,
2176, 3045, 2982, 2605, 2610, 2616, 2176, 2275, 2176, 2176, 2176, 4124, 3438, 2620, 2611, 2176, 2176, 2176, 2525,
3403, 2628, 2176, 2176, 2624, 2638, 3376, 2635, 2639, 2176, 2176, 2235, 2663, 2176, 2176, 2176, 2549, 2803, 2876,
2176, 2431, 2545, 2631, 2176, 2252, 2176, 3890, 2176, 3499, 2669, 2682, 2735, 2176, 3893, 2464, 3522, 2668, 3616,
2176, 2391, 2176, 2176, 2925, 2176, 2669, 2670, 3618, 2176, 2407, 2176, 2176, 2266, 2176, 2926, 2176, 2176, 2176,
2562, 2699, 2176, 3119, 3553, 2249, 3096, 3487, 4190, 2706, 2710, 2714, 2718, 2721, 2723, 2727, 2731, 2731, 2734,
2176, 2442, 2449, 2176, 2185, 2193, 2176, 2158, 3485, 2176, 2176, 3832, 3706, 2471, 2822, 2740, 2745, 3668, 2176,
2755, 2766, 3712, 3667, 2176, 3190, 2776, 3137, 2176, 2176, 2751, 2930, 3136, 2782, 2176, 2176, 2777, 2459, 2389,
2793, 2401, 2474, 2807, 4039, 2691, 2599, 3010, 2913, 2176, 2526, 2176, 3227, 2176, 4047, 2816, 2821, 2267, 3780,
2826, 2176, 2532, 3101, 2176, 2176, 2176, 2869, 2178, 3058, 2849, 2462, 2401, 4025, 4159, 3812, 2854, 2176, 3745,
2873, 2898, 2176, 2176, 2176, 2564, 3755, 2904, 2176, 2176, 2812, 2678, 3967, 2176, 3119, 2454, 2176, 2176, 3114,
2850, 3009, 2402, 4158, 4164, 2921, 2176, 3528, 2906, 2176, 2176, 2176, 2585, 2888, 2176, 2176, 2176, 2772, 2282,
2939, 2177, 2455, 2422, 4156, 2601, 3462, 2176, 3541, 2176, 2176, 2908, 2176, 4230, 3251, 3250, 3462, 2550, 2977,
2176, 2550, 2977, 2176, 2989, 2176, 3969, 2176, 2971, 2424, 4156, 3249, 4142, 2176, 4140, 2176, 2682, 2176, 2670,
2800, 2421, 3617, 2988, 2270, 3039, 4141, 2429, 2993, 2999, 3731, 3042, 4157, 3948, 4018, 4017, 2999, 3732, 2994,
4018, 3003, 3516, 3515, 2999, 3512, 3597, 4052, 2669, 2412, 3618, 2271, 3617, 2583, 2176, 2702, 2176, 2176, 3240,
2176, 2526, 3015, 3026, 2176, 3288, 2666, 3030, 2656, 3054, 3064, 3068, 3072, 3076, 3080, 3082, 3084, 3088, 3091,
3091, 3091, 3095, 3100, 2176, 2176, 2176, 2849, 2612, 3142, 2176, 3426, 3276, 2179, 3106, 3262, 2453, 2224, 2224,
2176, 3878, 2176, 3110, 3175, 4067, 3381, 3473, 3141, 2176, 3425, 3275, 3459, 3108, 2187, 2760, 2176, 4086, 3146,
2176, 2176, 3152, 3158, 3163, 2176, 3164, 3610, 2176, 3169, 2176, 2176, 2176, 2885, 2398, 2176, 2176, 2176, 2934,
3278, 3955, 2176, 2176, 3021, 2176, 2176, 2176, 4014, 2176, 3649, 3187, 2176, 2747, 4163, 4033, 3685, 4039, 4178,
2225, 2176, 3202, 2176, 2769, 2195, 2176, 2268, 2571, 2577, 3164, 3206, 2176, 2176, 3134, 2176, 2176, 4002, 3210,
2176, 2777, 3358, 2176, 2795, 2176, 2176, 2669, 3254, 3217, 2176, 3017, 2176, 2797, 2176, 2176, 2659, 2695, 4122,
2187, 3057, 2224, 2176, 3851, 3242, 2176, 2176, 2176, 2282, 3449, 2176, 3018, 2176, 2860, 2176, 2176, 2671, 3179,
2176, 3775, 2176, 3222, 3242, 2978, 3785, 2176, 2879, 2176, 2176, 3608, 2867, 3212, 2176, 3220, 3970, 3260, 3220,
3219, 2176, 2880, 2176, 2176, 3747, 3447, 3261, 3221, 3220, 3259, 3412, 3212, 2176, 3411, 3218, 3785, 3220, 3266,
3413, 3786, 3213, 2176, 2917, 2176, 2176, 2890, 2176, 3286, 2176, 2735, 2176, 2924, 2452, 2176, 2644, 2649, 2176,
2292, 3047, 2202, 2445, 3293, 3297, 3301, 3305, 3309, 3317, 3311, 3313, 3321, 3321, 3321, 2176, 3701, 3285, 2176,
2938, 2176, 3056, 3277, 3007, 2573, 2176, 2966, 2176, 2176, 2909, 2176, 3942, 3325, 3335, 3232, 3343, 3642, 3349,
3353, 4174, 2599, 4107, 2685, 2176, 2969, 2176, 2176, 2437, 2176, 4204, 2176, 2176, 4203, 2176, 3702, 3101, 2176,
2971, 3364, 3417, 3364, 3369, 2177, 3375, 2176, 3725, 2176, 3011, 3556, 3380, 2176, 2176, 3148, 2176, 3701, 2161,
2176, 2176, 3153, 2787, 3345, 3400, 2176, 2176, 3164, 2960, 3387, 2176, 2176, 2176, 3059, 2640, 3395, 2176, 2176,
3165, 2176, 2176, 3435, 2176, 2176, 3442, 3365, 2176, 2176, 3718, 3360, 2176, 2971, 3466, 3472, 2176, 3477, 2912,
2176, 3883, 2176, 3331, 2761, 3277, 3839, 2176, 3124, 3388, 3135, 3939, 2788, 2176, 2176, 3223, 3242, 3491, 2176,
2176, 2176, 3096, 3497, 2176, 2239, 2176, 3127, 3795, 2176, 3153, 2176, 2176, 2778, 3359, 2758, 2176, 3005, 2176,
3182, 3937, 2799, 3939, 3940, 2176, 3229, 2735, 3371, 2971, 3503, 3941, 2599, 3229, 2176, 3192, 2830, 2176, 2563,
2564, 2566, 2789, 2403, 2176, 3520, 2822, 2176, 3252, 3251, 2176, 4156, 4155, 2176, 3210, 2176, 2176, 2176, 2994,
4155, 3250, 2176, 2176, 3229, 2176, 2176, 3958, 2611, 2176, 2176, 2676, 3248, 2176, 2453, 3625, 2973, 3527, 3532,
3269, 3538, 3550, 3562, 3566, 3584, 3570, 3574, 3578, 3582, 3588, 3590, 3590, 3591, 2176, 2176, 2176, 3120, 3595,
2176, 2176, 2270, 2863, 2189, 3060, 3636, 3546, 3601, 2176, 3211, 3385, 2176, 2982, 3048, 2203, 2881, 3243, 2176,
3605, 3614, 3824, 2176, 2594, 2176, 3631, 3623, 3629, 2701, 2176, 2176, 2176, 3154, 3545, 3338, 2269, 4181, 3646,
2900, 3818, 3988, 3653, 2176, 2176, 2176, 3173, 3641, 2176, 2176, 2176, 3183, 3339, 4172, 3505, 2176, 2839, 2176,
3659, 2176, 2176, 2176, 3197, 3683, 3672, 2176, 2880, 2836, 2176, 3691, 3698, 2176, 3231, 2176, 3509, 2176, 3746,
3710, 2176, 3236, 3102, 4088, 2972, 3544, 3459, 4173, 3716, 3115, 2176, 2176, 3253, 3252, 2176, 3722, 2176, 3791,
3991, 3768, 2176, 2176, 3354, 4057, 2736, 2176, 2176, 2176, 3218, 3990, 3767, 2176, 2176, 3459, 2761, 2971, 3772,
2180, 3717, 3784, 2822, 3790, 2176, 3247, 3096, 3328, 2176, 3801, 3739, 2893, 3744, 2413, 3805, 3811, 3117, 2822,
3816, 2176, 3277, 3977, 2865, 3655, 3795, 2176, 3655, 3795, 2783, 2940, 3419, 3116, 2833, 2939, 3661, 3665, 2176,
3663, 2544, 3761, 3619, 3287, 2176, 2783, 2599, 2944, 2176, 4183, 2276, 2668, 3943, 3947, 2539, 2894, 3822, 3945,
3828, 2539, 2538, 3944, 2556, 3823, 3946, 2962, 2538, 3534, 3836, 3844, 3848, 3858, 3855, 3860, 3864, 2910, 2176,
3289, 3467, 2423, 3938, 2176, 2176, 2799, 3868, 3873, 3882, 2176, 3392, 3396, 2176, 3036, 3740, 4112, 3887, 3897,
3901, 3905, 3909, 3912, 3916, 3919, 3922, 3926, 3930, 3932, 3933, 2176, 2176, 3504, 3130, 4165, 2956, 3164, 3952,
2181, 3159, 2176, 4110, 3797, 2176, 3409, 2176, 3430, 3941, 2176, 3118, 2176, 3752, 2857, 2176, 3962, 2210, 3675,
2176, 4094, 3975, 2176, 4093, 3974, 2176, 3431, 2564, 2564, 2176, 2979, 2982, 2287, 3049, 3049, 3050, 2176, 2176,
2252, 2176, 3211, 4007, 2911, 2176, 3453, 2176, 3330, 2955, 2670, 3022, 4156, 3456, 2176, 4111, 3148, 2946, 2176,
2176, 2176, 3282, 3981, 3985, 4045, 3460, 2176, 3995, 3999, 2176, 3458, 2760, 2176, 2515, 2653, 2176, 2387, 3840,
2423, 4006, 3728, 2176, 4011, 2176, 4022, 3778, 2176, 3461, 2520, 2176, 2176, 4130, 3694, 4111, 3965, 4031, 2176,
3468, 2951, 2176, 2672, 3019, 2868, 2176, 3807, 4037, 4043, 3459, 2176, 2176, 2176, 3448, 2176, 4073, 2176, 2176,
2176, 3635, 4051, 4056, 3485, 2176, 3483, 2176, 2176, 3220, 2971, 3523, 2954, 3876, 4065, 3779, 2390, 2176, 2947,
2178, 2176, 2176, 2176, 3748, 4077, 2176, 2176, 2176, 3758, 4083, 2801, 3617, 3678, 2176, 4092, 2176, 2176, 3745,
3640, 2176, 4104, 2176, 2176, 3746, 3744, 4116, 2802, 2421, 2867, 4109, 2176, 2176, 4181, 2176, 4134, 2580, 3533,
2762, 2176, 2176, 2176, 3763, 2176, 4120, 3211, 4146, 2176, 4153, 2176, 4225, 3218, 2176, 2176, 2176, 3957, 3043,
2422, 2176, 2176, 3829, 2176, 3685, 2750, 3687, 4169, 4187, 4197, 4208, 4212, 4217, 4216, 4221, 4224, 2749, 3198,
4200, 2176, 3493, 2176, 2176, 2981, 2982, 2176, 4229, 2176, 3020, 2176, 3830, 2176, 2176, 3831, 3736, 2238, 2176,
2176, 3838, 2176, 2176, 2176, 3431, 4303, 4671, 4234, 5076, 4236, 5072, 4592, 5076, 5047, 5074, 4741, 4242, 4253,
4256, 4244, 4267, 4632, 4243, 4244, 4245, 4267, 4267, 4267, 4267, 4267, 4242, 4244, 4246, 4262, 4264, 4267, 4267,
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5076, 5076, 5076, 4239, 5076, 5076, 5076, 4258, 4667, 5076, 5076, 5036, 5076, 4746, 4367, 4367, 5076, 5076, 5076,
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4352, 4351, 4350, 4400, 4402, 4403, 4688, 4683, 5040, 4405, 5041, 5041, 5042, 5042, 5043, 5044, 4408, 4408, 4407,
4407, 4412, 4409, 4414, 4442, 4409, 4416, 5076, 4423, 4688, 4684, 4424, 4691, 4376, 4380, 4382, 4692, 4432, 4694,
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4966, 4797, 5076, 5076, 4682, 4459, 5076, 4975, 5076, 5076, 4682, 4979, 4328, 4744, 5076, 5076, 4696, 4698, 5076,
5076, 5054, 4844, 5076, 4745, 5046, 5076, 4746, 5036, 5076, 4747, 4258, 5076, 4748, 5076, 4747, 4748, 5076, 4304,
4682, 4679, 4428, 5054, 4489, 4485, 4584, 4970, 4614, 4798, 5076, 4747, 4506, 4474, 4613, 4429, 4541, 4560, 4797,
4601, 4509, 5076, 5076, 4707, 4722, 4745, 4686, 5076, 5076, 5076, 4912, 5054, 4815, 4585, 5076, 4749, 4880, 4738,
5076, 4663, 5076, 4713, 5076, 5076, 4327, 4459, 4428, 5054, 4977, 5076, 5076, 5076, 4953, 4827, 5076, 5076, 5076,
4926, 4323, 4601, 4235, 5076, 5054, 4815, 5076, 4749, 5068, 4455, 4469, 4235, 5076, 4594, 5076, 5076, 4369, 4371,
4825, 4429, 4541, 4815, 4585, 4491, 5076, 4599, 5076, 4751, 4712, 5076, 4708, 5076, 5076, 5076, 5039, 4558, 5076,
5076, 5076, 4927, 4749, 4744, 5076, 4475, 4744, 4304, 4541, 4744, 5076, 5076, 4710, 5076, 5076, 4973, 4459, 4813,
5036, 4237, 5076, 5076, 4716, 5053, 4745, 4748, 5076, 5076, 5037, 4744, 4667, 4708, 5076, 5088, 5076, 5076, 4985,
5076, 5076, 5076, 4964, 4653, 5076, 4746, 5076, 5076, 5076, 4973, 4680, 4328, 5076, 4745, 5076, 5076, 5076, 5038,
4657, 4338, 4982, 5076, 4338, 4982, 5076, 4746, 5076, 4751, 4836, 4359, 4373, 4745, 5076, 4419, 4373, 5076, 4419,
5076, 4456, 4458, 4458, 4458, 4458, 5076, 5076, 5076, 5075, 5076, 4609, 5076, 4344, 4748, 4475, 5076, 5076, 4790,
4820, 4668, 5076, 5076, 4667, 4892, 5076, 4989, 5075, 4667, 4450, 4892, 5076, 4504, 4457, 4927, 5036, 5075, 4993,
5035, 5076, 5076, 5035, 4996, 4744, 4267, 4708, 4723, 4709, 4999, 5001, 5003, 5004, 4954, 5005, 5006, 5007, 5009,
5011, 5015, 5015, 5018, 5019, 5013, 5015, 5016, 5015, 5012, 5016, 5003, 5021, 5022, 5022, 5022, 5022, 5076, 4631,
4738, 5076, 5076, 5076, 4997, 5076, 5076, 5076, 4419, 4328, 5076, 5076, 5076, 4426, 4750, 5076, 5036, 5076, 4793,
5076, 5076, 4500, 4629, 4959, 5032, 5076, 4467, 5076, 4796, 5076, 5076, 4743, 5076, 5076, 5076, 4666, 4393, 5025,
5076, 5076, 5076, 5034, 4821, 5076, 5069, 4846, 4968, 5076, 5076, 5051, 5076, 4798, 5076, 5076, 4682, 4455, 4825,
5076, 5088, 5068, 5070, 4393, 4614, 4235, 5076, 4834, 4829, 4490, 4749, 4671, 4714, 4631, 4738, 4373, 4344, 4747,
4667, 5076, 4365, 5076, 4327, 5075, 5076, 5076, 4746, 4653, 5076, 4893, 4368, 5076, 5076, 4444, 4446, 5076, 5053,
5076, 5076, 4747, 5076, 4614, 4509, 5076, 5076, 4748, 5076, 5057, 5076, 4666, 4585, 5076, 5076, 4732, 5076, 5076,
5076, 5076, 5088, 4258, 5068, 5059, 4500, 4613, 4235, 5076, 4990, 5055, 4738, 4745, 4653, 5076, 5076, 4792, 5076,
5088, 4325, 4429, 4323, 4614, 4235, 5061, 4306, 5076, 5076, 4799, 5076, 4749, 4991, 4361, 5076, 4843, 4712, 5076,
5076, 4268, 4484, 5076, 5076, 5076, 5049, 4393, 5071, 4703, 5076, 5076, 4823, 4829, 4812, 4323, 4306, 5076, 4888,
5076, 5076, 4539, 5076, 5076, 5076, 5027, 4990, 4712, 5076, 4368, 5076, 5071, 4466, 5076, 5076, 5076, 4752, 4490,
4391, 4323, 5076, 5076, 4842, 4476, 4749, 4991, 5076, 5076, 4891, 4304, 5076, 5076, 4332, 5073, 5076, 5076, 4991,
5076, 4344, 5076, 4891, 4585, 5067, 5076, 5071, 5076, 5076, 4893, 5076, 5076, 4509, 5076, 5076, 4747, 4747, 5076,
5076, 5076, 4609, 4597, 5076, 4685, 5076, 4891, 5076, 5076, 5076, 4886, 5063, 5066, 4747, 5076, 4892, 5076, 5076,
4678, 4552, 5064, 5076, 4745, 4747, 4310, 5038, 4688, 4691, 4688, 4386, 5090, 4452, 5091, 4748, 5095, 5080, 5076,
4900, 4902, 4239, 5076, 4685, 4340, 4453, 4339, 4341, 4339, 4339, 5084, 5083, 5079, 5079, 5079, 5079, 5083, 5082,
5082, 5095, 5076, 5076, 5076, 5071, 4749, 4258, 5076, 5076, 4391, 524288, 1073741824, -2147483648, 128, 0,
-1073741824, 0, -1023410176, 16777218, 16777472, 553648128, -2130706432, -2130706432, 16777216, 8, 16, -2147483648,
536870912, -2147483648, 16777728, 16781312, -2130706432, 276824064, 8388608, 64, 0, 7, 16784896, 16781312, 269639680,
1351680, -2130706432, 1122304, 16777216, 16777216, 33554432, -2147483648, 16777218, 754974722, 18874368, 18878464,
555745280, 555745280, -1392508926, 754974722, 754974722, 150994946, 150994946, 754974722, 218103810, 150994946,
757071874, 754974722, 218103810, 218103810, 12583040, 20971648, -2126512000, 557842560, 20971648, 20971648, 20971712,
-2126504256, -2126504256, -2126504254, -2126504256, 759169154, 759169154, -1992286526, 4, 8, 0, -2147483648, 0,
-1879048192, 3584, 0, 296, 4194320, 39850256, 4194368, 4194368, 0, 2816, 192, 192, 4194368, 4288, 3072, 32768, 262144,
128, 512, 2048, 524288, 1048576, 8192, 0, 3072, 4096, -2097152000, 0, 256, 256, 0, 32, 32, 34, 32, 64, 32768, 0, 33,
4288, 4288, 524304, 1048592, 16, 528, 528, 262160, 268435472, 16, 4352, 2097152, 8388608, 16777216, 67108864, 0, 7168,
32768, 1048576, 1048576, 2097152, 2097152, 0, 1840, 28672, 131072, 524288, 0, 1920, 24, 560, 48, 80, 48, 1049104,
1572880, 524304, 16, 131088, 17, 20, 8064, 131072, 786432, 0, 8192, 49152, 262144, 2097152, 12582912, 20971712, 16,
165675008, 528, 1049136, -164575404, -164575404, -164575403, -164625872, -164575403, -164575376, -164575372,
-164575372, -164313228, -26200268, -164313232, -164100176, -164100172, -164313228, -164575372, 0, 8200, 32, 512, 4096,
-2147483648, 16, 536936448, 16, 256, 4096, 4096, 8192, 16384, 1026, 21, 112, 117, 140521492, 140571964, 140571932,
140571932, 141620508, 140571933, 140571964, -164575372, -164100175, 8192, 138412032, 239075328, 0, 18432, 0, 32768,
131072, 24, 24, 32, 256, 512, 0, 512, 512, 1024, 0, 640, 0, 768, 6144, 262144, 0, 896, 6144, 134217728, -1342177280,
0, 1024, 1024, 2048, 0, 1026, 66048, 16384, 65536, 0, 43008, 65536, 268435456, 4194304, 67108864, 256, 7168, 786432,
262144, 8388608, 67108864, 134217728, 0, 1056, 82432, 65536, 65536, 16384, 16384, 32768, 4194304, 33554432, 67108864,
2, 8, 512, 6144, 1073741824, 0, 49280, 344506528, -2097147888, -2097147888, -1819750272, -1819750272, -1021046768,
277467296, 277467296, -1870081888, -1870081888, 277475744, -1836527456, -1819750240, -1836527455, -1819750224,
-1870015839, -1819750224, -1819750224, -1080370048, -1080370048, -1080370044, -1080370044, -1080370043, -1080370044,
-1080370000, -1080370000, -1080370012, 0, 65536, 131072, 1572864, -1082130432, 66048, 0, 118912, 82432, 0, 119424,
2359296, 1073741824, 512, 7168, 276824064, 0, 127360, 75497472, 0, 131072, 2097152, 16777216, 100663296, 268435456,
536870912, -1073741824, 268451840, 7, 4096, 50331648, 0, 147456, 128, 4096, 2097152, 268435456, 1073741824, 12288, 0,
187520, 128, 7168, 1048576, 125829120, 134217728, 536870912, 0, 6144, 201326592, -1073741824, 128, 32768, 33554432,
268435456, 32768, 268435456, 1, 2, 10, 256, 1048576, 4194304, 536870912, 8200, 1064960, 288, 1048576, 8388608,
201326592, 0, 524288, 58720256, 0, 262144, 16777216, 134217728, 268435456, 1076101120, 0, 53376, -1870659584, 1048608,
0, 786432, 1048576, 33554432, 32832, 8192, 65536, 262144, 4194304, 8388608, 33554432, 16777472, 1208090624,
1224867840, 1208090624, 1208090626, 778129680, 1315000592, 778129680, 1247940880, 1247940880, -899542768, 1247940880,
241258768, 241258768, 1208090922, 241258768, 1247940880, 1526603668, 1526603668, 288, 0, 1048576, 12582912, 268435456,
32832, 0, 1056768, 0, 328, 39845888, 0, 2097152, 4194304, 4194304, 0, 2048, 16, 28, 16, 32, 0, -1837105152,
1207959552, 0, 4194304, 128, 256, 1536, 4096, 0, 48, 16, 2, 2, 4, 16, 16, 17, 16, 20, 16, 21, 53, 16, 135424,
1247805440, 0, 12582912, 33554432, 33554432, 262144, -2147483648, 86272, 241172480, 778043392, 0, 16777216, 150994944,
0, 33554432, 0, 64, 131072, 0, 128, 128, 192, 64, 16810000, 1314914304, 0, 33620032, 20, 925568, 1525678080, 0,
41943040, 58720256, -1879048192, 81920, 100663296, 786432, 3145728, 12582912, 65536, 67108864, 1073741824, 786432,
8388608, 268435456, -2147483648, 16777216, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 4, 0, 6, 1024, -2147483136, 67117064, 184649728, 184649728,
184650752, 251766792, -1895716344, 201369608, 201369608, 184650784, 201369928, 201369928, 201369944, 234989576,
201369928, 252292104, 251766792, 251766792, 252291080, 251766792, 1602726927, 1602726927, 0, 50331648, 1, 1073741824,
16384, 1048576, 58720256, 67108864, 268435456, 8, 128, 3072, 34816, 184614912, 8, 43008, 344, 0, 100663296, 234946560,
0, 134217728, 805306368, 0, 163577856, 1032, 0, 245366784, 520, -2147483648, 1039, 43008, 528941056, 1073741824, 32,
4194304, 8, 8192, 131072, 16777216, 268435456, 65536, 117440512, 0, 251723776, 0, 67108864, 1, 14, 1024, 4096,
4194304, 1073741824, 1024, 8192, 262144, 25165824, 100663296, 1, 6, 1024, 262144, 125829120, 268435456, 1024,
16777216, 2, 65536, 16777216, 805306368, 16384, 16777216, 268437504, 67108868, 67108868, 0, 252248064, 67108868,
75497732, 33564833, 33562785, 33563297, 50340001, 1182802341, 1182802341, -830194779, -830194779, 246423845,
246423845, 244326693, 244326693, 1182802341, 109060517, 109060517, 246423845, 1182802341, 243278117, 318777505,
109846949, 109322661, 109060517, 128, 10240, 37, 384, 8388608, 8192, 109051904, 37, 243269632, 384, 109051904, 270336,
794624, 37, 0, 268435456, 0, 4096, 524288, 4194304, 4194368, 4194304, 4194432, 37, 896, 276480, 243269632, 256,
8388608, 384, 1073741824, 4, 896, 2048, 16777216, 256, 67108864, 201326592, 1073741824, 2048, 268435456, 4096,
1073741824, 16384, 67108864, 32768, 268451840, 32768, 100663296, 0, 16384, 0, 320, 256, 822231040, 805453824, 0,
268451840, 33024, 805519360, 805519360, 805521408, 805453824, 805453824, 822231040, 822231040, 805519368, 872562688,
822231040, 822231296, 822231040, 960132912, 960132912, 0, 318767104, 805437440, 0, 486539264, 1065728, 16384,
822214656, 0, 536870912, 1073741824, 28672, 960102400, 196608, 0, 805502976, 1572864, 18874368, 134217728, 1073741824,
1572864, 2097152, 1073741824, 48, 256, 131072, 805306368, 1572864, 16777216, 512, 131072, 1073741824, 512, 524288,
343932928, 1, 2048, 8388608, 1073741824, 1, 4, 64, 33554432, 33554496, 0, 872546304, 4097, 0, 1073741824, 17152,
2114304, 17156, 1065728, 1224755072, 1224755072, 486539264, 490864640, 490864640, 490881024, 1027735552, 1564606464,
490864640, 1224753536, 1224754048, 151014144, 1224754048, 1224754048, 1224753536, 151012096, 151012096, 151536384,
1224758145, -922425448, -922425448, 16384, 1224736768, -2147483648, 490733568, 0, 1073741825, 1027604480, 1564475392,
384, 1224736768, 0, 8388608, 1048576, 0, 16, 0, 20, -164625872, -164625872, -164624528, -164624528, -164624464, 4992,
0, 1082130432, 8, 10128, 469762048, 0, 512, 16384, 131072, 33554432, 402653184, 0, 512, 8192, 16777216, 1073741824,
34, 70, 0, 70, 2, 16, 128, 1536, 8192, 32768, 524288, 8388608, 8388608, 0, 0, -899678208, 56, 56, 0, 56, 58, 56, 32,
524288, -1820327936, 0, 8, 32, 24, 0, 10, 131360, 58, 58
: The token-string table.
declare variable $p:TOKEN as xs:string+ :=
: Match next token in input string, starting at given index, using
: the DFA entry state for the set of tokens that are expected in
: the current context.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $begin the index where to start in input string.
: @param $token-set the expected token set id.
: @return a sequence of three: the token code of the result token,
: with input string begin and end positions. If there is no valid
: token, return the negative id of the DFA state that failed, along
: with begin and end positions of the longest viable prefix.
declare function p:match($input as xs:string,
$begin as xs:integer,
$token-set as xs:integer) as xs:integer+
let $result := $p:INITIAL[1 + $token-set]
return p:transition($input,
$result mod 4096,
: The DFA state transition function. If we are in a valid DFA state, save
: it's result annotation, consume one input codepoint, calculate the next
: state, and use tail recursion to do the same again. Otherwise, return
: any valid result or a negative DFA state id in case of an error.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $begin the begin index of the current token in the input string.
: @param $current the index of the current position in the input string.
: @param $end the end index of the result in the input string.
: @param $result the result code.
: @param $current-state the current DFA state.
: @param $previous-state the previous DFA state.
: @return a sequence of three: the token code of the result token,
: with input string begin and end positions. If there is no valid
: token, return the negative id of the DFA state that failed, along
: with begin and end positions of the longest viable prefix.
declare function p:transition($input as xs:string,
$begin as xs:integer,
$current as xs:integer,
$end as xs:integer,
$result as xs:integer,
$current-state as xs:integer,
$previous-state as xs:integer) as xs:integer+
if ($current-state = 0) then
let $result := $result idiv 4096
if ($result != 0) then
$result mod 512 - 1,
$end - $result idiv 512
- $previous-state,
$current - 1
let $c0 := (string-to-codepoints(substring($input, $current, 1)), 0)[1]
let $c1 :=
if ($c0 < 128) then
$p:MAP0[1 + $c0]
else if ($c0 < 55296) then
let $c1 := $c0 idiv 16
let $c2 := $c1 idiv 32
return $p:MAP1[1 + $c0 mod 16 + $p:MAP1[1 + $c1 mod 32 + $p:MAP1[1 + $c2]]]
p:map2($c0, 1, 6)
let $current := $current + 1
let $i0 := 4096 * $c1 + $current-state - 1
let $i1 := $i0 idiv 16
let $next-state := $p:TRANSITION[$i0 mod 16 + $p:TRANSITION[$i1 + 1] + 1]
if ($next-state > 4095) then
p:transition($input, $begin, $current, $current, $next-state, $next-state mod 4096, $current-state)
p:transition($input, $begin, $current, $end, $result, $next-state, $current-state)
: Recursively translate one 32-bit chunk of an expected token bitset
: to the corresponding sequence of token strings.
: @param $result the result of previous recursion levels.
: @param $chunk the 32-bit chunk of the expected token bitset.
: @param $base-token-code the token code of bit 0 in the current chunk.
: @return the set of token strings.
declare function p:token($result as xs:string*,
$chunk as xs:integer,
$base-token-code as xs:integer) as xs:string*
if ($chunk = 0) then
($result, if ($chunk mod 2 != 0) then $p:TOKEN[$base-token-code] else ()),
if ($chunk < 0) then $chunk idiv 2 + 2147483648 else $chunk idiv 2,
$base-token-code + 1
: Calculate expected token set for a given DFA state as a sequence
: of strings.
: @param $state the DFA state.
: @return the set of token strings
declare function p:expected-token-set($state as xs:integer) as xs:string*
if ($state > 0) then
for $t in 0 to 8
let $i0 := $t * 2215 + $state - 1
let $i1 := $i0 idiv 2
let $i2 := $i1 idiv 4
let $i3 := $i2 idiv 4
return p:token((), $p:EXPECTED[$i0 mod 2 + $p:EXPECTED[$i1 mod 4 + $p:EXPECTED[$i2 mod 4 + $p:EXPECTED[$i3 + 1] + 1] + 1] + 1], $t * 32 + 1)
: Classify codepoint by doing a tail recursive binary search for a
: matching codepoint range entry in MAP2, the codepoint to charclass
: map for codepoints above the surrogate block.
: @param $c the codepoint.
: @param $lo the binary search lower bound map index.
: @param $hi the binary search upper bound map index.
: @return the character class.
declare function p:map2($c as xs:integer, $lo as xs:integer, $hi as xs:integer) as xs:integer
if ($lo > $hi) then
let $m := ($hi + $lo) idiv 2
if ($p:MAP2[$m] > $c) then
p:map2($c, $lo, $m - 1)
else if ($p:MAP2[6 + $m] < $c) then
p:map2($c, $m + 1, $hi)
$p:MAP2[12 + $m]
: Try parsing the 1st loop of production Comment (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-Comment-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:lookahead1(82, $input, $state) (: CommentContents | ('(' ':') | (':' ')') :)
if ($state[$p:l1] = 49) then (: (':' ')') :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 25) then (: CommentContents :)
let $state := p:shiftT(25, $input, $state) (: CommentContents :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:try-Comment($input, $state)
return $state
return p:try-Comment-1($input, $state)
: Try parsing Comment.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-Comment($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(36, $input, $state) (: ('(' ':') :)
let $state := p:try-Comment-1($input, $state)
let $state := p:shiftT(49, $input, $state) (: (':' ')') :)
return $state
: Try parsing Whitespace.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-Whitespace($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 24) then (: S^WS :)
let $state := p:shiftT(24, $input, $state) (: S^WS :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:try-Comment($input, $state)
return $state
return $state
: Parse QueryBody.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-QueryBody($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:parse-Expr($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "QueryBody", $count, $begin, $end)
: Parse MainModule.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-MainModule($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:parse-Prolog($input, $state)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-QueryBody($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "MainModule", $count, $begin, $end)
: Parse the 1st loop of production MainModuleSequence (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-MainModuleSequence-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 52) then (: ';' :)
let $state := p:lookahead2W(247, $input, $state) (: EOF | Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | ';' | '<' | '<!--' |
'<?' | '@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' |
'binary' | 'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' |
'child' | 'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' |
'count' | 'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' |
'descendant' | 'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' |
'div' | 'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' |
'else' | 'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' |
'every' | 'except' | 'first' | 'following' |
'following-sibling' | 'for' | 'function' | 'ge' |
'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' | 'if' | 'import' | 'insert' |
'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' | 'item' |
'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' |
'module' | 'namespace' | 'namespace-node' | 'ne' |
'node' | 'only' | 'or' | 'order' | 'ordered' |
'paragraphs' | 'parent' | 'preceding' |
'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
return $state
($state[$p:l1], subsequence($state, $p:lk + 1))
if ($state[$p:lk] = 1 (: EOF :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 564 (: ';' EOF :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 26676) then (: ';' ';' :)
let $state := p:shift(52, $input, $state) (: ';' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 255) then (: 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:lookahead2W(178, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | '!' | '!=' | '#' | '(' | ('(' ':') | '*' |
'+' | ',' | '-' | '/' | '//' | ';' | '<' | '<<' | '<=' |
'=' | '>' | '>=' | '>>' | '[' | 'and' | 'cast' |
'castable' | 'contains' | 'div' | 'encoding' | 'eq' |
'except' | 'ge' | 'gt' | 'idiv' | 'instance' |
'intersect' | 'is' | 'le' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'ne' | 'or' |
'to' | 'treat' | 'union' | 'version' | '|' | '||' :)
return $state
($state[$p:l1], subsequence($state, $p:lk + 1))
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:lk] = 61695 (: 'xquery' 'encoding' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 125695) then (: 'xquery' 'version' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-VersionDecl($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-MainModule($input, $state)
return p:parse-MainModuleSequence-1($input, $state)
: Parse MainModuleSequence.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-MainModuleSequence($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:parse-MainModule($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-MainModuleSequence-1($input, $state)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 52) then (: ';' :)
let $state := p:shift(52, $input, $state) (: ';' :)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "MainModuleSequence", $count, $begin, $end)
: Parse OptionDecl.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-OptionDecl($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(103, $input, $state) (: 'declare' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(61, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'option' :)
let $state := p:shift(184, $input, $state) (: 'option' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(229, $input, $state) (: URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS | ('(' ':') |
'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-EQName($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(19, $input, $state) (: StringLiteral | S^WS | ('(' ':') :)
let $state := p:shift(12, $input, $state) (: StringLiteral :)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "OptionDecl", $count, $begin, $end)
