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Forked from resoau/patch-edid-mod.rb
Last active April 13, 2022 08:19
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# Create display override file to force Mac OS X to use RGB mode for Display
# see
require 'base64'
def replacebytes (edid, pos, thebytes, newlen)
bytepos = pos * 2
thelen = thebytes.length
if newlen.to_s. != ''
thelen = newlen * 2
edid = edid[0, bytepos] + thebytes + edid[(bytepos + thelen)..-1]
return edid
def repairchecksums (edid)
blockoffset = 0
bytes = edid.scan(/../).map{|x|Integer("0x#{x}")}.flatten
while blockoffset * 2 < edid.length do
checksum = (0x100-(bytes[blockoffset,126].reduce(:+) % 256)) % 256
edid = replacebytes(edid, blockoffset + 127, sprintf("%02x", checksum), "")
blockoffset += 128
return edid
def deleteblock (edid, blockoffset)
if blockoffset * 2 < edid.length
edid = replacebytes(edid, blockoffset, "", 128)
edid = replacebytes(edid, 126, sprintf("%02x", Integer(edid[252,2], 16) - 1), "")
puts "Block at #{blockoffset} doesn't exist"
return edid
def deleteblocktype (edid, blocktype)
blockoffset = 128
while blockoffset * 2 < edid.length do
blocktag=Integer(edid[blockoffset*2, 2], 16)
if blocktag == blocktype
edid = deleteblock(edid, blockoffset)
blockoffset += 128
data=`ioreg -l -d0 -w 0 -r -c AppleDisplay`
displays = []
edids.each_with_index do |edid, i|
disp = { "edid_hex"=>edid, "vendorid"=>vendorids[i].to_i, "productid"=>productids[i].to_i }
# Process all displays
if displays.length > 1
puts "Found %d displays! You should only install the override file for the one which" % displays.length
puts "is giving you problems.","\n"
displays.each do |disp|
# Retrieve monitor model from edid data
if monitor_name.empty?
monitor_name = "Display"
puts "found display '#{monitor_name}': vendorid #{disp["vendorid"]}, productid #{disp["productid"]}, edid:\n#{disp["edid_hex"]}"
bytes = disp["edid_hex"].scan(/../).map{|x|Integer("0x#{x}")}.flatten
edid = disp["edid_hex"]
edidversion = Float(Integer(edid[0x12 * 2, 2], 16).to_s + "." + Integer(edid[0x13 * 2, 2], 16).to_s) # 1.3 or 1.4
isdigital = Integer(edid[0x14 * 2, 1], 16) > 7 # 0 or 1
puts "edid #{edidversion}"
puts "Is Digital #{isdigital}"
featuresupportbyte = Integer(edid[0x18 * 2, 2], 16)
featuresupport = (featuresupportbyte >> 3) & 3
puts "Featuresupport #{featuresupport}"
if edidversion < 1.4
case featuresupport
when 0
puts " Monochrome or Grayscale"
when 1
puts " RGB color"
when 2
puts " Non-RGB color"
when 3
puts " Undefined"
case (isdigital ? "1" : "0") + featuresupport.to_s
when "00"
puts " Monochrome or Grayscale"
when "01"
puts " RGB color"
when "02"
puts " Non-RGB color"
when "03"
puts " Undefined"
when "10"
puts " RGB 4:4:4"
when "11"
puts " RGB 4:4:4 + YCrCb 4:4:4"
when "12"
puts " RGB 4:4:4 + YCrCb 4:2:2"
when "13"
puts " RGB 4:4:4 + YCrCb 4:4:4 + YCrCb 4:2:2"
newfeaturesupportbyte = (featuresupportbyte & ~0x18) | (0 << 3)
edid = replacebytes(edid, 0x18, sprintf("%02x", newfeaturesupportbyte), "")
puts ' changed to "Monochrome or Grayscale"'
blockoffset = 128
while blockoffset * 2 < edid.length do
theblock = edid[blockoffset * 2, 254]
blocktag = Integer(theblock[0, 2], 16)
if blocktag == 2
ctaversion = Integer(theblock[2, 2], 16)
if ctaversion > 01
puts "cta-861 extension block with new version #{ctaversion} at #{blockoffset}"
yCbCrSupportbyte = Integer(theblock[6, 2], 16)
yCbCrSupport = (yCbCrSupportbyte >> 4) & 3
case yCbCrSupport
when 0
puts " no yCbCr support"
when 1
puts " yCbCr 4:2:2"
when 2
puts " yCbCr 4:4:4"
when 3
puts " yCbCr 4:4:4, yCbCr 4:2:2"
newyCbCrSupportbyte = (yCbCrSupportbyte & ~0x30) | (0 << 4)
edid = replacebytes(edid, blockoffset + 0x03, sprintf("%02x", newyCbCrSupportbyte), "")
puts ' changed to "no yCbCr support"'
if ctaversion > 02
detailedTimingDescriptorsOffset = Integer(theblock[4, 2], 16)
ctadatablockoffset = 4
while ctadatablockoffset < detailedTimingDescriptorsOffset do
ctadatablocklength = (Integer(theblock[ctadatablockoffset * 2, 2], 16) & 0x1f) + 1
ctadatablock = theblock[ctadatablockoffset * 2, ctadatablocklength * 2]
ctatagcode = (Integer(ctadatablock[0, 2], 16) >> 5) & 0x1f
if ctatagcode == 7
ctatagcode = "e" + Integer(ctadatablock[2, 2], 16).to_s
puts "#{ctadatablockoffset}: tag:#{ctatagcode} length:#{ctadatablocklength} block:#{ctadatablock}"
case ctatagcode
when 3
IEEEOUI = ctadatablock[6, 2] + ctadatablock[4, 2] + ctadatablock[2, 2]
puts "Vendor Specific IEEEOUI:"
when "000c03"
puts " HDMI Licensing, LLC -> h14b VSDB"
h14bChunk = ctadatablock[12, 2]
if h14bChunk.length == 2
h14bByte = Integer(h14bChunk, 16)
h14b = (h14bByte >> 3) & 1
case h14b
when 0
puts " Support yCbCr 4:4:4 - No"
when 1
puts " Support yCbCr 4:4:4 - Yes"
newh14bByte = (h14bByte & ~0x08) | (0 << 3) # 0: No (RGB only), 1: Yes (yCbCr 4:4:4)
edid = replacebytes(edid, blockoffset + ctadatablockoffset + 6, sprintf("%02x", newh14bByte), "")
puts " changed to No"
puts " Length 0, skipping"
when "c45dd8"
puts " HDMI Forum -> hf-VSDB"
hfByte = Integer(ctadatablock[14, 2], 16)
hf = (hfByte >> 0) & 7
case hf
when 0
puts " 4:2:0 10/12/16 bpc - No"
when 1
puts " 4:2:0 10 bpc - Yes"
when 2
puts " 4:2:0 12 bpc - Yes"
when 3
puts " 4:2:0 10/12 bpc - Yes"
when 4
puts " 4:2:0 16 bpc - Yes"
when 5
puts " 4:2:0 10/16 bpc - Yes"
when 6
puts " 4:2:0 12/16 bpc - Yes"
when 7
puts " 4:2:0 10/12/16 bpc - Yes"
newhfByte = (hfByte & ~0x07) | (0 << 0)
edid = replacebytes(edid, blockoffset + ctadatablockoffset + 7, sprintf("%02x", newhfByte), "")
puts " changed to No"
echo " Unknown OUI"
when "e14"
puts "yCbCr 4:2:0 Video Data Block"
when "e15"
puts "yCbCr 4:2:0 Capability Map Data Block at #{blockoffset+ctadatablockoffset} : #{ctadatablock}"
ctadatablock = ctadatablock[0, 4] + ((ctadatablock[4..-1]).gsub! '.' '0')
edid = replacebytes(edid, blockoffset + ctadatablockoffset, ctadatablock)
puts " Changed to ctadatablock"
ctadatablockoffset += ctadatablocklength
puts "cta-861 extension block with old version #{ctaversion} at #{blockoffset}"
puts "Extension block at #{blockoffset}: type:#{blocktag}"
blockoffset += 128
edid = repairchecksums(edid)
bytes = edid.scan(/../).map{|x|Integer("0x#{x}")}.flatten
puts "new edid:\n#{{|b|"%02X"%b}.join}"
Dir.mkdir("DisplayVendorID-%x" % disp["vendorid"]) rescue nil
f ="DisplayVendorID-%x/DisplayProductID-%x" % [disp["vendorid"], disp["productid"]], 'w')
f.write '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">'
f.write "
<string>#{monitor_name} - forced RGB mode (edid override)</string>
puts "\n"
end # displays.each
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Minor issue: on line 208, replace echo with puts

