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Created July 29, 2016 13:48
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ObservableArray.getAsyncTwin() for Knockout
* Adds a `getAsyncTwin()` method to the prototype of Knockout's ObservableArray
* returning a new ObservableArray that will be a continuous non-instant copy of the original.
* Whenever the original ObservableArray changes, the copy will be populated
* in chunks of a given size and with a given delay between the chunks until it is identical to the original.
* Intended to allow rendering the first (visible) part of huge lists faster before all the rest.
* Example:
* var hugeList = ko.observableArray(someHugeArray),
* hugeListToRender = hugeList.getAsyncTwin({
* chunkSize: 100,
* chunkDelay: 1
* });
* <ul data-bind="foreach: hugeListToRender">..</ul>
define(['knockout', 'util', 'LOG'], function(ko, util, LOG) {
'use strict';
* @param opts (Object)
* - chunkSize (number|function) number of items to copy per update interval OR a function to determine
* the number based on the new total size,
* e.g. function(total){ return (total <= 100) ? 20 : 10 }
* - chunkDelay (number|function) delay in millis between the chunks OR a function to determine the delay
* based on the new total size,
* e.g. function(total){ return (total <= 100) ? 20 : 10 }
ko.observableArray.fn.getAsyncTwin = function(opts) {
util.assertObject(opts, 'Invalid options object for observableArray.getAsyncTwin');
if (typeof opts.chunkSize === 'number') {
util.assertNumberInRange(opts.chunkSize, 1, 1000000, 'Illegal chunkSize number for observableArray.getAsyncTwin');
} else {
util.assertFunction(opts.chunkSize, 'Invalid chunkSize option for observableArray.getAsyncTwin');
if (typeof opts.chunkDelay === 'number') {
util.assertNumberInRange(opts.chunkDelay, 1, 60000, 'Illegal chunkDelay number for observableArray.getAsyncTwin');
} else {
util.assertFunction(opts.chunkDelay, 'Invalid chunkDelay option for observableArray.getAsyncTwin');
var sourceObsArray = this,
twinObsArray = ko.observableArray(),
chunkSize = -1, // determined on update start
chunkDelay = -1, // determined on update start
timer = null,
continueUpdate = function(clearArray) {
if (timer) {
timer = 0;
if (clearArray) {
twinObsArray().length = 0;
var sourceArray = sourceObsArray(),
twinArray = twinObsArray(),
firstItemIndex = twinArray.length,
lastItemIndex = Math.min(firstItemIndex + chunkSize - 1, sourceArray.length - 1);
if (firstItemIndex <= lastItemIndex) {
LOG.debug('Adding items %s to %s', firstItemIndex, lastItemIndex);
for (var i = firstItemIndex; i<= lastItemIndex; i++) {
twinArray[i] = sourceArray[i];
if (twinArray.length < sourceArray.length) {
LOG.debug('Scheduling next chunk in %s millis', chunkDelay);
timer = setTimeout(continueUpdate, chunkDelay);
} else {
LOG.debug('asyncTwin complete [total=%s]', twinArray.length);
} else {
LOG.debug('Empty chunk for asyncTwin#continueUpdate');
startUpdate = function() {
if (timer) {
timer = 0;
var newSize = sourceObsArray().length;
chunkSize = (typeof opts.chunkSize === 'function') ? opts.chunkSize(newSize) : opts.chunkSize;
chunkDelay = (typeof opts.chunkDelay === 'function') ? opts.chunkDelay(newSize) : opts.chunkDelay;
LOG.debug('asyncTwin#startUpdate [total=%s|chunkSize=%s|chunkDelay=%s]', newSize, chunkSize, chunkDelay);
return twinObsArray;
return ko;
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