: Parse FunctionBody.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FunctionBody($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:parse-EnclosedExpr($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "FunctionBody", $count, $begin, $end)
: Parse FunctionDecl.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FunctionDecl($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(138, $input, $state) (: 'function' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(229, $input, $state) (: URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS | ('(' ':') |
'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-EQName($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(24, $input, $state) (: S^WS | '(' | ('(' ':') :)
let $state := p:shift(34, $input, $state) (: '(' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(87, $input, $state) (: S^WS | '$' | ('(' ':') | ')' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 31) then (: '$' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-ParamList($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:shift(37, $input, $state) (: ')' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(141, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'as' | 'external' | '{' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 78) then (: 'as' :)
let $state := p:shift(78, $input, $state) (: 'as' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(235, $input, $state) (: URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS | '%' | '(' |
('(' ':') | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' |
'binary' | 'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' |
'child' | 'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' |
'count' | 'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' |
'descendant' | 'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' |
'div' | 'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' |
'else' | 'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' |
'every' | 'except' | 'first' | 'following' |
'following-sibling' | 'for' | 'function' | 'ge' |
'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' | 'if' | 'import' | 'insert' |
'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' | 'item' |
'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' |
'module' | 'namespace' | 'namespace-node' | 'ne' |
'node' | 'only' | 'or' | 'order' | 'ordered' |
'paragraphs' | 'parent' | 'preceding' |
'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-SequenceType($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(110, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'external' | '{' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 257) then (: '{' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-FunctionBody($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shift(127, $input, $state) (: 'external' :)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "FunctionDecl", $count, $begin, $end)
: Parse VarDecl.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-VarDecl($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(244, $input, $state) (: 'variable' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(23, $input, $state) (: S^WS | '$' | ('(' ':') :)
let $state := p:shift(31, $input, $state) (: '$' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(229, $input, $state) (: URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS | ('(' ':') |
'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-VarName($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(139, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | ':=' | 'as' | 'external' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 78) then (: 'as' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-TypeDeclaration($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(97, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | ':=' | 'external' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 51) then (: ':=' :)
let $state := p:shift(51, $input, $state) (: ':=' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-VarValue($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shift(127, $input, $state) (: 'external' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(95, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | ':=' | ';' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 51) then (: ':=' :)
let $state := p:shift(51, $input, $state) (: ':=' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-VarDefaultValue($input, $state)
return $state
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "VarDecl", $count, $begin, $end)
: Parse the 1st loop of production AnnotatedDecl (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-AnnotatedDecl-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:lookahead1W(151, $input, $state) (: S^WS | '%' | ('(' ':') | 'function' | 'private' |
'variable' :)
if ($state[$p:l1] != 32 (: '%' :)
and $state[$p:l1] != 200) then (: 'private' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-Annotation($input, $state)
return p:parse-AnnotatedDecl-1($input, $state)
: Parse AnnotatedDecl.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-AnnotatedDecl($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(103, $input, $state) (: 'declare' :)
let $state := p:parse-AnnotatedDecl-1($input, $state)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 244) then (: 'variable' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-VarDecl($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-FunctionDecl($input, $state)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "AnnotatedDecl", $count, $begin, $end)
: Parse VarDefaultValue.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-VarDefaultValue($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:parse-ExprSingle($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "VarDefaultValue", $count, $begin, $end)
: Parse the 1st loop of production TransformExpr (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-TransformExpr-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
if ($state[$p:l1] != 41) then (: ',' :)
let $state := p:shift(41, $input, $state) (: ',' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(23, $input, $state) (: S^WS | '$' | ('(' ':') :)
let $state := p:shift(31, $input, $state) (: '$' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(229, $input, $state) (: URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS | ('(' ':') |
'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-VarName($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(29, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | ':=' :)
let $state := p:shift(51, $input, $state) (: ':=' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-ExprSingle($input, $state)
return p:parse-TransformExpr-1($input, $state)
: Try parsing the 1st loop of production TransformExpr (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-TransformExpr-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
if ($state[$p:l1] != 41) then (: ',' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(41, $input, $state) (: ',' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(23, $input, $state) (: S^WS | '$' | ('(' ':') :)
let $state := p:shiftT(31, $input, $state) (: '$' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(229, $input, $state) (: URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS | ('(' ':') |
'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-VarName($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(29, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | ':=' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(51, $input, $state) (: ':=' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-ExprSingle($input, $state)
return p:try-TransformExpr-1($input, $state)
: Parse TransformExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-TransformExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(98, $input, $state) (: 'copy' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(23, $input, $state) (: S^WS | '$' | ('(' ':') :)
let $state := p:shift(31, $input, $state) (: '$' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(229, $input, $state) (: URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS | ('(' ':') |
'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-VarName($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(29, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | ':=' :)
let $state := p:shift(51, $input, $state) (: ':=' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-ExprSingle($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-TransformExpr-1($input, $state)
let $state := p:shift(168, $input, $state) (: 'modify' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-ExprSingle($input, $state)
let $state := p:shift(206, $input, $state) (: 'return' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-ExprSingle($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "TransformExpr", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing TransformExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-TransformExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(98, $input, $state) (: 'copy' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(23, $input, $state) (: S^WS | '$' | ('(' ':') :)
let $state := p:shiftT(31, $input, $state) (: '$' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(229, $input, $state) (: URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS | ('(' ':') |
'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-VarName($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(29, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | ':=' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(51, $input, $state) (: ':=' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-ExprSingle($input, $state)
let $state := p:try-TransformExpr-1($input, $state)
let $state := p:shiftT(168, $input, $state) (: 'modify' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-ExprSingle($input, $state)
let $state := p:shiftT(206, $input, $state) (: 'return' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-ExprSingle($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse ReplaceExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-ReplaceExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(205, $input, $state) (: 'replace' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(120, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'node' | 'value' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 243) then (: 'value' :)
let $state := p:shift(243, $input, $state) (: 'value' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(60, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'of' :)
let $state := p:shift(182, $input, $state) (: 'of' :)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(59, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'node' :)
let $state := p:shift(178, $input, $state) (: 'node' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-TargetExpr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shift(251, $input, $state) (: 'with' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-ExprSingle($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "ReplaceExpr", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing ReplaceExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-ReplaceExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(205, $input, $state) (: 'replace' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(120, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'node' | 'value' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 243) then (: 'value' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(243, $input, $state) (: 'value' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(60, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'of' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(182, $input, $state) (: 'of' :)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(59, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'node' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(178, $input, $state) (: 'node' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-TargetExpr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shiftT(251, $input, $state) (: 'with' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-ExprSingle($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse NewNameExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-NewNameExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:parse-ExprSingle($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "NewNameExpr", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing NewNameExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-NewNameExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:try-ExprSingle($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse RenameExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-RenameExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(204, $input, $state) (: 'rename' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(59, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'node' :)
let $state := p:shift(178, $input, $state) (: 'node' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-TargetExpr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shift(78, $input, $state) (: 'as' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-NewNameExpr($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "RenameExpr", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing RenameExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-RenameExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(204, $input, $state) (: 'rename' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(59, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'node' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(178, $input, $state) (: 'node' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-TargetExpr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shiftT(78, $input, $state) (: 'as' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-NewNameExpr($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse DeleteExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-DeleteExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(105, $input, $state) (: 'delete' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(119, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'node' | 'nodes' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 178) then (: 'node' :)
let $state := p:shift(178, $input, $state) (: 'node' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shift(179, $input, $state) (: 'nodes' :)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-TargetExpr($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "DeleteExpr", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing DeleteExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-DeleteExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(105, $input, $state) (: 'delete' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(119, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'node' | 'nodes' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 178) then (: 'node' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(178, $input, $state) (: 'node' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shiftT(179, $input, $state) (: 'nodes' :)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-TargetExpr($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse TargetExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-TargetExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:parse-ExprSingle($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "TargetExpr", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing TargetExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-TargetExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:try-ExprSingle($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse InsertExprTargetChoice.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-InsertExprTargetChoice($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 71) then (: 'after' :)
let $state := p:shift(71, $input, $state) (: 'after' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 83) then (: 'before' :)
let $state := p:shift(83, $input, $state) (: 'before' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 78) then (: 'as' :)
let $state := p:shift(78, $input, $state) (: 'as' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(111, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'first' | 'last' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 128) then (: 'first' :)
let $state := p:shift(128, $input, $state) (: 'first' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shift(158, $input, $state) (: 'last' :)
return $state
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(52, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'into' :)
let $state := p:shift(154, $input, $state) (: 'into' :)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "InsertExprTargetChoice", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing InsertExprTargetChoice.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-InsertExprTargetChoice($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 71) then (: 'after' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(71, $input, $state) (: 'after' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 83) then (: 'before' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(83, $input, $state) (: 'before' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 78) then (: 'as' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(78, $input, $state) (: 'as' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(111, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'first' | 'last' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 128) then (: 'first' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(128, $input, $state) (: 'first' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shiftT(158, $input, $state) (: 'last' :)
return $state
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(52, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'into' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(154, $input, $state) (: 'into' :)
return $state
return $state
: Parse SourceExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-SourceExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:parse-ExprSingle($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "SourceExpr", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing SourceExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-SourceExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:try-ExprSingle($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse InsertExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-InsertExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(151, $input, $state) (: 'insert' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(119, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'node' | 'nodes' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 178) then (: 'node' :)
let $state := p:shift(178, $input, $state) (: 'node' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shift(179, $input, $state) (: 'nodes' :)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-SourceExpr($input, $state)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-InsertExprTargetChoice($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-TargetExpr($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "InsertExpr", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing InsertExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-InsertExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(151, $input, $state) (: 'insert' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(119, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'node' | 'nodes' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 178) then (: 'node' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(178, $input, $state) (: 'node' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shiftT(179, $input, $state) (: 'nodes' :)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-SourceExpr($input, $state)
let $state := p:try-InsertExprTargetChoice($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-TargetExpr($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse the 1st loop of production CatchErrorList (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-CatchErrorList-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:lookahead1W(129, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '{' | '|' :)
if ($state[$p:l1] != 259) then (: '|' :)
let $state := p:shift(259, $input, $state) (: '|' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(231, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS |
('(' ':') | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' |
'binary' | 'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' |
'child' | 'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' |
'count' | 'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' |
'descendant' | 'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' |
'div' | 'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' |
'else' | 'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' |
'every' | 'except' | 'first' | 'following' |
'following-sibling' | 'for' | 'function' | 'ge' |
'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' | 'if' | 'import' | 'insert' |
'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' | 'item' |
'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' |
'module' | 'namespace' | 'namespace-node' | 'ne' |
'node' | 'only' | 'or' | 'order' | 'ordered' |
'paragraphs' | 'parent' | 'preceding' |
'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-NameTest($input, $state)
return p:parse-CatchErrorList-1($input, $state)
: Try parsing the 1st loop of production CatchErrorList (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-CatchErrorList-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:lookahead1W(129, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '{' | '|' :)
if ($state[$p:l1] != 259) then (: '|' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(259, $input, $state) (: '|' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(231, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS |
('(' ':') | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' |
'binary' | 'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' |
'child' | 'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' |
'count' | 'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' |
'descendant' | 'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' |
'div' | 'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' |
'else' | 'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' |
'every' | 'except' | 'first' | 'following' |
'following-sibling' | 'for' | 'function' | 'ge' |
'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' | 'if' | 'import' | 'insert' |
'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' | 'item' |
'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' |
'module' | 'namespace' | 'namespace-node' | 'ne' |
'node' | 'only' | 'or' | 'order' | 'ordered' |
'paragraphs' | 'parent' | 'preceding' |
'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-NameTest($input, $state)
return p:try-CatchErrorList-1($input, $state)
: Parse CatchErrorList.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-CatchErrorList($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:parse-NameTest($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-CatchErrorList-1($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "CatchErrorList", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing CatchErrorList.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-CatchErrorList($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:try-NameTest($input, $state)
let $state := p:try-CatchErrorList-1($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse CatchClause.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-CatchClause($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(90, $input, $state) (: 'catch' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(233, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS | '(' |
('(' ':') | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' |
'binary' | 'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' |
'child' | 'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' |
'count' | 'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' |
'descendant' | 'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' |
'div' | 'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' |
'else' | 'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' |
'every' | 'except' | 'first' | 'following' |
'following-sibling' | 'for' | 'function' | 'ge' |
'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' | 'if' | 'import' | 'insert' |
'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' | 'item' |
'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' |
'module' | 'namespace' | 'namespace-node' | 'ne' |
'node' | 'only' | 'or' | 'order' | 'ordered' |
'paragraphs' | 'parent' | 'preceding' |
'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 34) then (: '(' :)
let $state := p:shift(34, $input, $state) (: '(' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(23, $input, $state) (: S^WS | '$' | ('(' ':') :)
let $state := p:shift(31, $input, $state) (: '$' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(229, $input, $state) (: URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS | ('(' ':') |
'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-VarName($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(25, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | ')' :)
let $state := p:shift(37, $input, $state) (: ')' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-CatchErrorList($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(81, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-EnclosedExprExtended($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "CatchClause", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing CatchClause.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-CatchClause($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(90, $input, $state) (: 'catch' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(233, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS | '(' |
('(' ':') | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' |
'binary' | 'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' |
'child' | 'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' |
'count' | 'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' |
'descendant' | 'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' |
'div' | 'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' |
'else' | 'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' |
'every' | 'except' | 'first' | 'following' |
'following-sibling' | 'for' | 'function' | 'ge' |
'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' | 'if' | 'import' | 'insert' |
'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' | 'item' |
'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' |
'module' | 'namespace' | 'namespace-node' | 'ne' |
'node' | 'only' | 'or' | 'order' | 'ordered' |
'paragraphs' | 'parent' | 'preceding' |
'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 34) then (: '(' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(34, $input, $state) (: '(' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(23, $input, $state) (: S^WS | '$' | ('(' ':') :)
let $state := p:shiftT(31, $input, $state) (: '$' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(229, $input, $state) (: URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS | ('(' ':') |
'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-VarName($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(25, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | ')' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(37, $input, $state) (: ')' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:try-CatchErrorList($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(81, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
