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Last active June 28, 2024 11:01
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Find, format, and mount an AWS Ephemeral NVMe disk within ec2 in user data
#!/usr/bin/env bash
## This mounts a (single) ephemral NVMe drive in an EC2 server.
## It's meant to be run once, within user-data
## For EBS drives (non-ephemeral storage), see:
# Install the "nvme" command
# See:
sudo apt-get install -y nvme-cli
# Create a mount point (directory)
sudo mkdir -p /some/mount
# Find ephemeral storage (assumes a single ephemeral disk)
# and format it (assumes this is run on first-boot in user-data, so the disk is not formatted)
EPHEMERAL_DISK=$(sudo nvme list | grep 'Amazon EC2 NVMe Instance Storage' | awk '{ print $1 }')
sudo mkfs.ext4 $EPHEMERAL_DISK
sudo mount -t ext4 $EPHEMERAL_DISK /some/mount
### For some crazy reason, add ephemeral disk mount to /etc/fstab
## even tho you lose data in stop/starts of ec2 (I believe you keep the data via regular reboots?)
# Find the mounted drive UUID so we can mount by UUID
EPHEMERAL_UUID=$(sudo blkid -s UUID -o value $EPHEMERAL_DISK)
echo "UUID=$EPHEMERAL_UUID /opt/nomad ext4 defaults 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
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robgero commented Mar 2, 2023

Thanks, really convenient script! Although I'm just wondering where /opt/nomad on line 32 came from?
echo "UUID=$EPHEMERAL_UUID /opt/nomad ext4 defaults 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab

I assumed you should use your mount point there, /some/mount?

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fideloper commented Mar 2, 2023 via email

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deus93 commented Apr 25, 2024

ec2 instance will stuck if you use uuid in /etc/fstab after stop/start.
I added some checks. If I need to save data after a reboot, I will check if it's formatted

EPHEMERAL_DISK=\$(sudo nvme list | grep 'Amazon EC2 NVMe Instance Storage' | awk '{ print \$1 }')
# Check if the mount point exists in /proc/mounts
if grep -qs \${MOUNT} /proc/mounts; then
    echo "It's mounted."
    # Check if the block device exists and is not formatted as ext4
    if [ -b \${EPHEMERAL_DISK} ] && ! blkid \${EPHEMERAL_DISK} | grep -qs ext4; then
        echo "It's not mounted and not formatted, formatting..."
        # Format the block device as ext4
        if mkfs.ext4 \${EPHEMERAL_DISK}; then
            echo "Formatting \${EPHEMERAL_DISK} success!"
            echo "Failed to format \${EPHEMERAL_DISK}."
            exit 1
    # Attempt to mount the block device to the specified mount point
    echo "It's not mounted, trying to mount..."
    if mkdir -p \${MOUNT} && mount -t ext4 \${EPHEMERAL_DISK} \${MOUNT}; then
        echo "Mount \${MOUNT} success!"
        echo "Something went wrong with the mount - \${EPHEMERAL_DISK}"
        exit 1

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Thanks for sharing!

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YusDyr commented Jun 28, 2024

This is my version.
It checks if there are local NVMe and try to make a RAID0 from it. If there is no these disks, it will search for an EBS volume and mount it.
Also it check does it protected with Vormetric Encryption 3rd-party solution (because it overlap mount).

# Script to mount all attached EBS disks with tag "mountPoint"
# Checks first for local NVME disk and if any, makes MD RAID0 and mount to $PATH_TO_DIR_FOR_MD0_MOUNT
# Required:
#    aws-cli utility
#    nvme utility
#    Be authorized in AWS to run "aws ec2 describe-volumes"

set -exuo pipefail

declare -A AWS_EBS_Volumes
declare -A Linux_Nvme_Volumes
declare -r RES_CODE_ON_EBS_ABSENT=20
declare -r RES_CODE_ON_MD0_EXISTS=30
declare -r PATH_TO_DIR_FOR_MD0_MOUNT="/data"
declare -r DATADIR="/data"

function Get_AWS_Volumes_Info() {
  ## Get local volume device name corresponding to log volume block device name
  Instance_ID=$(curl -s

  aws ec2 describe-volumes \
    --filters Name=attachment.instance-id,Values="${Instance_ID}" \
    --query "Volumes[?not_null(Tags[?Key == 'mountPoint'].Value)].{ID:VolumeId,Mount:Tags[?Key=='mountPoint'].Value | [0]}" \
    --output text

  return $?

function Populate_AWS_EBS_Volumes() {
  local Info=""
  local res_code=$?
  [[ $res_code != 0 ]] && return $res_code
  [ -z "$Info" ] && return $RES_CODE_ON_EBS_ABSENT
  while read -r volumeID mountPoint; do
  done <<<"$Info"

function Get_Nvme_List() {
  # Get /dev/nvme list and their serial number (which are volume id for AWS)
  # Return pairs of VolumeID and appropriate /dev/nvmeX DeviceName
  /sbin/nvme list |
    grep -F '/dev/' |
    awk '{ if ( $2 ~ /^vol[A-Za-z0-9]+$/) {
            print $2" "$1

function Get_Local_NVMe() {
  ls /dev/disk/by-id/nvme-Amazon_EC2_NVMe_Instance_Storage_AWS*

function Populate_Linux_Nvme_Volumes() {
  while read -r volumeID mountpoint; do
  done < <(Get_Nvme_List)

