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Created May 15, 2020 07:12
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Looking for a remote job? Tips and tricks to find a remote job including, identifying the job category, making changes to resume and places to search for a remote job. Want to work remotely or work from home, start applying today.

Remote work is not a trend; it's the future. Many companies are embracing remote work and hiring remote employees as well, because of the added benefits of higher productivity, less wasted time, and lower overhead firsthand.

4 tips to land a Remote Job:

Find out what you want: It is important for you to figure out what kind of person are you? Some are night owls and some are morning people. You also need to understand your interests and skills to identify the fields you would want a job in such as marketing, software development, writing etc.Before applying, pull out all the details such as timezone, the seniority levels, skills required, amount of work and dedication required, for a remote job.

Create a kickass resume and cover letter: Before applying for a remote job, recreate or update your resume, include all tools and remote skills helpful for the job you are aaplying to. It is also recommanded to polish your portfolio, so as to show your online presence as well. Being remote, you’re going to be competing with talent from all over the world, thus your resume shoud be honed perfectly.Don't forget to add a cover letter specially written for the job you are applying to, showing off your communications skills, required for employees working remotely.

Know where to look: Once you are all set to apply, you need to start looking for a remote job at trustable websites such as WWR, DailyRemote, etc for various roles in customer support, sales, product etc, with plenty of tech and non-tech remote jobs to peruse. Also, it is all free for remote job seekers. There are other websites as well such as LinkedIn and Angelist, but they don't majorily focus on remote jobs.Many companies that offer flexible work positions also advertise job postings on their own websites and general job directories.

Start applying: Now that you know how and where to find remote work, and you have the tools to help your resume and cover letter stand out, there’s no excuses for not getting started. Search for your job category, add all the skills you have as filters and get a ton of remote jobs to apply.

Follow all these tips and you’ll have a much better chance of landing a remote job, you would love doing.

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