let $state := p:try-EnclosedExprExtended($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse TryTargetExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-TryTargetExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:parse-Expr($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "TryTargetExpr", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing TryTargetExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-TryTargetExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:try-Expr($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse TryClause.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-TryClause($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(234, $input, $state) (: 'try' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(81, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
let $state := p:shift(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-TryTargetExpr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shift(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "TryClause", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing TryClause.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-TryClause($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(234, $input, $state) (: 'try' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(81, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-TryTargetExpr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shiftT(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
return $state
: Parse the 1st loop of production TryCatchExpr (one or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-TryCatchExpr-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:lookahead1W(38, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'catch' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-CatchClause($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(176, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | ('(' ':') | ')' | ',' | ';' | ']' |
'after' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'before' | 'case' |
'catch' | 'collation' | 'count' | 'default' |
'descending' | 'else' | 'empty' | 'end' | 'for' |
'group' | 'into' | 'let' | 'modify' | 'only' | 'order' |
'return' | 'satisfies' | 'stable' | 'start' | 'where' |
'with' | '}' :)
if ($state[$p:l1] != 90) then (: 'catch' :)
p:parse-TryCatchExpr-1($input, $state)
: Try parsing the 1st loop of production TryCatchExpr (one or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-TryCatchExpr-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:lookahead1W(38, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'catch' :)
let $state := p:try-CatchClause($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(176, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | ('(' ':') | ')' | ',' | ';' | ']' |
'after' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'before' | 'case' |
'catch' | 'collation' | 'count' | 'default' |
'descending' | 'else' | 'empty' | 'end' | 'for' |
'group' | 'into' | 'let' | 'modify' | 'only' | 'order' |
'return' | 'satisfies' | 'stable' | 'start' | 'where' |
'with' | '}' :)
if ($state[$p:l1] != 90) then (: 'catch' :)
p:try-TryCatchExpr-1($input, $state)
: Parse TryCatchExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-TryCatchExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:parse-TryClause($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-TryCatchExpr-1($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "TryCatchExpr", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing TryCatchExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-TryCatchExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:try-TryClause($input, $state)
let $state := p:try-TryCatchExpr-1($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse NodeComp.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-NodeComp($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 155) then (: 'is' :)
let $state := p:shift(155, $input, $state) (: 'is' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 57) then (: '<<' :)
let $state := p:shift(57, $input, $state) (: '<<' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shift(63, $input, $state) (: '>>' :)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "NodeComp", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing NodeComp.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-NodeComp($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 155) then (: 'is' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(155, $input, $state) (: 'is' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 57) then (: '<<' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(57, $input, $state) (: '<<' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shiftT(63, $input, $state) (: '>>' :)
return $state
return $state
: Parse GeneralComp.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-GeneralComp($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 60) then (: '=' :)
let $state := p:shift(60, $input, $state) (: '=' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 27) then (: '!=' :)
let $state := p:shift(27, $input, $state) (: '!=' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 53) then (: '<' :)
let $state := p:shift(53, $input, $state) (: '<' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 58) then (: '<=' :)
let $state := p:shift(58, $input, $state) (: '<=' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 61) then (: '>' :)
let $state := p:shift(61, $input, $state) (: '>' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shift(62, $input, $state) (: '>=' :)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "GeneralComp", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing GeneralComp.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-GeneralComp($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 60) then (: '=' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(60, $input, $state) (: '=' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 27) then (: '!=' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(27, $input, $state) (: '!=' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 53) then (: '<' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(53, $input, $state) (: '<' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 58) then (: '<=' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(58, $input, $state) (: '<=' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 61) then (: '>' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(61, $input, $state) (: '>' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shiftT(62, $input, $state) (: '>=' :)
return $state
return $state
: Parse ValueComp.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-ValueComp($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 123) then (: 'eq' :)
let $state := p:shift(123, $input, $state) (: 'eq' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 173) then (: 'ne' :)
let $state := p:shift(173, $input, $state) (: 'ne' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 165) then (: 'lt' :)
let $state := p:shift(165, $input, $state) (: 'lt' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 160) then (: 'le' :)
let $state := p:shift(160, $input, $state) (: 'le' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 143) then (: 'gt' :)
let $state := p:shift(143, $input, $state) (: 'gt' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shift(139, $input, $state) (: 'ge' :)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "ValueComp", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing ValueComp.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-ValueComp($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 123) then (: 'eq' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(123, $input, $state) (: 'eq' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 173) then (: 'ne' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(173, $input, $state) (: 'ne' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 165) then (: 'lt' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(165, $input, $state) (: 'lt' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 160) then (: 'le' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(160, $input, $state) (: 'le' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 143) then (: 'gt' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(143, $input, $state) (: 'gt' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shiftT(139, $input, $state) (: 'ge' :)
return $state
return $state
: Parse FTIgnoreOption.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FTIgnoreOption($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(252, $input, $state) (: 'without' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(41, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'content' :)
let $state := p:shift(96, $input, $state) (: 'content' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-UnionExpr($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "FTIgnoreOption", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing FTIgnoreOption.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FTIgnoreOption($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(252, $input, $state) (: 'without' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(41, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'content' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(96, $input, $state) (: 'content' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-UnionExpr($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse FTContent.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FTContent($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 80) then (: 'at' :)
let $state := p:lookahead2W(108, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'end' | 'start' :)
return $state
($state[$p:l1], subsequence($state, $p:lk + 1))
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:lk] = 113232) then (: 'at' 'start' :)
let $state := p:shift(80, $input, $state) (: 'at' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(68, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'start' :)
let $state := p:shift(221, $input, $state) (: 'start' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:lk] = 62032) then (: 'at' 'end' :)
let $state := p:shift(80, $input, $state) (: 'at' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(48, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'end' :)
let $state := p:shift(121, $input, $state) (: 'end' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shift(122, $input, $state) (: 'entire' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(41, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'content' :)
let $state := p:shift(96, $input, $state) (: 'content' :)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "FTContent", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing FTContent.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FTContent($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 80) then (: 'at' :)
let $state := p:lookahead2W(108, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'end' | 'start' :)
return $state
($state[$p:l1], subsequence($state, $p:lk + 1))
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:lk] = 113232) then (: 'at' 'start' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(80, $input, $state) (: 'at' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(68, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'start' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(221, $input, $state) (: 'start' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:lk] = 62032) then (: 'at' 'end' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(80, $input, $state) (: 'at' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(48, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'end' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(121, $input, $state) (: 'end' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shiftT(122, $input, $state) (: 'entire' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(41, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'content' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(96, $input, $state) (: 'content' :)
return $state
return $state
: Parse FTBigUnit.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FTBigUnit($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 215) then (: 'sentence' :)
let $state := p:shift(215, $input, $state) (: 'sentence' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shift(189, $input, $state) (: 'paragraph' :)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "FTBigUnit", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing FTBigUnit.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FTBigUnit($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 215) then (: 'sentence' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(215, $input, $state) (: 'sentence' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shiftT(189, $input, $state) (: 'paragraph' :)
return $state
return $state
: Parse FTScope.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FTScope($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 208) then (: 'same' :)
let $state := p:shift(208, $input, $state) (: 'same' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shift(110, $input, $state) (: 'different' :)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(124, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'paragraph' | 'sentence' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-FTBigUnit($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "FTScope", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing FTScope.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FTScope($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 208) then (: 'same' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(208, $input, $state) (: 'same' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shiftT(110, $input, $state) (: 'different' :)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(124, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'paragraph' | 'sentence' :)
let $state := p:try-FTBigUnit($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse FTDistance.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FTDistance($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(112, $input, $state) (: 'distance' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(142, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'at' | 'exactly' | 'from' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-FTRange($input, $state)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-FTUnit($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "FTDistance", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing FTDistance.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FTDistance($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(112, $input, $state) (: 'distance' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(142, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'at' | 'exactly' | 'from' :)
let $state := p:try-FTRange($input, $state)
let $state := p:try-FTUnit($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse FTUnit.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FTUnit($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 254) then (: 'words' :)
let $state := p:shift(254, $input, $state) (: 'words' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 216) then (: 'sentences' :)
let $state := p:shift(216, $input, $state) (: 'sentences' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shift(190, $input, $state) (: 'paragraphs' :)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "FTUnit", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing FTUnit.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FTUnit($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 254) then (: 'words' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(254, $input, $state) (: 'words' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 216) then (: 'sentences' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(216, $input, $state) (: 'sentences' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shiftT(190, $input, $state) (: 'paragraphs' :)
return $state
return $state
: Parse FTWindow.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FTWindow($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(250, $input, $state) (: 'window' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-AdditiveExpr($input, $state)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-FTUnit($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "FTWindow", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing FTWindow.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FTWindow($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(250, $input, $state) (: 'window' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-AdditiveExpr($input, $state)
let $state := p:try-FTUnit($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse FTOrder.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FTOrder($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(187, $input, $state) (: 'ordered' :)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "FTOrder", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing FTOrder.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FTOrder($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(187, $input, $state) (: 'ordered' :)
return $state
: Parse FTPosFilter.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FTPosFilter($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 187) then (: 'ordered' :)
let $state := p:parse-FTOrder($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 250) then (: 'window' :)
let $state := p:parse-FTWindow($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 112) then (: 'distance' :)
let $state := p:parse-FTDistance($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 110 (: 'different' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 208) then (: 'same' :)
let $state := p:parse-FTScope($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:parse-FTContent($input, $state)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "FTPosFilter", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing FTPosFilter.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FTPosFilter($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 187) then (: 'ordered' :)
let $state := p:try-FTOrder($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 250) then (: 'window' :)
let $state := p:try-FTWindow($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 112) then (: 'distance' :)
let $state := p:try-FTDistance($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 110 (: 'different' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 208) then (: 'same' :)
let $state := p:try-FTScope($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:try-FTContent($input, $state)
return $state
return $state
: Parse FTWeight.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FTWeight($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(246, $input, $state) (: 'weight' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(81, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
let $state := p:shift(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-Expr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shift(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "FTWeight", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing FTWeight.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FTWeight($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(246, $input, $state) (: 'weight' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(81, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-Expr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shiftT(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
return $state
: Parse the 1st loop of production FTExtensionSelection (one or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FTExtensionSelection-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-Pragma($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(91, $input, $state) (: S^WS | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
if ($state[$p:l1] != 35) then (: '(#' :)
p:parse-FTExtensionSelection-1($input, $state)
: Try parsing the 1st loop of production FTExtensionSelection (one or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FTExtensionSelection-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:try-Pragma($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(91, $input, $state) (: S^WS | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
if ($state[$p:l1] != 35) then (: '(#' :)
p:try-FTExtensionSelection-1($input, $state)
: Parse FTExtensionSelection.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FTExtensionSelection($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:parse-FTExtensionSelection-1($input, $state)
let $state := p:shift(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(160, $input, $state) (: StringLiteral | S^WS | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | 'ftnot' |
'{' | '}' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] != 261) then (: '}' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-FTSelection($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:shift(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "FTExtensionSelection", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing FTExtensionSelection.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FTExtensionSelection($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:try-FTExtensionSelection-1($input, $state)
let $state := p:shiftT(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(160, $input, $state) (: StringLiteral | S^WS | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | 'ftnot' |
'{' | '}' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] != 261) then (: '}' :)
let $state := p:try-FTSelection($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:shiftT(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
return $state
: Parse FTRange.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FTRange($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 80) then (: 'at' :)
let $state := p:lookahead2W(116, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'least' | 'most' :)
return $state
($state[$p:l1], subsequence($state, $p:lk + 1))
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:lk] = 125) then (: 'exactly' :)
let $state := p:shift(125, $input, $state) (: 'exactly' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-AdditiveExpr($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:lk] = 82512) then (: 'at' 'least' :)
let $state := p:shift(80, $input, $state) (: 'at' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(54, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'least' :)
let $state := p:shift(161, $input, $state) (: 'least' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-AdditiveExpr($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:lk] = 87120) then (: 'at' 'most' :)
let $state := p:shift(80, $input, $state) (: 'at' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(57, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'most' :)
let $state := p:shift(170, $input, $state) (: 'most' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-AdditiveExpr($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shift(132, $input, $state) (: 'from' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-AdditiveExpr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shift(232, $input, $state) (: 'to' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-AdditiveExpr($input, $state)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "FTRange", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing FTRange.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FTRange($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 80) then (: 'at' :)
let $state := p:lookahead2W(116, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'least' | 'most' :)
return $state
($state[$p:l1], subsequence($state, $p:lk + 1))
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:lk] = 125) then (: 'exactly' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(125, $input, $state) (: 'exactly' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-AdditiveExpr($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:lk] = 82512) then (: 'at' 'least' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(80, $input, $state) (: 'at' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(54, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'least' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(161, $input, $state) (: 'least' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-AdditiveExpr($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:lk] = 87120) then (: 'at' 'most' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(80, $input, $state) (: 'at' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(57, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'most' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(170, $input, $state) (: 'most' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-AdditiveExpr($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shiftT(132, $input, $state) (: 'from' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-AdditiveExpr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shiftT(232, $input, $state) (: 'to' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-AdditiveExpr($input, $state)
return $state
return $state
: Parse FTTimes.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FTTimes($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(181, $input, $state) (: 'occurs' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(142, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'at' | 'exactly' | 'from' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-FTRange($input, $state)
let $state := p:shift(231, $input, $state) (: 'times' :)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "FTTimes", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing FTTimes.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FTTimes($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(181, $input, $state) (: 'occurs' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(142, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'at' | 'exactly' | 'from' :)
let $state := p:try-FTRange($input, $state)
let $state := p:shiftT(231, $input, $state) (: 'times' :)
return $state
: Parse FTAnyallOption.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FTAnyallOption($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 77) then (: 'any' :)
let $state := p:shift(77, $input, $state) (: 'any' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(195, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | '!=' | ('(' ':') | ')' | ',' | ';' | '<' |
'<<' | '<=' | '=' | '>' | '>=' | '>>' | ']' | 'after' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'at' | 'before' | 'case' |
'collation' | 'count' | 'default' | 'descending' |
'different' | 'distance' | 'else' | 'empty' | 'end' |
'entire' | 'eq' | 'for' | 'ftand' | 'ftor' | 'ge' |
'group' | 'gt' | 'into' | 'is' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'modify' | 'ne' | 'not' | 'occurs' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'return' | 'same' | 'satisfies' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'using' | 'weight' | 'where' |
'window' | 'with' | 'without' | 'word' | '}' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 253) then (: 'word' :)
let $state := p:shift(253, $input, $state) (: 'word' :)
return $state
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 72) then (: 'all' :)
let $state := p:shift(72, $input, $state) (: 'all' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(196, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | '!=' | ('(' ':') | ')' | ',' | ';' | '<' |
'<<' | '<=' | '=' | '>' | '>=' | '>>' | ']' | 'after' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'at' | 'before' | 'case' |
'collation' | 'count' | 'default' | 'descending' |
'different' | 'distance' | 'else' | 'empty' | 'end' |
'entire' | 'eq' | 'for' | 'ftand' | 'ftor' | 'ge' |
'group' | 'gt' | 'into' | 'is' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'modify' | 'ne' | 'not' | 'occurs' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'return' | 'same' | 'satisfies' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'using' | 'weight' | 'where' |
