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Last active September 2, 2016 13:14
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  • Save filipefigcorreia/92b4f54e008e9dd5c196da147f08b0c8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save filipefigcorreia/92b4f54e008e9dd5c196da147f08b0c8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Copy of latest octave's brew formula (v4.x) with this fix:
class Octave < Formula
desc "High-level interpreted language for numerical computing"
homepage ""
revision 3
stable do
url ""
sha256 "5a16a42fca637ae1b55b4a5a6e7b16a6df590cbaeeb4881a19c7837789515ec6"
# Fix alignment of dock widget titles for OSX (bug #46592)
# See:
patch do
url ""
sha256 "0ddcd8dd032be79d5a846ad2bc190569794e4e1a33ce99f25147d70ae6974682"
# Fix bug #48407: libinterp fails to link to libz
patch :p0 do
url ""
sha256 "feeaad0d00be3008caef2162b549c42fd937f3fb02a36d01cde790a589d4eb2d"
bottle do
sha256 "9e683312ea0cbbc113c34c2ec457aecef196813200325fade7de728f89c0c28b" => :el_capitan
sha256 "66f9c2e8e336ec4475daefc834347037f409502942c929e38c8bea598e8a3558" => :yosemite
sha256 "ba78ff2f2a20b15009a8195af92173546c3c5691775f78f195ac368af5f69b02" => :mavericks
if OS.mac? && DevelopmentTools.clang_version < "7.0"
# Fix the build error with LLVM 3.5svn (-3.6svn?) and libc++ (bug #43298)
# See:
patch do
url ""
sha256 "ef83b32384a37cca13ecdd30d98dacac314b7c23f2c1df3d1113074bd1169c0f"
# Fixes includes "base-list.h" and "config.h" in comment-list.h and "oct.h" (bug #41027)
# Core developers don't like this fix, see:
patch do
url ""
sha256 "efdf91390210a64e4732da15dcac576fb1fade7b85f9bacf4010d102c1974729"
# dependencies needed for head
# "librsvg" and ":tex" are currently not necessary
# since we do not build the pdf docs
head do
url "", :branch => "default", :using => :hg
depends_on :hg => :build
depends_on "autoconf" => :build
depends_on "automake" => :build
depends_on "bison" => :build
depends_on "icoutils" => :build
depends_on "librsvg" => :build
# Fix bug #46723: retina scaling of buttons
# see
patch :p1 do
url ""
sha256 "8307cec2b84fe546c8f490329b488ecf1da628ce823301b6765ffa7e6e292eed"
skip_clean "share/info" # Keep the docs
# deprecated options
deprecated_option "without-check" => "without-test"
# options, enabled by default
option "without-curl", "Do not use cURL (urlread/urlwrite/@ftp)"
option "without-docs", "Compile and install documentation"
option "without-fftw", "Do not use FFTW (fft,ifft,fft2,etc.)"
option "without-fltk", "Do not use FLTK graphics backend"
option "without-glpk", "Do not use GLPK"
option "without-gnuplot", "Do not use gnuplot graphics"
option "without-hdf5", "Do not use HDF5 (hdf5 data file support)"
option "without-opengl", "Do not use opengl"
option "without-qhull", "Do not use the Qhull library (delaunay,voronoi,etc.)"
