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Created January 22, 2023 19:52
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Find the percentile of a combined dataset of latency values from two Redis servers
# To find the percentile of a combined dataset of latency values from two Redis servers,
# you would first need to retrieve the latency data from each server and combine it into
# a single dataset.
# Once you have the combined dataset, you can calculate the desired percentile.
import redis
from hdrh.histogram import HdrHistogram
# connect to shard 1
shard1_conn = redis.StrictRedis(port=12000)
# connect to shard 2
shard2_conn = redis.StrictRedis(port=12001)
shard_conns = [shard1_conn, shard2_conn]
commands = []
for shard_conn in shard_conns:
cmdstats ="commandstats")
for cmd_with_prefix in cmdstats.keys():
# remove 'cmdstat_' from 'cmdstat_ping'
cmd = cmd_with_prefix[8:]
# avoid config or any |
if "|" in cmd or "config" in cmd:
if cmd not in commands:
print("Will provide the merged metrics for {} disticnt commands".format(len(commands)))
# histogram __init__ values
HIGHEST = 3600 * 1000 * 1000
for cmd in commands:
accumulated_histogram = HdrHistogram(LOWEST, HIGHEST, SIGNIFICANT)
for shard_conn in shard_conns:
# sample [b'get', [b'calls', 100002, b'histogram_usec', [1, 99805, 2, 99821, 4, 99915, 8, 99969, 16, 99999, 33, 100002]]]
histogram_detail = shard_conn.execute_command(
"latency", "histogram", cmd)
if len(histogram_detail) == 0:
# sample: [1, 99805, 2, 99821, 4, 99915, 8, 99969, 16, 99999, 33, 100002]
histogram_usec = (histogram_detail[1])[3]
n_buckets = len(histogram_usec) / 2
bucket_pos = 0
previous_count = 0
# notice this is a cumulative histogram so you need to reduct the previous bucket count
while bucket_pos < n_buckets:
latency_us = histogram_usec[bucket_pos * 2]
cummulative_observations = histogram_usec[bucket_pos * 2 + 1]
observations = cummulative_observations - previous_count
accumulated_histogram.record_value(latency_us, observations)
bucket_pos = bucket_pos + 1
previous_count = cummulative_observations
accumulated_p50 = accumulated_histogram.get_value_at_percentile(50.0)
print("Merged p50(us) for command {}: {} us. Total observations: {}".format(
cmd, accumulated_p50, accumulated_histogram.total_count))
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