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Created August 10, 2017 23:11
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# Upload new firmware to a target running nerves_firmware_ssh
# Usage:
# [destination IP] [Path to .fw file]
# If unspecifed, the destination is nerves.local and the .fw file
# is naively guessed
# You may want to add the following to your `~/.ssh/config` to avoid
# recording the IP addresses of the target:
# Host nerves.local
# UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
# StrictHostKeyChecking no
set -e
[ -n "$DESTINATION" ] || DESTINATION=nerves.local
[ -n "$FILENAME" ] || FILENAME=$(ls ./_build/rpi0/dev/nerves/images/*.fw | head -1)
echo "Uploading $FILENAME to $DESTINATION..."
[ -f "$FILENAME" ] || (echo "Error: can't find $FILENAME"; exit 1)
case "$(uname -s)" in
# BSD stat
FILESIZE=$(stat -f %z "$FILENAME")
# GNU stat
FILESIZE=$(stat -c%s "$FILENAME")
if [ "$(uname -s)" = "Darwin" ]; then
DESTINATION_IP=$(arp -n $DESTINATION | sed 's/.* (\([0-9.]*\).*/\1/' || exit 0)
if [ -z "$DESTINATION_IP" ]; then
echo "Can't resolve $DESTINATION"
exit 1
IS_DEST_LL=$(echo $DESTINATION_IP | grep '^169\.254\.')
if [ -n "$IS_DEST_LL" ]; then
LINK_LOCAL_IP=$(ifconfig | grep 169.254 | sed 's/.*inet \([0-9.]*\) .*/\1/')
if [ -z "$LINK_LOCAL_IP" ]; then
echo "Can't find an interface with a link local address?"
exit 1
# If a link local address, then force ssh to bind to the link local IP
# when connecting. This fixes an issue where the ssh connection is bound
# to another Ethernet interface. The TCP SYN packet that goes out has no
# chance of working when this happens.
printf "fwup:$FILESIZE,reboot\n" | cat - $FILENAME | ssh -s -p 8989 $SSH_OPTIONS $DESTINATION nerves_firmware_ssh
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