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Last active July 26, 2022 02:49
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Just for chain invocation of function
from functools import partial, reduce
from itertools import chain
from typing import Callable, Any, Sequence, Optional, Mapping
class FnChain:
- foldl/foldr: fold from left/right
- reduce: foldl alias
- map
- filter
- zip
- all
- any
- first
- first_not
- count
- max
- min
- flatten
def __init__(self, obj):
assert obj and isinstance(obj, (list, tuple, str))
except AssertionError:
obj = list(obj) # try cast to list, else raise Error
self.__ori = obj
self.__obj = obj.copy() if hasattr(obj, 'copy') else obj
# collect method
def foldl(self, f, init=None):
assert callable(f)
tmp = partial(reduce, f, self.__obj)
if init is not None:
tmp = partial(tmp, init)
self.__obj = tmp()
return self.__obj
def reduce(self, f, init=None):
return self.foldl(f, init)
def foldr(self, f, init=None):
assert callable(f)
# reversed foldl
return self.foldl(reversed(self.__obj), init)
def all(self, f=None) -> bool:
if not f:
return all(self.__obj)
assert callable(f)
return all(map(lambda x: f(x), self.__obj))
def any(self, f=None) -> bool:
if not f:
return any(self.__obj)
assert callable(f)
return any(map(lambda x: f(x), self.__obj))
def first(self, f: Callable[[Any], bool]):
assert callable(f)
self.filter(lambda x: f(x))
for ret in self.__obj:
return ret
return None
def first_index(self, f: Callable[[Any], bool]):
assert callable(f)
i = 0
for item in self.__obj:
if f(item):
return i
i += 1
return None
def first_not(self, f: Callable[[Any], bool]):
assert callable(f)
self.filter(lambda x: not f(x))
for ret in self.__obj:
return ret
return None
def first_not_index(self, f: Callable[[Any], bool]):
assert callable(f)
i = 0
for item in self.__obj:
if not f(item):
return i
i += 1
return None
def indexes(self, f: Callable[[Any], bool]):
assert callable(f)
i = 0
ret = []
for item in self.__obj:
if f(item):
i += 1
return ret
def distinct(self) -> bool:
if len(set(self.__obj)) != 1:
return False
return True
def count(self) -> int:
return self.reduce(lambda x, _: x + 1, 0)
def max(self):
ret = None
for o in self.__obj:
if not ret or ret < o:
ret = o
return ret
def min(self):
ret = None
for o in self.__obj:
if not ret or ret > o:
ret = o
return ret
def sum(self):
return self.reduce(lambda x, y: x + y)
def average(self):
return self.sum() / self.count()
def execute(self):
# do nothing, just iterate obj once
for _ in self.__obj:
return None
def collect(self) -> Sequence:
return [o for o in self.__obj]
def split(self, f: Callable[[Any], bool]) -> Sequence:
assert callable(f)
ret = []
tmp = []
for _ in self.__obj:
if f(_):
tmp = []
return ret
def flatten(self, layer=1) -> Sequence:
ret = self.__obj
for _ in range(layer):
ret = chain.from_iterable(ret)
return ret
def group_by(self,
key: Optional[str] = None,
attr: Optional[str] = None,
f: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = None) -> Mapping:
if key is None and f is None and attr is None:
raise ValueError('Either f, attr or key should be set')
ret = {} # value => obj
if key:
for o in self.__obj:
target = o[key]
if target not in ret:
ret[target] = []
elif attr:
for o in self.__obj:
target = getattr(o, attr)
if target not in ret:
ret[target] = []
for o in self.__obj:
target = f(o)
if target not in ret:
ret[target] = []
return ret
# pipe method
def map(self, f: object) -> 'FnChain':
assert callable(f)
self.__obj = map(f, self.__obj)
return self
def filter(self, f) -> 'FnChain':
assert callable(f)
self.__obj = filter(f, self.__obj)
return self
def non_empty(self) -> 'FnChain':
return self.filter(lambda x: x)
def empty(self) -> 'FnChain':
return self.filter(lambda x: not x)
def apply(self, f) -> 'FnChain':
def body(item):
i_cp = item if not hasattr(item, 'copy') else item.copy()
return item
# special function
def it(self, wrap=False):
if not wrap:
return self.__obj.copy()
return FnChain(self.__obj.copy())
def ori(self):
return self.__ori
def restore(self):
self.__obj = self.__ori.copy() if hasattr(self.__ori, 'copy') else self.__ori
return self
def to_list(self) -> list:
return list(self.__obj)
def to_tuple(self) -> tuple:
return tuple(self.__obj)
def to_dict(self):
return dict(self.__obj)
from typing import Callable
from functools import reduce
class FnCombine:
FnCombine is to used to combine function into one function
a = FnCombine()
b = a | max | (lambda y: map(lambda x: len(x), y)) # max(map(lambda x: len(x)))
b("Houraisan Kaguya dai suki".split(' '))
def __init__(self, *fns: Callable, left_associate: bool = False):
if fns:
assert all(map(lambda x: callable(x), fns))
self.__fns = list(fns) if fns else []
self.__from_left = left_associate
def __or__(self, fn: Callable):
if not callable(fn):
raise ValueError('Your attr is not callable huh!?')
return self
def __ror__(self, fn: Callable):
return self.__or__(fn)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.__from_left:
return reduce(lambda x, y: y(x), self.__fns[1:], self.__fns[0](*args, **kwargs))
tmp = self.__fns[-1](*args, **kwargs)
for i in range(len(self.__fns) - 2, -1, -1):
tmp = self.__fns[i](tmp)
return tmp
if __name__ == '__main__':
b = FnCombine() | print | max | (lambda y: map(lambda x: len(x), y))
c = FnCombine(print, max, lambda y: map(lambda x: len(x), y))
raw = "Houraisan Kaguya dai suki".split(' ')
ib = FnCombine(left_associate=True) | (lambda y: map(lambda x: len(x), y)) | max | print
ic = FnCombine(lambda y: map(lambda x: len(x), y), max, print, left_associate=True)
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The tools seems good but would you like to write a README to tell us how to use and where it can be used?

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