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Created September 30, 2011 08:00
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file system helpers (part of an old toolbox)
#!/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:Author: Henning Hraban Ramm
:Organization: fiëé virtuëlle,
:Version: 0.3.6
:Date: 2006-01-24
:Status: beta
:License: same as Python
:Abstract: file system helpers for Windows, with twisted
imports plainfs into own namespace
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date version changes
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2006-01-24 0.3.6 changed author information and some doc strings
2005-11-09 0.3.5 alle Pfade mit / statt \
2005-09-26 0.3.4 ?
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__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
__version__ = "0.3.6"
from twisted.internet import threads
import os.path, shutil
import win32api, win32net
from plainfs import *
def copy(source, target, overwrite=False):
Copy file in separate thread.
Return a deferred Boolean, if the file could be copied.
If the target file exists, the source is only copied if overwrite=True.
d = threads.deferToThread(_doCopy, source, target, overwrite)
return d
def _doCopy(source, target, overwrite):
sourcedir, sourcefile = os.path.split(source)
if isDir(target):
targetfile = sourcefile
targetdir = target
targetdir, targetfile = os.path.split(target)
targetfile = fixpath(os.path.join(targetdir, targetfile))
if overwrite or not os.path.exists(targetfile):
#print "Copy %s to %s" % (source, targetfile)
shutil.copy(source, targetfile)
return os.path.exists(targetfile)
return False
def move(source, target, overwrite=False):
Move file in separate thread.
Return a deferred Boolean, if the file could be moved.
If the target file exists, the source is only moved if overwrite is True.
d = threads.deferToThread(_doMove, source, target, overwrite)
return d
def _doMove(source, target, overwrite):
targetdir, targetfile = os.path.split(target)
sourcedir, sourcefile = os.path.split(source)
if not targetfile:
targetfile = sourcefile
targetfile = os.path.join(targetdir, targetfile)
if not os.path.exists(targetfile) or overwrite:
source = fixpath(source)
targetfile = fixpath(targetfile)
shutil.move(source, targetfile)
if os.path.exists(targetfile):
if os.path.exists(source):
return True
return False
ByteUnit = {
'B' : 1024**0,
'kB' : 1024**1,
'MB' : 1024**2,
'GB' : 1024**3,
'TB' : 1024**4
def getFreeDiskSpace(disk, mode='MB'):
Return the amount of available space on a disk (e.g. 'C:').
Modes: see ByteUnit (B, kB, MB, GB, TB) plus %
(freebytes, totalbytes, totalfreebytes) = win32api.GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(disk)
if mode in ByteUnit:
return float(freebytes) / ByteUnit[mode]
return float(freebytes) * 100 / float(totalbytes)
def getLocalDrives():
return win32net.NetServerDiskEnum('', 0)
def getDrives():
return a dict of drive letter to remote share
res = win32net.NetUseEnum('', 0)
drives = res[0]
while res[2]:
res = win32net.NetUseEnum('', 0)
# drives ist jetzt eine Liste von dicts, jeweils mit den keys remote und local
myname = os.environ['COMPUTERNAME'].lower()
ddict = dict([ (en['local'].upper(), en['remote']) for en in drives ])
ddict.update(dict([ (d, '//%s/%s$' % (myname, d[0])) for d in getLocalDrives()]))
return ddict
def getNetPath(path):
expand a drive letter to a network share, if possible
drive, path = os.path.splitdrive(fixpath(path))
if drive:
path = path.strip('/')
drive = drive.upper()
ddict = getDrives()
if drive in ddict:
return os.path.join(ddict[drive], path)
return path
def getComputerName(path):
on which computer is that path?
path = fixpath(path)
if not path.startswith('//'):
path = getNetPath(path)
path = path.split('/')[2]
return path.replace('/','')
#!/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:Author: Henning Hraban Ramm
:Organization: fiëé virtuëlle,
:Version: 0.4.1
:Date: 2006-01-24
:Status: beta
:License: same as Python
:Abstract: file system helpers, OS independent and without twisted
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date version changes
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2006-01-24 0.4.1 changed author information and some doc strings,
removed some too specialized functions and dependencies
2005-12-14 0.4.0 new: FileNumber, byFileNumber, byZipFileNumber
2005-11-09 0.3.7 fixpath: change for UNC paths, only / instead of \
2005-10-20 0.3.6 ?
========== ======= ===========================================================
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
__version__ = "0.4.1"
import os, os.path, re
ABSPATH = re.compile('^([A-Z]:)?[\\/]+.*', re.I)
# absolute path, starts with drive letter or UNC server name (Windows only)
def fixpath(path):
try to make an absolute path from 'path' and replace all delimiters with '/'
path = os.path.abspath(path)
path = path.replace(chr(92), '/') # UNC works only with //, not with \\
return path
def basefilename(path):
return the basic filename without path and extension
(path, filename) = os.path.split(path)
(filename, ext) = os.path.splitext(filename)
return filename
def ensuredir(dir):
Create directory tree if needed.
if not dir: return False
dir = fixpath(dir)
if isDir(dir): return True
# makedirs doesn't work on SMB shares etc.
# makedirs funktioniert z.B. nicht auf SMB-Shares
except OSError:
rest, letzter = os.path.split(dir)
if not (isDir(rest)):
except OSError, ex:
# otherwise only "invalid argument"
raise OSError(ex, dir)
return True
def checkdir(dirname, basedir=None):
Check if a directory exists, return approved dirname (or None).
dirname : absolute or relative directory name
basedir : base for relative directory names
if not ABSPATH.match(dirname): # relatives Verzeichnis
dirname = os.path.join(basedir, dirname)
if not isDir(dirname):
#raise IOError('%s is no directory' % dirname)
dirname = None
return dirname
def isDir(path):
Is path a directory or mount (share)?
return os.path.isdir(path) or os.path.ismount(path)
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