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Created October 5, 2015 07:04
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Convert PostgreSQL to SQLite
1. Dump the data only sql to file
$ pg_dump --data-only --inserts YOUR_DB_NAME > dump.sql
2. scp to local
3. Remove the SET statements at the top
such as:
SET statement_timeout = 0;
SET client_encoding = 'SQL_ASCII';
4. Remove the setval sequence queries
such as:
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('MY_OBJECT_id_seq', 10, true);
5. Replace true => ‘t’ and false => ‘f’
-- These:
INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (1, true, false);
-- Should be replace to:
INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (1, 't', 'f');
6. Add BEGIN; and END; to wrap the whole thing as a trasaction
7. Import
$ rm db/development.sqlite3
$ rake db:migrate
$ sqlite3 db/development.sqlite3
> delete from schema_migrations;
> .read dump.sql
> .exit
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makrmark commented Jan 8, 2024

This was very helpful but may be out of date now.
I found I had to remove "public" prefix from table names, and instead of "t"/"f" I could use true/false values per the export.

Not sure if it was just my sequence but also performed:
delete from ar_internal_metadata;

(along with delete from schema_migrations;)

sqlite> .version
SQLite 3.39.5 2022-10-14 20:58:05 554764a6e721fab307c63a4f98cd958c8428a5d9d8edfde951858d6fd02daapl

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makrmark commented Jan 8, 2024

Just to wrap this up I had to change some postgresql JSONB fields to JSON, and some Integer/String Array fields to JSON fields.

I also had to use different date calculation queries using sqlite's JULIANDAY and the TRIM functions were different in my search/filter queries and indexes. But that was pretty much it!

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I turned this into a simple, but effective bash script:

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equivalent commented Jun 14, 2024

I'm on Postgresql 16 and the default dump file has non compatible format of INSERT INTO with the one sqlite uses. I found out if you dump DB with --attribute-inserts it will work

pg_dump --attribute-inserts --data-only -d my_psql_db > /tmp.dump.sql

reference pg_dump docs

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aaronmoodie commented Jul 1, 2024

This was super helpful. Thank you!

I'm migrating a Rails database, and thought it worth adding that the INSERTS for both the ar_internal_metadata table and schema_migrations table should be removed as these are created when running rails db:migrate.

They will raise UNIQUE constraint failed errors otherwise.

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Thanks @equivalent and @aaronmoodie I added your suggestions to my script -- you can see them here:

Also @aaronmoodie 👋 it's been a long time since Etsy!

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Oh! hey @hirefrank! 👋 I didn't realise that was you! Thanks for updating the script and for adding my suggestions.

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jvitoroc commented Sep 7, 2024

@hirefrank you forgot to remove pg_catalog occurrences

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Thanks @jvitoroc! Pls review and rest: hirefrank/pg-to-sqlite#3

If this works, I'll merge!

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such a clusterfuck....

it's not straight forward, if you use enums, lots of timestamps etc.
the db dump is just not compatible.

solution: dump to raw data, and load from raw data.

add this to your ApplicationRecord or modify whatever you want

  def self.to_csv
    file_path = Rails.root.join('db', 'seeds', "#{}.csv")

    FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(file_path)) unless, 'wb') do |csv|
      csv << column_names
      self.unscoped.each do |record|
        csv << record.attributes.values

  def self.from_csv
    file_path = Rails.root.join('db', 'seeds', "#{}.csv")

    raise "file no exista" unless File.exist?(file_path)
    rows = []
    CSV.foreach(file_path, headers: true) do |row|
      attributes = row.to_hash

      column_types = self.columns_hash

      column_types.each do |column_name, column_info|
        if column_info.type == :datetime || column_info.type == :timestamp
          if attributes[column_name]
            attributes[column_name] = Time.parse(attributes[column_name])

      rows << attributes

    if rows.any?
      puts "#{rows.size} records imported successfully!"

   def self.dump_all_models_to_csv
    descendants.each do |model|
      next unless model.descendants.empty?
      puts "Exported #{} to CSV successfully."

  def self.import_all_models_from_csv
    seeds_path = Rails.root.join('db', 'seeds')
    csv_files = Dir.glob(seeds_path.join('*.csv'))

    csv_files.each do |file_path|
      file_name = File.basename(file_path, '.csv')
      model_name = file_name.singularize.camelize
      if Object.const_defined?(model_name)
        model = model_name.constantize
        puts "Imported data from #{file_name}.csv successfully."
        puts "No model found for #{file_name}.csv; skipping import."

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