'window' | 'with' | 'without' | 'words' | '}' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 254) then (: 'words' :)
let $state := p:shift(254, $input, $state) (: 'words' :)
return $state
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shift(195, $input, $state) (: 'phrase' :)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "FTAnyallOption", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing FTAnyallOption.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FTAnyallOption($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 77) then (: 'any' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(77, $input, $state) (: 'any' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(195, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | '!=' | ('(' ':') | ')' | ',' | ';' | '<' |
'<<' | '<=' | '=' | '>' | '>=' | '>>' | ']' | 'after' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'at' | 'before' | 'case' |
'collation' | 'count' | 'default' | 'descending' |
'different' | 'distance' | 'else' | 'empty' | 'end' |
'entire' | 'eq' | 'for' | 'ftand' | 'ftor' | 'ge' |
'group' | 'gt' | 'into' | 'is' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'modify' | 'ne' | 'not' | 'occurs' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'return' | 'same' | 'satisfies' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'using' | 'weight' | 'where' |
'window' | 'with' | 'without' | 'word' | '}' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 253) then (: 'word' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(253, $input, $state) (: 'word' :)
return $state
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 72) then (: 'all' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(72, $input, $state) (: 'all' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(196, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | '!=' | ('(' ':') | ')' | ',' | ';' | '<' |
'<<' | '<=' | '=' | '>' | '>=' | '>>' | ']' | 'after' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'at' | 'before' | 'case' |
'collation' | 'count' | 'default' | 'descending' |
'different' | 'distance' | 'else' | 'empty' | 'end' |
'entire' | 'eq' | 'for' | 'ftand' | 'ftor' | 'ge' |
'group' | 'gt' | 'into' | 'is' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'modify' | 'ne' | 'not' | 'occurs' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'return' | 'same' | 'satisfies' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'using' | 'weight' | 'where' |
'window' | 'with' | 'without' | 'words' | '}' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 254) then (: 'words' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(254, $input, $state) (: 'words' :)
return $state
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shiftT(195, $input, $state) (: 'phrase' :)
return $state
return $state
: Parse FTWordsValue.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FTWordsValue($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 12) then (: StringLiteral :)
let $state := p:shift(12, $input, $state) (: StringLiteral :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shift(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-Expr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shift(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "FTWordsValue", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing FTWordsValue.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FTWordsValue($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 12) then (: StringLiteral :)
let $state := p:shiftT(12, $input, $state) (: StringLiteral :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shiftT(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-Expr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shiftT(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
return $state
return $state
: Parse FTWords.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FTWords($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:parse-FTWordsValue($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(199, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | '!=' | ('(' ':') | ')' | ',' | ';' | '<' |
'<<' | '<=' | '=' | '>' | '>=' | '>>' | ']' | 'after' |
'all' | 'and' | 'any' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'at' |
'before' | 'case' | 'collation' | 'count' | 'default' |
'descending' | 'different' | 'distance' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'end' | 'entire' | 'eq' | 'for' | 'ftand' |
'ftor' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'into' | 'is' | 'le' |
'let' | 'lt' | 'modify' | 'ne' | 'not' | 'occurs' |
'only' | 'or' | 'order' | 'ordered' | 'phrase' |
'return' | 'same' | 'satisfies' | 'stable' | 'start' |
'using' | 'weight' | 'where' | 'window' | 'with' |
'without' | '}' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 72 (: 'all' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 77 (: 'any' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 195) then (: 'phrase' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-FTAnyallOption($input, $state)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "FTWords", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing FTWords.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FTWords($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:try-FTWordsValue($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(199, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | '!=' | ('(' ':') | ')' | ',' | ';' | '<' |
'<<' | '<=' | '=' | '>' | '>=' | '>>' | ']' | 'after' |
'all' | 'and' | 'any' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'at' |
'before' | 'case' | 'collation' | 'count' | 'default' |
'descending' | 'different' | 'distance' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'end' | 'entire' | 'eq' | 'for' | 'ftand' |
'ftor' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'into' | 'is' | 'le' |
'let' | 'lt' | 'modify' | 'ne' | 'not' | 'occurs' |
'only' | 'or' | 'order' | 'ordered' | 'phrase' |
'return' | 'same' | 'satisfies' | 'stable' | 'start' |
'using' | 'weight' | 'where' | 'window' | 'with' |
'without' | '}' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 72 (: 'all' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 77 (: 'any' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 195) then (: 'phrase' :)
let $state := p:try-FTAnyallOption($input, $state)
return $state
return $state
: Parse FTPrimary.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FTPrimary($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 34) then (: '(' :)
let $state := p:shift(34, $input, $state) (: '(' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(156, $input, $state) (: StringLiteral | S^WS | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | 'ftnot' |
'{' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-FTSelection($input, $state)
let $state := p:shift(37, $input, $state) (: ')' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 35) then (: '(#' :)
let $state := p:parse-FTExtensionSelection($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:parse-FTWords($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(191, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | '!=' | ('(' ':') | ')' | ',' | ';' | '<' |
'<<' | '<=' | '=' | '>' | '>=' | '>>' | ']' | 'after' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'at' | 'before' | 'case' |
'collation' | 'count' | 'default' | 'descending' |
'different' | 'distance' | 'else' | 'empty' | 'end' |
'entire' | 'eq' | 'for' | 'ftand' | 'ftor' | 'ge' |
'group' | 'gt' | 'into' | 'is' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'modify' | 'ne' | 'not' | 'occurs' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'return' | 'same' | 'satisfies' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'using' | 'weight' | 'where' |
'window' | 'with' | 'without' | '}' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 181) then (: 'occurs' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-FTTimes($input, $state)
return $state
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "FTPrimary", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing FTPrimary.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FTPrimary($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 34) then (: '(' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(34, $input, $state) (: '(' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(156, $input, $state) (: StringLiteral | S^WS | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | 'ftnot' |
'{' :)
let $state := p:try-FTSelection($input, $state)
let $state := p:shiftT(37, $input, $state) (: ')' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 35) then (: '(#' :)
let $state := p:try-FTExtensionSelection($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:try-FTWords($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(191, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | '!=' | ('(' ':') | ')' | ',' | ';' | '<' |
'<<' | '<=' | '=' | '>' | '>=' | '>>' | ']' | 'after' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'at' | 'before' | 'case' |
'collation' | 'count' | 'default' | 'descending' |
'different' | 'distance' | 'else' | 'empty' | 'end' |
'entire' | 'eq' | 'for' | 'ftand' | 'ftor' | 'ge' |
'group' | 'gt' | 'into' | 'is' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'modify' | 'ne' | 'not' | 'occurs' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'return' | 'same' | 'satisfies' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'using' | 'weight' | 'where' |
'window' | 'with' | 'without' | '}' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 181) then (: 'occurs' :)
let $state := p:try-FTTimes($input, $state)
return $state
return $state
return $state
: Parse FTPrimaryWithOptions.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FTPrimaryWithOptions($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:parse-FTPrimary($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(190, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | '!=' | ('(' ':') | ')' | ',' | ';' | '<' |
'<<' | '<=' | '=' | '>' | '>=' | '>>' | ']' | 'after' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'at' | 'before' | 'case' |
'collation' | 'count' | 'default' | 'descending' |
'different' | 'distance' | 'else' | 'empty' | 'end' |
'entire' | 'eq' | 'for' | 'ftand' | 'ftor' | 'ge' |
'group' | 'gt' | 'into' | 'is' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'modify' | 'ne' | 'not' | 'only' | 'or' | 'order' |
'ordered' | 'return' | 'same' | 'satisfies' | 'stable' |
'start' | 'using' | 'weight' | 'where' | 'window' |
'with' | 'without' | '}' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 241) then (: 'using' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-FTMatchOptions($input, $state)
return $state
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 246) then (: 'weight' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-FTWeight($input, $state)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "FTPrimaryWithOptions", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing FTPrimaryWithOptions.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FTPrimaryWithOptions($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:try-FTPrimary($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(190, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | '!=' | ('(' ':') | ')' | ',' | ';' | '<' |
'<<' | '<=' | '=' | '>' | '>=' | '>>' | ']' | 'after' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'at' | 'before' | 'case' |
'collation' | 'count' | 'default' | 'descending' |
'different' | 'distance' | 'else' | 'empty' | 'end' |
'entire' | 'eq' | 'for' | 'ftand' | 'ftor' | 'ge' |
'group' | 'gt' | 'into' | 'is' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'modify' | 'ne' | 'not' | 'only' | 'or' | 'order' |
'ordered' | 'return' | 'same' | 'satisfies' | 'stable' |
'start' | 'using' | 'weight' | 'where' | 'window' |
'with' | 'without' | '}' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 241) then (: 'using' :)
let $state := p:try-FTMatchOptions($input, $state)
return $state
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 246) then (: 'weight' :)
let $state := p:try-FTWeight($input, $state)
return $state
return $state
: Parse FTUnaryNot.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FTUnaryNot($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 135) then (: 'ftnot' :)
let $state := p:shift(135, $input, $state) (: 'ftnot' :)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(149, $input, $state) (: StringLiteral | S^WS | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-FTPrimaryWithOptions($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "FTUnaryNot", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing FTUnaryNot.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FTUnaryNot($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 135) then (: 'ftnot' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(135, $input, $state) (: 'ftnot' :)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(149, $input, $state) (: StringLiteral | S^WS | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
let $state := p:try-FTPrimaryWithOptions($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse the 1st loop of production FTMildNot (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FTMildNot-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:lookahead1W(189, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | '!=' | ('(' ':') | ')' | ',' | ';' | '<' |
'<<' | '<=' | '=' | '>' | '>=' | '>>' | ']' | 'after' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'at' | 'before' | 'case' |
'collation' | 'count' | 'default' | 'descending' |
'different' | 'distance' | 'else' | 'empty' | 'end' |
'entire' | 'eq' | 'for' | 'ftand' | 'ftor' | 'ge' |
'group' | 'gt' | 'into' | 'is' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'modify' | 'ne' | 'not' | 'only' | 'or' | 'order' |
'ordered' | 'return' | 'same' | 'satisfies' | 'stable' |
'start' | 'where' | 'window' | 'with' | 'without' | '}' :)
if ($state[$p:l1] != 180) then (: 'not' :)
let $state := p:shift(180, $input, $state) (: 'not' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(50, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'in' :)
let $state := p:shift(147, $input, $state) (: 'in' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(156, $input, $state) (: StringLiteral | S^WS | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | 'ftnot' |
'{' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-FTUnaryNot($input, $state)
return p:parse-FTMildNot-1($input, $state)
: Try parsing the 1st loop of production FTMildNot (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FTMildNot-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:lookahead1W(189, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | '!=' | ('(' ':') | ')' | ',' | ';' | '<' |
'<<' | '<=' | '=' | '>' | '>=' | '>>' | ']' | 'after' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'at' | 'before' | 'case' |
'collation' | 'count' | 'default' | 'descending' |
'different' | 'distance' | 'else' | 'empty' | 'end' |
'entire' | 'eq' | 'for' | 'ftand' | 'ftor' | 'ge' |
'group' | 'gt' | 'into' | 'is' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'modify' | 'ne' | 'not' | 'only' | 'or' | 'order' |
'ordered' | 'return' | 'same' | 'satisfies' | 'stable' |
'start' | 'where' | 'window' | 'with' | 'without' | '}' :)
if ($state[$p:l1] != 180) then (: 'not' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(180, $input, $state) (: 'not' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(50, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'in' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(147, $input, $state) (: 'in' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(156, $input, $state) (: StringLiteral | S^WS | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | 'ftnot' |
'{' :)
let $state := p:try-FTUnaryNot($input, $state)
return p:try-FTMildNot-1($input, $state)
: Parse FTMildNot.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FTMildNot($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:parse-FTUnaryNot($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-FTMildNot-1($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "FTMildNot", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing FTMildNot.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FTMildNot($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:try-FTUnaryNot($input, $state)
let $state := p:try-FTMildNot-1($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse the 1st loop of production FTAnd (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FTAnd-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
if ($state[$p:l1] != 134) then (: 'ftand' :)
let $state := p:shift(134, $input, $state) (: 'ftand' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(156, $input, $state) (: StringLiteral | S^WS | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | 'ftnot' |
'{' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-FTMildNot($input, $state)
return p:parse-FTAnd-1($input, $state)
: Try parsing the 1st loop of production FTAnd (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FTAnd-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
if ($state[$p:l1] != 134) then (: 'ftand' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(134, $input, $state) (: 'ftand' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(156, $input, $state) (: StringLiteral | S^WS | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | 'ftnot' |
'{' :)
let $state := p:try-FTMildNot($input, $state)
return p:try-FTAnd-1($input, $state)
: Parse FTAnd.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FTAnd($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:parse-FTMildNot($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-FTAnd-1($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "FTAnd", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing FTAnd.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FTAnd($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:try-FTMildNot($input, $state)
let $state := p:try-FTAnd-1($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse the 1st loop of production FTOr (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FTOr-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
if ($state[$p:l1] != 136) then (: 'ftor' :)
let $state := p:shift(136, $input, $state) (: 'ftor' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(156, $input, $state) (: StringLiteral | S^WS | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | 'ftnot' |
'{' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-FTAnd($input, $state)
return p:parse-FTOr-1($input, $state)
: Try parsing the 1st loop of production FTOr (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FTOr-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
if ($state[$p:l1] != 136) then (: 'ftor' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(136, $input, $state) (: 'ftor' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(156, $input, $state) (: StringLiteral | S^WS | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | 'ftnot' |
'{' :)
let $state := p:try-FTAnd($input, $state)
return p:try-FTOr-1($input, $state)
: Parse FTOr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FTOr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:parse-FTAnd($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-FTOr-1($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "FTOr", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing FTOr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FTOr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:try-FTAnd($input, $state)
let $state := p:try-FTOr-1($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse the 1st loop of production FTSelection (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FTSelection-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:lookahead1W(186, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | '!=' | ('(' ':') | ')' | ',' | ';' | '<' |
'<<' | '<=' | '=' | '>' | '>=' | '>>' | ']' | 'after' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'at' | 'before' | 'case' |
'collation' | 'count' | 'default' | 'descending' |
'different' | 'distance' | 'else' | 'empty' | 'end' |
'entire' | 'eq' | 'for' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' |
'into' | 'is' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'modify' | 'ne' |
'only' | 'or' | 'order' | 'ordered' | 'return' | 'same' |
'satisfies' | 'stable' | 'start' | 'where' | 'window' |
'with' | 'without' | '}' :)
if ($state[$p:l1] != 80 (: 'at' :)
and $state[$p:l1] != 110 (: 'different' :)
and $state[$p:l1] != 112 (: 'distance' :)
and $state[$p:l1] != 122 (: 'entire' :)
and $state[$p:l1] != 187 (: 'ordered' :)
and $state[$p:l1] != 208 (: 'same' :)
and $state[$p:l1] != 250) then (: 'window' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-FTPosFilter($input, $state)
return p:parse-FTSelection-1($input, $state)
: Try parsing the 1st loop of production FTSelection (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FTSelection-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:lookahead1W(186, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | '!=' | ('(' ':') | ')' | ',' | ';' | '<' |
'<<' | '<=' | '=' | '>' | '>=' | '>>' | ']' | 'after' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'at' | 'before' | 'case' |
'collation' | 'count' | 'default' | 'descending' |
'different' | 'distance' | 'else' | 'empty' | 'end' |
'entire' | 'eq' | 'for' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' |
'into' | 'is' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'modify' | 'ne' |
'only' | 'or' | 'order' | 'ordered' | 'return' | 'same' |
'satisfies' | 'stable' | 'start' | 'where' | 'window' |
'with' | 'without' | '}' :)
if ($state[$p:l1] != 80 (: 'at' :)
and $state[$p:l1] != 110 (: 'different' :)
and $state[$p:l1] != 112 (: 'distance' :)
and $state[$p:l1] != 122 (: 'entire' :)
and $state[$p:l1] != 187 (: 'ordered' :)
and $state[$p:l1] != 208 (: 'same' :)
and $state[$p:l1] != 250) then (: 'window' :)
let $state := p:try-FTPosFilter($input, $state)
return p:try-FTSelection-1($input, $state)
: Parse FTSelection.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FTSelection($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:parse-FTOr($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-FTSelection-1($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "FTSelection", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing FTSelection.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FTSelection($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:try-FTOr($input, $state)
let $state := p:try-FTSelection-1($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse SingleType.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-SingleType($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:parse-AtomicOrUnionType($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(204, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | '!=' | ('(' ':') | ')' | '*' | '*' | '+' |
',' | '-' | ';' | '<' | '<<' | '<=' | '=' | '>' | '>=' |
'>>' | '?' | ']' | 'after' | 'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' |
'before' | 'case' | 'castable' | 'collation' |
'contains' | 'count' | 'default' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'else' | 'empty' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'except' | 'for' |
'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' | 'instance' |
'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'ne' | 'only' | 'or' | 'order' |
'paragraphs' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'sentences' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'times' | 'to' | 'treat' | 'union' |
'where' | 'with' | 'words' | '|' | '||' | '}' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 39 (: '*' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 64) then (: '?' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 64) then (: '?' :)
let $state := p:shift(64, $input, $state) (: '?' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shift(39, $input, $state) (: '*' :)
return $state
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "SingleType", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing SingleType.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-SingleType($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:try-AtomicOrUnionType($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(204, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | '!=' | ('(' ':') | ')' | '*' | '*' | '+' |
',' | '-' | ';' | '<' | '<<' | '<=' | '=' | '>' | '>=' |
'>>' | '?' | ']' | 'after' | 'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' |
'before' | 'case' | 'castable' | 'collation' |
'contains' | 'count' | 'default' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'else' | 'empty' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'except' | 'for' |
'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' | 'instance' |
'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'ne' | 'only' | 'or' | 'order' |
'paragraphs' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'sentences' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'times' | 'to' | 'treat' | 'union' |
'where' | 'with' | 'words' | '|' | '||' | '}' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 39 (: '*' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 64) then (: '?' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 64) then (: '?' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(64, $input, $state) (: '?' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shiftT(39, $input, $state) (: '*' :)
return $state
return $state
return $state
: Parse Pragma.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-Pragma($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(35, $input, $state) (: '(#' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1(228, $input, $state) (: URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S | 'after' |
'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' | 'as' |
'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 23) then (: S :)
let $state := p:shift(23, $input, $state) (: S :)
return $state
let $state := p:parse-EQName($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1(11, $input, $state) (: S | '#)' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 23) then (: S :)
let $state := p:shift(23, $input, $state) (: S :)
let $state := p:lookahead1(0, $input, $state) (: PragmaContents :)
let $state := p:shift(2, $input, $state) (: PragmaContents :)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1(5, $input, $state) (: '#)' :)
let $state := p:shift(30, $input, $state) (: '#)' :)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "Pragma", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing Pragma.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-Pragma($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(35, $input, $state) (: '(#' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1(228, $input, $state) (: URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S | 'after' |
'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' | 'as' |
'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 23) then (: S :)
let $state := p:shiftT(23, $input, $state) (: S :)
return $state
let $state := p:try-EQName($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1(11, $input, $state) (: S | '#)' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 23) then (: S :)
let $state := p:shiftT(23, $input, $state) (: S :)
let $state := p:lookahead1(0, $input, $state) (: PragmaContents :)
let $state := p:shiftT(2, $input, $state) (: PragmaContents :)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1(5, $input, $state) (: '#)' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(30, $input, $state) (: '#)' :)
return $state
: Parse the 1st loop of production ExtensionExpr (one or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-ExtensionExpr-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-Pragma($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(91, $input, $state) (: S^WS | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
if ($state[$p:l1] != 35) then (: '(#' :)