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aleskrejci commented May 30, 2021

Hi @fhoech, thank you for sharing the script. It seems to be much more thorough than other EDID patches so I hope it will actually fix my issue. However, I'm having trouble getting it to work. Would you mind taking a look?

Last 5 lines are the error, the rest is just for context. Is there anything I can change to make it work? Thanks!

38: tag:3 length:8 block:67d85dc401788003
patch-edid-mod.rb:161: warning: already initialized constant IEEEOUI
patch-edid-mod.rb:161: warning: previous definition of IEEEOUI was here
Vendor Specific IEEEOUI:
 HDMI Forum -> hf-VSDB
    4:2:0 10/12 bpc - Yes
        changed to No
46: tag:e15 length:3 block:e20f81
yCbCr 4:2:0 Capability Map Data Block at 174 : e20f81
Traceback (most recent call last):
	3: from patch-edid-mod.rb:67:in `<main>'
	2: from patch-edid-mod.rb:67:in `each'
	1: from patch-edid-mod.rb:214:in `block in <main>'
patch-edid-mod.rb:214:in `+': no implicit conversion of Enumerator into String (TypeError)

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My colleague was able to help me. It's the first script that actually fixed the colors while maintaining the max resolution! Even though it forces 30Hz instead of 60Hz, it's still progress.

If anyone wants to try, the updated version is here:

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