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  • Save fifitrixabelle/cc8dccfac38db9429d233339d51458e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save fifitrixabelle/cc8dccfac38db9429d233339d51458e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
➜ ~ jx create cluster minikube
? memory (MB) 4096
? cpu (cores) 3
? disk-size (MB) 150GB
? Select driver: kvm2
Installing kvm2
We cannot yet automate the installation of KVM with KVM2 driver - can you install this manually please?
Please see: and
Creating Minikube cluster...
Minikube cluster created.
Initialising cluster ...
setting the dev namespace to: jx
Namespace jx created
Using helmBinary helm with feature flag: none
Context "minikube" modified.
Storing the kubernetes provider minikube in the TeamSettings
set exposeController Config Domain
Git configured for user: fifitrixabelle and email
Trying to create ClusterRoleBinding minikube-cluster-admin-binding for role: cluster-admin for user minikube "minikube-cluster-admin-binding" not found
Created ClusterRoleBinding minikube-cluster-admin-binding
Using helm2
Configuring tiller
Created ServiceAccount tiller in namespace kube-system
Trying to create ClusterRoleBinding tiller for role: cluster-admin and ServiceAccount: kube-system/tiller
Created ClusterRoleBinding tiller
Initialising helm using ServiceAccount tiller in namespace kube-system
Initialising Helm 'init --service-account tiller --tiller-namespace kube-system'
Initialising Helm 'init --service-account tiller --tiller-namespace kube-system --upgrade --wait --force-upgrade'
Waiting for tiller-deploy to be ready in tiller namespace kube-system
helm installed and configured
nginx ingress controller already enabled
Lets set up a Git user name and API token to be able to perform CI/CD
? Do you wish to use fifitrixabelle as the local Git user for GitHub server: Yes
Select the CI/CD pipelines Git server and user
? Do you wish to use GitHub as the pipelines Git server: Yes
? Do you wish to use fifitrixabelle as the pipelines Git user for GitHub server: Yes
Setting the pipelines Git server and user name fifitrixabelle.
Saving the Git authentication configuration
Current configuration dir: /home/felix/.jx
Current configuration dir: /home/felix/.jx
options.Flags.LocalCloudEnvironment: false
Cloning the Jenkins X cloud environments repo to /home/felix/.jx/cloud-environments
? A local Jenkins X cloud environments repository already exists, recreate with latest? Yes
Current configuration dir: /home/felix/.jx
options.Flags.LocalCloudEnvironment: false
Cloning the Jenkins X cloud environments repo to /home/felix/.jx/cloud-environments
Enumerating objects: 1378, done.
Total 1378 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 1378
? Select Jenkins installation type: Static Master Jenkins
setting the dev namespace to: jx
No default password set, generating a random one
Generated helm values /home/felix/.jx/extraValues.yaml
Creating Secret jx-install-config in namespace jx
Installing Jenkins X platform helm chart from: /home/felix/.jx/cloud-environments/env-minikube
Waiting for tiller pod to be ready, service account name is tiller, namespace is jx, tiller namespace is kube-system
Waiting for cluster role binding to be defined, named tiller-role-binding in namespace jx
Trying to create ClusterRoleBinding tiller-role-binding for role: cluster-admin and ServiceAccount: jx/tiller
Created ClusterRoleBinding tiller-role-binding
tiller cluster role defined: cluster-admin in namespace jx
tiller pod running
? Pick default workload build pack: Library Workloads: CI+Release but no CD
Setting the team build pack to classic-workloads repo: ref: master
Installing jx into namespace jx
using stable version 0.0.3553 from charts of jenkins-x/jenkins-x-platform from /home/felix/.jx/jenkins-x-versions
Installing jenkins-x-platform version: 0.0.3553
Adding values file /home/felix/.jx/cloud-environments/env-minikube/myvalues.yaml
Adding values file /home/felix/.jx/adminSecrets.yaml
Adding values file /home/felix/.jx/extraValues.yaml
Adding values file /home/felix/.jx/cloud-environments/env-minikube/secrets.yaml
Upgrading Chart 'upgrade --namespace jx --install --timeout 6000 --version 0.0.3553 --values /home/felix/.jx/cloud-environments/env-minikube/myvalues.yaml --values /home/felix/.jx/adminSecrets.yaml --values /home/felix/.jx/extraValues.yaml --values /home/felix/.jx/cloud-environments/env-minikube/secrets.yaml jenkins-x jenkins-x/jenkins-x-platform'
waiting for install to be ready, if this is the first time then it will take a while to download images
Jenkins X deployments ready in namespace jx
Configuring the TeamSettings for ImportMode Jenkinsfile
NOTE: Your admin password is: *****
Configure Jenkins API Token
Generating the API token...
Logged in admin to Jenkins server at via legacy security realm
Enable CSRF protection at:
Created user admin API Token for Jenkins server at
Updating Jenkins with new external URL details
Creating default staging and production environments
? Select the organization where you want to create the environment repository: fifitrixabelle
Using Git provider GitHub at
About to create repository environment-molepebble-staging on server with user fifitrixabelle
Creating repository fifitrixabelle/environment-molepebble-staging
Creating Git repository fifitrixabelle/environment-molepebble-staging
Pushed Git repository to
Creating staging Environment in namespace jx
Created environment staging
Namespace jx-staging created
Created Jenkins Project:
Note that your first pipeline may take a few minutes to start while the necessary images get downloaded!
Creating GitHub webhook for fifitrixabelle/environment-molepebble-staging for url
Using Git provider GitHub at
About to create repository environment-molepebble-production on server with user fifitrixabelle
Creating repository fifitrixabelle/environment-molepebble-production
Creating Git repository fifitrixabelle/environment-molepebble-production
Pushed Git repository to
Creating production Environment in namespace jx
Created environment production
Namespace jx-production created
Created Jenkins Project:
Note that your first pipeline may take a few minutes to start while the necessary images get downloaded!
Creating GitHub webhook for fifitrixabelle/environment-molepebble-production for url
Jenkins X installation completed successfully
NOTE: Your admin password is: ******
Your Kubernetes context is now set to the namespace: jx
To switch back to your original namespace use: jx namespace default
Or to use this context/namespace in just one terminal use: jx shell
For help on switching contexts see:
To import existing projects into Jenkins: jx import
To create a new Spring Boot microservice: jx create spring -d web -d actuator
To create a new microservice from a quickstart: jx create quickstart
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