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fiatjaf_ fiatjaf

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export const providers = {
alias: {
desc: 'Alias for a existing remote',
options: [
name: 'remote',
'Remote or path to alias.\nCan be "myremote:path/to/dir", "myremote:bucket", "myremote:" or "/local/path".',
required: true
fiatjaf /
Last active April 27, 2019 03:23
etleneum htlc contract

A contract that can handle multiple "HTLCs" -- in the sense that these are just values parked at the contract that can be claimed by anyone with the correct preimage during some time. After the expiration time they can then be claimed by another different preimage.


  • method: open
fiatjaf / aposta.txt
Last active August 8, 2019 03:01
1. homicídios por ano
2. mulheres mortas pelos companheiros
3. fim do foro privilegiado
4. desemprego
5. pib
6. inflação
7. taxa de desmatamento
8. estupros
fiatjaf /
Created December 24, 2019 22:41
Mensagem de Natal 2009, Olavo de Carvalho

Christmas 2009

Musically, some prefer Tristan and Isolde, but in the matter of dramatic power and richness of meaning, Wotan’s final aria in The Valkyrie, “Leb Wohl” (Farewell), is doubtless the pinnacle of Richard Wagner’s work. What does that have to do with Christmas? Hold on a while, and let me recall the scene.

Pressured by his wife Fricka, who urges him to fulfill his duties as maintainer of the cosmic order, Wotan, the Germanic counterpart of Zeus, unwillingly promises to punish by death his grandson Siegmund—guilty of adultery and incest with his sister Sieglinde. To achieve this goal, Wotan sends his dearest daughter, Brünnhilde, to the place where Sieglinde’s husband will fight a duel with Siegmund, to ensure that Siegmund, deprived of all divine assistance, is killed in the duel. At the decisive moment, Brünnhilde allows herself to be overcome with compassion for Siegmund, and disobeying the order she received, attempts to protect him. Wotan has to intervene personally, breaking Si

fiatjaf /
Last active December 26, 2019 22:37
lnurl snippets
import hashlib
import json
from flask import Flask, jsonify, request
app = Flask(__name__)
def lnurl_one():
return jsonify({
fiatjaf / trust-minimized-bmm-miner.txt
Last active February 21, 2020 14:38
merged-mined parallel chains without native currency
+------+ +-------+ +---------+
+-------> | | +-------------------------> | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -> |potential|
| BMM | | BMM | | BMM |
|block | | block | | block |
| | | | - - - - - -> | | +---- - - -
+------+ +-------+ | +---------+ |
tx A
| |
fiatjaf / channels-as-htlcs-idea.txt
Last active March 3, 2020 12:52
lightning network improved
HTLCs below the dust limit are not possible, because they're uneconomical.
So currently whenever a payment below the dust limit is to be made Lightning peers adjust their commitment transactions to pay that amount as fees in case the channel is closed. That's a form of reserving that amount and incentivizing peers to resolve the payment, either successfully (in case it goes to the receiving node's balance) or not (it then goes back to the sender's balance).
I didn't think too much about if it is possible to do what I think can be done in the current implementation on Lightning channels, but in the context of Eltoo it seems possible.
Eltoo channels have UPDATE transactions that can be published to the blockchain and SETTLEMENT transactions that spend them (after a relative time) to each peer. The barebones script for UPDATE transactions is something like (copied from the paper, because I don't understand these things):
fiatjaf / lightning-daemon-features
Last active April 4, 2020 02:26
lightning node versions
c-lightning 0.6 88
c-lightning 0.6.1 8a
c-lightning 0.6.2 8a
c-lightning 0.6.3 88
c-lightning 0.7.0 8a
c-lightning 0.7.1 aa
c-lightning aa
c-lightning 0.7.3 28a2
c-lightning 0.8.0 02aaa2
c-lightning 0.8.1 02aaa2
fiatjaf / channels-balance-state.jq
Last active August 16, 2020 02:44
jq snippets for c-lightning
# use with:
# bash -c 'version=$(curl -s | jq -rc .history[0].version); curl -s$version/channels-balance-state.jq > /tmp/clsnippet.jq; lightning-cli listfunds | jq -f /tmp/clsnippet.jq'
# lightning-cli listfunds | jq '
| sort_by(.channel_sat) | reverse
| map
{ peer: .peer_id
, scid: .short_channel_id
fiatjaf / nSequence.bash
Last active December 18, 2020 12:29
list all relative locktime usage across an interval of blocks
for (( b=661000; b<=661884; b++ )) do
x=`bitcoin-cli getblock $(bitcoin-cli getblockhash $b) 2 | jq -c '.tx | map(select(.version > 1)) | map(.vin | map(.sequence | select((. < 2147483648) and (. > 0)))) | reduce .[] as $ns ([]; . + $ns) | reduce .[] as $n ({}; .["\($n)"] = (.["\($n)"] // 0) + 1)'`
if [ "$x" != '{}' ]
then echo $b: $x