p:parse-ExtensionExpr-1($input, $state)
: Try parsing the 1st loop of production ExtensionExpr (one or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-ExtensionExpr-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:try-Pragma($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(91, $input, $state) (: S^WS | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
if ($state[$p:l1] != 35) then (: '(#' :)
p:try-ExtensionExpr-1($input, $state)
: Parse ExtensionExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-ExtensionExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:parse-ExtensionExpr-1($input, $state)
let $state := p:shift(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(246, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' | '}' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] != 261) then (: '}' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-Expr($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:shift(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "ExtensionExpr", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing ExtensionExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-ExtensionExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:try-ExtensionExpr-1($input, $state)
let $state := p:shiftT(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(246, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' | '}' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] != 261) then (: '}' :)
let $state := p:try-Expr($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:shiftT(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
return $state
: Parse the 1st loop of production PredicateList (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-PredicateList-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:lookahead1W(211, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | '!' | '!=' | ('(' ':') | ')' | '*' | '+' |
',' | '-' | '/' | '//' | ';' | '<' | '<<' | '<=' | '=' |
'>' | '>=' | '>>' | '[' | ']' | 'after' | 'and' | 'as' |
'ascending' | 'before' | 'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' |
'collation' | 'contains' | 'count' | 'default' |
'descending' | 'div' | 'else' | 'empty' | 'end' | 'eq' |
'except' | 'for' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' | 'le' | 'let' |
'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' | 'ne' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'paragraphs' | 'return' | 'satisfies' |
'sentences' | 'stable' | 'start' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'union' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | '|' |
'||' | '}' :)
if ($state[$p:l1] != 68) then (: '[' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-Predicate($input, $state)
return p:parse-PredicateList-1($input, $state)
: Try parsing the 1st loop of production PredicateList (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-PredicateList-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:lookahead1W(211, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | '!' | '!=' | ('(' ':') | ')' | '*' | '+' |
',' | '-' | '/' | '//' | ';' | '<' | '<<' | '<=' | '=' |
'>' | '>=' | '>>' | '[' | ']' | 'after' | 'and' | 'as' |
'ascending' | 'before' | 'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' |
'collation' | 'contains' | 'count' | 'default' |
'descending' | 'div' | 'else' | 'empty' | 'end' | 'eq' |
'except' | 'for' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' | 'le' | 'let' |
'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' | 'ne' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'paragraphs' | 'return' | 'satisfies' |
'sentences' | 'stable' | 'start' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'union' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | '|' |
'||' | '}' :)
if ($state[$p:l1] != 68) then (: '[' :)
let $state := p:try-Predicate($input, $state)
return p:try-PredicateList-1($input, $state)
: Parse PredicateList.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-PredicateList($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:parse-PredicateList-1($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "PredicateList", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing PredicateList.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-PredicateList($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:try-PredicateList-1($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse AbbrevForwardStep.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-AbbrevForwardStep($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 66) then (: '@' :)
let $state := p:shift(66, $input, $state) (: '@' :)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(231, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS |
('(' ':') | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' |
'binary' | 'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' |
'child' | 'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' |
'count' | 'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' |
'descendant' | 'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' |
'div' | 'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' |
'else' | 'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' |
'every' | 'except' | 'first' | 'following' |
'following-sibling' | 'for' | 'function' | 'ge' |
'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' | 'if' | 'import' | 'insert' |
'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' | 'item' |
'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' |
'module' | 'namespace' | 'namespace-node' | 'ne' |
'node' | 'only' | 'or' | 'order' | 'ordered' |
'paragraphs' | 'parent' | 'preceding' |
'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-NodeTest($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "AbbrevForwardStep", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing AbbrevForwardStep.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-AbbrevForwardStep($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 66) then (: '@' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(66, $input, $state) (: '@' :)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(231, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS |
('(' ':') | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' |
'binary' | 'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' |
'child' | 'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' |
'count' | 'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' |
'descendant' | 'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' |
'div' | 'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' |
'else' | 'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' |
'every' | 'except' | 'first' | 'following' |
'following-sibling' | 'for' | 'function' | 'ge' |
'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' | 'if' | 'import' | 'insert' |
'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' | 'item' |
'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' |
'module' | 'namespace' | 'namespace-node' | 'ne' |
'node' | 'only' | 'or' | 'order' | 'ordered' |
'paragraphs' | 'parent' | 'preceding' |
'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-NodeTest($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse ForwardAxis.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-ForwardAxis($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 91) then (: 'child' :)
let $state := p:shift(91, $input, $state) (: 'child' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(28, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '::' :)
let $state := p:shift(50, $input, $state) (: '::' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 106) then (: 'descendant' :)
let $state := p:shift(106, $input, $state) (: 'descendant' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(28, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '::' :)
let $state := p:shift(50, $input, $state) (: '::' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 81) then (: 'attribute' :)
let $state := p:shift(81, $input, $state) (: 'attribute' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(28, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '::' :)
let $state := p:shift(50, $input, $state) (: '::' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 171) then (: 'namespace' :)
let $state := p:shift(171, $input, $state) (: 'namespace' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(28, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '::' :)
let $state := p:shift(50, $input, $state) (: '::' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 213) then (: 'self' :)
let $state := p:shift(213, $input, $state) (: 'self' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(28, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '::' :)
let $state := p:shift(50, $input, $state) (: '::' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 202) then (: 'property' :)
let $state := p:shift(202, $input, $state) (: 'property' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(28, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '::' :)
let $state := p:shift(50, $input, $state) (: '::' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 107) then (: 'descendant-or-self' :)
let $state := p:shift(107, $input, $state) (: 'descendant-or-self' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(28, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '::' :)
let $state := p:shift(50, $input, $state) (: '::' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 130) then (: 'following-sibling' :)
let $state := p:shift(130, $input, $state) (: 'following-sibling' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(28, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '::' :)
let $state := p:shift(50, $input, $state) (: '::' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shift(129, $input, $state) (: 'following' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(28, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '::' :)
let $state := p:shift(50, $input, $state) (: '::' :)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "ForwardAxis", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing ForwardAxis.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-ForwardAxis($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 91) then (: 'child' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(91, $input, $state) (: 'child' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(28, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '::' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(50, $input, $state) (: '::' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 106) then (: 'descendant' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(106, $input, $state) (: 'descendant' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(28, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '::' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(50, $input, $state) (: '::' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 81) then (: 'attribute' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(81, $input, $state) (: 'attribute' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(28, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '::' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(50, $input, $state) (: '::' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 171) then (: 'namespace' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(171, $input, $state) (: 'namespace' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(28, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '::' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(50, $input, $state) (: '::' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 213) then (: 'self' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(213, $input, $state) (: 'self' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(28, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '::' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(50, $input, $state) (: '::' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 202) then (: 'property' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(202, $input, $state) (: 'property' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(28, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '::' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(50, $input, $state) (: '::' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 107) then (: 'descendant-or-self' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(107, $input, $state) (: 'descendant-or-self' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(28, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '::' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(50, $input, $state) (: '::' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 130) then (: 'following-sibling' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(130, $input, $state) (: 'following-sibling' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(28, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '::' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(50, $input, $state) (: '::' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shiftT(129, $input, $state) (: 'following' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(28, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '::' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(50, $input, $state) (: '::' :)
return $state
return $state
: Parse ForwardStep.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-ForwardStep($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 81) then (: 'attribute' :)
let $state := p:lookahead2W(218, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | '!' | '!=' | '(' | ('(' ':') | ')' | '*' |
'+' | ',' | '-' | '/' | '//' | '::' | ';' | '<' | '<<' |
'<=' | '=' | '>' | '>=' | '>>' | '[' | ']' | 'after' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'before' | 'case' | 'cast' |
'castable' | 'collation' | 'contains' | 'count' |
'default' | 'descending' | 'div' | 'else' | 'empty' |
'end' | 'eq' | 'except' | 'for' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' |
'idiv' | 'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' |
'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' | 'ne' | 'only' |
'or' | 'order' | 'paragraphs' | 'return' | 'satisfies' |
'sentences' | 'stable' | 'start' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'union' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | '|' |
'||' | '}' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 91 (: 'descendant' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 106 (: 'descendant-or-self' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 107 (: 'following' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 129 (: 'following-sibling' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 130 (: 'namespace' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 171 (: 'property' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 202 (: 'self' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 213) then (: 'self' :)
let $state := p:lookahead2W(215, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | '!' | '!=' | ('(' ':') | ')' | '*' | '+' |
',' | '-' | '/' | '//' | '::' | ';' | '<' | '<<' | '<=' |
'=' | '>' | '>=' | '>>' | '[' | ']' | 'after' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'before' | 'case' | 'cast' |
'castable' | 'collation' | 'contains' | 'count' |
'default' | 'descending' | 'div' | 'else' | 'empty' |
'end' | 'eq' | 'except' | 'for' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' |
'idiv' | 'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' |
'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' | 'ne' | 'only' |
'or' | 'order' | 'paragraphs' | 'return' | 'satisfies' |
'sentences' | 'stable' | 'start' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'union' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | '|' |
'||' | '}' :)
return $state
($state[$p:l1], subsequence($state, $p:lk + 1))
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:lk] = 25681 (: 'attribute' '::' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 25691 (: 'child' '::' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 25706 (: 'descendant' '::' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 25707 (: 'descendant-or-self' '::' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 25729 (: 'following' '::' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 25730 (: 'following-sibling' '::' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 25771 (: 'namespace' '::' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 25802 (: 'property' '::' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 25813) then (: 'self' '::' :)
let $state := p:parse-ForwardAxis($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(231, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS |
('(' ':') | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' |
'binary' | 'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' |
'child' | 'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' |
'count' | 'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' |
'descendant' | 'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' |
'div' | 'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' |
'else' | 'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' |
'every' | 'except' | 'first' | 'following' |
'following-sibling' | 'for' | 'function' | 'ge' |
'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' | 'if' | 'import' | 'insert' |
'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' | 'item' |
'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' |
'module' | 'namespace' | 'namespace-node' | 'ne' |
'node' | 'only' | 'or' | 'order' | 'ordered' |
'paragraphs' | 'parent' | 'preceding' |
'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-NodeTest($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:parse-AbbrevForwardStep($input, $state)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "ForwardStep", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing ForwardStep.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-ForwardStep($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 81) then (: 'attribute' :)
let $state := p:lookahead2W(218, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | '!' | '!=' | '(' | ('(' ':') | ')' | '*' |
'+' | ',' | '-' | '/' | '//' | '::' | ';' | '<' | '<<' |
'<=' | '=' | '>' | '>=' | '>>' | '[' | ']' | 'after' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'before' | 'case' | 'cast' |
'castable' | 'collation' | 'contains' | 'count' |
'default' | 'descending' | 'div' | 'else' | 'empty' |
'end' | 'eq' | 'except' | 'for' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' |
'idiv' | 'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' |
'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' | 'ne' | 'only' |
'or' | 'order' | 'paragraphs' | 'return' | 'satisfies' |
'sentences' | 'stable' | 'start' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'union' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | '|' |
'||' | '}' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 91 (: 'descendant' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 106 (: 'descendant-or-self' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 107 (: 'following' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 129 (: 'following-sibling' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 130 (: 'namespace' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 171 (: 'property' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 202 (: 'self' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 213) then (: 'self' :)
let $state := p:lookahead2W(215, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | '!' | '!=' | ('(' ':') | ')' | '*' | '+' |
',' | '-' | '/' | '//' | '::' | ';' | '<' | '<<' | '<=' |
'=' | '>' | '>=' | '>>' | '[' | ']' | 'after' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'before' | 'case' | 'cast' |
'castable' | 'collation' | 'contains' | 'count' |
'default' | 'descending' | 'div' | 'else' | 'empty' |
'end' | 'eq' | 'except' | 'for' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' |
'idiv' | 'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' |
'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' | 'ne' | 'only' |
'or' | 'order' | 'paragraphs' | 'return' | 'satisfies' |
'sentences' | 'stable' | 'start' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'union' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | '|' |
'||' | '}' :)
return $state
($state[$p:l1], subsequence($state, $p:lk + 1))
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:lk] = 25681 (: 'attribute' '::' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 25691 (: 'child' '::' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 25706 (: 'descendant' '::' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 25707 (: 'descendant-or-self' '::' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 25729 (: 'following' '::' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 25730 (: 'following-sibling' '::' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 25771 (: 'namespace' '::' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 25802 (: 'property' '::' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 25813) then (: 'self' '::' :)
let $state := p:try-ForwardAxis($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(231, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS |
('(' ':') | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' |
'binary' | 'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' |
'child' | 'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' |
'count' | 'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' |
'descendant' | 'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' |
'div' | 'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' |
'else' | 'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' |
'every' | 'except' | 'first' | 'following' |
'following-sibling' | 'for' | 'function' | 'ge' |
'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' | 'if' | 'import' | 'insert' |
'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' | 'item' |
'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' |
'module' | 'namespace' | 'namespace-node' | 'ne' |
'node' | 'only' | 'or' | 'order' | 'ordered' |
'paragraphs' | 'parent' | 'preceding' |
'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-NodeTest($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:try-AbbrevForwardStep($input, $state)
return $state
return $state
: Parse AbbrevReverseStep.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-AbbrevReverseStep($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(45, $input, $state) (: '..' :)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "AbbrevReverseStep", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing AbbrevReverseStep.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-AbbrevReverseStep($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(45, $input, $state) (: '..' :)
return $state
: Parse NameTest.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-NameTest($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 6) then (: Wildcard :)
let $state := p:shift(6, $input, $state) (: Wildcard :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:parse-EQName($input, $state)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "NameTest", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing NameTest.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-NameTest($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 6) then (: Wildcard :)
let $state := p:shiftT(6, $input, $state) (: Wildcard :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:try-EQName($input, $state)
return $state
return $state
: Parse NodeTest.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-NodeTest($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 81 (: 'binary' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 84 (: 'comment' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 93 (: 'document-node' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 115 (: 'element' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 116 (: 'namespace-node' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 172 (: 'node' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 178 (: 'processing-instruction' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 201 (: 'schema-attribute' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 211 (: 'schema-element' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 212 (: 'text' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 228) then (: 'text' :)
let $state := p:lookahead2W(214, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | '!' | '!=' | '(' | ('(' ':') | ')' | '*' |
'+' | ',' | '-' | '/' | '//' | ';' | '<' | '<<' | '<=' |
'=' | '>' | '>=' | '>>' | '[' | ']' | 'after' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'before' | 'case' | 'cast' |
'castable' | 'collation' | 'contains' | 'count' |
'default' | 'descending' | 'div' | 'else' | 'empty' |
'end' | 'eq' | 'except' | 'for' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' |
'idiv' | 'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' |
'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' | 'ne' | 'only' |
'or' | 'order' | 'paragraphs' | 'return' | 'satisfies' |
'sentences' | 'stable' | 'start' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'union' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | '|' |
'||' | '}' :)
return $state
($state[$p:l1], subsequence($state, $p:lk + 1))
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:lk] = 17489 (: 'attribute' '(' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 17492 (: 'binary' '(' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 17501 (: 'comment' '(' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 17523 (: 'document-node' '(' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 17524 (: 'element' '(' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 17580 (: 'namespace-node' '(' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 17586 (: 'node' '(' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 17609 (: 'processing-instruction' '(' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 17619 (: 'schema-attribute' '(' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 17620 (: 'schema-element' '(' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 17636) then (: 'text' '(' :)
let $state := p:parse-KindTest($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:parse-NameTest($input, $state)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "NodeTest", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing NodeTest.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-NodeTest($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 81 (: 'binary' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 84 (: 'comment' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 93 (: 'document-node' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 115 (: 'element' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 116 (: 'namespace-node' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 172 (: 'node' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 178 (: 'processing-instruction' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 201 (: 'schema-attribute' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 211 (: 'schema-element' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 212 (: 'text' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 228) then (: 'text' :)
let $state := p:lookahead2W(214, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | '!' | '!=' | '(' | ('(' ':') | ')' | '*' |
'+' | ',' | '-' | '/' | '//' | ';' | '<' | '<<' | '<=' |
'=' | '>' | '>=' | '>>' | '[' | ']' | 'after' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'before' | 'case' | 'cast' |
'castable' | 'collation' | 'contains' | 'count' |
'default' | 'descending' | 'div' | 'else' | 'empty' |
'end' | 'eq' | 'except' | 'for' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' |
'idiv' | 'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' |
'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' | 'ne' | 'only' |
'or' | 'order' | 'paragraphs' | 'return' | 'satisfies' |
