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Last active August 29, 2015 14:28
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Retrying on error...
import com.ning.http.client._
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging
import scodec.bits.ByteVector
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scalaz._
import scalaz.Scalaz._
import scalaz.concurrent.Task
sealed trait SSEMessage extends Product with Serializable
case object SSEEmit extends SSEMessage
case object SSEIgnore extends SSEMessage
final case class SSEId(id: String) extends SSEMessage
final case class SSEEventName(name: String) extends SSEMessage
final case class SSERetryTime(reconnectionTimeMs: Long) extends SSEMessage
final case class SSEData(data: String) extends SSEMessage
final case class SSEState(id: Option[String], eventName: Option[String], data: String)
final case class SSEEvent(eventName: Option[String], data: String)
object ServerSentEvents extends StrictLogging {
implicit val scheduler = scalaz.concurrent.Strategy.DefaultTimeoutScheduler
// Process that takes an AsyncHttpClient and parameters, and emits a
// stream of ByteVectors as chunks of data are received. Used as a
// source of data for SSE messages, but is more generalized to be
// an incremental emitter of byes.
def incrementalHttpRequestProcess(
client: AsyncHttpClient,
url: String,
queryParams: Seq[(String, String)],
lastEventId: Option[String]
): Process[Task, ByteVector] = {
val req = client.prepareGet(url)
queryParams foreach { case (name, value) => req.addQueryParam(name, value) }
lastEventId foreach { req.addHeader("Last-Event-ID", _) }
req.addHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache")
logger.debug(s"Preparing GET request to URL=${url} queryParameters=${queryParams.mkString(",")}")
val contentQueue = async.boundedQueue[ByteVector](500)
req.execute(new AsyncCompletionHandler[Unit] {
override def onStatusReceived(status: HttpResponseStatus) = {
if (status.getStatusCode > 200 && status.getStatusCode < 300) {
logger.debug(s"Status code ${status.getStatusCode} received, stopping requests")
} else {
logger.debug(s"Status code ${status.getStatusCode} received")
override def onCompleted(r: Response): Unit = {
logger.debug("Request completed")
override def onThrowable(t: Throwable): Unit = {
logger.debug("Request failed with error", t)
override def onBodyPartReceived(content: HttpResponseBodyPart) = {
logger.debug(s"Received body part: ${new String(content.getBodyPartBytes, "UTF-8")}")
contentQueue.enqueueOne(ByteVector(content.getBodyByteBuffer)) attemptRun match {
case \/-(s) =>
case -\/(f) =>
logger.debug("Received body part after closing queue")
private[cmd] def splitSingleLine(linesToEmit: List[ByteVector], buffer: ByteVector): (List[ByteVector], ByteVector) = {
val idx = (0 until buffer.size).find(i => buffer.get(i) == '\n').getOrElse(-1)
if (idx == -1)
(linesToEmit.reverse, buffer)
else {
val str = buffer.consume(idx + 1)(d => Right(d))
str.fold(err => (linesToEmit.reverse, buffer), { case (newBuf, extracted) => splitSingleLine(extracted :: linesToEmit, newBuf) })
def appendAndEmitByLines(s: (List[ByteVector], ByteVector), b: ByteVector): (List[ByteVector], ByteVector) = {
splitSingleLine(Nil, s._2 ++ b)
// Collect ByteVector chunks, look for line endings, and split by those
// line endings. Emits all complete lines found so far.
val emitLines: Process1[ByteVector, ByteVector] = {
process1.scan((List.empty[ByteVector], ByteVector.empty))(appendAndEmitByLines)
.flatMap(lines => Process.emitAll(lines._1))
private[cmd] def convertToMessage(s: String): Option[SSEMessage] = {
val s1 = s.replaceFirst("\r", "").replaceFirst("\n", "")
val s2 = if (s1.endsWith("\n"))
val s3 = if (s2.endsWith("\r"))
if (s3.isEmpty) {
} else if (s3 == ":") {
} else if (s3.startsWith("data:")) {
} else if (s3.startsWith("id:")) {
} else if (s3.startsWith("event:")) {
} else
// Convert each line ByteVector to UTF-8, convert into an SSEMessage
// and emit valid messages.
val emitMessages: Process1[ByteVector, SSEMessage] = {
def setSSEFields(scanState: (SSEState, Option[SSEEvent]), msg: SSEMessage): (SSEState, Option[SSEEvent]) = {
val oldState = scanState._1
msg match {
case SSEEmit => (oldState.copy(data = ""), SSEEvent(oldState.eventName,
case SSEIgnore => (oldState, none)
case SSEData(d) => (oldState.copy(data = + "\n" + d), none)
case SSEId(id) => (oldState.copy(id = id.some), none)
case SSEEventName(eventName) => (oldState.copy(eventName = eventName.some), none)
case SSERetryTime(retryTime) => (oldState, none) // Ignore, already dealt with
// Collect SSEMessage messages, until an SSEEmit is found, then emit the
// collected information in an SSEEvent.
val emitEvents: Process1[SSEMessage, SSEEvent] = {
process1.scan((SSEState(none, none, ""), none[SSEEvent]))(setSSEFields)
.collect { case (state, Some(event)) => event }
def source(client: AsyncHttpClient, url: String, queryParams: Seq[(String, String)]): Process[Task, SSEEvent] = {
// Stores delay before retrying connection, after failure
val defaultRetryTime = async.signalOf(3000.millis)
// Stores last seen ID in SSE stream
val lastSeenId = async.signalOf(none[String])
val setDefaultRetryTime: Sink[Task, SSEMessage] = {
Process.constant {
case SSERetryTime(retryTime) =>
defaultRetryTime.set(Duration(retryTime, MILLISECONDS))
case SSEId(id) =>
case _ =>
// Wait for the specified retry delay, then make another request with the correct
// last-seen ID.
lazy val retryRequest: Process[Task, SSEEvent] = {
Process.eval(Nondeterminism[Task].both(defaultRetryTime.get, lastSeenId.get)) flatMap {
case (retryTime, lastId) =>
time.sleep(retryTime) ++ singleRequest(lastId)
// Makes a single request to the HTTP server.
// May retry after a delay if the connection is dropped in certain
// cases.
def singleRequest(lastEventId: Option[String]): Process[Task, SSEEvent] = {
incrementalHttpRequestProcess(client, url, queryParams, lastEventId)
.partialAttempt {
case e: => retryRequest
case e: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException => retryRequest
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