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Keyboard input for use with SpriteKit or SceneKit
// Keyboard.swift
// Created by Bojan Percevic on 5/21/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Bojan Percevic. All rights reserved.
import AppKit
enum Key: CUnsignedShort {
case A = 0x00 // = 0
case S = 0x01
case D = 0x02
case F = 0x03
case H = 0x04
case G = 0x05
case Z = 0x06
case X = 0x07
case C = 0x08
case V = 0x09
case B = 0x0B
case Q = 0x0C
case W = 0x0D
case E = 0x0E
case R = 0x0F
case Y = 0x10
case T = 0x11
case One = 0x12
case Two = 0x13
case Three = 0x14
case Four = 0x15
case Six = 0x16
case Five = 0x17
case Equals = 0x18
case Nine = 0x19
case Seven = 0x1A
case Minus = 0x1B
case Eight = 0x1C
case Zero = 0x1D
case RightBracket = 0x1E
case O = 0x1F
case U = 0x20
case LeftBracket = 0x21
case I = 0x22
case P = 0x23
case Return = 0x24
case L = 0x25
case J = 0x26
case Quote = 0x27
case K = 0x28
case Semicolon = 0x29
case Backslash = 0x2A
case Comma = 0x2B
case Slash = 0x2C
case N = 0x2D
case M = 0x2E
case Period = 0x2F
case Tab = 0x30
case Space = 0x31
case Grave = 0x32
case Delete = 0x33
case Escape = 0x35
case Command = 0x37
case LeftShift = 0x38
case CapsLock = 0x39
case LeftOption = 0x3A
case LeftControl = 0x3B
case RightShift = 0x3C
case RightOption = 0x3D
case RightControl = 0x3E
case Function = 0x3F
case F17 = 0x40
case KeypadDecimal = 0x41
case KeypadMultiply = 0x43
case KeypadPlus = 0x45
case KeypadClear = 0x47
case VolumeUp = 0x48
case VolumeDown = 0x49
case Mute = 0x4A
case KeypadDivide = 0x4B
case KeypadEnter = 0x4C
case KeypadMinus = 0x4E
case F18 = 0x4F
case F19 = 0x50
case KeypadEquals = 0x51
case KeypadZero = 0x52
case KeypadOne = 0x53
case KeypadTwo = 0x54
case KeypadThree = 0x55
case KeypadFour = 0x56
case KeypadFive = 0x57
case KeypadSix = 0x58
case KeypadSeven = 0x59
case F20 = 0x5A
case KeypadEight = 0x5B
case KeypadNine = 0x5C
case F5 = 0x60
case F6 = 0x61
case F7 = 0x62
case F3 = 0x63
case F8 = 0x64
case F9 = 0x65
case F11 = 0x67
case F13 = 0x69
case F16 = 0x6A
case F14 = 0x6B
case F10 = 0x6D
case F12 = 0x6F
case F15 = 0x71
case Help = 0x72
case Home = 0x73
case PageUp = 0x74
case ForwardDelete = 0x75
case F4 = 0x76
case End = 0x77
case F2 = 0x78
case PageDown = 0x79
case F1 = 0x7A
case Left = 0x7B
case Right = 0x7C
case Down = 0x7D
case Up = 0x7E // = 126
case Count = 0x7F
struct KeyState {
var keys = [Bool](count: Int(Key.Count.rawValue), repeatedValue: false)
class Keyboard {
static let sharedKeyboard = Keyboard()
var prev: KeyState
var curr: KeyState
init() {
prev = KeyState()
curr = KeyState()
func handleKey(event: NSEvent, isDown: Bool) {
if (isDown) {
curr.keys[Int(event.keyCode)] = true
} else {
curr.keys[Int(event.keyCode)] = false
func justPressed(keys: Key...) -> Bool {
for key in keys {
if (curr.keys[Int(key.rawValue)] == true && prev.keys[Int(key.rawValue)] == false) {
return true
return false
func justReleased(keys: Key...) -> Bool {
for key in keys {
if (prev.keys[Int(key.rawValue)] == true && curr.keys[Int(key.rawValue)] == false) {
return true
return false
func pressed(keys: Key...) -> Bool {
for key in keys {
if (prev.keys[Int(key.rawValue)] == true && curr.keys[Int(key.rawValue)] == true) {
return true
return false
func update() {
prev = curr
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vaafoo commented Mar 28, 2016

First of all let me thank you for this awesome tutorial/sample code. It really helped me out!
I only have one problem: i can't get it to read three or more keypresses. When i have one key pressed down and i press another one it works fine, but when I have two keys pressed down and I press a third one, the third pressed key doesn't register. If you could offer some advice on how to fix this, I shall be forever grateful. Thx

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