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Last active February 1, 2022 20:42
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Save ficapy/11b96ddc6659e0ebd35a3fa2bad82e52 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.




wget -N --no-check-certificate && bash下载适合自己系统的最新版本tar -xf解压得到server_linux_amd64.执行服务端.摘录文档如下

服务器: ./server_linux_amd64 -t "" -l ":4000" -mode fast2  // 转发到服务器的本地8388端口
客户端: ./client_darwin_amd64 -r "服务器IP地址:4000" -l ":8388" -mode fast2    // 监听客户端的本地8388端口
注: 服务器端需要有服务监听8388端口

!!! 很重要的就是端口。可能参数填写的比较多一不小心容易被混淆,kcptun作为后台运行程序可以简单的 nohup command &


我个人比较喜欢用docker,想想优势可能有这2个方面。docker logs看日志比较方便.docker的开机启动项也比较友好,特别是相对于osx的plist.另外docker官方支持最低版本为3.1。openvz的内核绝大多数都是2.6.32,所以你的如果购买的是openvz的vps的话那么docker在服务端是无法使用的.强烈建议在电脑客户端使用docker 快速使用步骤

  1. 根据官方文档安装docker和docker-compose,在本机设置dockerhub镜像源,推荐使用中科大 ,镜像设置帮助文档
  2. git clone本gist修改ip及端口(修改成自己的ip,密码以及喜欢的端口),需修改ssr.json,server_docker_compose.yaml,client_docker_compose.yaml
  3. 服务端在server_docker_compose.yaml目录执行
docker-compose -f server_docker_compose.yaml up --build -d
  1. 客户端在client_docker_compose.yaml目录执行
docker-compose -f client_docker_compose.yaml up --build -d



  1. socks5代理虽好,可是有时候我们会需要http代理.这时果断装上privoxy。最简单的设置如下

    brew install privoxy(brew info privoxy)
    echo -n forward-socks5 / localhost:1083 . >> /usr/local/etc/privoxy/config
    # 这样我们就有了一个端口为8118(privoxy默认)的http代理了,转发到我们搭建好的socks5代理
    launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.privoxy.plist
  2. unix的世界里http_proxy这种环境变量是相当好用靠谱的,比如curl,wget,httpie超级多的命令行工具都认这种环境变量。可是如果你要是写死。。。。。那么当你不需要代理的时候又会悲催了,写个shell辅助下(switch proxy)sp是设置代理sp -是取消环境变量

    function sp(){
    if [ -n "$1" ];
        echo "unset proxy"
        unset {http,https,ftp}_proxy
        unset {HTTP,HTTPS,FTP}_PROXY
        echo "set proxy";
        export {http,https,ftp}_proxy=""
        export {HTTP,HTTPS,FTP}_PROXY=""
  3. 对于日常浏览器用pac进行分流没啥好说的,我本人使用chrome+SwitchyOmega配合这个pac规则

  4. 如果你一心想使用safari,像GUI那样设置pac或者全局socket.可以用以下shell脚本。ss设置pac,ss加任意字符设置成全局socks5,ss c取消代理设置.注意,因为networksetup需要root权限。执行sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers加入your_name ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/networksetup

    function ss(){
        case $1 in
            echo "clean proxy"
            sudo networksetup -setautoproxyurl "Wi-Fi" " "
            sudo networksetup -setautoproxystate "Wi-Fi" off
            sudo networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxy "Wi-Fi" "" ""
            sudo networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxystate "Wi-Fi" off
            echo "pac";
            sudo networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxy "Wi-Fi" "" ""
            sudo networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxystate "Wi-Fi" off
            sudo networksetup -setautoproxyurl "Wi-Fi" ""
            echo "global socks5 proxy"
            sudo networksetup -setautoproxyurl "Wi-Fi" " "
            sudo networksetup -setautoproxystate "Wi-Fi" off
            sudo networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxy "Wi-Fi" '' '1085'
  5. kcptun现在还不是特别成熟,有可能会发生突然断流的现象,当你觉得不耐烦的时候,重启一下容器可能是个不错的选择-_-alias dr='docker-compose -f /abs_path/client_docker_compose.yaml restart'

  6. kcptun对不同的网络需要自己进行一些调试才会取得很好的效果,最差的情况有可能会出现套上kcptun比单独使用ssr速度糟糕的情况,查看讨论:手动参数设定探讨

  7. 如果你有迅雷快鸟的会员,可以验证下是否能对你的宽带进行加速。如果能,那么请用Xunlei-Fastdickdocker run -d --name=xunlei-fastdick --restart=always -e XUNLEI_UID=<uid> -e XUNLEI_PASSWD=<uid> flier/xunlei-fastdick

