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Last active November 4, 2017 16:43
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Equirectangular viewer Pixel Bender filter
* Equirectangular viewer
* Last update: 6 March 2013
* Changelog:
* 1.0 - Initial release
* Licensed under the MIT License:
* Credits and references
* ======================
* Inspired by LittlePlanets by subblue:
* A good selection of cosc-licensed equirectangular panorama source images can be found here:
* Contact
* =======
* This plugin is free to use for personal or commercial projects.
* I'd love to hear how you are using it so email me at
#define TWOPI 6.283185307179586
#define PI 3.141592653589793
<languageVersion : 1.0;>
kernel EquirectangularViewer
< namespace : "com.fieldofview";
vendor : "Aldo Hoeben -";
version : 1;
displayname: "Equirectangular Viewer";
description : "Unwraps an equirectangular panorama image.";
parameter float2 inputSize
minValue: float2(8, 4);
maxValue: float2(4096, 4096);
defaultValue: float2(2000, 1000);
stepInterval: float2(1, 1);
displayName: "Input image size";
componentName: "Width|Height";
aeDisplayName: "Input image size";
parameter float2 outputSize
minValue: float2(8, 4);
maxValue: float2(4096, 4096);
defaultValue: float2(800, 400);
stepInterval: float2(1, 1);
displayName: "Output image size";
componentName: "Width|Height";
aeDisplayName: "Output image size";
parameter float yaw
minValue: -180.0;
maxValue: 180.0;
defaultValue: 0.0;
stepInterval: 0.5;
displayName: "Yaw";
aeDisplayName: "Yaw";
parameter float pitch
minValue: -90.0;
maxValue: 90.0;
defaultValue: 0.0;
stepInterval: 0.5;
displayName: "Pitch";
aeDisplayName: "Pitch";
parameter float hfov
minValue: 1.0;
maxValue: 170.0;
defaultValue: 80.0;
stepInterval: 1;
displayName: "Horizontal Field of View";
aeDisplayName: "Horizontal Field of View";
input image4 src;
output pixel4 dst;
region needed(region outputRegion, imageRef inputRef)
return region(float4(0, 0, inputSize.x, inputSize.y));
region changed(region outputRegion, imageRef inputRef)
return region(float4(0, 0, outputSize.x, outputSize.y));
float3x3 rotationMatrix(const float2 euler)
float2 se = sin(euler);
float2 ce = cos(euler);
return float3x3(
ce.x, 0.,-se.x,
0., 1., 0.,
se.x, 0., ce.x
) * float3x3(
1., 0., 0.,
0., ce.y,-se.y,
0., se.y, ce.y
float3 toCartesian(float2 sphericalCoord)
return normalize(float3(sphericalCoord.x, sphericalCoord.y, 0.5 / tan(0.5 * radians(hfov))));
float2 toSpherical(float3 cartesianCoord)
float2 sphericalCoord = float2(
atan(cartesianCoord.x, cartesianCoord.z),
if(sphericalCoord.x < 0.0)
sphericalCoord.x += TWOPI;
return sphericalCoord;
void evaluatePixel()
float2 sphericalCoord = outCoord() / outputSize - float2(0.5);
sphericalCoord.y *= -outputSize.y / outputSize.x;
float3 cartesianCoord = rotationMatrix(float2(radians(yaw+180.), radians(pitch))) * toCartesian(sphericalCoord);
dst = sampleLinear(src, toSpherical(cartesianCoord) / float2(TWOPI, PI) * (inputSize-float2(1.0))+float2(0.5));
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