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Last active May 21, 2024 13:40
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H264 extract SEI using FFMPEG
// It's actually quite simple to extract unregistered sei data using ffmpeg, but I couln't find any documentation about how it's done
AVFrameSideData *sd;
sd = av_frame_get_side_data(frame, AV_FRAME_DATA_SEI_UNREGISTERED);
if (sd) {
// First 15 bytes is the uuid, unregistered payload start at index 16 and the
// total size is given by sd->size
printf("side-data size %ld first-byte %u\n", sd->size, sd->data[16]);
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That was very helpful. It took me a fair bit of time to get it up and running though and I realised that a frame could hold multiple AV_FRAME_DATA_SEI_UNREGISTERED items. This required additional care and looping over the frame->side_data rather than calling av_frame_get_side_data. The result of my exploration incorporating this in two ffmpeg examples is here:

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