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Created May 20, 2013 18:44
public class LruBitmapCache extends LruCache<String, Bitmap> implements ImageCache {
public LruBitmapCache(int maxSize) {
protected int sizeOf(String key, Bitmap value) {
return value.getRowBytes() * value.getHeight();
public Bitmap getBitmap(String url) {
return get(url);
public void putBitmap(String url, Bitmap bitmap) {
put(url, bitmap);
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Could you indicate how to provided a correct maxSize value? I think it was indicated three screens worth? How is that calculated in Android? Thanks

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It would be something like this:

public int getCacheSize() {
    final DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
    final int screenWidth = displayMetrics.widthPixels;
    final int screenHeight = displayMetrics.heightPixels;
    final in screenBytes = screenWidth * screenHeight * 4; // 4 bytes per pixel

    return screenBytes * 3;

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c0ming commented Nov 21, 2013

maxSize for caches that do not override sizeOf(K, V), this is the maximum number of entries in the cache. or int maxSize = (int) (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 1024 / 8);

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Sottti commented Sep 9, 2014


You can take a look here at the code of the Google way of do this:

After all I think it depends on how you use volley. It makes sense on apps like Instagram or Google Play Store where you have the screen full of images. If you use Volley for request images but you have 1 or 2 images in each activity and they are not really loaded heavily... I have no idea how to work on this cache image stuff. Probably a few MB is enough.

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