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Last active January 2, 2024 09:53
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My development setup, tools, apps, tricks and tips!

My Software Development Toolbox

Software development is an ever-evolving field, and as a professional who works with mobile app development for iOS and Android using React Native, I am constantly exploring more efficient ways to do my job. Here, I'd like to share some indispensable tools that help me streamline my work and boost my productivity.


My go-to tool instead of Spotlight, an enhanced productivity booster and, in my opinion, a step above Alfred. -Awesome extensions, clipboard history out-of-the-box


An auto-completion tool for the terminal. It's handy for managing scripts, aliases, and PATH. It's also a smart way of storing your configs in the cloud - especially useful if you switch PCs often. Bonus: it has a free AI feature! I don't use the autocomplete.


A simple yet effective GUI for git. It's no frills, but it does the job remarkably well and makes handling git tasks less of a hassle.


This ingenious tool lets me control an Android device on my PC as I would an iOS simulator. It's incredibly handy and saves me so much time.

VSCode and Its Extensions

I rely heavily on VSCode for my daily work, and the following extensions add considerable value:

  • Fira Code: A fantastic monospaced with ligadures.
  • Copilot: Would prefer to code with a single finger over coding without copilot.
  • Code Spell Checker: Helps keep embarrassing typos at bay.
  • Error Lens: Adds errors as a "lens" at the end of the line.
  • Pretty TypeScript Error: Because clear and meaningful error messages are gold.
  • saveBackup: An insurance policy against the inadvertent loss of code, it saves the history of all files you save.

Of course, ESLint and Prettier are my standard go-to tools for maintaining code quality.

My VSCode settings are as follows:

  "errorLens.excludeBySource": [
  "eslint.rules.customizations": [
      "rule": "prettier/prettier", // disables prettier enforcement via eslint, having it enabled slows down the editor (if projets are setup to enforce it via eslint)
      "severity": "off"            // I trust prettier extension so I force disable that rule.
  "audioCues.taskCompleted": "on",
  "audioCues.terminalCommandFailed": "on",
  "editor.smoothScrolling": true,
  "editor.stickyScroll.enabled": true,
  "typescript.experimental.aiQuickFix": true,
  "window.nativeTabs": true,
  "typescript.referencesCodeLens.enabled": true,
  "typescript.implementationsCodeLens.enabled": true,
  "workbench.editor.pinnedTabSizing": "shrink",
  "workbench.commandPalette.experimental.suggestCommands": true,
  "window.experimental.nativeContextMenuLocation": true,
  "workbench.editor.limit.enabled": true,
  "workbench.editor.limit.excludeDirty": true,
  "workbench.editor.limit.perEditorGroup": true,
  "workbench.editor.limit.value": 16,
  "workbench.editor.wrapTabs": true,
  "workbench.editor.enablePreview": false,

When it comes to theming, I recommend solarized-light-fjs for a light theme and Monokai Pro for a dark theme.

Other apps


Whole universe of automation and extensiability for your mac, uses I give it: Window management(like windows), remap keyboard, toggle showing notes app by dragging cursor to right edge 3 finger tap/middle click on notes keeps it shown, otherwise as you move cursor outside of notes it hides it (no animations).


  • Expo Orbit: Lets you launch builds and start simulators from the menu bar. Unfortunately, I haven't had the time to check this one out, but it's on my list!
  • Good Task: Manage apple tasks and reminders, plan the day, track time etc.
  • Setapp: Yearly subscrition that gives access to lot of paid MacOS (and some iOS/iPadOS apps).
  • Alt-Tab: You get it.
  • Jira: I enjoy the deprecated native Macos Jira app (reach out if you trust me and want a copy of it).

If anyone's starting out with Fig or Raycast and would like a few tips, let me know. I have quite a few to share!

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