  8. win目前没有kcptun的客户端,脚本参照

  9. 如果有任何建议或疑问请留言~~

restart: always
build: .
dockerfile: ./ssr_Dockerfile
container_name: ssr
command: sh -c "python -m SimpleHTTPServer 1088 & sslocal -s kcptun -c /etc/ssr.json -v"
- ./:/etc
- ./proxy.pac:/proxy.pac
- "1083:1083"
- "1088:1088"
- kcptun
restart: always
build: .
dockerfile: ./kcp_Dockerfile
container_name: kcptun
# command: server_linux_amd64 -t "" -l ":9758"
command: client_linux_amd64 -r 'vps_ip:9758' -l ':8086' -mode manual -nodelay 1 -resend 2 -nc 1 -interval 20
KCPTUN_KEY: "please_change_me_tooooooolong"
- "9758:9758/udp"
FROM alpine:3.4
RUN if [ $(wget -qO- == CN ]; then echo "" > /etc/apk/repositories ;fi \
&& apk update && apk add --no-cache ca-certificates wget && update-ca-certificates
RUN downloadurl=`wget -qO- | sed -n 's/.*href="\([^"]*\).*/\1/p' | grep -m 1 linux-amd64` \
&& wget -q """$downloadurl" -O kcptun && tar -xf kcptun -C /usr/bin && rm kcptun
var FindProxyForURL = function(init, profiles) {
return function(url, host) {
"use strict";
var result = init, scheme = url.substr(0, url.indexOf(":"));
do {
result = profiles[result];
if (typeof result === "function") result = result(url, host, scheme);
} while (typeof result !== "string" || result.charCodeAt(0) === 43);
return result;
}("+\u81ea\u52a8\u5207\u6362", {
"+\u81ea\u52a8\u5207\u6362": function(url, host, scheme) {
"use strict";
if (/(?:^|\.)foxleech\.com$/.test(host)) return "+SS";
if (/(?:^|\.)gimo\.me$/.test(host)) return "+SS";
if (/(?:^|\.)github\.io$/.test(host)) return "+SS";
return "+__ruleListOf_\u81ea\u52a8\u5207\u6362";
"+__ruleListOf_\u81ea\u52a8\u5207\u6362": function(url, host, scheme) {
"use strict";
if (/(?:^|\.)www\.exblog\.jp$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.).*v6\.facebook\.com$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)site\.locql\.com$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)download\.syniumsoftware\.com$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)haygo\.com$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)f\.cl\.ly$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)myvlog\.im\.tv$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)music\.jwmusic\.org$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)www\.kodingen\.com$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)simplecd\.me$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)static\.soup\.io$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)www\.tripod\.com$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)www\.typepad\.com$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)static\.typepad\.com$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)tax\.nat\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)moe\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)cwb\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)npm\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)yatsen\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)mvdis\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)stdtime\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)nmmba\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)ntdmh\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)grb\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)tpde\.aide\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)matsu-news\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)dapu-house\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
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if (/(?:^|\.)aide\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)hchcc\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)ntuh\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)nhri\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)nstm\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)ntsec\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)ner\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)nmtl\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)ntl\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)pet\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
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if (/(?:^|\.)khms\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)wanfang\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)nict\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
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if (/(?:^|\.)nmh\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)nmp\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
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if (/(?:^|\.)iner\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)tncsec\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
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if (/(?:^|\.)comnews\.gio\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
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if (/(?:^|\.)hcc\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)nvri\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)nmvttc\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)kmh\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)patehr\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)nerch\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)kmseh\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)nertt\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)cycab\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)chukuang\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)gysd\.nyc\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)cp-house\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)vghtpe\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)etraining\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)stag\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