option "without-qrupdate", "Do not use the QRupdate package (qrdelete,qrinsert,qrshift,qrupdate)"
option "without-suite-sparse", "Do not use SuiteSparse (sparse matrix operations)"
option "without-test", "Do not perform build-time tests (not recommended)"
option "without-zlib", "Do not use zlib (compressed MATLAB file formats)"
# options, disabled by default
option "with-audio", "Use the sndfile and portaudio libraries for audio operations"
option "with-gui", "Compile with graphical user interface"
option "with-java", "Use Java, requires Java 6 from"
option "with-jit", "Use the experimental just-in-time compiler (not recommended)"
option "with-openblas", "Use OpenBLAS instead of native LAPACK/BLAS"
option "with-osmesa", "Use the OSmesa library (incompatible with opengl)"
# build dependencies
depends_on "gnu-sed" => :build
depends_on "pkg-config" => :build
# essential dependencies
depends_on :fortran
depends_on :x11
depends_on "fontconfig"
depends_on "freetype"
depends_on "texinfo" => :build # we need >4.8
depends_on "pcre"
# recommended dependencies (implicit options)
depends_on "readline" => :recommended
depends_on "arpack" => :recommended
depends_on "epstool" => :recommended
depends_on "ghostscript" => :recommended # ps/pdf image output
depends_on "gl2ps" => :recommended
depends_on "graphicsmagick" => :recommended # imread/imwrite
depends_on "transfig" => :recommended
# conditional dependecies (explicit options)
depends_on "curl" if build.with?("curl") && MacOS.version == :leopard
depends_on "fftw" if build.with? "fftw"
depends_on "fltk" if build.with? "fltk"
depends_on "glpk" if build.with? "glpk"
depends_on "gnuplot" if build.with? "gnuplot"
depends_on "hdf5" if build.with? "hdf5"
depends_on :java => "1.6+" if build.with? "java"
depends_on "llvm" if build.with? "jit"
depends_on "pstoedit" if build.with? "ghostscript"
depends_on "qhull" if build.with? "qhull"
depends_on "qrupdate" if build.with? "qrupdate"
depends_on "suite-sparse" if build.with? "suite-sparse"
depends_on "libsndfile" if build.with? "audio"
depends_on "portaudio" if build.with? "audio"
depends_on "veclibfort" if build.without? "openblas"
depends_on "openblas" => (OS.mac? ? :optional : :recommended)
# Qt5 support is only available with Octave >=4.2
if build.with?("gui") && build.head?
depends_on "qscintilla2"
depends_on "qt5"
elsif build.with?("gui")
odie "Homebrew dropped support of Qt4 but Octave 4.2 is not yet released.
If you need the GUI, you may try installing with --HEAD"
# If GraphicsMagick was built from source, it is possible that it was
# done to change quantum depth. If so, our Octave bottles are no good.
if build.with? "graphicsmagick"
def pour_bottle?
def install
ENV.m64 if MacOS.prefer_64_bit?
ENV.append_to_cflags "-D_REENTRANT"
ENV.append "LDFLAGS", "-L#{Formula["readline"].opt_lib} -lreadline" if build.with? "readline"
ENV.prepend_path "PATH", Formula["texinfo"].bin
ENV.prepend_path "PATH", "/Library/TeX/Distributions/.DefaultTeX/Contents/Programs/texbin"
ENV["FONTCONFIG_PATH"] = "/opt/X11/lib/X11/fontconfig"
# make sure qt5 is found
if build.with?("gui")
ENV.prepend_path "PATH", Formula["qt5"].bin
# basic arguments
args = ["--prefix=#{prefix}"]
args << "--enable-dependency-tracking"
args << "--enable-link-all-dependencies"
args << "--enable-shared"
args << "--disable-static"
args << "--with-x=no" if OS.mac? # We don't need X11 for Mac at all
# arguments for options enabled by default
args << "--without-curl" if build.without? "curl"
args << "--disable-docs" if build.without? "docs"
args << "--without-fftw3" if build.without? "fftw"
args << "--with-fltk-prefix=#{Formula["fltk"].opt_prefix}" if build.with? "fltk"
args << "--without-glpk" if build.without? "glpk"
args << "--disable-gui" if build.without? "gui"
args << "--without-opengl" if build.without? "opengl"
args << "--without-framework-opengl" if build.without? "opengl"
args << "--without-OSMesa" if build.without? "osmesa"
args << "--without-qhull" if build.without? "qhull"
args << "--without-qrupdate" if build.without? "qrupdate"
args << "--disable-readline" if build.without? "readline"
args << "--without-zlib" if build.without? "zlib"
# arguments for options disabled by default
args << "--with-portaudio" if build.without? "audio"
args << "--with-sndfile" if build.without? "audio"
args << "--disable-java" if build.without? "java"
args << "--enable-jit" if build.with? "jit"
# ensure that the right hdf5 library is used
if build.with? "hdf5"
args << "--with-hdf5-includedir=#{Formula["hdf5"].opt_include}"
args << "--with-hdf5-libdir=#{Formula["hdf5"].opt_lib}"
args << "--without-hdf5"
# arguments if building without suite-sparse
if build.without? "suite-sparse"
args << "--without-amd"
args << "--without-camd"
args << "--without-colamd"
args << "--without-ccolamd"
args << "--without-cxsparse"
args << "--without-camd"
args << "--without-cholmod"
args << "--without-umfpack"
ENV.append_to_cflags "-L#{Formula["suite-sparse"].opt_lib} -lsuitesparseconfig"
ENV.append_to_cflags "-L#{Formula["metis"].opt_lib} -lmetis"
# check if openblas settings are compatible
if build.with? "openblas"
if ["arpack", "qrupdate", "suite-sparse"].any? { |n| Tab.for_name(n).without? "openblas" }
odie "Octave is compiled --with-openblas but arpack, qrupdate or suite-sparse are not."
