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Created October 27, 2012 18:42
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Save fhars/3965629 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple test suite for PA 6 of the Coursera PGM couse
% A simple test suite for PA 6
% Based on the code by Mihaly Barasz posted on the forum.
% copy the CompareData.m file from last weeks test suite
% into the directory for this weeks assignment and save this file
% as PA6_RunTests.m
function result = PA6_RunTests(anyway)
if ~exist('CompareData', 'file')
fprintf('please install CompareData.m as indicated in the comment\n');
fprintf('at the beginning of this file\n');
result = false;
if (~exist('TS','var'))
%% This is based on TestCases to make it all more testable.
TS = repmat(struct('I', [], 'allDs', [], 'allEU', [], 'EUF', []), 1, 3);
%% Test case 1.
I.RandomFactors = struct('var', [1], 'card', [2], 'val', normval([7, 3]));
I.DecisionFactors = struct('var', [2], 'card', [2], 'val', [1 0]);
I.UtilityFactors = struct('var', [1, 2], 'card', [2, 2], 'val', [10, 1, 5, 1]);
TS(1).I = I;
TS(1).allDs = [1 0; 0 1];
TS(1).EUF = struct('var', [2], 'card', [2], 'val', [7.3 3.8]);
TS(1).allEU = [7.3 3.8];
TS(1).MEU = 7.3;
TS(1).OptDR = struct('var', [2], 'card', [2], 'val', [1 0]);
%% Test case 2.
I.RandomFactors = ...
[struct('var', [1], 'card', [2], 'val', normval([7, 3])), ...
CPDFromFactor(struct('var', [3,1,2], 'card', [2,2,2], 'val', [4 4 1 1 1 1 4 4]), 3)];
I.DecisionFactors = struct('var', [2], 'card', [2], 'val', [1 0]);
I.UtilityFactors = struct('var', [2,3], 'card', [2, 2], 'val', [10, 1, 5, 1]);
TS(2).I = I;
TS(2).allDs = [1 0; 0 1];
TS(2).EUF = struct('var', [2], 'card', [2], 'val', [7.5 1.0]);
TS(2).allEU = [7.5 1.0];
TS(2).MEU = 7.5;
TS(2).OptDR = struct('var', [2], 'card', [2], 'val', [1 0]);
%% Test case 3.
I.RandomFactors = ...
[struct('var', [1], 'card', [2], 'val', normval([7, 3])), ...
CPDFromFactor(struct('var', [3,1,2], 'card', [2,2,2], 'val', [4 4 1 1 1 1 4 4]), 3)];
I.DecisionFactors = struct('var', [2,1], 'card', [2,2], 'val', [1,0,0,1]);
I.UtilityFactors = struct('var', [2,3], 'card', [2, 2], 'val', [10, 1, 5, 1]);
TS(3).I = I;
TS(3).allDs = [1 0 1 0; 1 0 0 1; 0 1 1 0; 0 1 0 1];
TS(3).EUF = struct('var', [1,2], 'card', [2 2], 'val', [5.25 2.25 0.7 0.3]);
TS(3).allEU = [7.5 5.55 2.95 1.0];
TS(3).MEU = 7.5;
TS(3).OptDR = struct('var', [1,2], 'card', [2,2], 'val', [1,1,0,0]);
%% Test case 4.
I.RandomFactors = ...
[struct('var', [1], 'card', [2], 'val', normval([7, 3])), ...
CPDFromFactor(struct('var', [3,1,2], 'card', [2,2,2], 'val', [4 4 1 1 1 1 4 4]), 3)];
I.DecisionFactors = struct('var', [2,1], 'card', [2,2], 'val', [1,0,0,1]);
I.UtilityFactors = ...
[struct('var', [2,3], 'card', [2, 2], 'val', [10, 1, 5, 1]), ...
struct('var', [2], 'card', [2], 'val', [1, 10])];
T4.I = I;
T4.MEU = 11;
T4.OptDR = struct('var', [1,2], 'card', [2,2], 'val', [0,0,1,1]);
if nargin == 1
run_all = anyway;
run_all = false;
ok = true;
passed = 0;
skipped = 0;
failed = 0;
for test = 1:5
if ~(run_all || ok)
skipped = skipped + 1;
switch test
case 1
for t = 1:length(TS)
T = TS(t);
for d = 1:size(T.allDs, 1)
T.I.DecisionFactors.val = T.allDs(d, :);
EU = SimpleCalcExpectedUtility(T.I);
ok = checkResult('SimpleCalcExpectedUtility', EU, T.allEU(d));
case 2
for t = 1:length(TS)
T = TS(t);
EUF = CalculateExpectedUtilityFactor(T.I);
ok = checkResult('CalculateExpectedUtilityFactor', EUF, T.EUF);
case 3
for t = 1:length(TS)
T = TS(t);
[meu optdr] = OptimizeMEU(T.I);
ok = checkResult('OptimizeMEU meu', meu, T.MEU);
ok = ok && checkResult('OptimizeMEU optdr', optdr, T.OptDR);
case 4
[meu optdr] = OptimizeWithJointUtility(T4.I);
ok = checkResult('OptimizeWithJointUtility meu', meu, T4.MEU);
ok = ok && checkResult('OptimizeWithJointUtility optdr', optdr, T4.OptDR);
%% Also, see if it works with single utility:
for t = 1:length(TS)
T = TS(t);
[meu optdr] = OptimizeWithJointUtility(T.I);
ok = ok && checkResult('OptimizeWithJointUtility sng meu', meu, T.MEU);
ok = ok && checkResult('OptimizeWithJointUtility sng optdr', optdr, T.OptDR);
case 5
[meu optdr] = OptimizeLinearExpectations(T4.I);
ok = checkResult('OptimizeLinearExpectations meu', meu, T4.MEU);
ok = ok && checkResult('OptimizeLinearExpectations optdr', optdr, T4.OptDR);
%% Also, see if it works with single utility:
for t = 1:length(TS)
T = TS(t);
[meu optdr] = OptimizeLinearExpectations(T.I);
ok = ok && checkResult('OptimizeLinearExpectation sng meu', meu, T.MEU);
ok = ok && checkResult('OptimizeLinearExpectation sng optdr', optdr, T.OptDR);
if ok
passed = passed + 1;
failed = failed + 1;
fprintf('%d tests OK, %d skipped, %d failed\n', passed, skipped, failed);
result = ok;
function res = checkResult(label, expected, observed)
params = struct('displaycontextprogress', 0, 'NumericTolerance', 1e-6);
cmp = CompareData(expected, observed, [], params);
fprintf('%s: ', label);
if cmp
res = true;
res = false;
function v = normval(v)
v = v / sum(v);
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