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Created July 3, 2020 20:38
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# coding: utf-8
import os
import rasterio
import rasterio.warp
import rasterio.features
from rasterio.enums import Resampling
from rasterio import Affine, MemoryFile
import time
def resample_raster(filepath, scale=250, res_type=Resampling.mode, out_tif=False):
"""Resample raster, input: ('/folder/tifpath.tif',scale=3,out='/folder/outpath.tif',res_type=Resampling.<method>)
default scale = 3 if not assigned
default outfile = 'out.tif'
default res_type = Resampling.mode
# Eg.
#r = resample_raster('LC_rec_padova.tif', scale=2,out_tif='s2_mode.tif',res_type=Resampling.mode)
#r = resample_raster('LC_rec_padova.tif', scale=3,out_tif='s3_mode.tif',res_type=Resampling.mode)
start = time.process_time()
print('Computing mode...')
with, 'r') as raster:
t = raster.transform
rc = raster.count
crs =
#Check Pixel Size
pixelSizeX = t[0]
pixelSizeY = -t[4]
print("Pixel Size: ", pixelSizeX, " x ", pixelSizeY)
scale_f = float(scale / float(pixelSizeX))
scale_fy = float(scale / float(pixelSizeY))
# rescale the metadata
transform = Affine(t.a * scale_f, t.b, t.c, t.d, t.e * scale_fy, t.f)
height = int(raster.height / scale_fy)
width = int(raster.width / scale_f)
profile = raster.profile
profile.update(transform=transform, driver='GTiff', height=height, width=width)
data = # Note changed order of indexes, arrays are band, row, col order not row, col, band
out_shape=(rc, height, width),
) read only the data without writing to file system
if not out_tif:
#.. to test: return a memory obj to use in next step
# with MemoryFile() as memfile:
# with**profile) as dataset: # Open as DatasetWriter
# dataset.write(data)
# del data
# with as dataset: # Reopen as DatasetReader
# yield dataset # Note yield not return
return "Not implemented yet"
out_tif, 'w',
driver='GTiff', width=width, height=height, compress='lzw',
crs = crs,
transform = transform,
dtype=data.dtype) as dst:
dst.write(data[0], indexes=1)
el_time = (time.process_time() - start)
elapsed_time = "CPU process time: %.1f [min] %.1f [s]" % (int(el_time/60), el_time % 60)
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