'sentences' | 'stable' | 'start' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'union' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | '|' |
'||' | '}' :)
return $state
($state[$p:l1], subsequence($state, $p:lk + 1))
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:lk] = 17489 (: 'attribute' '(' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 17492 (: 'binary' '(' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 17501 (: 'comment' '(' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 17523 (: 'document-node' '(' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 17524 (: 'element' '(' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 17580 (: 'namespace-node' '(' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 17586 (: 'node' '(' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 17609 (: 'processing-instruction' '(' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 17619 (: 'schema-attribute' '(' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 17620 (: 'schema-element' '(' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 17636) then (: 'text' '(' :)
let $state := p:try-KindTest($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:try-NameTest($input, $state)
return $state
return $state
: Parse ReverseAxis.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-ReverseAxis($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 191) then (: 'parent' :)
let $state := p:shift(191, $input, $state) (: 'parent' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(28, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '::' :)
let $state := p:shift(50, $input, $state) (: '::' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 74) then (: 'ancestor' :)
let $state := p:shift(74, $input, $state) (: 'ancestor' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(28, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '::' :)
let $state := p:shift(50, $input, $state) (: '::' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 197) then (: 'preceding-sibling' :)
let $state := p:shift(197, $input, $state) (: 'preceding-sibling' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(28, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '::' :)
let $state := p:shift(50, $input, $state) (: '::' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 196) then (: 'preceding' :)
let $state := p:shift(196, $input, $state) (: 'preceding' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(28, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '::' :)
let $state := p:shift(50, $input, $state) (: '::' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shift(75, $input, $state) (: 'ancestor-or-self' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(28, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '::' :)
let $state := p:shift(50, $input, $state) (: '::' :)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "ReverseAxis", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing ReverseAxis.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-ReverseAxis($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 191) then (: 'parent' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(191, $input, $state) (: 'parent' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(28, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '::' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(50, $input, $state) (: '::' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 74) then (: 'ancestor' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(74, $input, $state) (: 'ancestor' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(28, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '::' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(50, $input, $state) (: '::' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 197) then (: 'preceding-sibling' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(197, $input, $state) (: 'preceding-sibling' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(28, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '::' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(50, $input, $state) (: '::' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 196) then (: 'preceding' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(196, $input, $state) (: 'preceding' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(28, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '::' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(50, $input, $state) (: '::' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shiftT(75, $input, $state) (: 'ancestor-or-self' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(28, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '::' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(50, $input, $state) (: '::' :)
return $state
return $state
: Parse ReverseStep.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-ReverseStep($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 45) then (: '..' :)
let $state := p:parse-AbbrevReverseStep($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:parse-ReverseAxis($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(231, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS |
('(' ':') | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' |
'binary' | 'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' |
'child' | 'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' |
'count' | 'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' |
'descendant' | 'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' |
'div' | 'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' |
'else' | 'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' |
'every' | 'except' | 'first' | 'following' |
'following-sibling' | 'for' | 'function' | 'ge' |
'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' | 'if' | 'import' | 'insert' |
'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' | 'item' |
'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' |
'module' | 'namespace' | 'namespace-node' | 'ne' |
'node' | 'only' | 'or' | 'order' | 'ordered' |
'paragraphs' | 'parent' | 'preceding' |
'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-NodeTest($input, $state)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "ReverseStep", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing ReverseStep.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-ReverseStep($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 45) then (: '..' :)
let $state := p:try-AbbrevReverseStep($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:try-ReverseAxis($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(231, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS |
('(' ':') | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' |
'binary' | 'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' |
'child' | 'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' |
'count' | 'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' |
'descendant' | 'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' |
'div' | 'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' |
'else' | 'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' |
'every' | 'except' | 'first' | 'following' |
'following-sibling' | 'for' | 'function' | 'ge' |
'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' | 'if' | 'import' | 'insert' |
'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' | 'item' |
'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' |
'module' | 'namespace' | 'namespace-node' | 'ne' |
'node' | 'only' | 'or' | 'order' | 'ordered' |
'paragraphs' | 'parent' | 'preceding' |
'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-NodeTest($input, $state)
return $state
return $state
: Parse AxisStep.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-AxisStep($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 74 (: 'ancestor-or-self' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 75 (: 'parent' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 191 (: 'preceding' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 196 (: 'preceding-sibling' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 197) then (: 'preceding-sibling' :)
let $state := p:lookahead2W(215, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | '!' | '!=' | ('(' ':') | ')' | '*' | '+' |
',' | '-' | '/' | '//' | '::' | ';' | '<' | '<<' | '<=' |
'=' | '>' | '>=' | '>>' | '[' | ']' | 'after' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'before' | 'case' | 'cast' |
'castable' | 'collation' | 'contains' | 'count' |
'default' | 'descending' | 'div' | 'else' | 'empty' |
'end' | 'eq' | 'except' | 'for' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' |
'idiv' | 'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' |
'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' | 'ne' | 'only' |
'or' | 'order' | 'paragraphs' | 'return' | 'satisfies' |
'sentences' | 'stable' | 'start' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'union' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | '|' |
'||' | '}' :)
return $state
($state[$p:l1], subsequence($state, $p:lk + 1))
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:lk] = 45 (: '..' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 25674 (: 'ancestor' '::' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 25675 (: 'ancestor-or-self' '::' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 25791 (: 'parent' '::' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 25796 (: 'preceding' '::' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 25797) then (: 'preceding-sibling' '::' :)
let $state := p:parse-ReverseStep($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:parse-ForwardStep($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(211, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | '!' | '!=' | ('(' ':') | ')' | '*' | '+' |
',' | '-' | '/' | '//' | ';' | '<' | '<<' | '<=' | '=' |
'>' | '>=' | '>>' | '[' | ']' | 'after' | 'and' | 'as' |
'ascending' | 'before' | 'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' |
'collation' | 'contains' | 'count' | 'default' |
'descending' | 'div' | 'else' | 'empty' | 'end' | 'eq' |
'except' | 'for' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' | 'le' | 'let' |
'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' | 'ne' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'paragraphs' | 'return' | 'satisfies' |
'sentences' | 'stable' | 'start' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'union' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | '|' |
'||' | '}' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-PredicateList($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "AxisStep", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing AxisStep.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-AxisStep($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 74 (: 'ancestor-or-self' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 75 (: 'parent' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 191 (: 'preceding' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 196 (: 'preceding-sibling' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 197) then (: 'preceding-sibling' :)
let $state := p:lookahead2W(215, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | '!' | '!=' | ('(' ':') | ')' | '*' | '+' |
',' | '-' | '/' | '//' | '::' | ';' | '<' | '<<' | '<=' |
'=' | '>' | '>=' | '>>' | '[' | ']' | 'after' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'before' | 'case' | 'cast' |
'castable' | 'collation' | 'contains' | 'count' |
'default' | 'descending' | 'div' | 'else' | 'empty' |
'end' | 'eq' | 'except' | 'for' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' |
'idiv' | 'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' |
'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' | 'ne' | 'only' |
'or' | 'order' | 'paragraphs' | 'return' | 'satisfies' |
'sentences' | 'stable' | 'start' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'union' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | '|' |
'||' | '}' :)
return $state
($state[$p:l1], subsequence($state, $p:lk + 1))
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:lk] = 45 (: '..' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 25674 (: 'ancestor' '::' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 25675 (: 'ancestor-or-self' '::' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 25791 (: 'parent' '::' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 25796 (: 'preceding' '::' :)
or $state[$p:lk] = 25797) then (: 'preceding-sibling' '::' :)
let $state := p:try-ReverseStep($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:try-ForwardStep($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(211, $input, $state) (: EOF | S^WS | '!' | '!=' | ('(' ':') | ')' | '*' | '+' |
',' | '-' | '/' | '//' | ';' | '<' | '<<' | '<=' | '=' |
'>' | '>=' | '>>' | '[' | ']' | 'after' | 'and' | 'as' |
'ascending' | 'before' | 'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' |
'collation' | 'contains' | 'count' | 'default' |
'descending' | 'div' | 'else' | 'empty' | 'end' | 'eq' |
'except' | 'for' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' | 'le' | 'let' |
'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' | 'ne' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'paragraphs' | 'return' | 'satisfies' |
'sentences' | 'stable' | 'start' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'union' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | '|' |
'||' | '}' :)
let $state := p:try-PredicateList($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse Predicate.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-Predicate($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(68, $input, $state) (: '[' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-Expr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shift(69, $input, $state) (: ']' :)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "Predicate", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing Predicate.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-Predicate($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(68, $input, $state) (: '[' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-Expr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shiftT(69, $input, $state) (: ']' :)
return $state
: Parse Param.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-Param($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(31, $input, $state) (: '$' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(229, $input, $state) (: URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS | ('(' ':') |
'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-EQName($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(137, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | ')' | ',' | 'as' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 78) then (: 'as' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-TypeDeclaration($input, $state)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "Param", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing Param.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-Param($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(31, $input, $state) (: '$' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(229, $input, $state) (: URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS | ('(' ':') |
'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-EQName($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(137, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | ')' | ',' | 'as' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 78) then (: 'as' :)
let $state := p:try-TypeDeclaration($input, $state)
return $state
return $state
: Parse the 1st loop of production ParamList (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-ParamList-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:lookahead1W(92, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | ')' | ',' :)
if ($state[$p:l1] != 41) then (: ',' :)
let $state := p:shift(41, $input, $state) (: ',' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(23, $input, $state) (: S^WS | '$' | ('(' ':') :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-Param($input, $state)
return p:parse-ParamList-1($input, $state)
: Try parsing the 1st loop of production ParamList (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-ParamList-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:lookahead1W(92, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | ')' | ',' :)
if ($state[$p:l1] != 41) then (: ',' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(41, $input, $state) (: ',' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(23, $input, $state) (: S^WS | '$' | ('(' ':') :)
let $state := p:try-Param($input, $state)
return p:try-ParamList-1($input, $state)
: Parse ParamList.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-ParamList($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:parse-Param($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-ParamList-1($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "ParamList", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing ParamList.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-ParamList($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:try-Param($input, $state)
let $state := p:try-ParamList-1($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse InlineFunction.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-InlineFunction($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(138, $input, $state) (: 'function' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(24, $input, $state) (: S^WS | '(' | ('(' ':') :)
let $state := p:shift(34, $input, $state) (: '(' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(87, $input, $state) (: S^WS | '$' | ('(' ':') | ')' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 31) then (: '$' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-ParamList($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:shift(37, $input, $state) (: ')' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(101, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'as' | '{' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 78) then (: 'as' :)
let $state := p:shift(78, $input, $state) (: 'as' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(235, $input, $state) (: URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS | '%' | '(' |
('(' ':') | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' |
'binary' | 'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' |
'child' | 'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' |
'count' | 'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' |
'descendant' | 'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' |
'div' | 'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' |
'else' | 'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' |
'every' | 'except' | 'first' | 'following' |
'following-sibling' | 'for' | 'function' | 'ge' |
'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' | 'if' | 'import' | 'insert' |
'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' | 'item' |
'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' |
'module' | 'namespace' | 'namespace-node' | 'ne' |
'node' | 'only' | 'or' | 'order' | 'ordered' |
'paragraphs' | 'parent' | 'preceding' |
'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-SequenceType($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(81, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-EnclosedExpr($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "InlineFunction", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing InlineFunction.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-InlineFunction($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(138, $input, $state) (: 'function' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(24, $input, $state) (: S^WS | '(' | ('(' ':') :)
let $state := p:shiftT(34, $input, $state) (: '(' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(87, $input, $state) (: S^WS | '$' | ('(' ':') | ')' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 31) then (: '$' :)
let $state := p:try-ParamList($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:shiftT(37, $input, $state) (: ')' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(101, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'as' | '{' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 78) then (: 'as' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(78, $input, $state) (: 'as' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(235, $input, $state) (: URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS | '%' | '(' |
('(' ':') | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' |
'binary' | 'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' |
'child' | 'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' |
'count' | 'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' |
'descendant' | 'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' |
'div' | 'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' |
'else' | 'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' |
'every' | 'except' | 'first' | 'following' |
'following-sibling' | 'for' | 'function' | 'ge' |
'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' | 'if' | 'import' | 'insert' |
'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' | 'item' |
'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' |
'module' | 'namespace' | 'namespace-node' | 'ne' |
'node' | 'only' | 'or' | 'order' | 'ordered' |
'paragraphs' | 'parent' | 'preceding' |
'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-SequenceType($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(81, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
let $state := p:try-EnclosedExpr($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse LiteralFunctionItem.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-LiteralFunctionItem($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:parse-EQName($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(22, $input, $state) (: S^WS | '#' | ('(' ':') :)
let $state := p:shift(29, $input, $state) (: '#' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(18, $input, $state) (: IntegerLiteral | S^WS | ('(' ':') :)
let $state := p:shift(9, $input, $state) (: IntegerLiteral :)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "LiteralFunctionItem", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing LiteralFunctionItem.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-LiteralFunctionItem($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:try-EQName($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(22, $input, $state) (: S^WS | '#' | ('(' ':') :)
let $state := p:shiftT(29, $input, $state) (: '#' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(18, $input, $state) (: IntegerLiteral | S^WS | ('(' ':') :)
let $state := p:shiftT(9, $input, $state) (: IntegerLiteral :)
return $state
: Parse FunctionItemExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FunctionItemExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 138) then (: 'function' :)
let $state := p:lookahead2W(85, $input, $state) (: S^WS | '#' | '(' | ('(' ':') :)
return $state
($state[$p:l1], subsequence($state, $p:lk + 1))
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:lk] = 17546) then (: 'function' '(' :)
let $state := p:parse-InlineFunction($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:parse-LiteralFunctionItem($input, $state)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "FunctionItemExpr", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing FunctionItemExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FunctionItemExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 138) then (: 'function' :)
let $state := p:lookahead2W(85, $input, $state) (: S^WS | '#' | '(' | ('(' ':') :)
return $state
($state[$p:l1], subsequence($state, $p:lk + 1))
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:lk] = 17546) then (: 'function' '(' :)
let $state := p:try-InlineFunction($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:try-LiteralFunctionItem($input, $state)
return $state
return $state
: Parse PrefixExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-PrefixExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:parse-Expr($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "PrefixExpr", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing PrefixExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-PrefixExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:try-Expr($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse Prefix.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-Prefix($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:parse-NCName($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "Prefix", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing Prefix.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-Prefix($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:try-NCName($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse CompNamespaceConstructor.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-CompNamespaceConstructor($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(171, $input, $state) (: 'namespace' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(182, $input, $state) (: NCName^Token | S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'after' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'before' | 'case' | 'cast' |
'castable' | 'collation' | 'contains' | 'count' |
'default' | 'descending' | 'div' | 'else' | 'empty' |
'end' | 'eq' | 'except' | 'for' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' |
'idiv' | 'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' |
'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' | 'ne' | 'only' |
'or' | 'order' | 'paragraphs' | 'return' | 'satisfies' |
'sentences' | 'stable' | 'start' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'union' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' |
'{' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 257) then (: '{' :)
let $state := p:shift(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-PrefixExpr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shift(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-Prefix($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(81, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-EnclosedExprExtended($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "CompNamespaceConstructor", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing CompNamespaceConstructor.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-CompNamespaceConstructor($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(171, $input, $state) (: 'namespace' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(182, $input, $state) (: NCName^Token | S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'after' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'before' | 'case' | 'cast' |
'castable' | 'collation' | 'contains' | 'count' |
'default' | 'descending' | 'div' | 'else' | 'empty' |
'end' | 'eq' | 'except' | 'for' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' |
'idiv' | 'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' |
'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' | 'ne' | 'only' |
'or' | 'order' | 'paragraphs' | 'return' | 'satisfies' |
'sentences' | 'stable' | 'start' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'union' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' |
'{' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 257) then (: '{' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-PrefixExpr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shiftT(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:try-Prefix($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(81, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
