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Created July 1, 2021 19:58
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Non-spammy terraform plan comments for PRs
- name: TF init
run: terraform init
- name: TF plan (color)
run: terraform plan -var-file=prod.tfvars -out=planfile
- name: Show plan (no color)
id: plan
run: terraform show -no-color planfile
- name: Find Comment
uses: peter-evans/find-comment@v1
id: fc
if: github.event_name == 'pull_request'
issue-number: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
comment-author: 'github-actions[bot]'
body-includes: Terraform Plan
- name: Create or update comment
uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-comment@v1
if: github.event_name == 'pull_request'
comment-id: ${{ steps.fc.outputs.comment-id }}
issue-number: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
body: |
Terraform Plan
<details><summary>Show Plan</summary>
${{ steps.plan.outputs.stdout }}
edit-mode: replace
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