function Make_Local_Nvme_Mdraid() {
  echo "Creating md0 RAID0 array..."
  if mdadm -D /dev/md0; then
    echo "md0 is already existing, mount it..."
    Mount_Disk /dev/md0 "$PATH_TO_DIR_FOR_MD0_MOUNT"
    return $RES_CODE_ON_MD0_EXISTS
  mdadm --create /dev/md0 \
      --raid-devices="$(ls /dev/disk/by-id/nvme-Amazon_EC2_NVMe_Instance_Storage_AWS* | wc -l)" \
      --level=0 \
  mdadm --detail --scan | tee /etc/mdadm.conf
  mdadm -D /dev/md0
  Mount_Disk /dev/md0 "$PATH_TO_DIR_FOR_MD0_MOUNT"

function Get_DevName_By_Volume_ID() {
  local volumeID=$1
  local mountPoint=${Linux_Nvme_Volumes[$volumeID]}
  echo "$mountPoint"

function Get_lsblk_By_DevName() {
  local DevName=$1
  lsblk --list --path --noheadings -o NAME,MOUNTPOINT,UUID "$DevName"

function Mount_Disk() {
  local DevName=$1
  local MountPoint=$2
  local WriteToFstab=${3:-""}
  mkdir -p "$MountPoint"
  # If there is this device only and no partitions on it
  if [[ $(Get_lsblk_By_DevName "$DevName" | wc -l) == 1 ]]; then
    # If this devices unformatted and has no filesystem
    if [[ $(file -b -s "$DevName" | grep -Ec '^data$') == 1 ]]; then
      # ...then make it
      mkfs -t xfs "$DevName"
    sleep 1
    local DevUUID="$(lsblk --noheadings --output UUID "$DevName")"
    if [[ -n $WriteToFstab ]]; then
      local OldFstabRecord="$(grep -E '^\s*UUID='"$DevUUID" /etc/fstab)"
      local NewFstabRecord="UUID=$DevUUID $MountPoint xfs defaults,noatime,nofail 0 2"
      # If there is no record in /etc/fstab
      if [ -z "$OldFstabRecord" ]; then
        # ...add it
        echo "$NewFstabRecord" >>/etc/fstab
      # If there is a record with that UUID but another mountpoint, replace and prepare for remount it
      elif [ -z "$(echo "$OldFstabRecord" | grep -w "$MountPoint")" ]; then
        echo "Remount $DevName to a new path"
        umount --verbose "UUID=$DevUUID"
        sed -i "s|$OldFstabRecord|$NewFstabRecord|g" /etc/fstab
    # If not mounted yet, mount it
    # Example:
    # /dev/nvme2n1 on /data type xfs (rw,relatime,seclabel,attr2,inode64,noquota)
    # /data on /data type secfs2 (rw,relatime,seclabel) << correct
    # or
    # /dev/nvme2n1 on /data type xfs (rw,relatime,seclabel,attr2,inode64,noquota) << correct
    # or
    # /data on /data type secfs2 (rw,relatime,seclabel) << should be remounted over separate partition
    # or
    # /dev/nvmeXXXn1 on /data type xfs (rw,relatime,seclabel,attr2,inode64,noquota) << should be remounted by over partition
    set +e
    curr_mount=$(mount -v | grep -F -w "on $MountPoint")
    set -e
    if [ $(echo -n "$curr_mount"| grep -A2 -B2 -F 'secfs2' | wc -l) -eq 1 ]; then
      echo "$MountPoint mounted as vormetric partition, but not as physical! Stopping vormetric client before mount ${DevUUID}"
      /etc/vormetric/secfs stop
      echo "Mounting $DevUUID to $MountPoint..."
      mkdir -p "$MountPoint"
      mount -v "UUID=$DevUUID" "$MountPoint"
      /etc/vormetric/secfs start
      exit 1
    elif [[ ($curr_mount) && ($(echo "$curr_mount"| wc -l) -ne 0) ]]; then
      echo "$MountPoint is already/still mounted."
      echo "$curr_mount"
      echo "Mounting $DevUUID to $MountPoint..."
      mkdir -p "$MountPoint"
      mount -v "UUID=$DevUUID" "$MountPoint"
  chown -Rv mongod:mongod "${DATADIR}"
  chmod 770 "${DATADIR}"
  semanage fcontext -a -t mongod_var_lib_t "${DATADIR}(/.*)?"
  chcon -R system_u:object_r:mongod_var_lib_t:s0 "${DATADIR}"
  restorecon -R -v "${DATADIR}"

#    if [ -z "$Info" ]; then
#      if Get_Local_NVMe; then
#        # If there is local NVMe disks, make MD RAID and use it for /data
#        Make_Local_Nvme_Mdraid
#      else
#        return $RES_CODE_ON_EBS_ABSENT
#      fi
#    fi

main() {
  if ! Populate_AWS_EBS_Volumes; then
    if Get_Local_NVMe; then

  # Debug info
  declare -p AWS_EBS_Volumes
  declare -p Linux_Nvme_Volumes

  for volumeID in "${!AWS_EBS_Volumes[@]}"; do
    local DevName=$(Get_DevName_By_Volume_ID $volumeID)
    local MountPoint="${AWS_EBS_Volumes[$volumeID]}"
    if [ "$MountPoint" ]; then
      Mount_Disk "$DevName" "$MountPoint" "WriteToFstab"
      warn "No MountPoint specified for $DevName!"
    # printf "%s\n" "$volumeID=${AWS_EBS_Volumes[$volumeID]}"


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YusDyr commented Jun 28, 2024

My extended version

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