let $state := p:try-EnclosedExprExtended($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse CompBinaryConstructor.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-CompBinaryConstructor($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(84, $input, $state) (: 'binary' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(81, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-EnclosedExprExtended($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "CompBinaryConstructor", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing CompBinaryConstructor.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-CompBinaryConstructor($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(84, $input, $state) (: 'binary' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(81, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
let $state := p:try-EnclosedExprExtended($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse CompPIConstructor.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-CompPIConstructor($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(201, $input, $state) (: 'processing-instruction' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(182, $input, $state) (: NCName^Token | S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'after' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'before' | 'case' | 'cast' |
'castable' | 'collation' | 'contains' | 'count' |
'default' | 'descending' | 'div' | 'else' | 'empty' |
'end' | 'eq' | 'except' | 'for' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' |
'idiv' | 'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' |
'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' | 'ne' | 'only' |
'or' | 'order' | 'paragraphs' | 'return' | 'satisfies' |
'sentences' | 'stable' | 'start' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'union' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' |
'{' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 257) then (: '{' :)
let $state := p:shift(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-Expr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shift(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-NCName($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(81, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
let $state := p:shift(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(246, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' | '}' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] != 261) then (: '}' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-Expr($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:shift(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "CompPIConstructor", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing CompPIConstructor.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-CompPIConstructor($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(201, $input, $state) (: 'processing-instruction' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(182, $input, $state) (: NCName^Token | S^WS | ('(' ':') | 'after' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'before' | 'case' | 'cast' |
'castable' | 'collation' | 'contains' | 'count' |
'default' | 'descending' | 'div' | 'else' | 'empty' |
'end' | 'eq' | 'except' | 'for' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' |
'idiv' | 'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' |
'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' | 'ne' | 'only' |
'or' | 'order' | 'paragraphs' | 'return' | 'satisfies' |
'sentences' | 'stable' | 'start' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'union' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' |
'{' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 257) then (: '{' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-Expr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shiftT(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:try-NCName($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(81, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(246, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' | '}' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] != 261) then (: '}' :)
let $state := p:try-Expr($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:shiftT(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
return $state
: Parse CompCommentConstructor.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-CompCommentConstructor($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(93, $input, $state) (: 'comment' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(81, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
let $state := p:shift(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-Expr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shift(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "CompCommentConstructor", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing CompCommentConstructor.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-CompCommentConstructor($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(93, $input, $state) (: 'comment' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(81, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-Expr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shiftT(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
return $state
: Parse EnclosedExprExtended.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-EnclosedExprExtended($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(246, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' | '}' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] != 261) then (: '}' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-Expr($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:shift(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "EnclosedExprExtended", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing EnclosedExprExtended.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-EnclosedExprExtended($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(246, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' | '}' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] != 261) then (: '}' :)
let $state := p:try-Expr($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:shiftT(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
return $state
: Parse CompTextConstructor.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-CompTextConstructor($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(228, $input, $state) (: 'text' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(81, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-EnclosedExprExtended($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "CompTextConstructor", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing CompTextConstructor.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-CompTextConstructor($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(228, $input, $state) (: 'text' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(81, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
let $state := p:try-EnclosedExprExtended($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse CompAttrConstructor.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-CompAttrConstructor($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(81, $input, $state) (: 'attribute' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(232, $input, $state) (: URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS | ('(' ':') |
'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' | '{' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 257) then (: '{' :)
let $state := p:shift(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-Expr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shift(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-EQName($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(81, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
let $state := p:shift(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(246, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' | '}' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] != 261) then (: '}' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-Expr($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:shift(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "CompAttrConstructor", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing CompAttrConstructor.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-CompAttrConstructor($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(81, $input, $state) (: 'attribute' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(232, $input, $state) (: URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS | ('(' ':') |
'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' | '{' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 257) then (: '{' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-Expr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shiftT(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:try-EQName($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(81, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(246, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' | '}' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] != 261) then (: '}' :)
let $state := p:try-Expr($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:shiftT(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
return $state
: Parse ContentExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-ContentExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:parse-Expr($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "ContentExpr", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing ContentExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-ContentExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:try-Expr($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse CompElemConstructor.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-CompElemConstructor($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(116, $input, $state) (: 'element' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(232, $input, $state) (: URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS | ('(' ':') |
'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' | '{' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 257) then (: '{' :)
let $state := p:shift(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-Expr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shift(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-EQName($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(81, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
let $state := p:shift(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(246, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' | '}' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] != 261) then (: '}' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-ContentExpr($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:shift(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "CompElemConstructor", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing CompElemConstructor.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-CompElemConstructor($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(116, $input, $state) (: 'element' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(232, $input, $state) (: URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS | ('(' ':') |
'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' | '{' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 257) then (: '{' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-Expr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shiftT(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:try-EQName($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1W(81, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(246, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' | '}' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] != 261) then (: '}' :)
let $state := p:try-ContentExpr($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:shiftT(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
return $state
: Parse CompDocConstructor.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-CompDocConstructor($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(114, $input, $state) (: 'document' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(81, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
let $state := p:shift(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-Expr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shift(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "CompDocConstructor", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing CompDocConstructor.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-CompDocConstructor($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(114, $input, $state) (: 'document' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(81, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-Expr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shiftT(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
return $state
: Parse ComputedConstructor.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-ComputedConstructor($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 114) then (: 'document' :)
let $state := p:parse-CompDocConstructor($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 116) then (: 'element' :)
let $state := p:parse-CompElemConstructor($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 81) then (: 'attribute' :)
let $state := p:parse-CompAttrConstructor($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 228) then (: 'text' :)
let $state := p:parse-CompTextConstructor($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 93) then (: 'comment' :)
let $state := p:parse-CompCommentConstructor($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 201) then (: 'processing-instruction' :)
let $state := p:parse-CompPIConstructor($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 84) then (: 'binary' :)
let $state := p:parse-CompBinaryConstructor($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:parse-CompNamespaceConstructor($input, $state)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "ComputedConstructor", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing ComputedConstructor.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-ComputedConstructor($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 114) then (: 'document' :)
let $state := p:try-CompDocConstructor($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 116) then (: 'element' :)
let $state := p:try-CompElemConstructor($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 81) then (: 'attribute' :)
let $state := p:try-CompAttrConstructor($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 228) then (: 'text' :)
let $state := p:try-CompTextConstructor($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 93) then (: 'comment' :)
let $state := p:try-CompCommentConstructor($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 201) then (: 'processing-instruction' :)
let $state := p:try-CompPIConstructor($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 84) then (: 'binary' :)
let $state := p:try-CompBinaryConstructor($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:try-CompNamespaceConstructor($input, $state)
return $state
return $state
: Parse DirPIConstructor.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-DirPIConstructor($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(59, $input, $state) (: '<?' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1(4, $input, $state) (: PITarget :)
let $state := p:shift(19, $input, $state) (: PITarget :)
let $state := p:lookahead1(14, $input, $state) (: S | '?>' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 23) then (: S :)
let $state := p:shift(23, $input, $state) (: S :)
let $state := p:lookahead1(2, $input, $state) (: DirPIContents :)
let $state := p:shift(4, $input, $state) (: DirPIContents :)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1(9, $input, $state) (: '?>' :)
let $state := p:shift(65, $input, $state) (: '?>' :)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "DirPIConstructor", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing DirPIConstructor.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-DirPIConstructor($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(59, $input, $state) (: '<?' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1(4, $input, $state) (: PITarget :)
let $state := p:shiftT(19, $input, $state) (: PITarget :)
let $state := p:lookahead1(14, $input, $state) (: S | '?>' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 23) then (: S :)
let $state := p:shiftT(23, $input, $state) (: S :)
let $state := p:lookahead1(2, $input, $state) (: DirPIContents :)
let $state := p:shiftT(4, $input, $state) (: DirPIContents :)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1(9, $input, $state) (: '?>' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(65, $input, $state) (: '?>' :)
return $state
: Parse DirCommentConstructor.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-DirCommentConstructor($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(54, $input, $state) (: '<!--' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1(1, $input, $state) (: DirCommentContents :)
let $state := p:shift(3, $input, $state) (: DirCommentContents :)
let $state := p:lookahead1(6, $input, $state) (: '-->' :)
let $state := p:shift(43, $input, $state) (: '-->' :)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "DirCommentConstructor", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing DirCommentConstructor.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-DirCommentConstructor($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(54, $input, $state) (: '<!--' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1(1, $input, $state) (: DirCommentContents :)
let $state := p:shiftT(3, $input, $state) (: DirCommentContents :)
let $state := p:lookahead1(6, $input, $state) (: '-->' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(43, $input, $state) (: '-->' :)
return $state
: Parse CDataSection.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-CDataSection($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(55, $input, $state) (: '<![CDATA[' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1(3, $input, $state) (: CDataSectionContents :)
let $state := p:shift(5, $input, $state) (: CDataSectionContents :)
let $state := p:lookahead1(10, $input, $state) (: ']]>' :)
let $state := p:shift(70, $input, $state) (: ']]>' :)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "CDataSection", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing CDataSection.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-CDataSection($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(55, $input, $state) (: '<![CDATA[' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1(3, $input, $state) (: CDataSectionContents :)
let $state := p:shiftT(5, $input, $state) (: CDataSectionContents :)
let $state := p:lookahead1(10, $input, $state) (: ']]>' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(70, $input, $state) (: ']]>' :)
return $state
: Parse DirElemContent.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-DirElemContent($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 53 (: '<' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 54 (: '<!--' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 59) then (: '<?' :)
let $state := p:parse-DirectConstructor($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 55) then (: '<![CDATA[' :)
let $state := p:parse-CDataSection($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 16) then (: ElementContentChar :)
let $state := p:shift(16, $input, $state) (: ElementContentChar :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:parse-CommonContent($input, $state)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "DirElemContent", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing DirElemContent.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-DirElemContent($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 53 (: '<' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 54 (: '<!--' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 59) then (: '<?' :)
let $state := p:try-DirectConstructor($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 55) then (: '<![CDATA[' :)
let $state := p:try-CDataSection($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 16) then (: ElementContentChar :)
let $state := p:shiftT(16, $input, $state) (: ElementContentChar :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:try-CommonContent($input, $state)
return $state
return $state
: Parse AposAttrValueContent.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-AposAttrValueContent($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 18) then (: AposAttrContentChar :)
let $state := p:shift(18, $input, $state) (: AposAttrContentChar :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:parse-CommonContent($input, $state)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "AposAttrValueContent", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing AposAttrValueContent.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-AposAttrValueContent($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 18) then (: AposAttrContentChar :)
let $state := p:shiftT(18, $input, $state) (: AposAttrContentChar :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:try-CommonContent($input, $state)
return $state
return $state
: Parse EnclosedExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-EnclosedExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-Expr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shift(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "EnclosedExpr", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing EnclosedExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-EnclosedExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-Expr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shiftT(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
return $state
: Parse CommonContent.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-CommonContent($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 13) then (: PredefinedEntityRef :)
let $state := p:shift(13, $input, $state) (: PredefinedEntityRef :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 20) then (: CharRef :)
let $state := p:shift(20, $input, $state) (: CharRef :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 258) then (: '{{' :)
let $state := p:shift(258, $input, $state) (: '{{' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 262) then (: '}}' :)
let $state := p:shift(262, $input, $state) (: '}}' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:parse-EnclosedExpr($input, $state)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "CommonContent", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing CommonContent.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-CommonContent($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 13) then (: PredefinedEntityRef :)
let $state := p:shiftT(13, $input, $state) (: PredefinedEntityRef :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 20) then (: CharRef :)
let $state := p:shiftT(20, $input, $state) (: CharRef :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 258) then (: '{{' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(258, $input, $state) (: '{{' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 262) then (: '}}' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(262, $input, $state) (: '}}' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:try-EnclosedExpr($input, $state)
return $state
return $state
: Parse QuotAttrValueContent.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-QuotAttrValueContent($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 17) then (: QuotAttrContentChar :)
let $state := p:shift(17, $input, $state) (: QuotAttrContentChar :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:parse-CommonContent($input, $state)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "QuotAttrValueContent", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing QuotAttrValueContent.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-QuotAttrValueContent($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 17) then (: QuotAttrContentChar :)
let $state := p:shiftT(17, $input, $state) (: QuotAttrContentChar :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:try-CommonContent($input, $state)
return $state
return $state
: Parse the 1st loop of production DirAttributeValue (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-DirAttributeValue-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:lookahead1(161, $input, $state) (: PredefinedEntityRef | EscapeQuot | QuotAttrContentChar |
CharRef | '"' | '{' | '{{' | '}}' :)
if ($state[$p:l1] = 28) then (: '"' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 14) then (: EscapeQuot :)
let $state := p:shift(14, $input, $state) (: EscapeQuot :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:parse-QuotAttrValueContent($input, $state)
return $state
return p:parse-DirAttributeValue-1($input, $state)
: Try parsing the 1st loop of production DirAttributeValue (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-DirAttributeValue-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:lookahead1(161, $input, $state) (: PredefinedEntityRef | EscapeQuot | QuotAttrContentChar |
CharRef | '"' | '{' | '{{' | '}}' :)
if ($state[$p:l1] = 28) then (: '"' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 14) then (: EscapeQuot :)
let $state := p:shiftT(14, $input, $state) (: EscapeQuot :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:try-QuotAttrValueContent($input, $state)
return $state
return p:try-DirAttributeValue-1($input, $state)
: Parse the 2nd loop of production DirAttributeValue (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-DirAttributeValue-2($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:lookahead1(162, $input, $state) (: PredefinedEntityRef | EscapeApos | AposAttrContentChar |
CharRef | "'" | '{' | '{{' | '}}' :)
if ($state[$p:l1] = 33) then (: "'" :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 15) then (: EscapeApos :)
let $state := p:shift(15, $input, $state) (: EscapeApos :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:parse-AposAttrValueContent($input, $state)
return $state
return p:parse-DirAttributeValue-2($input, $state)
: Try parsing the 2nd loop of production DirAttributeValue (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-DirAttributeValue-2($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:lookahead1(162, $input, $state) (: PredefinedEntityRef | EscapeApos | AposAttrContentChar |
CharRef | "'" | '{' | '{{' | '}}' :)
if ($state[$p:l1] = 33) then (: "'" :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 15) then (: EscapeApos :)
let $state := p:shiftT(15, $input, $state) (: EscapeApos :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:try-AposAttrValueContent($input, $state)
return $state
return p:try-DirAttributeValue-2($input, $state)
: Parse DirAttributeValue.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-DirAttributeValue($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:lookahead1(15, $input, $state) (: '"' | "'" :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 28) then (: '"' :)
let $state := p:shift(28, $input, $state) (: '"' :)
let $state := p:parse-DirAttributeValue-1($input, $state)
let $state := p:shift(28, $input, $state) (: '"' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shift(33, $input, $state) (: "'" :)
let $state := p:parse-DirAttributeValue-2($input, $state)
let $state := p:shift(33, $input, $state) (: "'" :)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "DirAttributeValue", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing DirAttributeValue.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-DirAttributeValue($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:lookahead1(15, $input, $state) (: '"' | "'" :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 28) then (: '"' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(28, $input, $state) (: '"' :)
let $state := p:try-DirAttributeValue-1($input, $state)
let $state := p:shiftT(28, $input, $state) (: '"' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shiftT(33, $input, $state) (: "'" :)
let $state := p:try-DirAttributeValue-2($input, $state)
let $state := p:shiftT(33, $input, $state) (: "'" :)
return $state
