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Forked from a-a/dhcp-leases-to-dns.rsc
Last active September 1, 2020 19:01
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MikroTik (RouterOS) script for automatically setting DNS records for clients when they obtain a DHCP lease
# MikroTik (RouterOS) script for automatically setting DNS records
# for clients when they obtain a DHCP lease.
# author SmartFinn <>
# based on
# modified 20200412 a-a to allow multiple IPs per host
# modified 20200417 a-a, add functionality to strip anything after hostname, add variables to control optional features.
# modified 20200901 filcab, add a way to have a domain prefix for DHCP-related hostnames
# Set to "true" if adding multiple IP addresses to the same hostname is acceptable, ie for clients with wireless and a wire.
:local allowRoundRobin "true";
# Set to "true" if only the hostname should be provided to DNS. Fixes issue where host reports a FQDN instead of hostname, for example reports to DHCP "" and gets put in dns as "".
:local stripFQDN "true";
# Set to some prefix to be added to the domain. We end up with host.prefix.domain names
:local domainPrefix "$leaseServerName.dhcp";
:local domain;
:local fqdn;
:local hostname;
:local safeHostname;
:local token "$leaseServerName-$leaseActMAC";
:local ttl [/ip dhcp-server get $leaseServerName lease-time];
# Getting the domain name from DHCP server. If a domain name is not
# specified will use hostname only
/ip dhcp-server network {
:do {
:set domain [get [find where ($leaseActIP in address)] domain];
# Add a dot before domain name
:set domain ("." . $domain);
} on-error={
:set domain "";
:if ([:len $domainPrefix] != 0) do={
:set domain ("." . $domainPrefix . $domain);
:if ($leaseBound = 1) do={
:log debug "$leaseServerName: Processing bound lease $leaseActMAC ($leaseActIP)";
/ip dhcp-server lease {
:set hostname [get [find active-mac-address=$leaseActMAC] host-name];
# Delete unallowed chars from the hostname, and strip everything after the hostname, if set.
:local firstLabel "true";
:for i from=0 to=([:len $hostname]-1) do={
:local char [:pick $hostname $i];
:if ($firstLabel = "true") do={
:if ($char = "." && $stripFQDN = "true") do={
:set $firstLabel "false";
:if ($char~"[a-zA-Z0-9-]") do={
:set safeHostname ($safeHostname . $char);
:if ([:len $safeHostname] > 0) do={
:set fqdn ($safeHostname . $domain);
/ip dns static {
:local itemId [find name=$fqdn];
:if ($itemId != "") do={
# This DNS entry already exists
:if ([get $itemId comment] = $token) do={
:if ([get $itemId address] != $leaseActIP) do={
set $itemId address=$leaseActIP ttl=$ttl;
:log info "Update DNS entry: $fqdn -> $leaseActIP ($leaseActMAC)";
} else={
:if ([get $itemId address] = $leaseActIP) do={
# This hostname, IP, and MAC already exist
:log warning "Cannot to add DNS entry. $fqdn already exists with this IP and MAC";
} else {
# This hostname exists already but for different MAC address
add name=$fqdn address=$leaseActIP ttl=$ttl comment=$token
:log info "Add additional DNS entry: $fqdn -> $leaseActIP ($leaseActMAC)";
} else={
# Add DNS entry if it does not exist
# TODO: fix logic to allow hostname to change without leaving duplicates behind
add name=$fqdn address=$leaseActIP ttl=$ttl comment=$token;
:log info "Add DNS entry: $fqdn -> $leaseActIP ($leaseActMAC)";
} else={
# Remove entry when lease expires ($leaseBound=0)
:log debug "$leaseServerName: Processing deassigned lease $leaseActMAC ($leaseActIP)";
/ip dns static {
:local itemId [find comment=$token];
:if ($itemId != "") do={
:set fqdn ([get $itemId name]);
remove $itemId;
:log info "Remove DNS entry: $fqdn -> $leaseActIP ($leaseActMAC)";
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