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Created June 25, 2012 15:39
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Save fholgado/2989323 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Spine.js preloader logic
class App extends Spine.Controller
constructor: ->
# Initialize cache object
App.cache = {} unless App.cache?
# Let's set a loading message on screen
$('#app').append JST['app/views/layouts/preloader']
opts =
lines: 12
length: 7
width: 4
radius: 10
color: '#000'
speed: 1
trail: 68
shadow: false
hwaccel: false
App.cache.loading_flag = {}
# Bind refresh events so that we can check if we're done loading once each model loads
App.Feed.bind 'refresh', @update_feed_loading_flag
App.Publisher.bind 'refresh', @update_publisher_loading_flag
# Now let's fetch all the data
update_feed_loading_flag: =>
App.cache.loading_flag.feed = true
update_publisher_loading_flag: =>
App.cache.loading_flag.publisher = true
check_loading_completion: =>
if App.cache.loading_flag.feed and App.cache.loading_flag.publisher?
# Let's unbind these initial triggers
App.Feed.unbind 'refresh', @update_feed_loading_flag
App.Publisher.unbind 'refresh', @update_feed_loading_flag
# Initialize controllers:
@html(@root = new App.Root)
# Let's trigger refresh events so the pages render
App.Feed.trigger 'refresh', App.Feed.all()
window.App = App
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