return $state
: Parse the 1st loop of production DirAttributeList (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-DirAttributeList-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:lookahead1(21, $input, $state) (: S | '/>' | '>' :)
if ($state[$p:l1] != 23) then (: S :)
let $state := p:shift(23, $input, $state) (: S :)
let $state := p:lookahead1(230, $input, $state) (: QName^Token | S | '/>' | '>' | 'after' | 'ancestor' |
'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' |
'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' | 'case' | 'cast' |
'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' | 'collation' |
'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' | 'declare' |
'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] != 23 (: S :)
and $state[$p:l1] != 48 (: '/>' :)
and $state[$p:l1] != 61) then (: '>' :)
let $state := p:parse-QName($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1(12, $input, $state) (: S | '=' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 23) then (: S :)
let $state := p:shift(23, $input, $state) (: S :)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1(7, $input, $state) (: '=' :)
let $state := p:shift(60, $input, $state) (: '=' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1(20, $input, $state) (: S | '"' | "'" :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 23) then (: S :)
let $state := p:shift(23, $input, $state) (: S :)
return $state
let $state := p:parse-DirAttributeValue($input, $state)
return $state
return p:parse-DirAttributeList-1($input, $state)
: Try parsing the 1st loop of production DirAttributeList (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-DirAttributeList-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:lookahead1(21, $input, $state) (: S | '/>' | '>' :)
if ($state[$p:l1] != 23) then (: S :)
let $state := p:shiftT(23, $input, $state) (: S :)
let $state := p:lookahead1(230, $input, $state) (: QName^Token | S | '/>' | '>' | 'after' | 'ancestor' |
'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' |
'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' | 'case' | 'cast' |
'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' | 'collation' |
'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' | 'declare' |
'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] != 23 (: S :)
and $state[$p:l1] != 48 (: '/>' :)
and $state[$p:l1] != 61) then (: '>' :)
let $state := p:try-QName($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1(12, $input, $state) (: S | '=' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 23) then (: S :)
let $state := p:shiftT(23, $input, $state) (: S :)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1(7, $input, $state) (: '=' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(60, $input, $state) (: '=' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1(20, $input, $state) (: S | '"' | "'" :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 23) then (: S :)
let $state := p:shiftT(23, $input, $state) (: S :)
return $state
let $state := p:try-DirAttributeValue($input, $state)
return $state
return p:try-DirAttributeList-1($input, $state)
: Parse DirAttributeList.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-DirAttributeList($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:parse-DirAttributeList-1($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "DirAttributeList", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing DirAttributeList.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-DirAttributeList($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:try-DirAttributeList-1($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse the 1st loop of production DirElemConstructor (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-DirElemConstructor-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:lookahead1(168, $input, $state) (: PredefinedEntityRef | ElementContentChar | CharRef |
'<' | '<!--' | '<![CDATA[' | '</' | '<?' | '{' | '{{' |
'}}' :)
if ($state[$p:l1] = 56) then (: '</' :)
let $state := p:parse-DirElemContent($input, $state)
return p:parse-DirElemConstructor-1($input, $state)
: Try parsing the 1st loop of production DirElemConstructor (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-DirElemConstructor-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:lookahead1(168, $input, $state) (: PredefinedEntityRef | ElementContentChar | CharRef |
'<' | '<!--' | '<![CDATA[' | '</' | '<?' | '{' | '{{' |
'}}' :)
if ($state[$p:l1] = 56) then (: '</' :)
let $state := p:try-DirElemContent($input, $state)
return p:try-DirElemConstructor-1($input, $state)
: Parse DirElemConstructor.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-DirElemConstructor($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(53, $input, $state) (: '<' :)
let $state := p:parse-QName($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-DirAttributeList($input, $state)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 48) then (: '/>' :)
let $state := p:shift(48, $input, $state) (: '/>' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shift(61, $input, $state) (: '>' :)
let $state := p:parse-DirElemConstructor-1($input, $state)
let $state := p:shift(56, $input, $state) (: '</' :)
let $state := p:parse-QName($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1(13, $input, $state) (: S | '>' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 23) then (: S :)
let $state := p:shift(23, $input, $state) (: S :)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1(8, $input, $state) (: '>' :)
let $state := p:shift(61, $input, $state) (: '>' :)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "DirElemConstructor", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing DirElemConstructor.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-DirElemConstructor($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(53, $input, $state) (: '<' :)
let $state := p:try-QName($input, $state)
let $state := p:try-DirAttributeList($input, $state)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 48) then (: '/>' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(48, $input, $state) (: '/>' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:shiftT(61, $input, $state) (: '>' :)
let $state := p:try-DirElemConstructor-1($input, $state)
let $state := p:shiftT(56, $input, $state) (: '</' :)
let $state := p:try-QName($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1(13, $input, $state) (: S | '>' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 23) then (: S :)
let $state := p:shiftT(23, $input, $state) (: S :)
return $state
let $state := p:lookahead1(8, $input, $state) (: '>' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(61, $input, $state) (: '>' :)
return $state
return $state
: Parse DirectConstructor.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-DirectConstructor($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 53) then (: '<' :)
let $state := p:parse-DirElemConstructor($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 54) then (: '<!--' :)
let $state := p:parse-DirCommentConstructor($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:parse-DirPIConstructor($input, $state)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "DirectConstructor", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing DirectConstructor.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-DirectConstructor($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 53) then (: '<' :)
let $state := p:try-DirElemConstructor($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 54) then (: '<!--' :)
let $state := p:try-DirCommentConstructor($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:try-DirPIConstructor($input, $state)
return $state
return $state
: Parse Constructor.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-Constructor($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 53 (: '<' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 54 (: '<!--' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 59) then (: '<?' :)
let $state := p:parse-DirectConstructor($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:parse-ComputedConstructor($input, $state)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "Constructor", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing Constructor.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-Constructor($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 53 (: '<' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 54 (: '<!--' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 59) then (: '<?' :)
let $state := p:try-DirectConstructor($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:try-ComputedConstructor($input, $state)
return $state
return $state
: Parse UnorderedExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-UnorderedExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(239, $input, $state) (: 'unordered' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(81, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
let $state := p:shift(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-Expr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shift(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "UnorderedExpr", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing UnorderedExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-UnorderedExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(239, $input, $state) (: 'unordered' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(81, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-Expr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shiftT(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
return $state
: Parse OrderedExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-OrderedExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(187, $input, $state) (: 'ordered' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(81, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
let $state := p:shift(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-Expr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shift(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "OrderedExpr", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing OrderedExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-OrderedExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(187, $input, $state) (: 'ordered' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(81, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(257, $input, $state) (: '{' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(241, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-Expr($input, $state)
let $state := p:shiftT(261, $input, $state) (: '}' :)
return $state
: Parse ArgumentPlaceholder.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-ArgumentPlaceholder($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(64, $input, $state) (: '?' :)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "ArgumentPlaceholder", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing ArgumentPlaceholder.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-ArgumentPlaceholder($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(64, $input, $state) (: '?' :)
return $state
: Parse Argument.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-Argument($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 64) then (: '?' :)
let $state := p:parse-ArgumentPlaceholder($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:parse-ExprSingle($input, $state)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "Argument", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing Argument.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-Argument($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 64) then (: '?' :)
let $state := p:try-ArgumentPlaceholder($input, $state)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:try-ExprSingle($input, $state)
return $state
return $state
: Parse the 1st loop of production ArgumentList (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-ArgumentList-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:lookahead1W(92, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | ')' | ',' :)
if ($state[$p:l1] != 41) then (: ',' :)
let $state := p:shift(41, $input, $state) (: ',' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(244, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'?' | '@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' |
'binary' | 'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' |
'child' | 'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' |
'count' | 'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' |
'descendant' | 'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' |
'div' | 'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' |
'else' | 'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' |
'every' | 'except' | 'first' | 'following' |
'following-sibling' | 'for' | 'function' | 'ge' |
'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' | 'if' | 'import' | 'insert' |
'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' | 'item' |
'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' |
'module' | 'namespace' | 'namespace-node' | 'ne' |
'node' | 'only' | 'or' | 'order' | 'ordered' |
'paragraphs' | 'parent' | 'preceding' |
'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-Argument($input, $state)
return p:parse-ArgumentList-1($input, $state)
: Try parsing the 1st loop of production ArgumentList (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the parser state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-ArgumentList-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:lookahead1W(92, $input, $state) (: S^WS | ('(' ':') | ')' | ',' :)
if ($state[$p:l1] != 41) then (: ',' :)
let $state := p:shiftT(41, $input, $state) (: ',' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(244, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | '+' |
'-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' | '<?' |
'?' | '@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' |
'binary' | 'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' |
'child' | 'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' |
'count' | 'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' |
'descendant' | 'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' |
'div' | 'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' |
'else' | 'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' |
'every' | 'except' | 'first' | 'following' |
'following-sibling' | 'for' | 'function' | 'ge' |
'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' | 'if' | 'import' | 'insert' |
'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' | 'item' |
'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' |
'module' | 'namespace' | 'namespace-node' | 'ne' |
'node' | 'only' | 'or' | 'order' | 'ordered' |
'paragraphs' | 'parent' | 'preceding' |
'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-Argument($input, $state)
return p:try-ArgumentList-1($input, $state)
: Parse ArgumentList.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-ArgumentList($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(34, $input, $state) (: '(' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(249, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | ')' |
'+' | '-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' |
'<?' | '?' | '@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' |
'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' |
'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' | 'case' | 'cast' |
'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' | 'collation' |
'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' | 'declare' |
'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] != 37) then (: ')' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-Argument($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-ArgumentList-1($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:shift(37, $input, $state) (: ')' :)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "ArgumentList", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing ArgumentList.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-ArgumentList($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(34, $input, $state) (: '(' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(249, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | ')' |
'+' | '-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' |
'<?' | '?' | '@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' |
'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' |
'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' | 'case' | 'cast' |
'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' | 'collation' |
'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' | 'declare' |
'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] != 37) then (: ')' :)
let $state := p:try-Argument($input, $state)
let $state := p:try-ArgumentList-1($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:shiftT(37, $input, $state) (: ')' :)
return $state
: Parse FunctionName.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FunctionName($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 7) then (: URIQualifiedName :)
let $state := p:shift(7, $input, $state) (: URIQualifiedName :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:parse-FunctionQName($input, $state)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "FunctionName", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing FunctionName.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FunctionName($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 7) then (: URIQualifiedName :)
let $state := p:shiftT(7, $input, $state) (: URIQualifiedName :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:try-FunctionQName($input, $state)
return $state
return $state
: Parse FunctionCall.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-FunctionCall($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:parse-FunctionName($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(24, $input, $state) (: S^WS | '(' | ('(' ':') :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-ArgumentList($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "FunctionCall", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing FunctionCall.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-FunctionCall($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:try-FunctionName($input, $state)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(24, $input, $state) (: S^WS | '(' | ('(' ':') :)
let $state := p:try-ArgumentList($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse ContextItemExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-ContextItemExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(44, $input, $state) (: '.' :)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "ContextItemExpr", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing ContextItemExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-ContextItemExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(44, $input, $state) (: '.' :)
return $state
: Parse ParenthesizedExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-ParenthesizedExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(34, $input, $state) (: '(' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(243, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | ')' |
'+' | '-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' |
'<?' | '@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' |
'binary' | 'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' |
'child' | 'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' |
'count' | 'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' |
'descendant' | 'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' |
'div' | 'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' |
'else' | 'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' |
'every' | 'except' | 'first' | 'following' |
'following-sibling' | 'for' | 'function' | 'ge' |
'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' | 'if' | 'import' | 'insert' |
'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' | 'item' |
'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' |
'module' | 'namespace' | 'namespace-node' | 'ne' |
'node' | 'only' | 'or' | 'order' | 'ordered' |
'paragraphs' | 'parent' | 'preceding' |
'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] != 37) then (: ')' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-Expr($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:shift(37, $input, $state) (: ')' :)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "ParenthesizedExpr", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing ParenthesizedExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-ParenthesizedExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(34, $input, $state) (: '(' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(243, $input, $state) (: Wildcard | URIQualifiedName | IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral | StringLiteral |
QName^Token | S^WS | '$' | '(' | '(#' | ('(' ':') | ')' |
'+' | '-' | '.' | '..' | '/' | '//' | '<' | '<!--' |
'<?' | '@' | 'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' |
'binary' | 'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' |
'child' | 'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' |
'count' | 'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' |
'descendant' | 'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' |
'div' | 'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' |
'else' | 'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' |
'every' | 'except' | 'first' | 'following' |
'following-sibling' | 'for' | 'function' | 'ge' |
'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' | 'if' | 'import' | 'insert' |
'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' | 'item' |
'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' |
'module' | 'namespace' | 'namespace-node' | 'ne' |
'node' | 'only' | 'or' | 'order' | 'ordered' |
'paragraphs' | 'parent' | 'preceding' |
'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] != 37) then (: ')' :)
let $state := p:try-Expr($input, $state)
return $state
let $state := p:shiftT(37, $input, $state) (: ')' :)
return $state
: Parse VarRef.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-VarRef($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:shift(31, $input, $state) (: '$' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(229, $input, $state) (: URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS | ('(' ':') |
'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-VarName($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "VarRef", $count, $begin, $end)
: Try parsing VarRef.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:try-VarRef($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:shiftT(31, $input, $state) (: '$' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(229, $input, $state) (: URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS | ('(' ':') |
'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' :)
let $state := p:try-VarName($input, $state)
return $state
: Parse PrimaryExpr.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state the parser state.
: @return the updated parser state.
declare function p:parse-PrimaryExpr($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] = 171) then (: 'namespace' :)
let $state := p:lookahead2W(185, $input, $state) (: NCName^Token | S^WS | '#' | '(' | ('(' ':') | 'after' |
'and' | 'as' | 'ascending' | 'before' | 'case' | 'cast' |
'castable' | 'collation' | 'contains' | 'count' |
'default' | 'descending' | 'div' | 'else' | 'empty' |
'end' | 'eq' | 'except' | 'for' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' |
'idiv' | 'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' |
'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' | 'ne' | 'only' |
'or' | 'order' | 'paragraphs' | 'return' | 'satisfies' |
'sentences' | 'stable' | 'start' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'union' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' |
'{' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 201) then (: 'processing-instruction' :)
let $state := p:lookahead2W(184, $input, $state) (: NCName^Token | S^WS | '#' | ('(' ':') | 'after' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'before' | 'case' | 'cast' |
'castable' | 'collation' | 'contains' | 'count' |
'default' | 'descending' | 'div' | 'else' | 'empty' |
'end' | 'eq' | 'except' | 'for' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' |
'idiv' | 'instance' | 'intersect' | 'into' | 'is' |
'le' | 'let' | 'lt' | 'mod' | 'modify' | 'ne' | 'only' |
'or' | 'order' | 'paragraphs' | 'return' | 'satisfies' |
'sentences' | 'stable' | 'start' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'union' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' |
'{' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 81 (: 'element' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 116) then (: 'element' :)
let $state := p:lookahead2W(234, $input, $state) (: URIQualifiedName | QName^Token | S^WS | '#' | ('(' ':') |
'after' | 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'and' |
'as' | 'ascending' | 'attribute' | 'before' | 'binary' |
'case' | 'cast' | 'castable' | 'catch' | 'child' |
'collation' | 'comment' | 'contains' | 'copy' | 'count' |
'declare' | 'default' | 'delete' | 'descendant' |
'descendant-or-self' | 'descending' | 'div' |
'document' | 'document-node' | 'element' | 'else' |
'empty' | 'empty-sequence' | 'end' | 'eq' | 'every' |
'except' | 'first' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' |
'for' | 'function' | 'ge' | 'group' | 'gt' | 'idiv' |
'if' | 'import' | 'insert' | 'instance' | 'intersect' |
'into' | 'is' | 'item' | 'last' | 'le' | 'let' | 'lt' |
'mod' | 'modify' | 'module' | 'namespace' |
'namespace-node' | 'ne' | 'node' | 'only' | 'or' |
'order' | 'ordered' | 'paragraphs' | 'parent' |
'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'private' |
'processing-instruction' | 'property' | 'rename' |
'replace' | 'return' | 'satisfies' | 'schema-attribute' |
'schema-element' | 'self' | 'sentences' | 'some' |
'stable' | 'start' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'times' | 'to' |
'treat' | 'try' | 'typeswitch' | 'union' | 'unordered' |
'validate' | 'where' | 'with' | 'words' | 'xquery' | '{' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 84 (: 'comment' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 93 (: 'text' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 228) then (: 'text' :)
let $state := p:lookahead2W(86, $input, $state) (: S^WS | '#' | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 114 (: 'ordered' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 187 (: 'unordered' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 239) then (: 'unordered' :)
let $state := p:lookahead2W(132, $input, $state) (: S^WS | '#' | '(' | ('(' ':') | '{' :)
return $state
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 7 (: QName^Token :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 22 (: 'after' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 71 (: 'ancestor' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 74 (: 'ancestor-or-self' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 75 (: 'and' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 76 (: 'as' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 78 (: 'ascending' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 79 (: 'before' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 83 (: 'case' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 87 (: 'cast' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 88 (: 'castable' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 89 (: 'catch' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 90 (: 'child' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 91 (: 'collation' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 92 (: 'contains' :)
or $state[$p:l1] = 95
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apb2006 commented Mar 30, 2016

Looks like this file got a bit truncated somewhere?

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