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if (/(?:^|\.)chccc\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)hengchuen\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)hsinchu-cc\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)921\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)ncdr\.nat\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)4pppc\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)klsio\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)nici\.nat\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)cromotc\.nat\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)taitung-house\.gov\.tw$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)aliyun\.com$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
if (/(?:^|\.)baidu\.com$/.test(host)) return "DIRECT";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (/^http:\/\/85\.17\.73\.31\//.test(url)) return "+SS";
if (/(?:^|\.)alien-ufos\.com$/.test(host)) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (/^http:\/\/www\.ilovelongtoes\.com\//.test(url)) return "+SS";
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if (/^http:\/\/www\.m-sport\.co\.uk/.test(url)) return "+SS";
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if (/^http:\/\/.*\.pimg\.tw\//.test(url)) return "+SS";
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if (/^http:\/\/ecsm\.vs\.com\//.test(url)) return "+SS";
if (/(?:^|\.)wheretowatch\.com$/.test(host)) return "+SS";
if (/(?:^|\.)wingamestore\.com$/.test(host)) return "+SS";
if (/(?:^|\.)zattoo\.com$/.test(host)) return "+SS";
if (/(?:^|\.)zozotown\.com$/.test(host)) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (/(?:^|\.)1-apple\.com\.tw$/.test(host)) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (/(?:^|\.)10musume\.com$/.test(host)) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (/(?:^|\.)12bet\.com$/.test(host)) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (/(?:^|\.)12vpn\.com$/.test(host)) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (/(?:^|\.)173ng\.com$/.test(host)) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (/(?:^|\.)1984bbs\.com$/.test(host)) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (/(?:^|\.)1984bbs\.org$/.test(host)) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (/^http:\/\/1bao\.org/.test(url)) return "+SS";
if (/(?:^|\.)1pondo\.tv$/.test(host)) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (/(?:^|\.)2008xianzhang\.info$/.test(host)) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (/(?:^|\.)32red\.com$/.test(host)) return "+SS";
if (/(?:^|\.)36rain\.com$/.test(host)) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (/(?:^|\.)4bluestones\.biz$/.test(host)) return "+SS";
if (/(?:^|\.)4chan\.org$/.test(host)) return "+SS";
if (/(?:^|\.)4shared\.com$/.test(host)) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (/(?:^|\.)51\.ca$/.test(host)) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("64memo") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (/(?:^|\.)newscn\.org$/.test(host)) return "+SS";
if (/(?:^|\.)newsminer\.com$/.test(host)) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (/(?:^|\.)newstapa\.org$/.test(host)) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (/(?:^|\.)newtalk\.tw$/.test(host)) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (/(?:^|\.)nighost\.org$/.test(host)) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("%E7%BE%8E%E5%9B%BD%E4%B9%8B%E9%9F%B3") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("%E6%B0%91%E8%BF%9B%E5%85%9A") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (/^http:\/\/.*search.*%E6%97%A0%E7%95%8C/.test(url)) return "+SS";
if (/^http:\/\/.*search.*%E9%82%AA%E6%81%B6/.test(url)) return "+SS";
if (/^http:\/\/.*search.*%E6%96%B0%E5%94%90%E4%BA%BA/.test(url)) return "+SS";
if (/^http:\/\/.*search.*%E6%96%B0%E8%AF%AD%E4%B8%9D/.test(url)) return "+SS";
if (/^http:\/\/.*search.*%E5%AD%A6%E8%BF%90/.test(url)) return "+SS";
if (/^http:\/\/.*search.*%E4%B8%AD%E5%8A%9F/.test(url)) return "+SS";
if (/^http:\/\/.*search.*%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B%BD%E8%AE%BA%E5%9D%9B/.test(url)) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
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if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (/^https:\/\/zh\.m\.wikipedia\.org/.test(url)) return "+SS";
if (/^http:\/\/.*zh\.wikibooks\.org.*%E7%AA%81%E7%A0%B4%E7%BD%91%E7%BB%9C%E5%AE%A1%E6%9F%A5/.test(url)) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
if (scheme === "http" && url.indexOf("") >= 0) return "+SS";
return "DIRECT";
"+SS": function(url, host, scheme) {
"use strict";
if (host === "" || host === "::1" || host.indexOf(".") < 0) return "DIRECT";
return "SOCKS5; SOCKS";
restart: always
build: .
dockerfile: ./ssr_Dockerfile
container_name: ssr
command: ssserver -c /etc/ssr.json -v
- ./:/etc
- "8086:8086"
restart: always
build: .
dockerfile: ./kcp_Dockerfile
container_name: kcptun
- "9758:9758/udp"
command: sh -c "server_linux_amd64 -t 'ssr:8086' -l ':9758' -mode manual -nodelay 1 -resend 2 -nc 1 -interval 20"
KCPTUN_KEY: "please_change_me_tooooooolong"
- ssr
"server": "",
"server_ipv6": "::",
"server_port": 8086,
"local_address": "",
"local_port": 1083,
"password": "pppppppppppppppppppppppppppddddddddddddddddddddd",
"timeout": 120,
"udp_timeout": 60,
"method": "chacha20",
"protocol": "auth_sha1_compatible",
"protocol_param": "",
"obfs": "http_simple_compatible",
"obfs_param": "",
"dns_ipv6": false,
"connect_verbose_info": 0,
"redirect": "",
"fast_open": false,
"workers": 1
FROM alpine:3.4
RUN if [ $(wget -qO- == CN ]; then echo "" > /etc/apk/repositories ;fi \
&& apk update && apk upgrade \
&& apk add --no-cache git py-pip libsodium
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir git+
# 先打开powershell执行set-executionpolicy remotesigned让脚本有执行权限
"C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -WindowStyle Hidden -file "C:\abs_path\start_kcptun.ps1"
Start-Process "C:\abs_path\client_windows_amd64.exe" -ArgumentList "-r vps_ip:9758 -l :8086 -mode manual -nodelay 1 -resend 2 -nc 1 -interval 20 -key please_change_me_tooooooolong" -WindowStyle Hidden
taskkill /f /im client_windows_amd64.exe
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