args << "--with-blas=-L#{Formula["openblas"].opt_lib} -lopenblas"
elsif OS.mac? # without "openblas"
if ["arpack", "qrupdate", "suite-sparse"].any? { |n| Tab.for_name(n).with? "openblas" }
odie "Arpack, qrupdate or suite-sparse are compiled --with-openblas but Octave is not."
args << "--with-blas=-L#{Formula["veclibfort"].opt_lib} -lveclibFort"
else # OS.linux? and without "openblas"
args << "-lblas -llapack"
system "./bootstrap" if build.head?
stable do # can be dropped with Octave >=4.2
# libtool needs to see -framework to handle dependencies better.
inreplace "configure", "-Wl,-framework -Wl,", "-framework "
# the Mac build configuration passes all linker flags to mkoctfile to
# be inserted into every oct/mex build. This is actually unnecessary and
# can cause linking problems.
inreplace "src/", /%OCTAVE_CONF_OCT(AVE)?_LINK_(DEPS|OPTS)%/, '""'
system "./configure", *args
system "make", "all"
system "make", "check" if build.with? "test"
system "make", "install"
prefix.install "test/fntests.log" if File.exist? "test/fntests.log"
def caveats
s = ""
if build.with?("gui")
s += <<-EOS.undent
Octave is compiled with a graphical user interface. The start-up option --no-gui
will run the familiar command line interface. The option --no-gui-libs runs a
minimalistic command line interface that does not link with the Qt libraries and
uses the fltk toolkit for plotting if available.
s += <<-EOS.undent
Octave's graphical user interface is disabled; compile Octave with the option
--with-gui to enable it.
if build.with?("gnuplot") || build.with?("fltk")
s += <<-EOS.undent
Several graphics toolkit are available. You can select them by using the command
'graphics_toolkit' in Octave. Individual Gnuplot terminals can be chosen by setting
the environment variable GNUTERM and building gnuplot with the following options:
setenv('GNUTERM','qt') # Requires QT; install gnuplot --with-qt5
setenv('GNUTERM','x11') # Requires XQuartz; install gnuplot --with-x11
setenv('GNUTERM','wxt') # Requires wxmac; install gnuplot --with-wxmac
setenv('GNUTERM','aqua') # Requires AquaTerm; install gnuplot --with-aquaterm
You may also set this variable from within Octave. For printing the cairo backend
is recommended, i.e., install gnuplot with --with-cairo, and use
print -dpdfcairo figure.pdf
if build.without?("osmesa") || (build.with?("osmesa") && build.with?("opengl"))
s += <<-EOS.undent
When using the native Qt or fltk toolkits then invisible figures do not work because
osmesa is incompatible with Mac's OpenGL. The usage of gnuplot is recommended.
s += "\n" unless s.empty?
test do
system bin/"octave", "--eval", "(22/7 - pi)/pi"
# this is supposed to crash octave if there is a problem with veclibfort
system bin/"octave", "--eval", "single ([1+i 2+i 3+i]) * single ([ 4+i ; 5+i ; 6+i])"
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