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C# Modify Multiple Frame Paragraphs in Word Documents
// Prerequisite: Install <a href="">FileFormat.Words</a>.
// Load the Word Document
var doc = new FileFormat.Words.Document($"WordParagraphsFrame.docx");
var body = new FileFormat.Words.Body(doc);
foreach (var paragraph in body.Paragraphs)
if (paragraph.ParagraphBorder.Size > 0)
paragraph.ParagraphBorder.Width = FileFormat.Words.IElements.BorderWidth.Single;
paragraph.ParagraphBorder.Color = FileFormat.Words.IElements.Colors.Black;
foreach (var run in paragraph.Runs)
// Modified paragraph text
run.Text = "Paragraph border modified to single width with black color";
System.Console.WriteLine("Frames/Borders changed to single width with black color");
// Update the paragraph in the document
// Save the modified Word Document
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